Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1262

Let\'s say that Mo Qi, the strong man of Kui Niu mansion, turned into Kui Niu himself, and used the "Kui Niu magic prison fire" for the first time!

There was a great uproar!

"Kui Niu magic prison fire" is the purest magic prison fire, which is integrated with the power of thunder. Yin and yang are perfectly integrated and compressed to the extreme.

It\'s like annihilating God thunder. It compresses the power of nine days of thunder into a small space, and then erupts in an instant.

Its power is in the forefront among many sacred and wild animals.

However, in Shen Lang\'s view, what is more similar to "Kui Niu magic prison fire" is not to extinguish God thunder.

But the first turn of the "nine turn Xuangong of life and death" created by him, "Youming magic robbery"!

"Ghost demon robbery" also integrates the power of yin and Yang, compresses madly, and finally erupts suddenly.

If there is a difference between the two, that is, "Kui Niu demon prison fire" has only two powers... The power of Yin demon prison fire and Yang thunder.

And the power comes from the cow itself.

Shen Lang\'s "ghost demon robbery" absorbs all the vitality of the surrounding heaven and earth, whether it is death or Reiki, or the power of nine days of thunder.

Relatively speaking, the power of "Youming magic robbery" is much more than that of "Kui Niu magic prison fire".

However, the speed of "Kui Niu magic prison fire" is much faster than that of "Youming magic robbery".

As long as Kui Niu has its own strength, the "Kui Niu magic prison fire" is almost endless and can be played continuously!

When Mo Qi turned into Kui Niu, the "Kui Niu magic prison fire" gushed out of his mouth, and Shen Lang had to urge his strength to resist!

"The sixth move of \'prison sword skill\', heaven and earth magic robbery!"

Shen Lang let out a soft drink and cut him quickly!

"Hiss, hiss, hiss!"

Dozens of knives in a row, like a storm!

The knife explodes and makes the air explode and tear!

He saw that the knife light crisscrossed and cut the Kui Niu magic prison fire into countless pieces, and then exploded!

The dark brown venom with a strong pungent smell floated all over the sky and released a burst of smoke in the void, enveloping the surrounding space of more than 300 miles!

The dull voice made the hearts of the people around him sink.

Everyone\'s blood vibrated and boiled with it.

The destructive energy formed after the explosion of Kui niumo prison fire also shocked people\'s mind and scared the people of Kui niufu!

"The power of kuiniu magic prison fire is really amazing. In this half dead state, the power of any kuiniu magic prison fire should be 70% of the power of God\'s martial mirror in the heyday of the powerful!" Shen Lang\'s eyes shrunk slightly.

A divine beast is a divine beast. Even if it is half dead, it still has unimaginable power.

"Boom, boom!"

The first round of "Kui Niu magic prison fire" has just been broken by Shen Lang, and the second round of "Kui Niu magic prison fire" has come again!

Shen Lang\'s body swayed, moved a hundred feet, and made the knife again!

"Hiss, hiss, hiss!"

The sharp knife Qi swept everything and chopped the six "Kui Niu demon prison fire" that came from the attack again!


Kui Niu roared and erupted "Kui Niu magic prison fire", which did not give Shen Lang time to breathe.

The "Kui Niu demon prison fire" was so fast and powerful that Shen Lang had to continuously urge his knife skill to deal with it.

"It\'s endless, isn\'t it?"

After severing the "Kui Niu demon prison fire" several times, Shen Lang also made a fire.

Although "Kui Niu demon prison fire" is strong, it can not threaten Shen Lang now.

But this kind of playing method is simple and direct, which still brings some trouble to Shen Lang... So that he can\'t get close to Mo Qi!

The reason why he wanted to fight Mo Qi was that Shen Lang took the opportunity to break into several prohibitions against Mo Qi!

If you can\'t get close, you can\'t do anything.

If this stalemate continues, it will really become a farce.

Shen Lang frowned slightly.

When the "Kui Niu demon prison fire" roared again, he shook his body, bypassed the six meteorite fireballs and roared six knives at Kui Niu\'s huge mouth!

"Boom, boom..."

Kui Niu\'s mouth had just formed and was about to blow out the "Kui Niu magic prison fire", which exploded before leaving its mouth!

Kui Niu didn\'t expect Shen Langlai\'s skill, so he was caught off guard and was blown up by his own "Kui Niu magic prison fire", whining!

At this time, the six "Kui Niu magic prison fire" that had just crossed Shen Lang came back from behind and attacked Shen Lang.

This is where Shen Lang\'s trouble of "Kui Niu evil prison fire" is locked... If you don\'t destroy it, you must pursue the target and never die!

And if you destroy it, it will last until you die!


Shen Lang snorted softly. He didn\'t even look back. He cut back with a knife!


Just a knife, six "Kui cattle magic prison fire" split from the middle, like cutting an apple.

Then, with a bang, it burst open and formed a terrible spiral force in the void!

At the moment when the "Kui Niu magic prison fire" burst, everyone around found that Shen Lang had lost his trace!


The dull voice came from below Kui Niu\'s abdomen. Kui Niu\'s mountain body rose uncontrollably.

