Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1265

"I thought Kui Niu, a divine beast, could be so powerful. It turned out that it was just so." Shen Lang said in an unparalleled cold voice, "it\'s a waste of my time."

In the Tiankeng below, Mo Qi didn\'t make a little sound.

This guy seems to have made up his mind and pretended to be dead.

As long as he comes out, he will be next to a geomagnetic mountain.

Idiots come out!

In the distance, a group of strong men in Kui Niu mansion blushed and wanted to find a ground crack to drill in.

The strong on all sides are in cold sweat.

Shen Lang\'s power now is really strong to the extreme, unimaginable to the extreme.

Even if the leader level exists here, it\'s still unknown how to get him.

What kind of monster is it that can make cultivation Soar so much in a short time?

Originally, I thought this war would last for a period of time, and Mo Qi ravaged Shen lang. unexpectedly, it would end like this

At this time, Shen Lang said again, "if anyone is dissatisfied with the rosefinch house in the future, just come to me. I\'m also idle when I\'m idle. I don\'t mind fighting more."

His eyes swept over the people of Kui Niu mansion. The people of Kui Niu mansion hooked their heads one by one and dared not look at him.

His eyes swept from the people of other devil generals\' house, and the people of each devil generals\' house looked away one by one.

Shen Lang, who wants to carry out his arrogance in the demon temple to the end, has well implemented his ideas... As long as he has the opportunity, he must be arrogant!

When his strength was not enough, he did so;

Now his strength has surpassed that of ordinary devil generals. Where does Shen Lang pay attention to these fools?

If you have a chance to kill a few, maybe you can make them hurt fewer people.

After weighing the geomagnetic mountain in his hand, Shen Lang couldn\'t help smiling. He just wanted to arrange a few prohibitions on Mo Qi, but he got such a good thing!

In places like the demon temple, the law of the jungle, burning, killing and looting are amazing!

Shen Lang knows that this "geomagnetic mountain" is not one of the top ten heavenly objects.

But in fact, this thing is no worse than the top ten heavenly objects!

If you can accurately control the power of the five elements in the geomagnetic mountain of the earth\'s center, you may be more powerful than the ten Heavenly weapons!

The reason why this object is not included in the heavenly artifact is very simple.

Because the "geomagnetic mountain" is not refined by the smelter the day after tomorrow, but a real congenital treasure.

It is a strange thing excavated by powerful people from the bottom of the deep sea.

I\'m afraid this as like as two peas, when they are excavated.

Shen Lang\'s mind was released. As a result, it was distorted and shielded by the force of the five elements before it approached the stone.

Before, it was impossible to capture the geocentric yuanci mountain without relying on the broken false silver eyes to find out the flaws of the geocentric yuanci mountain.

In front of the crowd, Shen Lang flexed his fingers towards the geomagnetic mountain in his hand.

This time, he used the power of thunder.

However, before the force of thunder independent of the five elements reached the geomagnetic mountain, it tilted out, burst out in a twisted burst, turned in a direction and shot down on the void.

This geomagnetic mountain in the center of the earth can interfere with the Wulin\'s spiritual power!

In this way, its defense is unimaginable!

In addition to Shen Lang, who has the highest chaotic divine power, how many people can shake this thing?

Shen Lang was in a good mood and greatly liked the Mo flag.

At this time, the strong man of Zhulong mansion turned his eyes and suddenly asked, "the left envoy seems to be improving again. I don\'t know what level he has reached now?"

The strong people who were just in a dull state were surprised and immediately pricked up their ears!

Shen Lang grinned, raised four fingers and said, "I\'ve broken through the fourth heaven of the imperial martial mirror, yeah!"

"Shit!" no matter the people in the demon God hall, the people in the ten thousand demon house and the thousand soul hall turned their eyes.

Not to mention the others, just now, I beat the Mo flag of emperor Wujing bachongtian and robbed the "geocentric yuanci mountain" of kuiniu mansion. Is this what emperor Wujing sichongtian can do?

