Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1256

The artistic conception is mysterious and unpredictable. It is the most direct embodiment of the martial arts after they understand the avenue of heaven and earth.

The general emperor\'s martial mirror and the nine heavenly strong can understand two or three artistic conception.

But the level of artistic conception will not be too high.

Like blue Mengling, a strong man with nine heaven of imperial martial mirror, has a "divine fire artistic conception" of Dacheng realm, but this "divine fire artistic conception" was only a medium-term realm hundreds of years ago!

Nora, the blood clan strongman who sneaked into Shen Lang, controlled the "blood artistic conception" is only the medium-term realm, and could not resist the sixth move of the five emperors\' Dragon boxing integrating the "destruction artistic conception".

Therefore, obviously Nora\'s strength far exceeded Shen Lang, but she didn\'t dare to take Shen Lang\'s punch, and finally she had to flee.

If Nora had noticed the use of Shen Lang\'s artistic conception, and his understanding of "blood artistic conception" had reached a great level, I\'m afraid Shen Lang would not be so easy that time.

The powerful destruction of artistic conception makes Shen Lang full of expectation.

So I put aside other artistic conception for the time being.

Want to raise this artistic conception to the peak as soon as possible.

After all, after coming out of the destruction space, the realm of destruction artistic conception has always shown signs of loosening.

It seems that only one step away from the door may break through to the peak at any time.

However, the understanding of artistic conception itself is extremely difficult. It is even more difficult to promote the destructive artistic conception of Dacheng state to the peak state, but where is it so easy to advance?

The understanding in the destruction of space, the gains of the tree of the world after refining and robbing thunder, turned into mysterious symbols and seals, and kept rotating in Shen Lang\'s mind.

Each seal character contains huge information.

The law of heaven and earth, the boundless universe

The contents of each runzhuan are worth a peerless strong man to understand and ponder for hundreds of years.

Feeling and thinking about these things again, Shen Lang seems to have something to gain.

But the most important thing, Shen Lang, has never caught it.

Mingming has seen the dawn in front, but he can\'t get out of the darkness. This feeling makes Shen Lang crazy.

"It\'s really not good. Let\'s start from the beginning. All the steps are the same as the last time..."

After painstaking understanding, Shen Lang had to use the most earthy method... Follow the example of the last time he entered the destruction space, and do it again!

Shen Lang began to understand the meaning of the rules in robbing thunder and began to "replay" every action, idea and understanding in his mind.

All kinds of mysterious information after robbing thunder and refining continued to flow in his mind.

At the same time, thousands of purplish red lightning wandered wildly in Shen Lang\'s meridians, flesh, bones and cells.

The roar of thunder came from his body.

Endless purplish red thunder and lightning wrapped his whole body.

The thin shadow guarding the side stared at Shen Lang in disbelief, and his breathing became heavier and heavier.

She had seen this scene once when Shen Lang advanced.

Now I see again that as the strong one of the eight heaven of emperor Wujing, it is still difficult for her to keep calm.

"This smell is clearly the smell of the 99 thunder robbery... Can you say that Ambassador Zuo can really control the power of the thunder robbery? The last thing was not accidental?"

The destructive power of the 99 thunder is the most powerful power between heaven and earth.

It\'s hard to resist, let alone control?

Even the Beiming Jitian sect, which was destroyed by the candle dragon in those years, claims to practice the most powerful thunder skill handed down by the upper world and can guide the power of robbing thunder against the enemy, but where can it be said to control the power of robbing thunder?

If you can control the power of robbing thunder, what\'s the difference with gods and demons?

In the unbelievable eyes of Shuying, the breath of Shen waves is climbing higher and higher, straight into the sky!

In Shuying\'s eyes, the Shen wave at this time is like a robbing thunder that is about to burst. It makes people feel frightened and want to stay away subconsciously.

"Even the legendary great emperor has never heard of anyone who can control and rob thunder. What kind of skill is it? How can his meridians withstand such violent and terrible destructive power?"

The sound of thunder is more and more frequent, and the smell of Shen waves is more and more terrible.

Under the scouring of the power of robbing thunder, tens of thousands of ten divine beast particles in Shen Lang\'s body are emerging madly.

Shen Lang\'s whole body was wrapped by purple thunder and lightning, emitting a destructive breath that even the strong emperor\'s martial mirror feared. He closed his eyes and didn\'t move.

However, Shen Lang\'s consciousness is still unable to communicate the destruction of space.

"How could this happen? All the steps and actions are the same as last time, and I clearly understand the meaning of the rules in the mine robbery more and deeper than before... Why can\'t I feel the existence of destroying space at all?"

Not only has it improved the destruction space, it can\'t even get a connection.


As if a groundbreaking lightning lit up in my mind, Shen Lang was shocked all over!

"Destruction is me, I am destruction!"

Shen Lang remembered this sentence.

This is a sentence that naturally came out of my heart after I entered the destruction space and merged with the destruction space.

This sentence even suppressed all Shen Lang\'s feelings at that time.

Let Shen Lang be like a demon in control of destruction. He almost destroyed everything he saw when he opened his eyes!

Thinking of this sentence, Shen Lang finally realized that he had never caught anything before

The purple thunder and lightning around Shen Lang suddenly disappeared.

Instead, there is a pure smell of destruction!

At this moment, Shen Lang\'s mind completely sank into the destruction artistic conception and pushed the destruction artistic conception to the limit!

"Destruction is me, I am destruction!"

