Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1263

For divine beasts, because of their strong flesh, melee itself has a comparative advantage.

Therefore, many people did not expect that after Mo Qi turned into Kui Niu, he did not take advantage of Kui Niu, but took the "artistic conception of thunder" as the biggest card!

He pretended to be a pig and ate a tiger. He forced Shen Lang to fight with him by using the continuous "Kui Niu magic prison fire", took advantage of the situation to circle Shen Lang into the powerful artistic conception of thunder, and suppressed Shen Lang for a moment by using the power of the artistic conception of thunder.

Then throw out the taixuan yin-yang ring and completely bind Shen Lang!

This skill has no flaws, and the clouds are like flowing water, which makes the strong people of all forces deeply afraid of namo flag!

However, this is not enough!

Just when the mysterious yin-yang ring trapped Shen Lang and the power of magic and thunder oppressed Shen Lang at the same time, Mo Qi\'s mouth opened and spit out a dark thing!

The thing rose in the air against the wind and turned into a dark stone more than 60 feet high.

The stone is not very big. It looks like a miniature mountain that has shrunk several times from a distance.

However, as soon as such a small mountain appeared, the terrible power of the five elements turned into colorful lights and pressed down towards the Shen waves!

Want to completely suppress shenlang!

"It\'s the treasure of Kui niufu\'s town house, \'geocentric yuanci mountain\'!" someone exclaimed.

"It\'s over. The taixuan yin-yang ring is beyond ordinary people\'s ability to deal with. Unexpectedly, he took out the treasure of Kui Niu mansion. Shen Lang will lose!"

"I\'m afraid it\'s not as simple as\' losing \'. If suppressed by this\' geocentric yuan magnetic mountain\', I\'m afraid Shen Lang will suffer and lose his face with Mo Qi\'s ferocious temperament!"

"I thought Shen Lang was a little capable. I didn\'t expect to lose so miserably!"

"It\'s only a few rounds... But I have to say that in addition to the top cultivation, this calculation of Mo Qi is also extremely amazing, and the magic weapon in his hand can\'t be resisted by ordinary strong people. I just don\'t know whether the legendary black Pluto armor can resist the \'geomagnetic mountain\'."

The strongmen of all forces shook their heads.

When this war comes here, there is basically no suspense.

Unless he is a strong man at the master level of the demon God hall, it is impossible for anyone to resist when he falls into the artistic conception of thunder, is trapped by the taixuan yin-yang ring, and is finally suppressed by the geocentric yuanci mountain.

Although Shen Lang has black Pluto armor, he may be able to resist the geomagnetic mountain for a while, but he still can\'t escape the word "defeat" in the end!

Kuiniu mansion, the most precious "geomagnetic mountain in the center of the earth", was inadvertently obtained by the owner of kuiniu mansion 100000 years ago from the bottom of the deep sea.

It is a real treasure of heaven and earth, with unpredictable power.

It seems small, but its weight is as heavy as a hundred giant peaks!

Once urged, it was a real mountain collapse and no one could stop it!

Not only that, it contains the unpredictable five elements magnetic force, which is immune to any five elements power or magic, and can interfere with the spiritual power of the warrior.

Advance, attack and retreat, hard to shake!

It is said that tens of thousands of years ago, it was easy to suppress the emperor\'s Wujing jiuchongtian strong man!

At the moment, the "geomagnetic mountain" was sacrificed by Mo Qi. Under the cover of Shen wave, even the strong forces far away feel difficult to breathe!

Under everyone\'s gaze, Shen Lang\'s knees made a clicking sound.

It seems that... Will be knelt down in the void immediately by the "geocentric magnetic mountain"!

"The artistic conception of thunder is extremely terrible. With the extremely Yang and just force of thunder released from Mo Qi, once the ordinary emperor\'s martial mirror is trapped, the strong man will die!" a strong man of candle dragon mansion around his waist said coldly.

In the distance, a strong man in Wanyao mansion shook his head and said, "it\'s so easy to be surrounded into each other\'s artistic conception. This Shen wave is just like this?"

"At first, you described his war with Murong Changfeng as an unprecedented war. Although I haven\'t seen it, it\'s too exaggerated now!"

A strong man of the sword sect said faintly, "the Mo flag looks like a barbarian. I didn\'t expect to play a conspiracy. It\'s very fast, but it pretends to be slow... Even if the emperor is Kui Niu, how can it be slow?"

"Shen Lang is now trapped in the \'artistic conception of thunder\'. Even if he has a knife meaning equivalent to the artistic conception of thunder, I\'m afraid he may not be able to break the artistic conception of the other party!"

"Two powerful and terrible treasures, plus the artistic conception of thunder, who can stop them?"

The strong people around talked one after another, and the right envoy of Zhuque mansion Baili Bing couldn\'t listen anymore.

Baili Bing\'s body moved and appeared outside the artistic conception of thunder out of thin air. He said with a hate voice: "Mo flag, taixuan yin-yang ring is just enough. You even took out the geocentric yuan magnetic mountain. Do you want to face?"

"Ha ha ha!"

Mo Qi laughed wildly and said, "Lord Baili\'s words are bad, and the magic weapon is also strength... Besides, envoy Shen Zuo wants to fight with me, but he never said that magic weapons are not allowed to be used?"

"How can Shen Zuo\'s black hell armor and immortal Heaven Sword be different?"

A hundred miles of ice is the end of the language.

