Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1264

Endless five color God discs are winding around Shen waves.

The power of the five elements of the geomagnetic mountain in the center of the earth is the most original power. The emperor\'s martial mirror and the nine strong heaven are difficult to resist.

Mo Qi can only place all his hopes on the geomagnetic mountain!


Shen Lang snorted softly, put away his huge blade and immortal heaven knife, and supported the falling earth core yuan CI mountain with his hands holding the sky!

"Boom, boom!"

The geomagnetic mountain and Shen Lang fell down rapidly.

The huge impact force expels the air and forms a tongue smacking picture!

"Get up!"

In the roaring sound, Shen Lang drank violently.

Under the stunned gaze of people, the rapidly falling geocentric yuanci mountain stopped, and then began to rise slowly!

"Oh, my God! He can stop the geomagnetic mountain in the center of the earth! I\'m afraid only the strong emperor Wujing jiuzhong heaven can have such power..."

"The geomagnetic mountain is almost immune to the power of the five elements, and many spells or printing formulas are completely ineffective. How did he do it?"

The strong people around can\'t believe they will see such a scene.

Just then, someone came out and said, "you see clearly! Shen Lang didn\'t use spiritual power at all. He used pure physical power!"

"Shit!" the whole audience was in an uproar: "isn\'t this guy a human race, but a green dragon with the strongest body and strength among the top ten divine beasts?"

There is no doubt that the geomagnetic mountain has restrained the force of the five elements.

Unfortunately, no one knows that Shen Lang\'s strength is not the power of the five elements.

But beyond the power of gods and Demons... Chaotic power!

Shen Lang\'s physical power is chaotic power!

The strangest and most powerful force of the five elements in the geomagnetic mountain, because Shen Lang is a chaotic God, it has no effect on Shen Lang!

For Shen Lang, this strange geomagnetic mountain, which makes many people turn pale, is nothing more than a big stone weighing 50 mountains!

Although it is hard, it is not irresistible!

Ren Mo Qi played the Yin formula to urge the geocentric yuanci mountain. The force of the five elements on Ren\'s geocentric yuanci mountain became stronger and stronger. The pressure on Shen Lang didn\'t change much.

In people\'s incredible speculation, Shen Lang raised his head, and then the shield of the earth center yuan magnetic mountain operated the broken false silver eyes.

Break the false silver eyes and penetrate the falsehood. In an instant, you can see clearly the mind of Mo Qi hidden in yuanci mountain in the center of the earth!

Shen Lang sneered, "Five Emperors dragon fist" suddenly moved up and blew out towards the position of Mo Qi\'s mind!

If other martial artists are suppressed by the geomagnetic mountain, such a blow will immediately be forcibly distorted by the force of the five elements of the geomagnetic mountain, and then dissipate without a trace.

However, the power used by Shen Lang is the power of chaos!

The chaotic power that contains the artistic conception of destruction is not affected by the geomagnetic mountain!


A muffled noise came out.


In the distance, Mo Qi, who really kept playing printing tricks, immediately held his head and howled miserably!

In view of the hardness of the geomagnetic mountain and the strangeness of the five elements of magnetic force, Shen Lang used all his strength in this punch.

When this fist went down, Shen Lang\'s fist was shocked and burned.

But it has turned the Moqi spirit in the geomagnetic mountain into fly ash!

After losing the control of Mo Qi, the colorful light on the geocentric yuanci mountain dissipated immediately.

Completely turned into a big dark stone.

Shen Lang put on a smile at the corner of his mouth, and his strong mind immediately fled into the place. He rushed away from the path of breaking the false Silver Eye insight in his eyes, and smoothly entered the place where Mo Qi\'s mind was originally stored!

At the next moment, this powerful spirit destroys the withered and decadent, and erases all the efforts of Mo Qi left in yuanci mountain in the center of the earth!

The connection between Moqi and geocentric yuanci mountain completely disappeared!

As soon as Shen Lang bit the tip of his tongue, a mouthful of blood spewed out towards the geocentric magnetic mountain above his head.

The blood bit by bit, all integrated into the geocentric yuanci mountain.

The huge geomagnetic mountain, the light soared in an instant!

Then, the terrorist force under Shen Lang disappeared in an instant!

Shen Lang has been connected with the spirit of the earth\'s core yuan Cishan.

The geomagnetic mountain at the center of the earth has been completely controlled by Shen Lang in an instant!

"How? How possible!"

Mo Qi with a splitting headache roared up to the sky.

This kind of thing is really unimaginable to the extreme!

Yuanci mountain in the center of the earth is the treasure of Kui Niu mansion, which has been in his hands for many years. How could he not know?

As soon as the mind of the strong touches the geomagnetic mountain, it will be distorted by the force of the five elements and then burst into pieces.

Let alone invade the geomagnetic mountain, even if it is close, it is impossible!

And his mind is in the deepest part of the geocentric yuanci mountain. Even the powerful demon blood descendants bombard the geocentric yuanci mountain, it is impossible to affect his mind!

How could it be smashed by the waves in an instant?

Even if his mind is shattered by Shen Lang, how can Shen Lang escape into his mind and control the geomagnetic mountain?

In order to refine and control the geomagnetic mountain in the center of the earth, Kui Niu mansion leader spent more than 30000 years!

"You\'ve had enough. It\'s my turn, isn\'t it?"

