Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1254

Shen Lang sneered and said, "what is it? You are really mine? I\'m from the demon temple and the left envoy of Zhuque mansion. I\'m also in a high position. Do you know these things are not very normal?"

"The demon temple has records about you guys, and they are extremely detailed!"

"I not only know that you were spanked by the war emperor, but I also know what happened when you were three or five years old!"

"What shit, King Dapeng with golden wings, hasn\'t he been caught like that?"

"How dare you pretend in front of me? If you are so capable, go and kill a blood clan emperor, or kill several demon hall masters!"

"Come to me and be arrogant!"

In the last sentence, Shen Lang almost roared: "get out of here, or I\'ll tell you all the colors of your belly pocket! Then it will spread all over the plague land!"

The moon Qingqian, who was completely overwhelmed, finally collapsed. In a flash, he cut thousands of knives in an instant!

The whole void turned into a knife prison

No one dares to approach the knife prison!

Shen Lang wanted to satirize a few more words, but unexpectedly, Yue Qingqian seemed to be discouraged. After cutting out the knife, he turned around and turned into himself and flew towards the plague.

Soon disappeared in sight!

This woman really ran away!

After a while, Shen Lang cautiously came out of the fengtianding, glanced at the rampant knife Qi around him, and sighed: "circle a fork, and provoke another strong enemy - this woman is so fierce that she won\'t attack me in the plague place?"

"Sure enough, you can\'t offend a woman if you offend anyone... But this time, you completely offended the woman!"

Just then, a gloomy voice sounded behind Shen Lang: "Oh, my left envoy of Zhuque house is really powerful. Do you even know the color of the belly pocket of King Jinji Dapeng of Wanyao house?"

"Come on, tell me, what color is her belly pocket?"

Shen Lang turned his eyes and saw three figures appear in the void at the same time.

Grandma Feng, LAN Mengling, and the Eastern Emperor.

The one who just spoke was naturally LAN Mengling.

At this time, LAN Mengling squinted at Shen Lang, flattened his mouth and was a little jealous.

Shen Lang raised his head, held his chest high and said in high spirits, "hmm? You\'re here too? Unfortunately, you\'re late. I\'ve beaten the king of golden winged Dapeng away."

"Hum, fight with me. She\'s a little tender!"

His shameless appearance made LAN Mengling turn his eyes: "don\'t talk nonsense. Why do you know so much about the light moon? You even know the color of your belly pocket?"

Women are very strange animals.

Sometimes, they just don\'t understand what is obviously absurd and obvious.

And once it\'s determined, it\'s useless to explain it.

For example, if the moon is shallow, everyone knows that it is Shen Lang\'s angry words, just angry with each other.

LAN Mengling regarded it as a major event. He had to be serious and ask clearly!

Shen Lang turned his eyes and said, "I don\'t just know more about the light moon. I know a lot about the big people in the world, whether it\'s the God of war hall, the ten thousand demon house, or the demon God hall."

"For example!" said Shen langyin, laughing and pointing to LAN Mengling, "let me guess what color of belly you are wearing today..."


Before he finished, LAN Mengling slapped him and hit Shen Lang on the head.

The shenlang screamed, and the missile crashed into the canyon below!

Shen Lang climbed out of the ground with a snort: "hit people if you don\'t understand. When can you change your temper!"

"You can\'t joke... Yeah? Why are you going?"

The blue dream spirit slipped in the air and had chased in the direction of the golden winged Dapeng king.

Shen Lang was surprised and tried his best to catch up.

"Catch up with Qingqing last month and kill her!" Lan Mengling\'s words were straightforward and all meant to kill.

Obviously, Yue Qingqian chased Shen Lang and made her move. I\'m really angry!

The speed of Shen Lang following him was far less than that of LAN Mengling under the rage. He chased farther and farther. He was so angry that he shouted: "chase a hair! Can you be faster than the golden winged ROC? Come back!"

LAN Mengling was stunned, turned around and rushed towards the lava land at an extremely fast speed.

She knows her speed. She really can\'t compare with the king of golden winged Dapeng. She can\'t catch up if she wants to catch up.


Shen Lang made a tiger swoop and caught the blue dream spirit foot that rushed past him like lightning.

LAN Mengling couldn\'t dodge. She was in the air, like a motorcycle that couldn\'t stop the car. In an instant, she ran thousands of miles away with the Shen wave that grabbed her feet!

Shen Lang grabbed the blue dream spirit feet, just like a kite. The two feet are like the two tails of a centipede kite, floating around

Mother-in-law Feng and the Eastern Emperor shook their heads.

Is this still the left envoy of Zhuque mansion who makes the blood clan turn pale?

This is a living treasure!

"What are you doing?"

LAN Mengling stopped in the void, frowned and scolded.

Shen Lang got up, stood up straight and said angrily, "I still want to ask you what you want to do?"

LAN Mengling raised his eyebrows and said, "go and kill the blood clan in Adelaide!"

