Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1260

During the decisive battle with the blood clan, Shen Lang tossed and tossed, and even consumed Mo Qi of bianniu mansion.

This is very strange to people from all forces around.

As the "commander" in the real sense of Zhuque mansion, it\'s puzzling that he has more important things to do here.

Whether it\'s the demon God hall, or the ten thousand demon house and thousand soul hall, many people communicate with God and talk one after another.

"Shen Lang\'s means are extraordinary. It was just because of his action that the blood clan could rout all the way before. But just from the perspective of strength, he advanced to the imperial martial mirror not long ago. Even if he hit the triple sky of the imperial martial mirror because of the thunder robbery, it is far from enough to compete with Mo Qi."

"Not only that, this Mo flag is the cousin of Kui Niu mansion master. He is a mutated purple blood Kui Niu! His defense is terrible and his strength is amazing... Before the war with blood clan, he actually suffered an attack by demon blood descendants, and finally he can retreat!"

"Hum, Shen Lang seems to have improved his accomplishments, so he wants to deliberately find Mo Qi\'s trouble and play with his prestige?"

"Playing with authority? He has a good mind and amazing qualifications, but now, if he is shaken by real power, it is definitely a matter of heaven and earth compared with Mo Qi!"

"If he wants to humiliate himself, he will be defeated at that time, but he will become a laughing stock!"

All the strong people around want to see Shen Lang\'s jokes.

During this period of time, Shen Lang\'s light is too bright, and Zhuque mansion has also been in the limelight.

Whether it\'s the devil general\'s house or the people in the thousand souls hall, they are very unhappy.

Now seeing Shen Lang going to fight Mo Qi, many people are happy to see the play. They want to see how Shen Lang will end when he loses the battle.

"What does he really want to do? Is his cultivation so terrible in just a few days?"

On the side of Zhulong mansion, thin waist couldn\'t see through Shen Lang\'s behavior more and more.

Neither thin waist nor other people know Shen Lang\'s plan.

What Shen Lang shows now is the arrogance and arrogance of the second generation of the master of the poor and strange house.

This is not consistent with Shen Lang\'s previous performance.

Although the thin waist found something wrong, he couldn\'t understand what was going on.

Shen Lang is now doing things around. He wants to fight for small things. Of course, it\'s not idle.

You know, the Mo Qi He wants to deal with now is Kui Niu

This is one of the ten beasts!

And this guy is still a different breed of Kui cattle, purple blood Kui cattle!

In terms of blood and power alone, the Shao Fu Master of poor Qi mansion who was beaten violently in Dilang mountain can\'t be compared with Mo Qi!

If such goods are delivered to the door, if Shen Lang is let go, it will not be Shen Lang.

In fact, Shen Lang began to think about these sacred animals when he was in the cold iron Hall of Zhuque mansion.

For example, after seeing the guy named Dongjian in Xuanwu mansion, Shen Lang thought about when to catch Dongjian and cook it well!

Because that guy is Xuanwu, one of the top ten divine beasts!

However, the cultivation at that time was too poor to deal with the strong at this level.

Even if you make great progress in cultivation after advanced level, at best, you can beat the master of the poor and strange house.

It is almost impossible to capture the strong man with more than six days of emperor Wujing alive.

Needless to say, Mo Qi is such a strong emperor\'s martial mirror.

Moreover, under the eyes of a large group of strong people in the demon temple, it is very difficult to do something.

Shen Lang looked at a group of "divine beasts" swinging around in front of him, and his heart was also very uncomfortable.

Now Mo Qi\'s kind of guy came to the door and gave him a chance.

For Shen Lang, the war in the plague land is over.

Even if there is no end, what can be more important than the blood essence of the ten divine beasts under the safety of the eternal tree?

The power of chaotic gods is beyond imagination.

As long as you get one more drop of ten divine beast blood essence, you can break through one or even several steps!

The blood clan is in chaos, the demon God hall is in trouble, and Shen Lang wants to get powerful power more than ever!

Only a strong force can dominate everything.

Including fate!

"The trouble is, in full view of the public, how can we force Mo Qi to refine his blood without trace?"

In the tense and strange atmosphere, Shen Lang\'s mind turned and thought about how to deal with Mo Qi.

Last time, it was Xue Shiyin, who was smart and smart. She found an excuse to oppress the master of the poor and strange mansion. Naturally, she didn\'t disturb anyone.

This time, if you beat the disabled Mo flag directly and force him to take out his blood essence, I\'m afraid it\'s a lot of trouble

It\'s really depressing to have so many eyes staring at you.

On the other hand, I have already taken a drop of blood essence from the master of the poor strange house. This time, I will take Kui cattle blood essence, and then show my real strength... If all this reaches the ears of the black dragon demon king, or even the demon lord, it will be a big deal.

"Fight with him and take this opportunity to put a ban on him. As soon as he leaves the plague, start immediately and catch him with a flash of thunder!"

After making up his mind, Shen Lang looked at the Mo flag below indifferently and sneered in his heart.

