Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1271

"Hey, hey, hey!"

Milos smiled darkly: "you should recognize the eighteen ten thousand ghost flags. Each one needs hundreds of thousands of souls to be refined, including the spirits of hundreds of powerful imperial martial mirrors. It is one of the most precious treasures in the thousand soul hall."

"In ancient times, this thing was obtained by the Supreme Master of my blood family, swallowed up countless powerful allied forces of tens of thousands of families, and then bathed in the blood ancestor\'s Mausoleum under the power of the blood ancestor for more than a million years... What are the ten heavenly objects in front of this thing?"

"In today\'s world, there are countless magic weapons and secret weapons, but there are several things that can be compared with the ten thousand ghost flags?"

Milos was not worried that the three could break the ten thousand ghost flag.

In fact, he instinctively wanted to use this skill against a strong man like King Dapeng with golden wings.

Milos said triumphantly, "it\'s really a compliment to kill you with this ten thousand ghost flag!"

"It\'s easy to kill you with this thing, but do you know why I took so much trouble to lead you here? Why should I set up such a \'most Yin ghost killing array\' here?"

"Because it\'s too cheap to kill you!"

"If I don\'t refine you, how can I eliminate my hatred!"

In the soul shield, you Wuxie retorted: "if you pretend, you\'d better say less..."

"It\'s easy for the ten thousand ghost flag to kill us, but the real magic of the ten thousand ghost flag has never been obtained by your blood clan. You don\'t have the ten thousand ghost flag to use mental skills or the formula of the thousand soul hall. You can\'t completely control the ten thousand ghost flag. It\'s so easy to refine us!"

Milos snorted coldly and said, "you\'re right. I really can\'t really control the ten thousand ghost flags. It\'s really a little difficult to use the ten thousand ghost flags to refine you and make you part of the ghosts and spirits in the eighteen ten thousand ghost flags."

"But do you really think I Milos have no other backhand? I\'m not the muscle in ox\'s head!"

"This is it. I don\'t have to hide it... When our blood clan occupied the moonlight forest land, I found that there was a hell cave here!"

"You all know the Zhiyin cave? For your thousand souls hall, this place is a treasure among the treasure lands, which is difficult to meet in ten thousand years!"

"You thousand souls hall didn\'t find it, but I found it... God bless my blood family!"

As soon as these words came out, the three people in the soul shield suddenly looked heavy!

Unexpectedly, in the area of the war of four, there was a hell cave hidden!

No wonder Milos would rather be hit hard by three people just now, and he would break out of the shackles.

But it turned out to be this idea!

The ten thousand ghost flag is terrible enough to easily trap the three imperial martial mirror octagonal strongmen.

After absorbing the Yin Qi in the Zhiyin acupoint, wouldn\'t it be easy to refine all three of them?

Sure enough, Milos said in high spirits: "with the help of the Yin Qi to the hell, even if the night ghost is trapped, it can\'t last for a few months. Sooner or later, it will be the end of death!"

"Refining you guys is nothing at all!"

"I wanted to attract the golden winged ROC king here. I didn\'t expect you to look down on me so much. Only three of your minions were sent here!"

"You\'re unlucky!"

"After refining you, the power of my eighteen ten thousand ghost flag will be enhanced a lot, ha ha!"

Under the urging of Milos, the eighteen ten thousand ghost flags rotated.

The underground Yin Qi and the power on the ten thousand ghost flag are combined to tightly trap the three people in the air!

The breath of Sen Han began to invade the soul shield, like a cold needle, stimulating the three strong men.

Endless evil spirits scream madly, eroding their minds!


The three people in the soul shield are furious.

At this time, you Wuxie opened his mouth and spit out a small sword that was only a foot long. He drank loudly and said, "King Nara, you two help me!"

"Before the ghost killing array is fully started, concentrate the strength of the three of us and break it at the cost of cultivation loss!"

"Otherwise, all three of us will be doomed!"

King Nara and the dragon king answered in unison, "good!"

At this time, on the short sword in youwuxie\'s hand, a huge and boundless evil force began to spread in all directions.

Those evil spirits, fierce souls, could not even stop their attack with the flame on the soul shield. As soon as they felt the breath, they shouted with fear and began to retreat!

The pressure of the three suddenly decreased!

Seeing this situation, Milos sneered and said, "I really think you can break my 180000 ghost flags with the power of the three of you? You\'re out of your power!"

That said, Milos was still cautious and didn\'t want to be quiet and innocent. The three really gathered their strength to bombard the "Zhiyin ghost killing array".

He patted on the huge ten thousand ghost flag pole in front of him!

The thousand ghost ROAs like as two peas of a ghost, who are born with a single rod and a thousand ghosts.

The ten thousand ghost flag that came out of thin air made a harsh howling sound, quickly became smaller, and then turned in the air and fell into the palm of Milos.

Milos opened his mouth and sprayed a mouthful of blood on the ten thousand ghost flags.


The shrieking sound in the ten thousand ghost flag suddenly mentioned, almost making the three people in the sky in a trance!

Then he saw that the Yin Qi in the whole valley and the power on the other 17 ten thousand ghost flags began to converge towards the ten thousand ghost flags in Milos\'s hands like a tide!

The extremely gloomy and terrible breath was released from the ten thousand ghost flags.

The faces of the three in the air changed greatly!

Such strength, if they are in their heyday, with the help of defense magic weapons to jointly carry out complete defense, they may not be unable to cope with it.

But now I\'m entangled by the black fog and the ghost spirit in it. I\'m slow, and it\'s difficult to run my spiritual power. I\'m afraid I can\'t even give six points!


Milos grabbed the ten thousand ghost flag and threw it at the secluded innocence in the air!

In the sharp sound of breaking the sky, the ten thousand ghost flags pierced through a clear vacuum channel in the night sky and flew away towards Youwu evil!

The quiet and innocent action in the air was slow and could not get rid of the shackles of the ghost fog.

How can you resist and avoid such a fierce attack?

On the other side, the Nara king and the Dragon King clenched their teeth and stood on the edge of youwuxie from left to right. They kneaded the Dharma formula with both hands and were ready to try their best to help youwuxie resist together!

Just when the crisis came

"Tong Tong!"

Three loud noises suddenly sounded.

Three huge and evil demon gates quickly emerged, but stacked ten feet apart, and appeared between the three and Milos!

A figure who could not have appeared here stood behind the third demon gate.

In an instant, the fierce ten thousand ghost flag pierced through the three demon gates and made a loud noise!

However, every time a devil\'s gate is pierced, the power on the ten thousand ghost flag is greatly weakened and the light becomes much dimmer.

All this happened between electro-optic flint!


But when the third devil\'s gate was pierced, the figure just appeared simply stretched out his hand and grabbed the ten thousand ghost flag in his hand!

Then, with a cold hum, he grabbed the ten thousand ghost flags and smashed them!

"The three of them overestimated their strength. So, what do you think of me?"

Shen Lang held his hands in front of his chest and looked down at Milos. His face was expressionless.