Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1253

Shen Lang continued in a strange and quick tone: "three thousand years ago, you led the strong men of the ten thousand demon house to fight with the Xuanwu demon General of the demon God hall."

"Because of your stubbornness, the strong men of Wanyao mansion finally fell into the ambush of Xuanwu mansion, and a large group of strong men of Wanyao mansion fell, which destroyed your eldest brother\'s body and almost destroyed his form and spirit!"

The moon was light, the eyelashes trembled suddenly, and the eyes became dim in an instant.

The guilt hidden deep in her heart was directly detonated by Shen Lang.

Shen Lang spoke out one by one about the mistakes made by Yue Qingqian over the years.

Most of these things are known to the strong in the war temple and the strong in the ten thousand demon mansion.

But everyone deliberately bypassed these things. For thousands of years, no one has mentioned these past events, let alone in front of the moon.

But the silent moon is shallow and deep inside, but where can you forget these things?

All kinds of guilt and remorse, the deeper they are hidden, the more frightening they erupt.

Shen Lang took a fancy to this

When Shen Lang told these things one by one, Yue Qingqian finally lost his composure and his breathing became heavy.

"You are ignorant and heartless. In order to deal with the large number of \'blood clothes sect\' of the devil, you don\'t hesitate to draw the evil spirit of the blood Sha Island, trap the blood clothes sect for seven days and seven nights, and let the blood clothes sect fall into madness, kill each other, regardless of men, women, old and young, and finally have no life!"

"Are there no good people in the devil\'s way? Are those newborn babies in the devil\'s way also evil heads?"

"For your own self-interest, after the barbarians retreated to the northern wilderness, you ignored the warnings of the war temple and the ten thousand demon mansion, went deep into the barbarians, robbed the most precious holy Sabre of the barbarians, and killed countless powerful barbarians, causing the barbarians to die and howl everywhere!"

"After losing a large number of powerful people and the sacred sword, the barbarians suffered attacks from other hostile races many times. Do you know how many people died for this?"

"You think you are self righteous, think you have excellent cultivation, and don\'t arrange the ten thousand demon house array according to the demon emperor\'s orders, resulting in the loosening of the seal of the dark abyss, escaping several abyss lords, and finally killing and injuring several tribes of the demon family and bleeding into a river!"

"You treat other races like this, and you treat your own demon clan like this! In your eyes, you are always the only one!"

"You open your mouth and shut your mouth. You are one of the three kings of the ten thousand demon house. You stand on the side of justice and want to attack our demon God hall and kill all evil in time. But what you do is not the same as the demon God hall?"

"You open your mouth and call us the great devil, but you don\'t know that you have long been an unforgivable devil in the eyes of many races!"

Yue Qingqian shouted angrily, "have you said enough!"

Shen Lang sneered, "of course not! It\'s not enough!"

"Now your name of King Dapeng with golden wings is famous all over the world, but I don\'t know... People in the devil\'s way are frightened when they see you, and people in the right way are frightened when they see you!"

"You live to bring disaster to people, make people feel uncomfortable, and bring darkness to people, but you always think you are great and can bring light to the world!"

"In fact, you are far inferior to the abyss devil! You are a devil in the coat of justice!"

Yueqingqian couldn\'t bear it anymore: "shut up!"

"If you say shut up, shut up? What kind of thing are you?" Shen Lang sneered and said, "I let you go. You won\'t go. You let me shut up. Why should I shut up?"

The moon was so angry that she trembled all over. In her hand, the divine knife was raised, and the fierce and unparalleled knife light was cut out in all directions!


Like the collapse of heaven and earth, the wild jungle thousands of miles around is in a mess!

However, Shen Lang in fengtianding didn\'t pay attention to all this at all.

Even the "heaven" can seal the Tianding, just like in another space. Although you can see it, Shen Lang can\'t feel any attack at all.

Shen Lang sneered and said one thing after another.

Of course, these things are not recorded in the demon temple.

On the contrary, these things are recorded in the temple of the God of war and in the memory of the emperor of war!

But there are some things in it. Shen Lang deliberately exaggerates a little in order to stimulate the clarity of the moon.

In short, everything is the fault of yueqingqian who put it down that year, and these things are hidden in yueqingqian\'s heart, which once became an obstacle to her advancement, and even a heart demon that is difficult to resolve.

The demon emperor asked Yue Qingqian to cultivate the "ruthless Dao", cut off the past and cause and effect, which also has a lot to do with these things.

Before cultivating "ruthless Dao", the moon was shallow, tricky, forthright and generous, which was completely opposite to the current iceberg queen.

Shen Lang knew all this, so he stimulated her so much!

To stimulate yueqingqian, in addition to "scare away" yueqingqian, Shen Lang actually wants to help her break through the bottleneck of "ruthless Dao".

