Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1270

Youwuxie recognized the ten thousand ghost flag.

That is the treasure of qianhun hall in ancient times!

But in the blood clan chaos, a supreme strong man in the thousand souls Hall fell, and the ten thousand ghost flags also fell into the hands of the blood clan.

In that chaotic and cruel era, the blood clan took the ten thousand ghost flag, killed many unknown strong people and swallowed many unknown souls!

This object is evil and evil. Even if it is directly used as a magic weapon against the enemy, it is not something that ordinary imperial martial mirror Jiuchong tianqiang can deal with.

Now, Milos was ready early in the morning and used it to arrange the "Zhiyin ghost killing array"!

The three of you Wuxie didn\'t expect that Milos, who was at the end of his life, still had such a skill!


The strong man of qianhun hall screamed, turned into a wisp of black light and rushed into the sky.

The speed is as fast as black lightning!

King Nara and the Dragon King have obviously heard of the name of the ten thousand ghost flag, and they know that they will be killed.

Two people at the same time, the body shook, rushed to the sky!

Unfortunately, although they are fast enough, they are still a little late.

When Milos inserted the huge ten thousand ghost flag into the ground


The whole valley suddenly made a huge noise. Ten thousand ghost flags, more than 100 feet high, rose quickly from the ground at the edge of the valley!

Eighteen huge ten thousand ghost flags surrounded the whole valley in an instant!

This Milos even arranged the other eighteen ten thousand ghost flags in the valley early in the morning.

And the ten thousand ghost flag in his hand was inserted a little on the edge of the Zhiyin cave!

In the valley, the earth shook and the mountains shook.

Even the stars in the sky seem to shake violently!

The ten thousand ghost flag in Milos\'s hand suddenly became a dazzling column of red light and rushed straight into the sky from the top!

The sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds, lightning and thunder.

Endless black fog whirled around the red light column, forming a huge barrier like a pot cover!


Heaven and earth changed, hundreds of lightning tore the dark sky, and the torrential rain fell madly, as if the sky were falling apart.

The breath of evil and evil was released from the ten thousand ghost flags, covering the whole valley!

The three were unable to defend, and they hit the barrier hard and were bounced back!

The thunder and lightning fell down in the sky, which made the three people stagger and unstable in the air!

"Break the barrier! Break the barrier with all your strength!"

Youwuxie screamed hysterically and completely lost his composure.

As the strong man of the thousand souls hall, how can he not know the horror of the ten thousand ghost flags?

Even if he and King Nara are all emperor Wujing jiuchongtian, they may not be able to have confidence if they want to deal with the ten thousand ghost flags.

What\'s more, the three people actually only have the imperial martial mirror eight times the sky?

"Let me come!"

The reincarnation of the king of Nara roared, and a bone explosion like a startling wave clapped on the shore burst out of his body.

Flying sand and rocks around, the air is surging!

The huge axe in the hands of King Nara suddenly became larger, the light burst - shot, and the breath of destruction climbed madly, sweeping the whole valley!

Youwuxie and dragon king Qi Tian appeared behind Nara king in an instant, and one palm pressed on Nara King\'s shoulder.

The surging power of the two strong men immediately began to pour into King Nara!

The breath of King Nara is rising, getting closer and closer to the emperor\'s martial mirror jiuchongtian!

Seeing that King Naro was madly ready to concentrate on breaking the barrier above, Milos sneered and punched on the ten thousand ghost flag pole in front of him!


As if the sky had fallen, a towering black fog was released from the eighteen ten thousand ghost flags, which enveloped the king Nara in an instant!


The king of naluo only felt the sharp increase of pressure on his whole body, as if he had ten mountains on his head!

No, not just on the head, everywhere!

In particular, the giant axe in the hands of King Naro seems to be trapped in a space crack. It is completely stuck and difficult to move!

"Woo woo!"

Huge and ferocious faces appeared in the black fog, swallowing and biting the three people from all directions!

Countless ghosts and spirits followed the huge and ferocious face and wound up towards the three people. In an instant, they were completely submerged by locusts!

These are the souls of the strong who were killed by the blood clan in ancient times and refined!

Every soul has been a strong generation in remote ancient times. After being killed by the blood clan, they have been trapped in the ten thousand ghost flag for more than a million years, and have been continuously sacrificed and practiced by the blood clan

Now, even if one of them is randomly selected, it is extremely powerful!

These ghosts are not only powerful, but also special. They can directly attack the soul, which is impossible to prevent.

In addition to youwuxie, there are some means to defend. King Nara and Dragon King are secretly complaining!

As soon as the endless ghost rushed over, the situation of the three King Luo was in danger!

The three were bound by the power of eighteen thousand ghost flags. They were slow and couldn\'t play 60% of their skills.

How can you cope with so many strong ghosts?


At the time of crisis, King Naro roared and burst out all the forces just instilled by youwuxie and dragon king Qi Tian!

The powerful power bloomed, and the ghosts and spirits closest to the three were blown into smoke and dispersed.

Feeling the terror of this power, the endless ghost screamed, and finally stepped back a little.

Just a little bit, finally gave the three people a chance!

"Ghost shield, open!"

You Wuxie drank softly, and his body turned into a thick fog. The thick fog was like a black ball, which immediately surrounded the naruo king and the Dragon King!

Then, on the outside of the thick fog, shields depicting ghosts and skeletons appeared immediately.

Soul shields, no more than two meters long, end to end, forming an almost completely closed strange black ball.

As soon as the fierce souls of the surrounding ghosts hit the shield, the shield immediately released the power to directly attack the souls and bounced back one by one.

Not only that, dark black flames were released from the soul shield, which made those ghosts scream and flee madly!

Qianhun hall is the holy land of the soul family. It is quiet and innocent. It can be regarded as the emperor of ghosts.

This hand was exposed, and finally resisted the attack of the endless ghost, which gave the three people breathing time!

However, although the soul shield is strong, it is in the large array formed by 180000 ghost flags.

The eighteen ten thousand ghost flag itself is extremely powerful. There are endless ghosts, fierce souls, ferocious and powerful!

And this array can also mobilize the most Yin energy here!

The power of terror is squeezed, and the soul shield opened by Youwu evil is like a ball being kneaded. The shape is constantly changing and may be broken at any time!

Those ghosts are fierce and fearless. It is clear that the flame on the soul shield can burn them into fly ash. They still rush forward one after another and swallow the soul shield madly!

It\'s like a wolf who has been hungry for ten or eight days and found a fat sheep.

Even if the fat sheep approved a layer of hedgehog\'s coat, they still wanted to rush up and compete.

If you continue like this, the soul shield will be broken without using up your evil power!

The life and death of the three imperial martial mirrors and the eight heavenly strongmen is between this idea!

"What should I do?"

The three Nara kings in the soul shield were extremely anxious. For a moment, they couldn\'t think of any way to deal with it.

All this is beyond their imagination and beyond their ability

In the black fog, endless evil spirits screamed wildly, making the whole valley like a ghost land.