Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1258

"Eight days, give me another eight days, and the green dragon\'s blood essence can be almost completely refined..."

"At that time, find a chance to enter the amber dream, refine the poor and strange blood essence, and prepare to attack the great emperor\'s martial arts!"

"Whether it\'s the son of fate or anything messy, I know that I will be able to control my own destiny and control my own destiny!"

Shen Lang stood in the space of Taiji diagram and roared up to the sky.

The tree of the world felt the change of Shen Lang\'s state of mind. The branches swayed and wrapped around, turned into a dragon chair and lifted Shen Lang up.

The branches, which were green and dripping, were beating gently on Shen Lang.

It seems to be comforting Shen Lang, and it seems to be charming like a child

"I have walked out of the completely different road of martial arts. In this troubled world, I will really become a chess player, not a chess piece!"

"One day, the whole world will be in my hands!"

Over the years, even with the memory of the emperor of war, even if he stood at the peak and looked down from the beginning, but because he carried too much and wanted to protect too much, Shen Lang, although confident, has always been cautious and cautious, taking one step is three steps.

Although there is self-confidence, it is rare to be so arrogant and so confident.

But this time, the evolution of the ten divine beast particles gave Shen Lang a feeling that he could really control his destiny!

Until this time, Shen Lang felt that he finally had enough strength to protect the people around him

No matter what blood ancestor or devil Lord, if you give him a little more time, he will be all trampled under his feet!

Sooner or later, he will sweep the world and return a bright future to the people he loves!

Shen Lang sat on the seat made of branches. Looking around, the space in the Tai Chi diagram spread boundlessly.

However, Shen Lang can clearly "see" and feel that after swallowing and refining such terrible energy, today\'s Taiji diagram space has expanded to tens of millions of miles.

Not only that, because the tree of the world refined the meaning of the rules on robbing thunder, the space in the whole Tai Chi diagram became more and more real.

One day, Shen Lang really controlled the law and refined the origin with Tai Chi

This Tai Chi diagram will eventually develop into a real world!

This day is far away.

However, Shen Lang is very satisfied with the development and changes of Taiji map!

Shen Lang is looking forward to what will happen to the world tree and Tai Chi diagram after the "causal origin" hanging on the world tree is finally refined?

Shen Lang has limited knowledge of the origin derived from the heavenly book.

However, full of expectations.

"In the amber dream, I refined the poor and strange blood essence. After I advanced to the great emperor\'s martial territory, I should make good use of the power of the green dragon family to cook and kill the evil gods in the armor."

Shen Lang has already set a plan for the improvement of the realm and the disposal of killing armor, including the improvement of the cultivation of the ghost king and duanmuzheng.

Step by step.

One thing at a time.

It\'s easy to pull the egg when you step big.

Shen Lang\'s mind gave a Tai Chi diagram, directly broke the space and went to the moonlight city.


It\'s dark at night.

Just to the east of Moonlight City, the sky and the earth are dark and full of people.

In front of these people, there is a gate thousands of feet high and tens of miles wide.

On both sides of the gate, there was nothingness, still shrouded in the Moonlight City array.

This gate was erected on the blood clan array after the ghost Zun night ghost opened the array. It is the only gate that can enter the moonlight city from the outside.

The door frames on both sides of the gate seem to be made of animal bones, which are inlaid with skeletons emitting faint light.

Small but mysterious runes are engraved on the animal bones. A force that makes the soul tremble is released from the door frame, which makes people unwilling to even look at the door frame.

The whole gate stands here. It seems simple, but it gives people a sense of momentum.

The potential rolls the sun, moon and stars, and the gas swallows thousands of miles of mountains and rivers!

The handwriting of the great emperor Wu Jing GUI Zun is really extraordinary!

"Lord Baili, the time is ripe. All the people in the Magic general\'s house have entered the moonlight city. Why are the rosefinch house and Xuanwu house still unwilling to act?"

In the dark, the voice of the strong man\'s thin waist in Zhulong mansion rang.

A divine light suddenly looked around towards the rosefinch house.

The great demons who are guarding outside are not good at looking at the people in the Zhuque mansion.

Baili ice to the waist with hands, sighed and said, "Alas, there is no way. The Royal Highness ordered that we must wait for Shen Lai to come over."

"As for the Xuanwu mansion, Lord slender waist really asked the wrong person... How did you ask us about the Xuanwu mansion? What do they want to do, but we can\'t control it."

"I\'m itchy. I want to enter the Moonlight City and kill my addiction for a while. But now the envoy Zuo is still practicing... Otherwise, the slender waist adult will wake up the envoy Zuo and let\'s kill him in the moonlight city together?"

"...." thin waist was defeated by Baili ice and was silent.

She doesn\'t care who she\'s dealing with.

But she just doesn\'t want to deal with Shen Lang!