The sabre light is rampant and the sabre intention is vertical and horizontal!

Shen Lang rushed to the bottom of Kui Niu and attacked Kui Niu\'s abdomen when his strength was diffuse!

Whether it is a tiger or a leopard or a wolf, the belly defense of most monsters is very fragile, far less than the back.

Kui cattle are too big and slow in speed. It can\'t be compared with the ordinary Shen waves.

Kui Niu can\'t dodge. Shen Lang has blasted hundreds of knives with an extremely fast speed!

The immortal sky knife constantly cuts down on the belly of Kui cattle, one knife after another, as fast as lightning!

Each knife is powerful and concise.

It\'s like thunder shaking the sky and the mountains falling apart!

Every knife has no skill, just pure power and speed!

The world\'s martial arts are not broken, but fast!

The sword Qi, which combines the medium-term sword intention and chaotic divine power, breaks the thunder, lightning and flesh outside Kui cattle, and goes directly to the inner organs!

If Shen Lang\'s first Dao only has the power of emperor Wujing\'s bachongtian in the early days, each of these hundreds of Dao has reached the peak of emperor Wujing\'s bachongtian!

This degree of power is enough to threaten Kui cattle

"Damn boy!"

Kui ox roared again and again. His huge body like a mountain suddenly sank and pressed down towards the ground below.

Seems to want to press Shen Lang into meat pie!

At the same time, Kui cattle\'s tail sent out a sharp and harsh howling, like a whip, towards Shen Lang!

Destroy mountains and mountains and sweep thousands of troops!

If you are swept, I\'m afraid the emperor\'s martial mirror will be cut off!

Shen Lang pinched the formula with his left hand, and the thunder force on his finger shone. He gently printed it on the belly of Kui cattle.

At the place where his palm touched Kui Niu\'s abdomen, a strange Dharma seal flashed away and escaped into Kui Niu\'s body.

Then, Shen Lang immediately prepared to move sideways

However, the change is happening right now!

Kui Niu\'s tail with screaming sound doesn\'t really want to beat Shen waves.

But hovered together, like a pot cover, slammed over Kui cattle\'s abdomen and covered Shen Lang\'s whole!

"What\'s going on? What\'s this?"

"Is it difficult for Mo Qi to think that he can seal Shen Lang with a tail?"

People from all forces were stunned and a little confused.

"The artistic conception of thunder? What a treacherous guy! He knows to dress up as a pig and eat a tiger!"

As soon as it was dark, Shen Lang, who was sealed in it, immediately knew what was going on.

Because at the moment when the "pot cover" was sealed, the thunder force on Kui Niu\'s body surged like water and suddenly released it outside!

Instantly envelop this closed area!

This is the artistic conception, which is a space formed by the integration of artistic conception and thunder force!

Kui Niu\'s move was too fast. In order to close the forbidden Shen wave, he was immediately surrounded by the artistic conception of thunder!

"The artistic conception of thunder, thunder prison!" Mo Qi\'s voice exploded in the void: "Shen Lang, I see where you\'re going!"

Kui cattle\'s tail let go, so that everything was displayed in front of people.

"Mo Qi didn\'t do this because he was angered by Shen Lang!"

"He deliberately forced Shen Lang to fight close with him and pretended to be slow. In fact, he was brewing the artistic conception of thunder early on!"

The strong men of various forces around talked one after another.

Artistic conception is equivalent to a world controlled by the martial artist himself.

You can not only stimulate your strength ten times and one hundred times, but also use the power of heaven and earth to suppress the people trapped in it!

Shen Langgang was surrounded by the "artistic conception of thunder", and the thunder prison made a loud roar, like a huge thunder ball. First, it expanded wildly to a range of hundreds of miles, and then suddenly compressed inward!

The power as big as a mountain comes from all directions and tightly binds Shen waves!

Endless thunder and lightning turned into chains, making crackling sounds and madly emerging, locking Shen Lang\'s whole body up and down!

Although wearing black Pluto armor, these thunder chains can\'t hurt Shen Lang, but they aggravate the power of restraint!

At this time, the huge Kui ox changed and changed back to the shape of Mo Qi.

Early in the morning, even if you plan everything, the fingers of your left hand change rapidly, pinch the printing formula, and throw your right hand out!

In the void, two rings, one black and one white, slipped and fell from Shen Lang\'s head. In an instant, Shen Lang was tied up with his two arms!

"No, it\'s taixuan Yin Yang ring!"

On this side of Zhuque mansion, right envoy Bai libing screamed!

This is the taixuan yin-yang ring, the black ring to Yin, and the white ring to Yang.

Once the two rings come out, yin and Yang become peaceful. The power increases exponentially and blocks all things!

Once used to bind the enemy, two opposing forces act at the same time and invade the warrior\'s body, it will immediately completely disrupt the warrior\'s own power, like a useless man.

If you are trapped by it, it is not only difficult to break free

Finally, a variety of forces will also conflict with Yin and Yang, making the whole body of the trapped person explode like "Kui Niu demon prison fire"!