Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1248

Adelaide did not see the fear of hope in Shen Lang\'s eyes.

And didn\'t get Shen Lang\'s sincere praise.

Instead, he was satirized by Shen Lang as "loading green goods", which made Adelaide furious.

But his ancient noble status and dignity made him angry and depressed, but he still couldn\'t say dirty words.

"You still don\'t understand that your life and death are in my hands;"

Adelaide said coldly, "you also don\'t understand that the blood clan has not lost the war in the plague land."

"It\'s only Milos and Oakes who lose!"

"If I get rid of you, I Adelaide will soon take back the Moonlight City, and then find the eternal tree and destroy it!"

Shen Lang lightly nodded his head and said, "well, have you finished?"

"..." Adelaide was speechless for a moment and his face was all black.

The opponent completely did not play cards according to common sense, disrupted his plan, and made a lot of things to say in his heart useless.

"What kind of person is this?"

Adelaide really doesn\'t understand, where is Shen Lang\'s arrogance and arrogance?

It\'s already a dead end. Why can you be so calm?

Is there really such a person in this world who is not afraid of death and death?

Did he look impatient because he thought he was full of nonsense?

Normally speaking, he should not panic, or wish he could say more, and then prolong the time, so as to wait for mother-in-law Feng or night ghost to rescue him?

Does anyone else want to die right away?

Adelaide used to think that he could think thoroughly about the enemy and let the other party collapse before defeating the other party.

But this time, Shen Lang didn\'t collapse. Adelaide felt like he was going to collapse

When Adelaide was black faced and silent, Shen Lang was still urging the power of chaotic gods to resist the great pressure from the outside world.

At the same time, he deliberately lowered his head, avoided the attention of a group of blood families, and was using his broken false silver eyes to analyze the space constraints in front of him.

From the moment of being bound to the present, Shen Lang has not given up urging strength to struggle and resist.

But this was originally a means to deal with the ghost night ghost. It was really terrible.

With Shen Lang\'s current strength, he can\'t get rid of it completely.

The worst thing is

He urged Feng Tianding many times, but he couldn\'t enter at all!

This is something that has never happened!

When the broken false silver eyes urged, Shen Lang immediately understood

Not that Feng Tianding\'s strength is not strong enough, but that his body has been completely limited and locked!

It limits his power to enter fengtianding, which is the power of space!

The powerful space forces bound and pulled him layer by layer.

His hands are in this space, but his feet are in another space!

Shen Lang\'s whole body is bound by multiple spaces!

Unless Feng Tianding can directly cover those different spaces, if he has to absorb him, Shen Lang\'s head, hands and feet may be torn off!

No wonder Adelaide is so proud that he dares to claim that even the strong in the military realm of the great emperor will be dead in this "cage".

Adelaide\'s "empty artistic conception" is a kind of artistic conception that is very difficult to understand.

It is not only difficult to understand, but also far more difficult than other artistic conception.

Even in terms of space talent, far beyond the rosefinch family of other races, there are only a few who really understand the artistic conception of emptiness and reach the realm of Dacheng.

Adelaide\'s understanding of the void artistic conception has also reached the medium-term state!

On the premise of Adelaide\'s "void artistic conception" as the embryo, with the help of the blood clan "God killing array", the power of tens of thousands of blood clan, plus six space magic weapons, this "cage" really has the power of "God killing"!

The blood clan reinforcements retreated without fighting, but they used to fight hard to get. If you want to kill the most powerful people first through this move!

It\'s really a bad comer!

"However, if you can\'t enter the Tianding, is it really a dead end? I\'m afraid it\'s not possible?"

Shen Lang sneered at the bottom of his heart.

In a sense, everyone has a mindset.

Shen Lang also has.

Therefore, when Shen Lang was in the most dangerous time, every choice was to "enter" fengtianding.

Now, when the whole body is completely bound by layers of space, you can\'t enter fengtianding.

However, Shen Lang\'s body is bound by the power of blood clan, but Feng Tianding is not bound!

Fengtianding is still free!

Even the sky can be sealed. How can you care about a few floors of space?

Just find out the gaps in these layers of space through breaking the false silver eyes and push away the space force that binds the whole body a little, and you can use the fengtianding to push away all the forces!

