Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1255

Six days have passed since the blood clan array was broken.

During these six days, the bloody killings continued.

The tragedy of the war is beyond many people\'s understanding.

In the case of the combination of the demon temple and the ten thousand demon mansion, the massacre is almost one-sided, and the blood clan can hardly resist.

However, when a dog is anxious, he will jump off the wall

Under the threat of death, if the blood clan goes crazy, it is not much worse than the abyss devil.

Using the advantage of speed and the magic from the blood ancestor, they opened several breakthroughs and rushed out of the area surrounded by the four main cities.

It seems that the strong men in the demon Temple who are trying to destroy the blood clan are too excited and underestimate the enemy. Under such advantages, a large number of strong men of imperial martial mirror have fallen.

The people of Wanyao mansion and qianhun hall, because they are more cautious and have always gathered around the night ghost and the moon Qingqian, have suffered occasional injuries, but they have never hurt their muscles and bones.

The people of the main devil generals in the demon God hall were completely angry and chased for more than a million miles to kill the blood clan outside the plague land.

Many people have not returned until now.

On the side of Moonlight City, under the leadership of ghost Zun night Youming, hundreds of powerful imperial martial mirrors jointly arranged a large array to suppress the array, which made the city protection array of Moonlight City on the verge of collapse.

But the big array of Moonlight City is really strange and extraordinary. Every time the power of the big array seems to be exhausted and on the verge of collapse, it will suddenly be filled with energy again, and then repair the damage and recover as before.

He was so angry that he screamed at night.

Shen Lang was the only one who understood. With the old ghost and the power of the powerful in the middle and later stages of the emperor\'s martial arts mirror, the big array could not resist.

Besides, the old ghost took the "Jiuyou demon soul blade" from him before!

If the night ghost really takes out the Jiuyou demon soul blade, the Moonlight City array can support three fists at most!

But the night ghost was so angry that he screamed, but he didn\'t take out the sign of Jiuyou demon soul blade at all.

The old ghost obviously wants to make use of the big array and blood clan of the Moonlight City and give another hand to the Yin demon temple!

Shen Lang certainly does not object to the practice of the night nether world.

In these days, he had swallowed up all the power left by the demon blood in the nightmare swamp.

The siege of Moonlight City continues;

The plague began to return to the strong of the demon temple one after another;

Over the nightmare swamp, Shen Lang sat cross legged and entered the realm of ancient well bubo.

The left envoy of Zhuque mansion is a group of strong men. He is fully armed and the guard is on the side. He is carefully scanning around.

Shuying\'s eyes occasionally fall on the motionless Shen Lang, and his eyes always show the color of shock and worship

For the thin shadow of Emperor Wu Jing bachongtian, the more familiar the person in front of her, the more she has a feeling of mystery.

The past has completely exceeded her cognition.

Now, the horror shown by Shen Lang is still refreshing, which makes her feel out of breath.

Shen Lang was here three days ago and absorbed all the power left by the demon bone blood.

In the next three days, Shen Lang, who has been sitting here with his eyes closed, has a crazy rising breath, like an awakening demon God!

At the level of emperor Wujing, how difficult is it to improve cultivation?

It\'s an unheard of scene to improve cultivation so quickly!

If you compare the king\'s mirror with the emperor\'s mirror

The king\'s mirror is like a small bowl, while the emperor\'s mirror is like a great lake.

Pour water into a small bowl of Wang Wujing, which will soon be full;

But for a great lake like emperor Wujing, it\'s not easy to fill it up, even if the water level of the great lake rises a little?

Not only that, in the period of emperor Wujing, it is not just to improve strength to improve accomplishments.

Accordingly, we also need to improve our understanding of heaven and earth Avenue and be able to accurately control the surging power of ascension!

Some imperial martial mirror strong people have profound cultivation and may have the strongest strength among the strong people of the same level, but because it is difficult to understand the barrier of heaven and earth Avenue, it may be difficult to advance for thousands of years!

However, only three days

Shen Lang\'s breath has changed from the early stage of emperor Wujing\'s eight fold sky to the later stage of emperor Wujing\'s eight fold sky!

Now the breath released from Shen Lang, even the thin shadow, feels like a mountain, which is difficult to resist!

In less than ten days, the advanced imperial martial mirror has broken through from the imperial martial mirror\'s one heaven to the imperial martial mirror\'s eight heaven high level

Even if it is seen by Shuying, it is still hard to believe and imagine!

The mysteries and mysteries of Shen Lang are beyond the comprehension of ordinary people.

Shuying took a deep look at Shen Lang, pursed her lips, and paid attention to her surroundings.


Shen Lang\'s six senses were closed at this time, and his mind was completely immersed in the cultivation of destroying artistic conception.

He tried again and again to communicate and even enter the destructive space.

Unfortunately, failure after failure can\'t be connected with the destruction of space.

