Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1259

Right envoy Bai libing\'s eyes were cold, slightly turned his head, and locked the speaker in an instant.

That is mo Qi, the strong man of Kui Niu demon general\'s house.

This guy is just one of a group of people who escaped from Luocha city. Although he has the cultivation of emperor\'s martial mirror, he is basically a useless man now.

Baili Bing would have to retort, just then

As soon as the figure flashed, a series of strong people appeared in the air.

Everyone\'s eyes immediately focused on Shuying.

Shuying glanced at the people of Zhulong mansion, sneered in his heart, but a smile piled up on his face and said to Bai libing, "the left envoy has left the customs and will come soon. The right envoy takes a lot of trouble to take care of these aliens. I\'ll go first."

Bai Li Bing nodded slightly, "OK!"

Thin shadow slanted one eye, thin waist, shoulders shook, has passed through the gate and entered the moonlight city.

The thin waist frowned, finally made up his mind and waved gently: "you four take a group of people in, and the others stay here with me, waiting for Shen Lang, the left envoy of Zhuque mansion."

A group of strong men in Zhulong mansion immediately followed Shuying and entered the moonlight city.

Kui Niu devil called Mo Qi of the mansion again: "Yo, yo, say you don\'t work hard, you\'ll send someone into the Moonlight City right away?"

"We have so many people from the devil general\'s house charging ahead. You\'re going to watch the play outside and pretend. Aren\'t you afraid to be blamed by the devil?"

The people of Zhuque mansion were so angry that they drank and scolded one after another.

The Mo flag said proudly, "you people in the Zhuque mansion are extremely hateful. When you go back, I will sue you in front of the demon king, so that you can\'t eat it!"

Mo Qi thought that after he said this, other people around the devil general\'s house would agree.

Unexpectedly, after saying this, the whole audience was silent.

Even the voice of whispering before is gone

And several people in his magic general\'s house looked at him in horror, as if an ancient fierce beast appeared behind him!

Mo Qi, sitting in the chair, suddenly became stiff, slowly turned around, and then raised his head.

Just behind him, Shen Lang, who was regarded as the "evil star" by the people in the mansion by the major demons, was looking at him with a smile... Very brilliant!

"Luo, Luo..." Mo Qi\'s throat made a strange sound.

Mo Qi dares to shout here and there. One reason is that he has a high status in Kui Niu mansion;

Another reason, of course, is that Shen Lang is not here.

If Shen Lang is here, give him a hundred courage, he dare not be so arrogant.

Not to mention how strong Shen Lang\'s strength is, the most important thing is that there is support from mother-in-law Feng behind this boy!

If mother-in-law Feng kills his Mo flag directly, I\'m afraid Kui Niu demon general\'s house won\'t even fart!

Dead is dead in vain!

Now in the plague land, which strong man of the devil general\'s house dares to provoke Shen waves?

The key is... Didn\'t you say that Shen Lang didn\'t come here for a while?

How could it come so fast!

"Are you from Kui niufu? What\'s your name?" Shen Lang smiled brightly, as if he had seen a friend.

Mo Qi swallowed a mouthful of water and said, "this seat... I\'m under Mo Qi..."

"Mo Qi?" Shen Lang changed his face very quickly and said coldly, "you seem very dissatisfied with our Zhuque mansion? What do you want to say to me."

As he spoke, Shen Lang pressed his fist and made the joints of his bones rattle.

Seeing this posture, the surrounding crowd began to retreat.

Even the people of Kui niumo general\'s house are the same!

Mo Qi was angry and afraid, put on a proud look and said, "Shen Lang, what do you mean? Are you threatening me?"

Although a little afraid, Mo Qi is still a little confident.

After all, he is a strong man in the eight heaven of emperor Wujing.

Although mother-in-law Feng is awed by Shen Lang\'s death, she is not afraid of Shen Lang himself.

If he really tore his face and wanted to do it, Shen Lang couldn\'t help him even if he didn\'t fight back.

Emperor Wujing\'s eight strong bodies, how strong is that?

Can it be that Shen Lang, who has just advanced the imperial martial mirror, can shake it?

Even if Shen Lang is strong, he is at most strong at the early stage of emperor Wujing. How can he compare with the strong at the later stage of emperor Wujing?

Although Mo Qi was flustered, he was not so afraid.

"Threat? How could it?" Shen Lang shook his head and said, "I never like to do \'threat\'."

The people around were stunned. Shen Lang said again, "why do you want to threaten?"

"I usually..."

"Do what you want and fight if you want!"

As soon as the voice fell, Shen Lang raised his right hand high and hit Mo Qi\'s head with a lightning punch!

This speed is fast to the extreme. Not to mention that many strong people around don\'t see it clearly, even Mo Qi, who has been on alert, doesn\'t react at all!


The strong spirit swept away. In the scream of Mo Qi, the chair under his ass was shattered into fly ash!

Mo Qi\'s body, like a shell, fell to the ground from the air, smashing the ground into a huge sinkhole!

