Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1266

The guy took out a huge sword and stood at Bai libing\'s right hand, waving his teeth and claws, as if he didn\'t remember what he had been beaten to death before.

Strong figures rose up in the air, followed by Baili Bing and others.

Evil and murderous!

Shen Lang stood in the void without any movement. He kept staring at the big array of Moonlight City, looking left and right, as if he could see the flowers from the big array.

Apart from Shen Lang, the strength of both sides is not proportional.

Because the rosefinch mansion didn\'t enter the moonlight city at all. There were no fewer than four strong people in the imperial martial mirror eight times!

In addition, Mo Qi\'s semi disabled goods, as well as the ten thousand demon house and the thousand soul hall, there are seven imperial martial mirrors and eight heavenly strongmen here!

And there are more than ten strong people in the seven heaven of emperor Wujing.

Enough to crush the escaped fish of these blood families!

Especially when Shen Lang is present, no one will worry that these blood clans can run away.

The strong men who surrounded the blood clan smiled darkly, as if they were looking at the prey, and looked at the blood clan who escaped from the moonlight city.

"Go away!"

The leader of the blood clan knew that the situation was bad, and his face was eager and drank violently.

His body shook, and a circle of violent blood swept in all directions like a wave.

Then, the man shook his body, left behind a group of people, and wanted to break out of the siege alone!

"I don\'t know what to do!"

Baili drank coldly, threw out the "star god evil wheel" he took out before, and smashed it at the strong man of the blood clan very quickly!

As soon as the "star god evil wheel", which Shen Lang laughingly called the "five rings", flew out, there were circles of light and shadow in the sky and underground.

Every light and shadow seems to be an entity!

The light and shadow cut through the void and made a harsh scream, cutting through the ages, with amazing power!

"Damn it!"

The strong man of the blood clan had nothing to hide, and the short whip in his hand smashed forward with unparalleled strength.

In order to escape, the blood clan also put on a desperate posture.


"Star god evil wheel" bombarded with the short whip of the blood clan strong man, sputtering a circle of terror.

The strong man of the blood clan who attacked outwards groaned and was directly hit by the "star god evil wheel" and flew back!

Not counting Shen Lang, Baili Bing, the right envoy of Zhuque mansion, can be the strongest here!

Is it a half dead fish that can resist?

"Kill all these blood families!"

Bai Li Bing waved his jade hand and issued an order.

The strong people around immediately surrounded the blood clan for three layers inside and three layers outside, and the war began!

All kinds of magic weapons are flying all over the sky. Colorful spells slow down and illuminate the night sky.

Blood saber, green axe, black stick, purple seal and big sword are like one side of life. They breathe divine light and collide constantly, making a terrible roar.

The shaking of powerful forces made the whole sky tremble.

The powerful Qi ripples swept wildly in all directions!

Wang Chunyang, a strong man in the right envoy of Zhuque mansion, stood outside with a long bow and made a sneak attack.

An angry arrow will take one person\'s life!

The war has just begun. He has shot and killed six blood families from Moonlight City!

This guy swayed his head and wanted to boast

Ling Xue beside him immediately raised her thumb: "you are the fastest man in the world!"

A group of aliens in the back immediately burst into strange laughter.

Wang Chunyang blinked. He always felt that something was wrong, but he didn\'t want to understand what was wrong.

Mo Qi, a strong man in kuinu mansion, was dying because he was beaten by Shen Lang, and his magic weapon was also robbed. He had no place to express his evil spirit in his heart. Unexpectedly, he bravely locked another strong man of emperor Wujing bachongtian blood clan!

He drove the rainbow and chased it.

This move is to try your best!

Fight to death!

It was a desperate posture.

"Kui Niu evil prison fire" is like a shell without money, crazy to greet the strong blood clan.

Chase the blood clan\'s emperor Wujing Bazhong strong man everywhere!

"Kui Niu evil prison fire" almost fell on others several times, and the sputtered venom covered a large area, which made the strong people around itch, so they had to make room for them.

The blood clan is running for their lives, and Mo Qi is desperate. This momentum has lost a chip.

The strong blood clan with stronger breath can\'t resist Mo Qi at all.

The key is that everyone didn\'t understand why this guy worked so hard?

Several strong men of the thousand soul Hall who wanted to join hands with him to deal with the blood clan wondered for a while: "shit, this guy was almost killed by Shen Lang just now? Why is he so fierce? Do you want to find it back now because you have lost a big face?"

"That\'s right. If he kills the strong man in the eight heaven of the blood clan emperor\'s martial mirror, it\'s really awesome..."

"This idiot lost in Shen Lang\'s hands. That\'s not called defeat, okay? If someone else changes, I\'m afraid it will only be worse than him."

"Well, the blood clan was slapped by him and vomited blood! Sure enough, the divine beast is a divine beast! Well, let their dog bite the dog. Let\'s walk over there."

Ai Mo, the strong man of the blood clan who was chased by Mo Qi, was slapped, spit blood in his mouth and shed blood in his heart: "he? I\'ve been hiding for so long. I finally caught the opportunity and ran out. How did I meet such a madman as soon as I came out?"