Xu Mijie, who was touched by Shen Lang in the gate of life and death, has left a shadow in her heart.

In the later period of time, Shen Lang planned strategies and decided to win thousands of miles away. All kinds of calculations made her put Shen Lang in a particularly high position.

If she could, she would rather fight Milos than fight Shen Lang\'s wisdom or strength.

Thin waist stopped talking. The big demons around left the house outside, but these people quit.

All the great magic generals have sent strong people into the Moonlight City, but the Zhuque house and Xuanwu house are still wandering at the gate after a long time.

These people were originally very dissatisfied. At this time, they were said by the thin waist of the candle dragon house, which immediately detonated completely!

"It\'s OK for those shrinking turtles in Xuanwu mansion to hide outside and dare not go in. Zhuque mansion has come again! Are they afraid of the blood clan to such a degree that they think the blood clan can threaten us?"

"A group of timid women are really useless!"

"It\'s no use, it\'s no use. That\'s the matter of their rosefinch house. The problem is that they won\'t do it again. How can they explain to the demon king? Why should we demon generals charge in front of the house and count them in the final credit?"

"No! We must let them do it! Yes, it\'s always like this. If you don\'t work hard, the rosefinch house will be shameless!"

"Hmm?" the right envoy of Zhuque mansion gave a light sound and swept coldly towards the crowd.

The people of the main devil generals\' house were stared by Bai libing. They only felt cold and speechless.

Now these people outside are either wounded or have low cultivation.

Where are these people qualified to challenge the right envoy of Zhuque mansion?

It was noisy just now. Bai libing stared at it and was clean immediately.

At this time, Bai libing said to thin waist again, "it\'s really troublesome. It\'s not just that the envoy Zuo didn\'t come. Look, thin waist... All these alien races have come!"

"Can they participate in a war of this degree?"

"Now the big array of Moonlight City has not been broken, just opened a gap and let them in. Isn\'t that death?"

"In a word, Ambassador Zuo, we can only be nannies for them now!"

"With them, we can\'t act casually..."

Thin waist looked strangely at those aliens and the people in Zhuque mansion, and shook his head slightly.

The people of Zhuque mansion refused to enter the Moonlight City for one reason or another, which made her feel a little uneasy at the bottom of her heart.

No one knows whether this will be Shen Lang\'s plan again.

At the beginning, the demons killed the house to the blood clan. The rosefinch house died and didn\'t fight. As a result, no one was hurt.

The other devil generals, that is, a few lucky guys who came back, were wiped out.

After this war, many strong people in the demon temple have regarded Shen Lang as a ghost like figure.

Thin waist casually glanced around, and his heart was also a little hesitant.

All the big magic generals sent strong people into the moonlight city. Many magic generals even killed all the staff, leaving none.

The candle dragon mansion, just because she thought there was a problem with the rosefinch mansion, there was no elite to do it.

Now in front of the thin waist are these two choices

Into Moonlight City;

Not into the Moonlight City;

But it is such a simple choice that makes the thin waist a headache now.

Thin waist, slightly wrinkled eyebrows, eyes inadvertently swept from the faces of the strong in the Zhuque mansion, as if they wanted to see something from their faces.

However, a group of people in Zhuque mansion have no awareness of war. They are very lazy one by one, as if they were on vacation.

"Now, in theory, it\'s time to harvest the fruits of war. If you go early, you can collect the good things of the blood clan, and you can make great contributions."

"It\'s too late to get even the leftovers. At that time, it may be run by other demons and blamed by the demon king..."

The thin waist thought to himself: "now there is only one and a half disabled Milos in the moonlight city without the evil blood."

"As the opposite of the blood clan, there are two commanders of Tiangang and Disha in the demon God hall, as well as blue Mengling, the Lord of Zhuque house; Wanyao house has golden winged Dapeng Wang Yueqing, and qianhun hall has the ghost of the great emperor\'s martial arts realm."

"Blood clan can\'t pose any threat to us at all."

"In this case, what does the Zhuque mansion mean by doing so?"

"Don\'t ask for meritorious service, but for no fault? Or what ghost is Shen Lang pounding?"

Thin waist didn\'t see Shen Lang, and he couldn\'t understand why Zhuque mansion did this. His eyebrows wrinkled deeper and deeper.

The last time the blood clan fought against the Luocha city of the demon God Temple, it was precisely because thin waist believed that Shen Lang was strange, so he didn\'t attack with other demon generals.

As a result, the big demons who went out fell one by one, and finally didn\'t come back!

The problem is, the victory is in hand now!

And because I signed a contract with Wanyao mansion and qianhun hall, I don\'t have to worry about their secret killers?

The thin waist hesitated whether to enter or not.

At this time, a strange voice came out of the crowd: "hum, you Zhuque mansion really can find a reason... To be a nanny for these aliens? So you can do nothing?"