Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1257

It\'s too fast!

The power is too strong!

The shadow that retreated at the first time didn\'t have time to retreat, so it was caught up by the fierce and unparalleled Qi!

"How strong!"

Shuying urged all his strength, crossed his hands in front, and opened a diamond shield in front of him!


In the huge roar, the terrible Qi released by Shen Lang roared on the shield of Shuying.

The shrill scream suddenly sounded, the thin shadow\'s face changed, and the whole person was pushed back by an unimaginable force!

The dark void was plowed out by the shadow\'s feet into a long vacuum channel!

It seems that sharp magic soldiers draw a long straight line on the metal!

The diamond shield held by Shuying\'s hands melted quickly and annihilated as if ice had encountered lava


The powerful power of Shuying\'s body is pushed out like a mountain. People have made a backward somersault and flew out upside down at a speed as fast as the pole!


The blow from Shuying collided with the destructive power released by Shen Lang.

It\'s like two mountains colliding, sending out powerful ripples of mountain collapse and earth crack, sweeping in all directions

"The emperor\'s martial mirror is the power of the Ninth Heaven!"

Feel the strength of that power, and the thin shadow in the air is stunned!

"No, even the emperor\'s martial mirror and the nine strong heaven can\'t have such a terrible destructive breath! It\'s impossible to annihilate my shadow shield directly!"

"It is the power of artistic conception to destroy Artistic Conception!"

Just then, I sat cross legged in the empty Shen wave and grew up!

His arms held up the sky, and he drank coldly, "I am destruction, destruction is me!"

In the void above Shen Lang\'s head, a huge vortex was formed in an instant, with wind and clouds surging.

Inside, thunder and lightning crisscross and crackle!

Destroy artistic conception and advance to the peak!

Chaotic divine body, easily cross the imperial martial mirror nine heaven!

Endless wind swirled around Shen Lang, sweeping the whole nightmare swamp

In just six or seven days, Shen Lang was reborn again!

When his indifferent eyes swept to the thin shadow, the latter was shocked and almost knelt down directly!

What kind of look is this

There is no human emotion, but the indifference of gods and demons to ordinary people.

Heaven and earth, self-respect!

The universe is in famine, a thought of destruction!

"Well... What happened? What happened to the left envoy?" under Shen Lang\'s eyes, Shuying was sweating and struggling.

The strange things on Shen Lang\'s body are no longer simple power enhancement.

Now Shen Lang is like a different person.

Don\'t show any expression, it makes people feel like they want to kneel down and worship;

You don\'t need to say anything and do anything, it makes people tremble and can\'t help yourself!

Shuying hasn\'t seen any gods and demons.

But according to her understanding, this feeling has never existed even when she saw the black dragon demon king!

Such a feeling can only breed when meeting a powerful demon!

When the thin shadow is still breathing, Shen Lang is feeling the artistic conception of destruction and is familiar with the power of chaotic divine body.

After the artistic conception of destruction in Dacheng period was integrated with the "Five Emperors\' Dragon boxing", when Shen Lang was still equivalent to the seven heaven of the imperial martial mirror, he made him cross several realms and hit Nora, who was heavy on the heaven.

Now the destruction artistic conception has broken through to the peak state, and the power of the chaotic divine body has also broken through to the nine heaven of the imperial martial mirror. If you meet Nora again, it will be easy to kill her!

In Shen Lang\'s memory

Under the martial arts realm of the great emperor, no one has ever cultivated the artistic conception to the peak state except the war emperor!

Of course, the emperor had no contact or understanding of the book of heaven.

Whether the owner of the heavenly book can rely on the heavenly book to do this is another matter.

Anyway, there are only a few heavenly books in the sky and underground.

Now Shen Lang has raised his supreme attack power to the peak of "destroying artistic conception".

Heaven and earth, unique!


Shen Lang spits out a mouthful of turbid qi and gently tears his hands out.

The huge whirlpool overhead was split in two.

A terrible pillar of thunder runs through it and is connected with Shen Lang!

Shen Lang, like the whole person, has become a black hole. Let the power of thunder instill and absorb it wantonly!

This is not a thunder robbery.

This is Shen Lang\'s further understanding of the power of robbing thunder and controlling the power of nine days of thunder!

The power of nine days of thunder, which made people fear to the extreme, was like precious jade liquid in front of Shen Lang, making him feel comfortable and want to moan

When the shadow was panting sharply, Shen Lang\'s eyes suddenly closed and then slowly opened.

As soon as this closed and opened, the breath of destruction on Shen Lang immediately disappeared.

Shen Lang seems to recover as usual again

"Moonlight City, has it been broken?" Shen Lang turned his head, took a look at the direction of Moonlight City and said calmly.

