Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1249

The array is running at full speed.

The blood crystal has also burst into nothingness.

But all the blood clan strongmen present can see clearly

Shen Lang has left this space before the power of this space finally urges him!

The "God killing array" failed to kill this strange and unpredictable Terran boy in the end!

"No... impossible!"

Adelaide roared.

How can this result be accepted?

This is completely impossible!

What kind of person, or magic weapon, can escape easily under the power of this space?

Although the witch clan is strong, it has never heard of any magic weapon that can cope with the power of space?

As long as the mirror is still inside, it should be completely nothingness at the moment!

All the blood clan strong men looked at each other and couldn\'t believe that such a thing would happen.

Before Adelaide was ready to use this God killing array and the power of tens of thousands of blood families to deal with Shen waves, many blood family strong people were very dissatisfied.

Just don\'t dare to show it.

This big array should have been used to deal with people like ghost Zun night ghost and mother-in-law Feng.

Shen Lang, how can you let the blood clan take so much trouble to deal with it?

It\'s a joke to kill a chicken with an ox knife!

Unexpectedly, the Terran boy was so terrible!

Even such a dilemma can escape!

Three blood shadows flashed in the air. Adelaide three people have appeared around the small "cage" space condensed by the French array.


The three did not stop, pinched a printing formula, and immediately entered the "cage" as if it were a black hole.

In this cage, not only the blood crystal, but also the six blood family treasures on the blood crystal have disappeared.

Without the blood of the blood clan and the control of the big array, what kind of person can escape at the moment of the final operation of the big array?

"Brother, can we make a mistake... In fact, Shen Lang and the mirror have been destroyed into nothingness by this layer of space?" asked a white faced young man among the three.

This possibility is very large.

Even the strong in the great emperor\'s martial realm can\'t escape the shackles of the power of space. How can they do this with Shen Lang\'s cultivation?

The strong man of the witch family is just a mirror projection. He lost a mirror and didn\'t really appear.

The "God killing array" was not attacked or damaged.

Even among the three people\'s thoughts, the black hole "prison" formed by the "God killing array" is very stable from beginning to end, without even a flaw or a crack.

If so, it means that Shen Lang did not break the array or leave the space.

As long as you don\'t leave, you will be cut into countless pieces by these layers of space, and finally disappear!


Adelaide always felt something was wrong.

Finally, Shen Lang was too calm when he spoke.

Calm to a strange level.

This makes Adelaide feel... Shen Lang is not dead!

And he knows he won\'t die!

This feeling can drive Adelaide crazy

When Adelaide frowned, a figure he didn\'t want to see now appeared over the lava land.

Grandma Feng!

With her extraordinary attainments in space, mother-in-law Feng came here in a short time, following the breath of Shen Lang and blood clan!

Seeing that there was no Shen wave in the black hole cage, Granny Feng\'s anger almost overturned half the sky!

"Give it to me, young master!"

The voice of mother-in-law Feng is not big, but it is like an ancient demon from rage.

Let all blood clans here in the lava land break their hearts!


Without waiting for the blood clan reaction below, the angry mother-in-law Feng has already shot!

A terrible bird\'s claw, under the hood, shrouded the whole lava land!

An unparalleled, domineering and fierce breath broke out in an instant with this huge claw as the core and with the gas of murder and death.

The void is like glass, cracking like a spider\'s web.

"Bang bang!"

The huge claws have not yet completely fallen, and the blood families on the stone pillar below burst one by one under this unspeakable pressure, exploding into a blood mist!

Some blood families with strong cultivation are crazy to attack outside and want to break out of the shackles of this claw.

However, in the scope covered by this huge claw, the whole space has been imprisoned.

A group of strong imperial martial mirror hit the space barrier, and the time was seven meat and eight vegetables!

Grandma Feng\'s move is really very simple.

But under the huge gap of power, such a simple move is the most useful!

The unparalleled ferocity of the nine day devil luoniao shrouded the whole lava land. As soon as it fell, thousands of blood families could not withstand this terrible pressure and directly burst into fly ash!

Losing the control of most blood families, the black hole "cage" suddenly shook and seemed to have been unstable!


The three Adelaide in the black hole cage were stunned. They turned around and threw into the black hole!

Facing the angry mother-in-law Feng, the three couldn\'t even raise their resistance.

They directly abandoned the more than 20000 strong blood clan outside and turned around to escape!

Adelaide three people\'s practice is undoubtedly the most correct.

I am the wind mother-in-law of the nine sky devil luoniao. Even if the cultivation level is equivalent to the three of them, it is not something they can deal with.

