Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1250

Half a day later

The flustered and violent energy of the lava land has almost been absorbed by the Shen wave.

Such a terrible force is unimaginable.

Only the energy after the destruction of the demon blood in nightmare swamp can be compared.

When you return to the nightmare swamp and devour the remaining energy, Taiji diagram is afraid of another change.

With such powerful energy and poor blood essence, there is no suspense about Shen Lang\'s impact on the emperor\'s martial realm.


Looking at a messy lava land, Shen Lang brushed his palm gently in front.

With a powerful suction, the scattered sumijiao and some broken magic weapons of the blood clan were collected in a short time.

Just then, the figure in the air flashed

"The king of sea and water" and "the king of sky and wind", as well as the mysterious Eastern Emperor, appeared over the lava land.

"Zuo... Why is envoy Zuo here? Shouldn\'t you be in the plague? What happened here?"

The "king of the sea and water" could not help taking a breath when he looked at the collapsed mountains around him, the huge claw marks on the lava land and the terrible space cracks.

He couldn\'t understand Shen Lang more and more, and he "respected" this guy more and more.

Where this guy appears, it\'s always such a destructive scene.

Look at it now, can it be said that there are a large group of top strongmen of imperial martial mirror scuffling here?

But all of them are dead. Why is it that only Shen Lang is standing here?

Question marks appeared in the minds of the two heavenly kings.

Shen Lang looked up at the three people, grinned and said, "the three are a step late."

"The blood clan, led by Adelaide and other three imperial martial mirror jiuchongtian strongmen, set up a \'God killing array\' here, and then detained me here to frighten me..."

"Kill... Kill God array!" "king of ocean and water" and "king of sky and wind" only feel dry.

The blood clan is a unique killing array created by using space power. As the king of heaven, how can they not have heard of it?

That\'s a terrorist array that even the strong in the military realm of the great emperor can blow into nothingness!

But look at this scene

In order to deal with Shen Lang, the blood clan also used the terrible thing of "God killing array".

Finally, Shen Lang stood here unharmed, but the blood clan was completely destroyed?

The two heavenly kings began to wipe sweat.

The Eastern Emperor, on the other hand, was always unpredictable, neither speaking nor responding.

Shen Lang said calmly, "it\'s just that I\'m always lucky and didn\'t die by them in the end."

"Mother-in-law Feng chased over at the first time, killed more than 20000 blood clan strong people with one claw, killed two imperial martial mirror jiuchongtian strong people at the same time, and finally only let Adelaide escape."

"Sure enough, grandma Feng has arrived... Only her old man can show such a terrible move." the two heavenly kings suddenly realized.

But I don\'t know why, they looked at each other and didn\'t seem to fully believe Shen Lang\'s words.

Shen Lang said it with ease, but there seems to be something hidden in it?

At this time, the Eastern Emperor suddenly said, "I\'ll go after Adelaide. The two heavenly kings are tired and solve all the blood families behind."

"King of sea and water" and "king of sky and wind" responded in unison: "good!"

If before, when there were no rivals on the blood clan side, they were afraid of their identity and would not easily fight against those weak blood clan... If they were the heavenly king to do everything, what would Tiangang, Disha and the people of the major devil generals do?

But they were trapped by the blood clan for some time with the Eastern Emperor.

At the moment, a weak spirit is also stuffy in my heart, there is no place to vent, but even any blood clan is unwilling to let go.

They threw a fist at Shen Lang, identified the direction and killed the blood clan reinforcements!

The Eastern Emperor seemed to see Shen Lang and immediately turned into a fog and disappeared into the void.

Shen Lang stood with his hands down and turned his eyes to the direction where the "king of ocean and water" disappeared.

I\'m afraid Adelaide has already escaped from serious injury, and Nora doesn\'t know where to run;

The strongest power of the blood clan was destroyed by mother-in-law Feng in a rage;

These hundreds of thousands of blood clan reinforcements are at best hundreds of thousands of mole ants, but how can they stop the two heavenly kings of the furious demon temple?

Endless blood, it will start again soon

If it had been before, I\'m afraid Shen Lang would have to find a way to get in the way.

It\'s like the ghost night ghost deliberately let Nora go.

You want to deliberately leave the power of the blood clan to kill the demon God hall.

But now the blood clan has detained Shen Lang here, which almost makes him irreparable

Buddha also has three fire points!

Shen Lang was lucky that he didn\'t run to kill them.

"In this way, it\'s cheaper for the demon temple."

The blood clan is completely damaged. If you want to see through with the demon temple, you must at least wait for the next group of strong people to come.

Because the blood clan wants to deal with Shen Lang, it finally leads to mother-in-law Feng\'s action, but inadvertently destroys Shen Lang\'s plan.

"But good, the plague place can be quiet for at least some time."

Standing in the void for half a sound, Shen Lang urged his broken silver eyes and swept the surrounding area of millions of miles.

After half a ring, he said respectfully, "son Shen Lang, please show up!"

There was a concussion in the void ahead, and the figure of the old witch appeared again.

Obviously, it is still a mirror projection.

I\'m afraid the old man of the witch clan is thousands of miles away.

It\'s easy to control the mirror projection at such a long distance, and even deceive the strong such as mother-in-law Feng. The legendary witch clan really has unpredictable ability!

As soon as the old man of the witch clan appeared, his bark like face smiled: "son, we have been waiting for you for hundreds of thousands of years... It\'s a matter here. Please come to the secret place of the witch clan."