Shuying took a deep breath, nodded and said, "the left envoy didn\'t expect it to be bad. The night ghost really didn\'t do its best. What tricks do you want to play?"

Shen Lang smiled, waved his hand and said, "it doesn\'t matter what trick you play. The important thing is that the Zhuque mansion doesn\'t participate."

"Even if the two sides are hostile, after all, I have helped them several times. The dark night will not trouble our rosefinch house."

Shuying showed his gratitude in his eyes and said respectfully, "what Ambassador Zuo said is."

Shen Lang nodded slightly and said, "well, you can go there too. I have improved my cultivation. First get familiar with this power, and I will catch up later."

"Yes!" Shuying arched his hand and responded respectfully, disappearing into the void.

Shen Lang is determined to get the source of the blood clan\'s pain, but he is not worried at all.

When he handed the "Jiuyou demon soul blade", the most precious treasure of the thousand souls hall, to the night ghost, Shen Lang had already explained clearly and asked the old ghost to help get it;

Before the retreat, he made Lan\'er go out to rob the source of pain.

No matter which side the source of pain falls to, it will fall into the hands of Shen Lang at that time.

Seeing the thin shadow leave, Shen Lang closed his eyes again and sank his mind into the Tai Chi diagram.

In the chaotic ocean of Taiji diagram, the violent energy surges like waves.

The purple red pillars of thunder stand in the "ocean" and are madly refining these energies.

After refining the 99 robbery thunder that was swallowed up at the beginning, the power of thunder controlled by Shen Lang has increased dozens of times.

Simply from the perspective of "quality", this thunder force containing the power of robbing thunder should be the most powerful force in the world.

Once the supreme skill "Yu Lei Shen Jue" of Beiming Jitian sect is used, its power is probably second only to "Five Emperors\' dragon fist".


Shen Lang stretched out his right hand, turned his wrist, and a purple thunder rose in the palm.

This purple thunder contains destructive power.

Just a glance, it makes people feel suffocated.

"Unfortunately, robbing thunder is also graded. Although I refined and understood the robbing thunder in Wang Wujing\'s period, its power is still limited and far from my satisfaction."

"Just like the rosefinch divine fire, even if the energy in the whole Tai Chi diagram is transformed into the rosefinch divine fire, but because there is no rosefinch origin, its power is still unable to compare with LAN er."

Quietly looking at the purple thunder ball in the palm of Shen Lang\'s hand, Shen Lang\'s palm shook slightly and dispersed the robbed thunder.

"After obtaining Laner\'s rosefinch essence, we can obtain the origin of rosefinch through Tai Chi diagram, and finally give full play to the power of rosefinch divine fire;"

"The simplest and most direct way to use the power of thunder is to devour and refine higher-level lightning robbing... However, such things as devouring lightning robbing need to be done secretly and can\'t be known."

If you can devour the thunder robbing during the refining and chemical emperor\'s martial mirror period, or upgrade the existing level of thunder robbing by several levels, the thunder power controlled by Shen Lang plus the destruction artistic conception, I\'m afraid it will become the most terrible power besides the chaotic divine power!

The power of thunder is the most violent power in the world.

The power of robbing thunder contains the rules of destruction. It is the power that even gods and Demons turn pale at the smell!

Unfortunately, Shen Lang has too little time now

At the beginning, I realized the rule space during the advanced emperor\'s martial mirror period. Until now, I haven\'t taken the time to understand it;

Even the "Five Emperors dragon boxing" created the sixth move when Nora forced him to do nothing;

The growth and change of Taiji map also need to be paid attention to all the time

"It seems that refining poor and strange blood essence needs to be carried out as soon as possible."

Shen Lang can almost be sure that once he refines the poor and strange blood essence, the ten divine beast particles will advance again and become a "life body" in the real sense!

In short, at that time, every ten divine beast particle will be a pill baby!

Real billions of incarnations!

In that case, all avatars can practice alone and have a clear division of labor. Shen Lang will step into a level that Lien Chan emperor has never touched!

At that time, the artistic conception of water, the artistic conception of cold ice, the artistic conception of destruction, the artistic conception of abyss, the artistic conception of sword, the artistic conception of war, the artistic conception of emperor... Can be assigned to a separate body, which is very targeted to understand!

The "Five Emperors dragon boxing" can also be handed over to a separate person to study and understand all night!

The emperor of war finally accepted all the understandings of this world, then began to think about it, and finally turned it into his own

It is no exaggeration to say that this step is even more important than becoming the great emperor.

Make Shen Lang excited!

When this step is achieved, the great emperor\'s martial realm is just a small barrier for Shen Lang, which can be easily crossed.

Even the realm of the great emperor is at best a little bigger

The performance of chaotic gods surpassing the great emperor will be completely revealed at the moment of the evolution of the ten divine beasts!