Whether it was the people of the demon God hall, or the people of the ten thousand demon house and the thousand soul hall in the distance, they were stunned.

I can\'t imagine that this guy will do it as soon as he says. He\'s ruthless at all!

What\'s more unexpected is that this guy who saw that he had only advanced the imperial martial mirror some time ago can punch so fast and so fierce that he can fly out the Mo flag of the eighth heaven of the imperial martial mirror!

"Shen Lang, don\'t be too arrogant!" a scream came from the Tiankeng below, and the Mo flag flew into the sky!

"Arrogant?" Shen Lang chuckled and suddenly disappeared under the stunned gaze of the people!

When he appeared again, he had reached the top of Mo Qi!

His right foot was raised high, almost parallel to his body, and then cut down like a knife.

In the middle of Mo\'s head!


The shield that Mo Qi had just opened suddenly broke, screamed again and fell back to the Tiankeng below!


No matter the people of the demon God hall, or the people of the ten thousand demon house and the thousand soul hall, they all took a breath of cold air when they saw this scene!

If Shen Lang made his first move while Mo Qi was unprepared, it\'s fair to say that he could easily succeed.

But the second time

The people present couldn\'t keep up with his movements at all.

And it\'s still simple. Break through Mo Qi\'s defense and hit Mo Qi\'s head!

"Can you say... Shen Lang has reached the realm of Emperor Wu Jing\'s eight heavy heaven? How can this be possible!"

Shen Lang\'s advanced imperial martial mirror was too publicized at the beginning. The forces or strong people who publicized the whole plague land knew it clearly.

That\'s totally impossible to fake.

More than ten days ago, I just advanced the imperial martial mirror. It seems that I hit the triple heaven of the imperial martial mirror at one time. Now I can beat the strong eight heaven of the imperial martial mirror?

Emperor Wujing\'s eight heaven and Emperor Wujing\'s one heaven are said to be one heaven and one earth. It\'s definitely not empty!

Even if it is the seventh heaven of the imperial martial mirror, it is a far cry from the eighth heaven of the imperial martial mirror!

Otherwise, I wouldn\'t have said at the beginning that a demon blood descendant of the Ninth Heaven of the imperial martial mirror chased and killed more than 100 strong people in the middle and later stages of the imperial martial mirror. There is no way to heaven and no way to earth!

It\'s impossible for Shen Lang to have such speed and power without God\'s martial mirror bachongtian!

But in such a short time, from the triple heaven of imperial martial mirror to the octave heaven, it has never been heard of since ancient times

All the strong people who pay attention to all this fall into a dull state.

"You... Don\'t force me!" in the pit below, Mo Qi roared hysterically: "Shen Lang, I respect you as the left envoy of Zhuque mansion. I\'ll save face for you, so I don\'t want to fight with you. Don\'t be aggressive!"

"Even if it\'s your rosefinch house, I won\'t be afraid of you!"

People around laughed: "is this guy\'s fierce general too obvious? Is he afraid that Shen Lang will let the people of Zhuque mansion beat him?"

"This is also a matter of no choice. The Zhuque mansion was unharmed in the previous war. Now its strength is in its heyday, and the bianniu mansion is now outside. Except for this guy, the rest of the talent is just the four or five Heaven of the emperor\'s martial mirror. If Shen Lang gives the order, the Zhuque mansion will attack in groups, but they can\'t afford to change the Niu mansion!"

Shen Lang glanced at the Tiankeng below and said coldly, "it\'s clear that you are sarcastic at our Zhuque mansion there. I respond with my fist. How can I become aggressive?"

"Don\'t worry, it\'s easy to hit you. I\'m enough alone. There\'s no need for others."

"As for you, you don\'t have to save me any face. Come up and play."

Mo Qi shouted, "Shen Lang, you are too arrogant!"

"A man who has just advanced the emperor\'s martial mirror, dare to say such big words in front of this seat, and he is not afraid to flash his tongue?"

"If I do it, even a finger can crush you!"

"If mother-in-law Youfeng didn\'t support you, and if your highness blue didn\'t value you, you thought you were so arrogant and domineering. Now you can still stand here alive?"

Once again, it is obvious, but it is also very effective.

Sure enough, Shen Lang said softly, "you don\'t need to stimulate me with these words. If you have the strength to kill me, you can do your best. I guarantee that grandma Feng and Zhuque house won\'t embarrass you and change Niu house."

The strong men of the surrounding forces were surprised: "this guy is so crazy! The Mo flag is a real imperial martial mirror eight strong man!"

"I punched Mo Qi and stepped on Mo Qi. It\'s not enough to relieve my anger. I really want to fight with Mo Qi?"

The blood clan in the moonlight city didn\'t kill, but they had to fight with Mo Qi of zhuanniu mansion at the gate. People from all forces couldn\'t understand it.

Shen Lang, what do you want to do?

Even if you want to pick an opponent, you still need to choose such a powerful one?

The left envoy of Zhuque mansion is mysterious from the inside to the outside

I just don\'t know, where does he come from to compete with the strong man in the eighth heaven of emperor Wujing?