I\'m afraid it\'s the arrival of the emperor\'s martial mirror jiuzhong heaven strong. It\'s impossible to do it without superior strength!

Knowing that Shen Lang couldn\'t tell the truth, he said expressionless, "since the envoy Zuo has arrived, he will lead the Zhuque mansion to kill the Moonlight City?"

"Other people of the devil general\'s house work hard in it. It doesn\'t seem easy for the rosefinch house to stay out of it?"

Although this tone is very insipid, the dissatisfaction of thin waist is still revealed.

Seeing Shen Lang\'s terrible means and daring to ask, Shen Lang couldn\'t help looking at her more.

Shen Lang glanced at his thin waist and said calmly, "it\'s bad for you, thin waist."

"Our Lord of Zhuque mansion has entered the moonlight city. How can it become that Zhuque mansion stays out in the eyes of Lord slender waist and you?"

Shen Lang said coldly, "if you don\'t like to hear it, can you add the disabled and defeated generals of the devil\'s house to the power of Lan\'er alone? Can you equal the role of Lan\'er alone?"

The audience was dumb!

This is arrogant and overbearing, but it makes sense.

In the plague place, there are few strong imperial martial mirrors and eight heaven without injuries in the main devil generals\' house.

Emperor Wujing is a strong man in Jiuchong heaven, or a person at the level of leader of the mansion. There is no one except Zhuque mansion!

Whether dealing with the blood clan or doing other things, how can such a large group of defeated soldiers be compared with the blue dream spirit who was originally a rosefinch?

Shen Lang sneered and said, "our Zhuque mansion has even sent out its leader. In your eyes, how can it become that you don\'t work and want to stay out?"

"Give Milos to you. Can you handle it?"


All the people in the devil general\'s house dare not speak.

Thin waist was also speechless by Shen Lang.

Shen Lang was too lazy to deal with these people. After glancing at the people in the rosefinch house, he said in a loud voice: "there are other people in the South and west of the moonlight city. The rosefinch house is responsible for enclosing the East and North. If there is a blood clan rising, there will be no amnesty!"

A group of strong people in Zhuque mansion, as well as the more than 100000 foreign nationalities, immediately shouted in unison: "there is no amnesty for killing!"

Right envoy Baili Bing hesitated and said, "what about you?"

Shen Lang glanced at the gate and said thoughtfully, "it\'s almost time to end. I\'ll go in and have a look."

With that, Shen Lang stepped out and was ready to enter the moonlight city.

The thin waist hurriedly shouted, "ambassador Zuo, wait a minute!"

Shen Lang didn\'t speak. His eyes swept coldly towards his waist.

Shen Lang, who has raised the artistic conception of destruction to the peak, now has a change in momentum compared with a few days ago. At a casual glance, it makes her thin waist fight a cold war!

The thin waist hurriedly explained, "don\'t misunderstand me, envoy Zuo. I just want to ask, envoy Zuo has reached the peak in the way of array. Why don\'t you help us break the big array of Moonlight City?"

The strong man at the scene suddenly realized: Yes, the ancient array of blood clan was broken by him before? No matter how powerful the big array in Moonlight City is, it can\'t compare with the serial big array of blood clan, can it?

As long as you break this array, the blood clan will lose the protection of this array and die!

Shen Lang tilted his mouth and said with a sneer, "if I don\'t do it, I\'m half tired last time, and there\'s no benefit at all... The beheading business is done, and the business that loses money is not done. Why should I do it again?"

"Do it yourself."

A group of people in the demon Temple looked at each other.

Although I was cursing in my heart, no one dared to say it.

They also understand that, not to mention them, even if the strongest people in the devil general\'s house are here, I\'m afraid they have nothing to do with shenlang.

He doesn\'t want to do it. Who can force him?

At the command of Baili Bing, the right envoy, the people of Zhuque mansion immediately set up a snare under the leadership of strong ones, and guarded the East and north of Moonlight City.

The people in Xuanwu mansion are like followers, scattered around a group of people in Zhuque mansion.


The Moonlight City shook for a while, and more than a dozen blood red figures rushed out!