The war emperor is beyond the existence of the four great emperors. Whether in the cultivation of martial arts or the understanding of heaven and earth Avenue, he has far exceeded the four great emperors.

Therefore, Shen Lang\'s view of "ruthless Dao" is very different from that of the demon emperor.

In Shen Lang\'s opinion, the "ruthless Dao" that broke the seven emotions and six baths is completely a side door skill.

In other words, the demon family\'s road of cultivating this "ruthless Dao" actually deviated and went to a fork in the road.

People or demons;

God or devil.

In fact, they still have seven emotions and six baths.

Without all kinds of feelings such as joy, anger, worry, thought, sadness, fear and fear, what\'s the difference between it and stone?

In fact, in the history of the demon family, many amazing and gorgeous strong people who practiced "ruthless Dao" finally cut off seven emotions and six baths to forget and be heartless.

However, no one has ever successfully cultivated the "ruthless Dao" and reached the ultimate goal.

This problem has plagued the demon clan for thousands of years.

In the end, no one is willing to practice this "ruthless Dao" anymore.

In the history of the demon family, there is only one person who really cultivates this "ruthless Dao" to the end, that is, Taiyi, the legendary strong demon family who created this peerless Dao skill!

This is the only person who can be compared with the demon ancestor under the demon God in the history of the demon family!

However, according to legend, this demon family\'s incomparable strong man who has cultivated to "forget his feelings" has many confidants, and finally seems to fly into the demon world with those confidants!

Isn\'t this self contradictory to "ruthless Dao"?

Shen Lang thought of these things and didn\'t understand them very much... Taiyi, who founded the "ruthless Dao" and broke through the "too forgetful" Taiyi, clearly has reached the point of supreme love and nature. Why does the demon family just don\'t understand and have to cut off all feelings?

Over the years, "ruthless Dao" has almost been abandoned by the demon clan, but now it appears for another month.

Did the demon emperor do this on purpose, or did even the demon emperor fall into such a misunderstanding?

Shen Lang doesn\'t have time to understand and ponder these things, but Shen Lang thought long ago that if you want to break through the bottleneck of "ruthless Dao", you must forget your feelings first, and finally reach your feelings, and then your feelings and nature!

So taking advantage of this opportunity, Shen Lang began to "guide" the moon without trace.

Even if he heard and saw these words and actions, he could not have other ideas.

Because it\'s really too "vicious".

It\'s not the enemy. I really can\'t say such words and do such things!

And now the change of the moon, as he expected, a face has changed from ancient well to panic!

"She really didn\'t forget those things in those years, but they were hidden in her heart."

"There are some things that are not as serious as I said, but obviously she remembers and has been guilty..."

"Moon Qingqian, moon Qingqian, I know you are not as unbearable as I said, so I hope these words can help you break the bottleneck of \'ruthless Dao\' and find your true self, instead of losing yourself on the road of \'forgetting feelings\' and\' desperate feelings\'!"

"I also hope that after being stimulated by me, you can find the smooth road of this\' ruthless Dao \'and recognize the cultivation direction, instead of breeding demons and falling into chaos!"

A strong person who has reached this level of cultivation is basically like a rock. It\'s hard to shake anything.

But if the heart devil breeds, the consequences are also extremely terrible.

If you are careless, your accomplishments may completely stagnate;

More serious, you may be possessed, either crazy or stupid!

Shen Lang paid attention to the changes of the moon. His mouth kept talking about some adult past events.

At this time, the moon is clear, but where is the posture of the iceberg queen?

Her eyes were scattered, her body trembled uncontrollably, and her breathing became heavier and heavier.

Even the surrounding protective vigorous Qi has a flaw that should not appear everywhere because of the change of mood!

All kinds of negative emotions such as regret, guilt, sadness and despair hidden in the bottom of her heart were pulled out by Shen Lang\'s words.

She has not reached "forgetting" and "heartless", and now she is on the verge of collapse

Even Shen Lang felt that he had gone too far.

But the right medicine, now that the right medicine, we must take strong medicine!

"In order to select a new generation of war emperor, the war god temple held a trial in a desolate secret place. The war god temple is the holy land of the human race, and the war emperor is the supreme leader of the human race. You, a demon race, entered in disguise and tried to seize the position of the war emperor!"

"As a result, many young strong people in the war temple were swallowed up by the broken void and scared!"

"Not only that, you also hurt the killer of the war emperor who witnessed all this and want to kill him!"

"As a result, the war emperor revealed his real power, easily defeated you, cut off half of your wings and spanked you..."

Yue Qingqian\'s eyes were full of panic and tension, and she screamed: "how did you... How did you know this? You really... It was you!"