When facing the blood clan, the strong man of the witch clan seems to be more evil and terrible than the blood clan.

In the face of Shen waves, it is kindness to the extreme.

Shen Lang nodded slightly, "I\'ll go."

"Thank you for your help, or it will be terrible this time."

The old man of the witch clan smiled and said, "the secret mirror is the key to the secret place of the witch clan. Take it and it will guide you to the secret place of the witch clan. The legendary son of fate, we witch clan are waiting for you."

"Besides, be careful of the candle dragon."

Just after saying this, the figure of the witch elder became empty and disappeared slowly.

"Watch out for the candle dragon?"

Shen Lang was stunned by the last sentence of the witch elder.

It is undeniable that the legendary fierce beast candle dragon is really very powerful.

Among the major devil generals, the candle dragon may be able to rank first, which is no less than the divine beast.

However, Shen Lang\'s accomplishments are far from what they used to be, and the candle dragon has not recovered from the battle of the northern netherworld polar sect. What does the old witch family mean by reminding to be careful of the candle dragon?

Shen Lang frowned slightly and pondered the words of the witch elder.

The mysterious and strange race of the witch family is cultivated by the Pangu Protoss in this world. It can be said that it is the tradition handed down by the Pangu Protoss in this world.

What they said to Shen Lang can never be aimless.

The problem is, this kind of thing is unreasonable!

First of all, with Shen Lang\'s current cultivation and black hell armor, even if the candle dragon is defeated, it may not be a threat of death;

Objectively speaking, Shen Lang\'s current strength can cope with the eight heavenly strongmen of the imperial martial mirror, but when he meets Nora, who is the nine heavenly strongman of the imperial martial mirror, he still has only a way to run.

But Nora may not be able to get into trouble.

The candle dragon is several levels stronger than Nora, but the serious injury has not healed, and the threat is very limited.

Shen Lang\'s cultivation is advancing by leaps and bounds, and a drop of poor and strange blood essence in his hand can be swallowed up in a few days... When he swallowed the poor and strange blood essence at that time, coupled with the vast energy absorbed by the recent Tai Chi diagram, it is not difficult to advance the martial arts of the great emperor.

At least, it\'s not difficult to hit the Jiuchong heaven of emperor Wujing.

Once the emperor\'s martial mirror is advanced to the Ninth Heaven, why are you afraid of candle dragons?

Secondly, at present, Shen Lang has a special position in the demon temple. Although he had a little conflict with the candle dragon at the beginning, it is not a big deal.

Speaking of it, I\'m afraid the hatred between the two sides can\'t match the hatred between poor Qi house and Shen Lang - after all, Shen Lang crippled the master of poor Qi house and brought a drop of poor Qi\'s blood essence.

At this time, Shen Lang\'s eyes flashed: "with my current strength, it is difficult for the candle dragon to threaten to get my self. However, he can threaten to get xuandaozong!"

"If the candle dragon shot at xuandaozong..."

The murderous spirit diffused from Shen Lang.

Speaking of it, the candle dragon still has a reason to attack xuandaozong - Yuan Li fragment used to build an altar to lead the demon lord back!

"You want to deal with me, how do you know I didn\'t want to deal with you?" Shen Lang sneered at the bottom of his heart: "when I was in the blessed land of Yumu cave, I had gone through Bai Luobing to find the witch shop to find out the hidden position of the candle Dragon."

"Although there is no Wu XingKong in my memory, it doesn\'t seem too difficult to do this since I am a military master of the God of war hall and a disciple of ancient customs."

"It seems that I\'ll ask the night nether about it later."

"Find out where the candle dragon is hidden and pass it to Taotie as quickly as possible. It\'s better to start first!"

"At the same time, find a chance to cut off the wings of the candle dragon!"

After receiving the reminder from the witch elder, Shen Lang immediately remembered the original calculation of the candle dragon.

Once he knows a threat, what Shen Lang likes to do most is to start first.

Kill that threat in the cradle!

At that time, the strength was not enough to deal with the candle dragon. Now the strength has reached the point of competing with the candle dragon, and with the identity of the left envoy of the Zhuque mansion, who is afraid of who?

If you want to play, you\'ll die!

"After you get the source of pain, go to the amber dream as soon as possible. Ask the green dragon family for help and finish the killing armor first!"

"Solve the evil god in the killing armor and send it back to Mo ge... With this killing armor in hand, his strength can increase ten times and a hundred times in a short time!"

Shen Lang stood quietly in the void for a moment, turned and flew rapidly towards the plague land.

There are so many things he wants to do. Shen Lang really has a feeling of "returning home like an arrow".

However, the land of lava is more than two million - miles away from the land of plague.

The power of chaos was almost exhausted before, and has not recovered much up to now. The number of times to break the space channel is also very limited.

Even if Shen Lang did his best, he was still so slow that he almost vomited blood!

A day and a half later

Shen Lang, tired as a dog, finally approached the edge of the plague land.

"Finally, it\'s coming!"

Feeling the strong breath of death ahead, Shen Lang felt the joy of returning home.

"Adelaide, this bastard, let me break my leg. The next time I meet him, I have to beat him with incomplete limbs!"

"I don\'t know what\'s going on in the plague place now..." Shen Lang thought a little and immediately urged the broken false silver eyes.

It\'s just that the broken silver eyes don\'t work.

After seeing the scene ahead, Shen Lang was startled.

"Circle a fork!"

Shen Lang made a rude remark. He didn\'t want to. He turned and ran away!

This action, that is to be more embarrassed, more embarrassed