"Blood clan!"

The strong men on all sides shouted like chicken blood.

"Whew, whew, whew, whew!"

Before they could move, the sharp sound of breaking the air sounded, and five shining light arrows, like lightning, cut through the night sky and shot at the blood clan.

The first three blood clan strong men were instantly pierced by the light arrow, and the whole body burst and turned into nothing.

The other two light arrows were crushed by two blood clan strong men!

Wang Chunyang, a strong man in the right envoy of Zhuque mansion, stroked the long bow and said proudly, "I said I was the fastest person in the world!"

The strong people around turned their eyes.

And the right envoy Baili Bing several people, but his face changed: "the emperor\'s martial mirror is eight strong in the sky!"

In their induction, they just crushed the two blood families of Wang Chun\'s sunshine arrow. Unexpectedly, they are all emperor Wujing bachongtian!

And behind these two people, there are several emperor Wujing qichongtian strong men!

"Yes, the escaped fish is so strong?"

Feeling the powerful breath of these blood families, the strong people of all forces present were surprised!

Logically speaking, even if there is a missed fish, there should not be such a powerful one.

As soon as the forces of all parties rush in, there are not many strong people outside except a few hundred miles of ice!

From this point of view, the Zhuque mansion stayed outside, but it was wrong and helped all forces.

Otherwise, how to resist such a powerful blood clan?

Then he saw the figure flashing, and the five figures on the other side of the ten thousand demon house and the thousand soul hall flashed at the same time, blocking in front of the group of blood clan;

On this side, Bailiping, the right envoy of Zhuque mansion, also rose in the air, forming a corner with Wanyao mansion.

"Let me come!"

In the roar, Mo Qi, the strong man of Kui Niu mansion, who had been howled by Shen waves, staggered up from the Tiankeng.


A lot of readers have been urging me to read more these days. Lao Hai also understands that everyone wants to read more chapters to make it more enjoyable and enjoyable.

But I can\'t help it. I\'m writing part-time and have to work. I have too little time.

Then my wife went to Guangzhou on a business trip. It was estimated that it would take ten days. I had to take care of the children... As a result, the children had red eye disease these days, could not go to school (the teacher asked the doctor to issue a rehabilitation certificate for school), and had a high fever. I had been tossed feebly.

Just last night, at more than two o\'clock in the evening, I felt that my son sleeping next to me had a fever. When he got up, he burned again.

I quickly used antipyretic stickers and took medicine. I got up at more than 6 a.m. and boiled water to soak his feet to reduce his fever. My biological clock was disrupted. I was confused all day.

I don\'t want to find any reason to say this, because I don\'t have less or more.

Whether it\'s a child with a fever or a cold, I\'m constantly updating.

I just hope you can understand... Everyone has only 24 hours a day, except sleeping and eating, that is, more than 10 hours.

I have to work and take care of children. Sometimes I have friends\' parties or things, but I keep updating, many more and more. It\'s really too difficult, too difficult.

When you play games and lol, I\'m coding;

When you and your friends go out to play, I\'m coding;

When you sleep, I\'m still coding.

Of course, I have no choice. I used to fail in business, but now I still owe a lot of debt. I have to pay off the debt, raise children and a wife, and I want to make money.

So no matter how hard and tired, this is my own choice. I don\'t complain about anyone.

I just hope you can understand and support more.

Please download QQ to read, support laohai, support genuine, thank you!

In fact, everyone has quite understood Lao Hai\'s character. If you have time and energy, you will certainly write more and burst out more... I broke out ten chapters on the shelf. When the upper limit was exempted, I broke out a full 28 chapters. In January this year, I recommended another 27 chapters.

If I can write more and send more, I will never be stingy.

I am very grateful to all readers who subscribe to support Lao Hai, so no matter how hard and tired I am, I will not break the change casually or say eunuch.

I have devoted too much effort to this book. I hope you can support and subscribe more, so that I can continue to write and make this book a perfect ending.

Middle aged uncle, it\'s not easy to support his family and write books

Thanks again!