Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1251

When Shen Lang was close to the plague place, he once again urged his broken silver eyes to see the current situation of the plague place.

It doesn\'t matter. He just tried his best to get back, turned around and ran away!

Even the blood clan "God killing array" finally had no way to get him. What can make Shen Lang panic and run away?

But it turned out that when Shen Lang urged to break the false silver eyes, a huge golden winged ROC bird in the void was flying towards the outside of the plague at the speed of reaching the extreme!

Looking at this murderous posture, Shen Lang hardly needs to guess. He knows that the other party is coming at him!

Moreover, it must have been waiting for a long time!

Previously, after helping Yue Qingqian and others break the "broken soul original world" imitated by the blood family, Shen Lang knew that he had revealed his flaws. Wang yueqingqian, a golden winged ROC, suspected that it was the reincarnation of the war emperor, and then stared at him.

Unexpectedly, this woman moves so fast!

When Shen Lang was abducted and just came back, he rushed out at the first time!

Before, the two sides signed a truce contract. If Shen Lang was in the plague, he would not be afraid of her.

What\'s worse, there are hundreds of thousands of miles left from the plague

Moon Qingqian, this woman, is obviously playing wipe edge ball and wants to snipe him outside the plague land!

Otherwise, she would not have found him so far away from the plague and chased him!

In the face of this dilemma, Shen Lang wants to rush into the plague place at the first time. In this case, there is a contractual constraint. Yue Qingqian may not really dare to attack him.

But to measure, at the speed of the golden winged ROC king, Shen Lang has absolutely no chance.

I\'m afraid she will stop me if I\'m still a long way from the plague place, and then

"The moon is clear, I\'ll circle you a fork!"

Shen Lang was so angry that he roared up to the sky.

These days I don\'t know if it\'s because I\'ve hurt the blood clan. I always feel that everything is not going well.

It was not easy to encounter an opportunity to devour the power left by the bone and blood descendants of the double heavenly demons in the great emperor\'s Wu territory. As a result, a Nora was killed, which ruined his good deed;

He beat Nora away and broke the blood clan array. He thought he could finally have a rest. As a result, Adelaide gave up dealing with the ghost Zun night ghost and detained him in the place of lava!

Everything finally settled, and the blood clan was - dried up.

With the effort of the boss and the strength of sucking, he finally rushed back to the plague from the lava land. As a result, Wang Yueqing, a golden winged ROC, waited here early in the morning!

Now, Shen Lang has to use his strength to feed again... Stay away from the plague!

This made Shen Lang so angry that he almost felt crazy!

Not to mention the others, if the delay is long, the power left by the demon blood will dissipate in the void, less and less!

Where can I find this opportunity next time?

"Although I have been guarding against yueqingqian, strictly speaking, apart from the small things in those years, the war Emperor didn\'t have any great hatred with yueqingqian in his memory?"

"Look at this woman\'s posture now. She\'s murderous and determined to win! Even if her grandmother killed the blood clan or the people in the demon temple, she didn\'t see her so active and so... Excited?"

"Didn\'t Zhan Di spank you once during the trial? As for thousands of years, he didn\'t even let go of reincarnation?" Shen Lang thought more and more angrily.

Yueqingqian is not a strong man in the nine heaven of the ordinary emperor\'s martial mirror, but a strong man who has stepped into the martial realm of the great emperor with half a foot. The gap between the two sides is too big.

Especially in terms of speed.

Even the rosefinch and Phoenix among the top ten divine beasts, how can their speed be compared with the golden winged ROC?

Although Shen Lang tried his best, the distance between the two sides is still getting closer!

"Amitabha, abbess, I don\'t owe you any money. Why are you always chasing me behind my ass?"

Shen Langtou didn\'t look back and cried with a sad face.

"I haven\'t seen the left envoy for some time. I have a few words to say to the left envoy. Please stay here," said Yue Qingqing, who kept closing up

"Keep your sister! As soon as your ass pouts, I\'ll know what you\'re going to do!" Shen Lang roared: "are you fucking sick? I didn\'t recruit you and didn\'t annoy you. There are a large number of blood clans over there. If you don\'t cut me, you\'ll cut me?"

The moon\'s shallow mood is like bubo Gu Jing: "you are sick. Do you have medicine?"

As soon as the voice fell, Shen Lang only felt his spine cold and his hair grew up all over his body!

Looking back, I saw a flash of knife light.

In the void, a sword light that dominates the world fell straight towards him!

The light of the knife was like a shuttle, fierce and unparalleled. There was only one light of the knife, but it occupied the whole void and sealed the position around Shen Lang!

"The moon is clear and shallow!" Shen Lang shouted, "I\'m not easy to mess with, young master!"

The immortal Tiandao suddenly came out of its scabbard. "Magic Dao formula" the third Dao "Tianmo Dao" instantly urged and waved three knives!


Like the sound of angry thunder, it made Shen Lang\'s ears rumble and make a disorderly noise.

Shen Lang\'s three sabres were instantly broken by Yue Qingqian\'s sabre. The light of the sabre was blocked a little, and the speed was a little slow. It fell on the immortal Sabre with a bang!


Shen Lang only felt his hands numb, snorted, and fell down like a meteorite.

Fortunately, I have the black hell armor. Although the sword skill of yueqingqian is strong, after being consumed by the immortal sky sword, the remaining strength is finally blocked by the black hell armor.