At this time, Mo Qi pinched the Jue with his left hand and several printed Jue entered the geomagnetic mountain in the center of the earth.

Geocentric yuanci mountain immediately made a sound of mountain collapse and earth crack, and suddenly pressed down!

It was like a boulder falling on the lake, and the surrounding air was like lake water, bursting out wildly!

Shen Lang, trapped in the artistic conception of thunder, snorted.

The Baili ice outside can clearly see the sweat drops on Shen Lang\'s cheeks

"Stop!" Baili said coldly, "Mo Qi, you won this one. If you have to kill them all, our Zhuque house will never give up!"

Mo Qi laughed: "if you Zhu que mansion go back on your word and deal with me after I deal with Shen Lang, I have nothing to say."

"This war is not over yet!"

"And I haven\'t had enough addiction!"

As soon as the voice fell, Mo Qi left a series of virtual shadows in the air. Holding a huge blade with sawtooth, he cut off at the top of Shen Lang\'s head!

At this time, Mo Qi was very different from the previous slow movement, but showed a terrible speed!

"Ambassador Zuo!"

Many people in Zhuque mansion shouted in surprise.

However, the 100000 aliens were blown to the boil. Unfortunately, they were stopped by the people of Zhuque mansion and were completely unable to get close to the battle circle.

Baili Bing turned his wrist and took out the five "star god evil wheels".

She is ready to deal with Mo Qi at any time.

Even if the black hell armor is powerful, but it is suppressed like this, Bai libing is still worried about Shen Lang\'s mistake!

Between lightning and flint, Shen Lang suddenly raised his head


With a loud drink, Shen Lang suddenly shook his arms out!

Like the thunder king of annihilation exploding, endless wind and strong Qi suddenly gush out!

The legendary extremely powerful taixuan yin-yang ring burst!

The thunder chains bound to Shen Lang were not broken like the taixuan yin-yang ring, but they melted and turned into nothingness!

With Shen Lang as the center, a space without thunder and lightning and any power is slowly forming

The huge blade in Mo Qi\'s hand can fall at this time!


Shen Lang raised his left hand at will and simply grabbed the huge blade cut by Mo Qi.

It seems that his hand has been here waiting for Mo Qi\'s giant blade to "send" over!


Some leaders who have been sitting quietly in the camps of all parties have grown up!

It\'s easy to break the artistic conception of thunder, smash the taixuan yin-yang ring with the power of flesh, and grasp the magic weapon in Mo Qi\'s hand with meat palm... This scene is incredible!

How is this possible?

Is this still under the suppression of the "geocentric magnetic mountain"?

I\'m afraid it\'s hard to move even now if it\'s other imperial martial mirror\'s eight strong heaven!

In everyone\'s incredible eyes, Shen Lang grabbed the huge blade and looked at Mo Qi with no expression.

The power of thunder like water spreads from the top of Shen Lang\'s head, but it is difficult to invade the black hell armor.

The violent energy is centered on the place where the giant blade contacts Shen Lang\'s palm, spreading around and sweeping the whole audience!


Mo Qi held the handle of the knife with both hands and dragged back madly, trying to break free from Shen Lang.

It\'s amazing that Kui Niu, who is known for its infinite power, tried his best, and the giant blade didn\'t move!

If everyone here didn\'t know Mo Qi\'s temper, I\'m afraid everyone would think he was Shen Lang\'s man and deliberately cooperated with Shen Lang to play a play here for everyone!

The emperor\'s martial mirror is the top power of the eightfold heaven. Kui Niu, the divine beast, was caught so easily?

I tried my best to eat milk, but I couldn\'t get it back?

Unless it is a monster like Qinglong or Qilin, what kind of person can make the Mo flag whose face is Kui cow turn into pig liver color, but can\'t pull the huge blade in his hand?

When everyone was stunned, Shen langran said, "you\'re right. This war is really not over."

"And I haven\'t had enough addiction!"

Mo Qi is also a good man. As soon as he sees that the situation is wrong, he quickly retreats at the first time!

Even the power of the artistic conception of thunder can\'t bind each other, even the taixuan yin-yang ring is destroyed, and even the geomagnetic mountain can\'t suppress each other

This war, in fact, has been defeated.

The previous defense was of course the power of black Pluto armor.

But the power of breaking the artistic conception of thunder, with the smell of destruction, is definitely not a kind of skill, nor the power of black hell armor!

That is also a kind of Artistic Conception!

And it is the artistic conception above the "artistic conception of thunder"!

At least Dacheng state!

Shen Lang not only has the terrible artistic conception of Dacheng realm, but also has a strong flesh body, which is far more powerful than him who is Kui Niu!

In the face of such an enemy, Mo Qi has an impulse to cry!

Nima\'s, who is pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger?

In front of each other, I not only didn\'t dress up as a pig and eat a tiger, but completely became a pig!

And the new left envoy of Zhuque mansion is clearly the most ferocious tiger!

Mo Qi directly gave up the huge blade in his hand. As soon as he loosened his palm, he quickly withdrew from a distance of 100 feet.

At the same time, Mo Qi\'s hands danced up and down like butterflies, and one seal formula quickly entered the geomagnetic mountain in the center of the earth.

"Yuanci holy mountain, huff and puff the wasteland, suppress!"

The volume of the geomagnetic mountain in the void suddenly soared ten times, and suddenly pressed down with a loud bang!