In an instant, in the ocean of destroying artistic conception, like a dark cloud breaking a small crack, the door of destroying space is opened again!

"Ha ha ha!"

Shen Lang laughed wildly at the bottom of his heart. Without hesitation, he immediately escaped into that space!

Soon, the smell of destruction on Shen Lang disappeared like the smell of robbing thunder.

Shen Lang\'s whole body became like wood and stone again.

The wind doesn\'t scare, the clouds don\'t move

The thin shadow guarding the side is amazing.

Time passed bit by bit.

Night fell and the plague land was shrouded in darkness.

Thin shadow carrying a long sword carefully glanced around.

Her majestic mind shrouded an area of five thousand miles centered on Shen waves.

In this area, everything is as clear as the back of your hand.

Even if a small insect jumps, the thin shadow is also clear.

Suddenly, a huge light column with a diameter of 30 Li appeared in the direction of Moonlight City in the West!

That pillar of light connects heaven and earth, making the night sky as bright as day!

Shuying was slightly surprised and immediately sneered: "as expected by envoy Zuo, the old ghost in the dark of the night clearly has the ability to directly destroy the Moonlight City array, but he deliberately only opened a gap!"

"Although we both signed the armistice contract in this plague place, the old ghost obviously wants to use the power of blood clan to make our demon Temple suffer!"

"But the left envoy is right. The life and death of other devil generals is none of our business?"

"Especially those fools in poor Qi house and Bi Fang house, their eyes are turning around on the women in our Zhuque house. I\'ve long wanted to find a chance to deal with them!"

"Just as those guys from the alien Alliance came, our rosefinch mansion took this as an excuse and dragged it to the back, so that other demons would go into the moonlight city to attack!"

Shuying\'s eyes showed his intention to kill.

Shen Lang had made arrangements before this close.

On the one hand, he let Lan\'er help him rob the source of pain;

On the other hand, he told Bai libing and others that ghost zunye Youming might not do his best, but only break a gap in the Moonlight City array, and then the demon temple.

Originally, the people of Zhuque mansion and LAN Mengling were angry and were going to tell the two commanders of Tiangang and Disha about the speculation, but Shen Lang dismissed their thoughts.

"The main devil generals in the demon God hall are fighting openly and secretly to blackmail me. We treat them as brothers, but they treat us as enemies... We want to die clean and tell commander Tiangang Disha what to do?"

"Before, other demon generals fought with the blood clan, and almost all the troops were destroyed in the end, while the rosefinch mansion was unharmed. The people of these demon generals resent this."

"Apart from the Xuanwu mansion and several other magic generals who have a good relationship with the rosefinch mansion, the cracks between the other major magic generals mansion and the rosefinch mansion are actually difficult to mend."

"If you give them a chance, like those people in Bifang house, they will definitely attack the rosefinch house!"

"Even if you want to kill them, you can\'t let them die and suffer like the last war with blood clan. What\'s your heart?"

"The strength of the demon temple is so strong that even if these disabled and defeated generals in the plague land die, they may not be able to shake the foundation of the demon temple? Even if they really hurt the muscles and bones, it\'s none of our Zhuque mansion\'s business?"

"Most of the people in the rosefinch mansion are women, and they are as beautiful as flowers... I saw other people in the devil mansion staring at our people\'s breasts before. If I didn\'t want to bring trouble to the rosefinch mansion, I would have killed them myself!"

"You live well for me, this is victory!"

"The life and death of other devil generals, * * * * shit!"

Shen Lang just said a few words.

All the strong people in the Zhuque mansion burst into flames!

This is not the first time that people in Zhuque mansion have heard of these words.

Shen Lang didn\'t deliberately choose to separate... Because what he said is the truth.

This is the living condition of the main demon generals in the demon God hall!

The strong live, the weak die!

As a matter of fact, Granny Feng has always been disobedient to the devil king\'s orders. Even if she saw the defeat of the devil temple before, she refused to take action. Her idea is similar to Shen Lang... As long as the people in the rosefinch house live well, that\'s enough.

Other devil generals, I care about him. - mother!

However, these words are now spoken by Shen Lang, which is much more effective than the quiet appearance of mother-in-law Qifeng.

A group of people in Zhuque mansion were so murderous that they almost killed other demon generals under the leadership of LAN Mengling!

Remembering what Shen Lang said, Shuying couldn\'t help sighing: "it wasn\'t long before the left envoy entered the demon temple, he saw more clearly than us... Or, in fact, we all know that he has been lying to himself and refused to believe these things?"

"In the demon temple, the jungle law of the law of the jungle is almost ten times and a hundred times higher than the outside world."

"We people, our Zhuque mansion, didn\'t we rush out of the bloody storm?"

"If there is no wind, the mother-in-law and Princess Royal shield, do not know how many people in the rosefinch house can live in this place of magic God... What kind of world is it?"

Thin shadow subconsciously looked at Shen Lang and said, "I don\'t know why. When his cultivation is not very strong, there is an unspeakable sense of security around him."

"Even, it always gives people a strange hope... As if he can change our destiny and our living environment..."

The idea just flashed through my mind

A dangerous breath was suddenly released from Shen Lang!

The intuition from the strong man of Emperor Wu Jing\'s Bazhong sky makes Shuying retreat at full speed for the first time!


At the moment when Shuying withdrew more than 800 miles, a terrible spirit of destruction swept out of the originally wooden and stone like Shen wave!