"What are you going to kill?" Shen Lang turned his eyes and said, "I\'m afraid the sea king and the wind king had killed them all before I got here. What are you going to do now? Help them collect their bodies?"

"Hum!" the blue dream spirit whispered.

Shen Lang hurriedly comforted: "all right, all right, don\'t be angry. If you get angry and hurt your liver and lungs, you will get wrinkles. As a generation of beautiful women, it\'s best to smile more."

"They want to kill me. Where is it so easy? Didn\'t I come back unharmed?"

"The harm they have done to me is not worth your slap!"

Then Shen Lang suddenly turned to the Eastern Emperor and asked a little strangely, "did you kill Adelaide so soon? Oh, no wonder, it\'s really not difficult to kill Adelaide with the cultivation of the Eastern Emperor\'s martial arts realm."

LAN Mengling was surprised: "what? The cultivation of your Excellency the Eastern Emperor is the martial realm of the great emperor?"

"Hum, your Excellency the Eastern Emperor is really hidden!"

"It doesn\'t matter whether to hide or not. I even sold my soul. How can I not get back some benefits? In the 23rd year after I became a person in the demon God hall, I have advanced to the great emperor\'s martial arts realm, but you always think I am the emperor\'s martial mirror jiuchongtian." the Eastern Emperor said in a hoarse and ugly voice.

Blue Mengling snorted coldly.

The Eastern Emperor said faintly: "Adelaide\'s attainments in space are above me, so he escaped."

Shen Lang turned his eyes and said, "Your Excellency the Eastern Emperor is really Frank. Adelaide, who was badly repaired, ran away, but he didn\'t care. In fact..."

Before he finished, the Eastern Emperor disappeared on the spot like smoke.

"It\'s impolite for me to leave before I finish talking!" Shen Lang shook his head, leaned close to LAN Mengling and whispered, "by the way, is the Eastern Emperor a man..."

"Is envoy Zuo looking for me?" the Eastern Emperor appeared behind Shen Lang again.

Every time Shen Lang wants to ask about the Eastern Emperor, this guy appears behind Shen Lang with ghost spirit.

Up to now, Shen Lang still doesn\'t understand whether the emperor is male or female.

Shen Lang turned around and said brazenly, "Oh, it\'s not much. I just want to ask if the Eastern Emperor has the best spirit stone?"

"Yes," replied the Eastern Emperor quickly.

Shen Lang stretched out his palm: "then lend me 3000 yuan first."

"No." the Eastern Emperor replied very simply.

Shen Lang waved his hand and said, "forget it. Let\'s go. Bye."

The figure of the Eastern Emperor disappeared again.

"Two shameless people really have a tacit understanding." Lan Mengling sarcastically said,

At this time, mother-in-law Feng nodded to LAN Mengling and disappeared.

Shen Lang saw the void behind him, and then looked at the place where mother-in-law Feng was standing. God came up to LAN Mengling mysteriously.

"What are you doing?" Lan Mengling\'s face was a little red.

Shen Lang looked at LAN Mengling\'s eyes with affection, grinned and said, "Lan er..."

"Hmm?" Lan Mengling was more and more embarrassed.

Shen Lang got closer, and his lips almost stuck to lanmengling\'s ears: "Laner, do you... Do you have the best spirit stone?"

"..." Lan Mengling was stunned and immediately became angry. He waved his hand and clapped it!

Shen Lang, who had been prepared, laughed and flew towards the plague!


Before he could be proud, the blue Mengling behind came first, kicked him on the back and stepped him directly on the ground below!

Shen Lang expected LAN Mengling to chase, but she didn\'t expect her to go all out to chase, and her feet were so fierce that it was unimaginable!

If it weren\'t for the black Pluto armor, Shen Lang would have vomited three liters of blood!

"If you improve your accomplishments a little, you dare to be arrogant in front of me?" Lan Mengling sneered and said, "at least, you have to surpass me in speed first."

"Ah... Ah! It\'s just a joke to make you happy. It\'s boring to be serious!" Shen Lang spit out sediment from his mouth and struggled twice.

There is still a big distance between his power and LAN Mengling.

In desperation, Shen Lang shouted, "let go... Oh, let go! At least I\'m also the left envoy of Zhuque mansion. Can you give me some face?"

"Face?" Lan Mengling stepped on Shen Lang\'s back, smiled and said, "play with me, but you will die! What\'s the use of face if you die?"

"I\'m not kidding you!" Shen Lang shouted, "don\'t you know I want the best spirit stone? What do you think I\'ll say to you?"

"Asshole!" Lan Mengling was so angry that he directly stood on Shen Lang\'s back, stepped on it fiercely and stepped on it hard!

Trampling on the waves

The valley full of Dao meaning is full of Shen Lang\'s strange cry and LAN Mengling\'s laughter.

When they left and flew to the plague, the Eastern Emperor appeared from his original position.

Looking at the direction Shen Lang left, the Eastern Emperor disappeared quietly again.