"Did I fall in love with your wife or how, so desperately with me!"

"The king eight egg has rough skin, thick meat and infinite power. The move is a game of losing both sides. It won\'t take long for me to fight again, and I\'ll be killed by him!"

Ai Mo scolded Mo Qi\'s ancestors for 18 generations, and had a super friendly relationship with the women in Kui Niu mansion. At the same time, he tried his best to escape and wanted to find a way to escape.

The advantage of blood clan in speed is finally revealed at this moment.

Mo Qi chased around and couldn\'t catch up with aimedo.

If he were still in his heyday, this speed would not matter.

But first he was half disabled by the devil\'s blood, and then he was severely beaten by Shen lang. now although he wants to work hard, he has more heart than strength.

Because he couldn\'t catch up with Ai Mo duo, the bigger Mo Qi was, the more angry he became. He couldn\'t help shouting: "people from Kui Niu mansion come here and stop this guy for me. I\'m going to tear down his bones, peel his skin and explode his... Chrysanthemum!"

"What a heavy taste, ha ha!" the powerful people around laughed.

The people of kuiniu mansion had no choice but to surround them.

A group of people guarded in all directions, throwing knives, throwing knives, archery, and casting spells.

A dragon like evil spirit twined towards the strong man of the blood clan.

It is mixed with sharp blade and sword light.

Most of the accomplishments of these people are under the six heaven of emperor Wujing, and they are not qualified to compete with the strong eight heaven of emperor Wujing.

However, Mo Qi rushed the ducks to the shelves, and they had to do their best.

However, even if they can\'t beat the powerful man of the blood clan, at least they can make trouble... Because of their participation, the powerful man of the blood clan, AI modo, suffered another "Kui Niu demon prison fire", which was blown to pieces and roared again and again!

The venom contained in "Kui Niu demon prison fire" also began to erode aimedo\'s body.

Make him slower and slower.


Within an area of two thousand miles, there are wars in every corner.

The blood clan has too few hands. Almost everyone was beaten up and completely fell into the disadvantage.

On the other side, in front of 100000 foreign nationalities, there are a group of strong people in Zhuque mansion who have not made a move. They are looking coldly at the big array of Moonlight City.

In front of these people in Zhuque mansion, the strong East sword in Xuanwu mansion, who likes to answer his mouth, slowly danced the long sword in his hand, as if drawing a circle, forming a huge shield constructed by the virtual shadow of giant swords in the void, blocking all the aftershocks of the battlefield.

This guy cultivates "unbreakable Kendo" and has strong defense combined with the talent and ability of Xuanwu. It\'s really unimaginable.

The strong man of the blood clan who fought with Baili Bing found that Dongjian seemed to be the weakest, and the dark and oppressive group of aliens behind him were even weaker. He rushed here immediately to break through from Dongjian.

As a result, the three swords were cut down, like a stone sinking into the sea, with no effect at all.

So angry that the strong man of the blood clan almost vomited blood.

If you want to rush out, the "unbreakable Kendo" will be used to block out the sun and the wind. It will almost lock the whole space!

"Hello, friend!"

Dongjian nodded to the blood clan very friendly and said hello, as if he saw an old friend.

The strong man of the blood clan met this kind of goods for the first time. When he was stunned, he was immediately found an opportunity by Bai libing, printed a palm on his back and burst into blood!

"This guy..."

Even Shen Lang couldn\'t help turning around and taking a look.

Dongjian smiled at Shen Lang and nodded slightly.

Shen Lang turned back and stared at the big array outside the moonlight city. "The vibration of the big array is not very strong, but its strength is weakening."

"It seems that the energy to maintain this array can no longer be continuously supplied."

"No wonder no blood clan rushed out for such a long time. It was Milos who turned the big array into a trapped array."

"Blood clan people are really inferior to animals. Milos wants to trap all blood clans in them and use the strength and source of pain of these blood clans as the supply of the array\'s ability!"

"But now Milos has disappeared, and the maintenance of the big array has been extremely difficult, which makes this group of blood clan find a chance and escape."

With the help of breaking false silver eyes, Shen Lang, who was proficient in the way of array, immediately saw the details.

It seems that Milos wants to sacrifice all his blood families and give himself a chance to escape.

Now there is no smell of Milos in Moonlight City. I\'m afraid I\'ve escaped from Moonlight City!

"Under serious injury, you can escape from the ghost zunye Youming\'s men, and then easily avoid strong people such as Lan\'er and the golden winged Dapeng king. Milos really has a hand!"

Shen Lang snorted softly, broke his arrogant silver eyes and urged them with all his strength. Starting from the west, he glanced in all directions.

In the southwest, about 560000 - miles.

The four light groups that released a strong breath entangled together and collided constantly, making it dark.

"Milos is entangled by reincarnation and Qi Tian, and there is a strong man in qianhun hall. It\'s interesting... Milos is seriously injured. The three of reincarnation are ready for a long time. With each passing day, it seems difficult to tell the winner in a short time."

In the southwest, where Milos is entangled, it is the Nara king of the eight heavenly kings of the God of war hall, the reincarnation of the Marquis, and the dragon king Qi Tian!