Just when Mo Qi\'s eyes were dull, Shen Lang\'s voice rang again.

"Hey, hey, hey!"

Shen Lang smiled strangely and grabbed the geomagnetic mountain in the center of the earth and slammed it down at Mo flag!


Before Mo Qi reacted, he screamed and was blown up!


The strongmen of the surrounding forces scolded with one voice.

They didn\'t see Shen Lang\'s capture of geocentric yuanci mountain before. They only saw Shen Lang blow a fist to geocentric yuanci mountain, and then Mo Qi scream.

But seeing this scene, where do people still not understand?

Shen Lang has robbed the geomagnetic mountain!

What\'s his name?

Are magic weapons or secret weapons so easy to be robbed?

Dixin yuanci mountain, which has been practiced for tens of thousands of years by the strong people of Kui Niu mansion, even if it is robbed, where can it be easily used?

Before they could figure it out, Shen Lang had grabbed the geomagnetic mountain and quickly hit the Mo flag below!

After the geomagnetic mountain was controlled by Shen Lang, under the feeling of Shen Lang, it seemed as if it had no weight at all!

Mo Qi suffered two times and vomited three liters of blood. He could only run around madly!

"Lord Baili, please let envoy Shen Zuo stop! If we continue to fight like this, our adults will be killed alive!" people from Kui Niu mansion ran to Baili Bing to plead.

The situation has been completely reversed.

Baili Bing raised her eyebrows and said, "do you think Shen Lang will listen to me?"

A group of people in Kui niufu suddenly became dumb.

Bai libing added: "it\'s all right. This is what your adults want... Just now he said he hasn\'t had enough addiction. Now it\'s estimated to be great."

The 100000 aliens behind the Zhuque mansion laughed.

A group of people in Kui niufu have green faces.

"Boom, boom..."

The sound of loud noise kept ringing, and Shen Lang was like beating a hamster. He grabbed the geomagnetic mountain and smashed it out.


Mo Qi really had no way to escape. He suddenly rushed to the gate of Moonlight City at an extremely fast speed. Unexpectedly, he wanted to rush into Moonlight City to avoid Shen waves!


Mo Qi retreated quickly, but Shen Lang was faster than him.

At this time, Shen Lang has put away the geocentric magnetic mountain, which has shrunk to the size of a brick.

"It\'s not finished yet. Where are you going?" Shen Lang said coldly.

"Shen Lang, you... You deceive people too much!" Mo Qi\'s ghost took a big risk and roared!

Shen Lang threw a brick at Mo Qi\'s head as soon as he left the corner of his mouth, causing blood to fly!

Mo Qi screamed again and fell directly.


Mo Qi was beaten completely out of confidence. With this smashing force, he flew down at a faster speed!


Shen Lang snorted and suddenly disappeared on the spot.

"Where are the people!"

The spirits of the strong around can\'t follow Shen Lang\'s actions.

"On top of Mo flag!" someone shouted.

Then he saw the Shen wave that had just disappeared, and instantly appeared on the top of Mo flag!

"Your speed is too slow."

In an understatement, Shen Lang hit another brick and hit Mo Qi\'s head!


Poor generation of emperor Wujing\'s eight powerful people, another scream, falling down like a meteorite!

If the brick is OK, it\'s a pity not.

The power of the geomagnetic mountain Mo Qi was very clear before, but now... More clearly!


Shen Lang came later and first again, appeared below, punched up, blasted the Mo flag on the chest, and blasted the Mo flag up again!

Just under everyone\'s gaping gaze, Shen Lang\'s speed was all open, one punch after another, one brick after another, making Mo Qi scream!

The Mo flag is like a piece of wood in the tsunami. Sometimes it is thrown up by the huge waves, and sometimes it is hit by the huge waves to the bottom of the sea.

It seems that it can be torn to pieces at any time!

Mo Qi, you have completely lost your resistance

Everyone who saw all this was silent.

Mo Qi was originally Kui Niu, and his cultivation was the eighth heaven of the imperial martial mirror. Even if he was seriously injured, he was definitely not able to resist the strong man of the eighth heaven of the ordinary imperial martial mirror.

But looking at the current situation, his strength and speed can\'t compete with Shen waves at all.

In the end... How powerful is it to play with a strong man like Mo Qi?

In the end... How powerful is it to seize the earth core yuan magnetic mountain without everyone seeing it clearly?

This Shen Lang is a monster!


The harsh noise sounded again, and Mo Qi fell towards the Tiankeng that he had first smashed out.

This time, Shen Lang did not pursue again.

With so many fists, the unobtrusive prohibition has been broken into Mo Qi\'s body by him.

The prohibition is not very powerful. The important thing is that it is very hidden and is built by the power of thunder.

Mo Qiben, who was injured and injured, had thunder power in his body. It was hard to notice that Shen Lang had made his hands and feet.

Once this prohibition is successfully constructed, Shen Lang can easily sense the existence of Mo Qi within a million miles.

Mo Qi is destined to be unable to escape the five finger mountain of shenlang

On the other side, Dongjian, the strongman of Xuanwu mansion, was laughing and boasting Shen Lang in front of the strongman of Zhuque mansion.

He doesn\'t know. If LAN Mengling didn\'t say that he helped Shen Lang get a drop of Xuanwu essence blood, it\'s likely that he would be as miserable as Mo Qi!