Even if Mo Qi wants to be a shrinking turtle, Shen Lang is not going to let him go this time.

"As I said, Granny Feng and rosefinch mansion will never embarrass you. What are you still afraid of?" Shen Lang said coldly when he saw Mo Qi below. "People in kuinu mansion only know how to play tricks. Are they so useless?"

Mo Qi at the bottom smiled: "what a arrogant boy, he even wants to excite me?"

"Do you really think you can beat invincible hands all over the world in black hell armor?"

"Since you want to die so much, I\'ll discipline you well for his highness LAN, lest you go out and lose the face of the rosefinch house!"

A trace of ink like magic Qi scattered from Mo Qi, forming a terrible air flow and shaking up the sky!

Mo Qi\'s body rose slowly from the Tiankeng, and a dark shadow as big as a mountain behind him was forming rapidly.

The shadow was very strange, as if a long dormant devil had finally been born.

In this darkness, it gives people a sense of oppression to suffocate!

"How could... Mo Qi was just ready to turn himself into an immortal?" the sharp eyed man exclaimed.

People of all forces heard the speech and looked at it. Sure enough, they saw that the dark shadow behind Mo Qi was gathering madly, more and more like the legendary Kui ox!

"Step back!"

Bailiping, the right envoy of Zhuque mansion, was the first to give the order.

People of all forces also panicked and retreated frantically, giving them a huge space!

Of course, what they are afraid of is not Shen Lang, but Kui Niu!

Except for the people in Zhuque mansion, most of the others don\'t believe how powerful Shen Lang is now.

But if Mo Qi turns into Kui Niu, it has the terrible power of falling apart!

Few of the people present could cope with Mo Qi except the strong ones in Zhuque mansion.

Under people\'s attention, the huge shadow behind Mo Qi began to turn into a strange beast, and then wrapped Mo Qi round and round!

After a while, the shadow wrapped around Mo Qi began to become solid, and the light of terrible thunder burst out all over his body!

The magic Qi of yin and the power of thunder of Yang appear on this strange beast at the same time!

The endless thunder light makes the area thousands of miles around as bright as day!

I saw that the strange beast was as big as a mountain, shaped like an ox, with a pale body and no horns. It had only one foot. It was solidified at the beginning of the day, and a terrible momentum of destroying the sky and the earth filled the world!

This momentum is evil to evil!

Like the demon God imprisoned forever in the nine netherworld prison, he broke free from the shackles and came to this heaven and earth.

This momentum, but also to Yang Zhizheng!

Like Thor, he will swing all the evil in the world.

Two opposite forces and momentum appeared on the strange beast.

Around, as long as there are intelligent creatures with souls, even the strong ones of Emperor Wu Jing\'s six or seven heaven feel that the whole soul trembles!

Kui Niu, one of the ten divine beasts!

Kui ox called thunder beast!

In order to deal with Shen Lang, Mo Qi turned out Kui Niu from the beginning!

The strong people from all sides watching the war all around have their eyes narrowed slightly.

For such a strong man who is a divine beast or a wild beast, he will not show himself against the enemy until the critical moment or when he is forced to be helpless.

I have the power to destroy heaven and earth, but I also have known weaknesses and flaws!

Only when they put all their eggs in one basket can they do so!

But in the face of Shen Lang, the left envoy of Zhuque mansion, Mo Qi hasn\'t even fought yet, and he shows his true self

Although Shen Lang\'s black underworld armor is powerful, after all, the black underworld armor is mainly defensive armor, not attacking magic soldiers!


Just when the people looked uncertain, the terrible Kui ox made a sound of thunder.

The unparalleled force of thunder swept in all directions, like a wave.

"Shen Lang, are you ready? In order to show my respect for mother-in-law Feng and his highness LAN, I showed my self directly. I hope you don\'t let me down!"

Kui ox\'s mouth is open. It breathes thunder and lightning and emits the sound of Mo flag.

This guy found a high sounding reason to get along with himself.

Otherwise, it will be spread out at that time. No matter whether he wins or loses this time, he will be despised... It\'s a joke to face a "new man" who only advanced to the emperor\'s martial mirror more than ten days ago!

Shen Langyou said, "I don\'t need to make any preparations. Don\'t worry, I won\'t let you down. I will only make you regret."

"What a big breath!" the whole audience was in an uproar.

In the face of Kui Niu, one of the top ten divine beasts, Shen Lang can still say such words. It\'s arrogant!

Anyway, Mo Qi has reached the point of Emperor Wu Jing\'s eight heaven!

If in the heyday, he gets along with this Buddha, even if he is the emperor\'s martial mirror and the nine heavenly strong, I\'m afraid he will have to retreat!

Although the serious injury has not healed yet, it is definitely beyond the ability of ordinary emperor Wujing\'s eight powerful people!

"What support does Shen Lang rely on for his self-confidence and arrogance?"

"Is it because you are wearing amazing defense black Pluto armor?"

The strongmen of the surrounding forces shook their heads.