What\'s more, mother-in-law Feng is still the double heaven of Emperor Wu territory!

The gap between the two sides can\'t be counted at all!

"Can you go?"

The wind in the void, mother-in-law\'s two hands move at the same time

Her left hand pinched gently, and the huge claws closed immediately!

The remaining 10000 strong members of the blood clan did not even have a chance to escape, but were directly pinched and exploded.

The whole place of lava kept making a loud noise, the mountains collapsed, the magma burst, and the blood mist filled the sky

It\'s like the end!

At the same time, the crutch of mother-in-law Feng\'s right hand tilted downward.

"Hiss, hiss, hiss!"

The crutch didn\'t look very strange. This action was not very powerful, but it easily broke through layers of space and stabbed the three Adelaide\'s back in an instant!

As soon as the three talents had just entered the black hole space, the power of space had not yet worked, and they were instantly pierced by mother-in-law Feng\'s crutch.

Like a string of grasshoppers, it is directly strung into a string!


Adelaide three people screamed to be born.

Under the confinement of this strange and powerful force, the three could not escape completely.

Can\'t turn into blood mist to avoid mother-in-law wind\'s crutch!

At the time of crisis, Adelaide tried his best and hit back!

"Blood hell explosion!"

With a loud bang, Adelaide\'s slap hit the chest of the blood family strong man who called him big brother!

The strong man of the blood clan is screaming loudly. How could he expect Adelaide to suddenly attack him?

And it still uses the blood clan secret method "blood hell explosion" that can confine the enemy\'s power at a point and detonate it completely!


In the scream, the man quickly rowed up from the crutch together with the strong man of the blood family at the back, and immediately out of the black hole cage that was about to collapse!

Then, the power of "blood hell explosion" was completely stimulated

The two blood clan strongmen burst into flames!

Mother-in-law Feng\'s eyes were cold, so she had to step back and hide into another layer of space.

The power of the explosion of two emperor Wujing jiuchongtian blood clan strongmen is terrible. It\'s not too much to say that the sky is falling apart.

Even strong people like Grandma Feng are reluctant to touch this explosive force.

After shamelessly sacrificing two brothers, Adelaide finally escaped from mother-in-law Feng\'s crutch!

With a wild laugh, he urged the only remaining power on the "God killing array", and wanted to escape with the help of the black hole!

When mother-in-law Feng appeared again, Adelaide had only half of her body left outside. It was too late to keep him again!


The previously disappeared Shen wave appeared in place out of thin air!


As soon as it appeared, Shen Lang gave a soft drink. It was as fast as a fist of lightning!


This punch hit Adelaide\'s left shoulder!

The sixth move of "five Emperor Dragon boxing" directly annihilated half of Adelaide\'s body under one punch!


From the black hole came an incredible scream from Adelaide.

Then the whole black hole disappeared.

Adelaide, too, is gone.

At this time, Shen langcai turned around and bowed to mother-in-law Feng: "the boy has bothered mother-in-law..."

Mother-in-law Feng took a deep look at Shen Lang and smiled: "I\'m fine, young master."

Shen Lang raised his head and said, "Lan\'er doesn\'t know how. My mother-in-law doesn\'t have to care about me. Please find her as soon as possible."

"Later I will return to the plague and meet her."

"HMM." grandma Feng nodded slightly, broke the space and disappeared on the spot.

As soon as mother-in-law Feng disappeared, Shen Lang suddenly opened his hands and drank softly: "suck the star Da FA!"

Endless chaotic energy was immediately instilled into the huge black hole in front of shenlang!

Among the more than 20000 strong men of the blood clan, there are hundreds of strong men of imperial martial mirror!

In addition to the hundreds of strong emperor Wujing, there are finally two people, Emperor Wujing jiuchongtian!

More than 20000 strong members of the blood clan were caught to death by mother Feng in a rage. Their power and soul power permeated this space in a short time.

Moreover, in order to build this "God killing array", the blood clan laid countless high-grade spirit stones here and gathered the flame power of the whole lava land.

These energies converge and entangle together. How surging and terrible is it?

Although the blood clan put it together, but the blood clan did so much, it finally made Shen Lang cheap and was brought back by Shen Lang with interest!

Taiji diagram runs at full speed, completely ignoring how chaotic and violent the energy in this space is. Like a long whale sucking water, it devours these energy crazily and quickly

With the energy absorbed and refined becoming more and more huge, today\'s Tai Chi diagram has given Shen Lang a feeling that he can swallow the stars!