"No... poof!"

Shen Lang didn\'t have time to rejoice. He found something wrong. A mouthful of blood gushed out directly!

It turned out that although the power of yueqingqian\'s knife was offset by the black hell armor, the powerful knife intention penetrated through the body and fell on Shen Lang\'s body!

Yue Qingqing\'s Dao meaning has reached a great level, which is tens of times better than Shen Lang\'s medium-term Dao meaning!

Under the erosion of the sword idea, Shen Lang had no time to urge the destruction mood to resist, that is, Qi and blood churned and blood sprayed from his mouth!

"Shameless woman, bullying Lao Tzu\'s cultivation is not as good as her, which secretly urges the sword intention of Dacheng realm!"

"She really didn\'t come to flirt, but... She really wanted to kill me!"

Yueqingqian is the top power of the imperial martial mirror jiuchongtian, and her sword intention has reached a great level. The divine weapon in her hand is still one of the top ten Heavenly weapons. I\'m afraid ten or eight Noras can\'t get a knife from her.

The moon in the back shrunk her eyes: "the \'magic knife formula\' of Tianqing sect?"


Shen Lang is well aware of the power gap between himself and the other party. Even with the black hell armor and the same destructive artistic conception of Dacheng realm, he is still unable to compete with the other party.

Without hesitation, the speed of Shen wave was suddenly raised, and immediately flew out obliquely when it fell, taking advantage of the situation to open a little distance!

"Overestimate one\'s strength!" four words came out of the moon behind.

Compared with the golden winged ROC king, the moon is clear and shallow, it is really beyond our power.

Seeing Shen Lang Dodge, the moon drank lightly, and Zun Shendao cut out again!

A sharp knife Qi flew out from the tip of the knife, directly broke the space, and appeared behind the Shen wave in an instant!

"Darling, the moon is clear. Did you eat explosives?"

Feeling the unparalleled power behind, Shen Lang\'s heart jumped suddenly. His body was like a loach, snorting twice in the air, avoiding the knife of moon Qingqian between lightning and flint.

However, this is only the beginning

As the distance gets closer, the moon becomes more and more threatening to Shen Lang!

The woman seemed to face an enemy stronger than her, and she showed no mercy when she shot!

A shot, almost used most of the strength!

When I was ready to kill the "king of ocean and water" and the "king of sky and wind", I didn\'t see her work so hard?

"Boom, boom!"

The sound of wind and thunder kept ringing in the air.

They fought and walked, and the distance was getting closer.

"Moon breaking demon Sabre formula" and "ruthless Sabre method" are used alternately. Under the urging of unparalleled Demon power, Zun divine Sabre is full of horror Sabre Qi one after another. With the supreme Sabre intention and killing intention, he vowed to cut Shen Lang into eight pieces!


Shen Lang urged his body method to dodge constantly. At the same time, he tried his best to urge the immortal Tiandao to resist, but he was beaten like a boat in the wave, rising and falling from time to time, as if he would be torn to pieces by the storm at any time!

"This evil woman..."

He couldn\'t fight, but he couldn\'t hide. Shen Lang had no choice but to urge the "Vientiane demon"!

In an instant, countless figures immediately flew out in all directions, extremely fast!

"The magic Sabre formula of breaking the moon, thousands of sabres are endless, and thousands of sabres break the emptiness!"

In the light and cold sound of the moon, endless knife light blooms!

Shen Lang urged the thousands of figures transformed by the "Vientiane demon" to appear. As soon as they appeared, they were cut into nothingness in an instant!

This woman has long been on guard against Shen Lang\'s move of "Vientiane devil"!

As soon as the "Vientiane demon" was displayed, all the images had been cut to pieces by this peerless crazy knife!

And Shen Lang, also in this moment, completely disappeared without a trace.

"That\'s unreasonable. Even these two knives are used. This is to cut me into countless pieces and destroy both form and spirit!"

I was stabbed before, and then I heard "thousands of knives are endless, thousands of knives break the void", Shen Lang already knew

The woman really wanted to kill him, but she definitely didn\'t come here to ask if he was the emperor of war!

Shen Lang knows that "a thousand swords are endless" and "ten thousand swords break the void" are the two most powerful swords in the "magic Sabre formula of breaking the moon"!

Taboo two knives!

Even when dealing with the blood clan giant ox before, Yue Qingqian didn\'t use these two knives!

But now, just after the chase, she used these two knives on Shen Lang!

Shen Lang really doesn\'t understand why this woman sprouted such a murderous intention to him.

Even if it is suspected that he is the war emperor, even if the war emperor spanked her and had a little old resentment with her, as for cutting Shen Lang into death like this?

If she really suspects that he is the emperor of war... She is not afraid to kill the emperor of war. How many people will be killed?

She is not afraid that the ten thousand demon mansion and the God of war hall will become enemies directly, making the world more chaotic?

Just because the war emperor spanked her, can we ignore the overall situation and do everything to kill Shen Lang, who is "suspected" of the war emperor?

"Is this woman crazy to practice \'ruthless Dao\'?"

Because of the lack of the memory of the Eastern Emperor, Shen Lang didn\'t know that the emperor had killed the moon for the Eastern Emperor.

I don\'t know anything about those things between the three.

In desperation, Shen Lang had to get into fengtianding.

"Boom, boom!"

Endless knife light continues to rage.

Shen Lang in Feng Tianding looked at everything outside with a black face