At the same time

Only a few green dragon blood essence are still being refined spontaneously, and the ten divine beast particles are still emerging madly;

The power of the gods and demons in the Tai Chi diagram still flows into Shen Lang\'s body and is then absorbed by the ten divine beasts particles;

Shen Lang\'s current strength is not too much to say.

Not only that, the majestic power swallowed by Taiji diagram is also pouring out like a flood opening the gate.

Then it is absorbed by the ten gods and beasts particles and becomes the nutrient for the growth of the ten gods and beasts particles.

These forces swallowed and refined by Taiji diagram are far inferior to the power of gods and demons in terms of "quality", but they have great advantages in terms of "quantity".

During this period of time, more than 100 strong imperial martial mirrors were devoured by Shen Lang.

And the power of the great emperor\'s martial realm\'s double demons\' blood and bones is unimaginable

Apart from Shen Lang, who has the Tai Chi diagram, even the great emperor here can\'t absorb such a huge violent force in such a short time.

Nowadays, some of these terrible forces remain in the Tai Chi diagram and are absorbed by the tree of the world to expand the Tai Chi diagram;

The other part, which Shen Lang called without hesitation, was used to "Irrigate" the ten beasts.

In a sense, a ten divine beast particle is equivalent to a yuan house.

Ordinary martial artists have only one dan baby and several yuan houses.

Shen Lang has nearly 70 million yuan house!

These "Yuan houses" have now reached the final stage and will soon turn into Danying!

Once all the ten divine beast particles evolve successfully, Shen Lang will be reborn and reach a mysterious realm that no one has ever done since ancient times!

At that time, hundreds of millions of incarnations, each of which will be a tumultuous existence!

Immortality in the real sense!

Not only does the chaotic divine body reach a new level, the power of life is endless, but even the sea will expand to unimaginable terror!

At that time, cooperate with Taiji diagram to devour the energy of heaven and earth and refine all things in heaven and earth.

Everything is under control!

All this, even Shen Lang\'s mental nature, can\'t restrain his great excitement when he thinks about it

More than three years ago, Shen Lang could only rationally analyze whether he got the Tai Chi diagram or inspired the chaotic divine body, and he would surpass the emperor of war.

Up to now, although there is still a world difference compared with the peak period of the emperor of war, Shen Lang has been able to clearly see his own way of martial arts.

This road, in a sense, has surpassed the emperor of war.

This road has gone beyond the scope that the human world can understand.

Relatively speaking, it seems that Shen Lang won\'t be too happy to break through the martial realm of the great emperor recently.

The great emperor\'s martial arts realm is just a small barrier to surpass.


After Shen Lang was set, the growth of chaotic gods basically did not need to be managed.

Just like a machine, it goes on in an orderly way.

What Shen Lang has been doing these days is to understand the artistic conception of destruction.

This artistic conception of destruction was realized by Shen Lang when he entered the destruction space when he advanced the emperor\'s martial mirror.

Speaking of, it\'s only a few days.

But it is the most powerful and terrible of all the artistic conception understood by Shen Lang.

And the first understanding is to reach the realm of Dacheng!

The equal levels of artistic conception are: primary comprehension state, small achievement state, medium-term state, great achievement state, peak state and great perfection state.

Of all the artistic conception understood by Shen Lang, only this destructive artistic conception has reached the Dacheng realm at present.

The legendary artistic conception of destruction has reached the realm of Dacheng, which is actually a great achievement.

You know, artistic conception is the most direct embodiment of Wu Zhe\'s understanding of heaven and earth Avenue.

To understand artistic conception is to understand the way of heaven and earth. Although it is a little one-sided, it is not wrong.

The natural avenue of heaven and earth is mysterious and mysterious. It is too difficult to improve the artistic conception.

In addition to understanding, we also pay attention to opportunities, which can not be achieved by relying on efforts.

Shen Lang was able to enter the space of destruction because he refined the Tai Chi diagram of robbing thunder, then understood the rules and information of robbing thunder, and finally turned himself into robbing thunder.

It seems inevitable, but luck also accounts for a lot.

Because before the war, Shen Lang closed for a few days, but no matter how he tried, he could never enter the space of destruction again.

Not only that, but even like the silk thread communication rule space in several other artistic conception at the beginning, we can\'t do it!

Chance is such a thing. It\'s unpredictable.

If you can cultivate yourself into heaven, you can only sigh a lot.

But Shen Lang still didn\'t give up this attempt

"It seems to have caught something, but it seems to have caught nothing. How can we enter or communicate with the destruction space?"

"When I first entered the destruction space, it was simple and natural. How can I improve my cultivation so much now and understand more the meaning of the rules after refining and robbing thunder, but I can\'t communicate?"

"There must be something wrong..."

Shen Lang began to ponder all his feelings before entering the destruction space and all his feelings after entering.

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