At that time, Feng Tianding will urge him to come out and cover his whole body like armor. What can the blood clan do to him?

Under great pressure, Shen Lang\'s mouth naturally put on a smile.

It is precisely because of this that Shen Lang is so calm and has nothing to do!

Shen Lang\'s smile was seen by Adelaide outside. His heart tingled, as if he had been fiercely inserted into his heart with a needle!

"He\'s still laughing at this time, he\'s still laughing at this time! He\'s contempt for me Adelaide! Complete contempt!"

"I am Adelaide, Adelaide who understands the \'empty artistic conception\'"

"Adelaide whose hands are covered with clouds and hands are covered with rain!"

"The first person under the throne of the blood shadow emperor!"

"No one can despise me!"

Adelaide couldn\'t bear it anymore: "I\'ve finished what I should say. Shen Lang, I\'ll take you on the road."

"Remember my name, my name is Adelaide!"

He grew up, and his hands and fingers danced up and down like butterflies. With the changes of his fingers, one seal formula broke into the Dharma array above the lava below.

Seeing that the Dharma array is about to turn at full speed

As long as the Dharma array rotates at full speed, the layers of space will run in and stagger. Finally, Shen Lang\'s body and soul will be cut into many pieces, which will make Shen Lang scared. Finally, even the soul mark will be left in the different space.

Soul marks are left in different spaces. You can\'t find a habitat forever, and you can\'t wake up forever!

This is, in the true sense, the destruction of form and spirit!


In the void above the blood red diamond crystal, a palm sized mirror suddenly appeared!

As soon as the little mirror appeared, it turned around, divided into four and rose in the wind.

Then the four mirrors turned quickly and connected end to end to form a hollow cuboid!

Before the strong of the blood clan reacted, the hollow cuboid sank gently, as if it fell into the water, and easily sank into the "cage" outside the diamond crystal, covering Shen Lang!

In an instant, the layers of space that bound Shen waves were all isolated by the mirror!

Shen Lang, wrapped in four mirrors, was slightly stunned: "Tianji mirror?"

What appeared here to help him break the shackles of the power of space was the secret weapon "Tianji mirror" of the witch family originally obtained from the animal skin of the northern netherworld polar sect!

However, the secret mirror was later taken away by the little witch girl little crystal. Until I saw the little crystal in the Zhuque mansion some time ago, Shen Lang didn\'t take it back?

"Bold witch! Dare to interfere in my blood clan!"

Adelaide was furious and grabbed the diamond crystal with one hand!

"Click, click!"

Above the mirror, the whole void was cracked by Adelaide!

If someone steals on it, I\'m afraid he will be blown into the space crack in an instant and die on the spot!

However, at this moment, in the opposite direction, an old voice said, "why don\'t you dare?"

Soon, in the void, a strange old man with a witch stick and black air around appeared in the sight of all blood families!

"Kill him!" Adelaide whispered.

The other two emperor Wujing Jiuchong strong men of the blood clan immediately disappeared out of thin air.

When it appeared again, it had appeared in the position of the old man one left and one back!

Like Adelaide, these two people are proficient in space methods. As soon as they appear, they immediately imprisoned the old witch in the void!

The two spaces are folded together, silently rubbing past the old witch!

Space attacks are not trivial, fast and difficult to defend.

Moreover, it was shot by two imperial martial mirror jiuchongtian strongmen. It was as fast as lightning!


The figure of the witch old man shook slightly, the strange eyes moved slightly, and a mocking smile appeared at the corners of his mouth.

"That\'s ridiculous, it\'s a mirror projection!" a strong blood clan above sneered.

Just following a group of blood clan strong men who rushed up, they stood in the void, neither up nor down.

Adelaide\'s face is even more iron blue

The three imperial martial mirror jiuchongtian strongmen of the blood clan, who are also peerless figures proficient in space skills, didn\'t even distinguish between the entity and the mirror. They were severely played by the strong men of the witch clan!

If this kind of thing spread, wouldn\'t it make people laugh?

Adelaide is so angry!

Immediately, he responded: "since it\'s just a mirror projection, why care? Just a magic weapon, how can you break my blood clan\'s\' God killing array \'? Kill Shen Lang first!"

The Dharma array above the lava ocean immediately operates, and the layers of space immediately begin to move!

"Adelaide? I remember you."

In the blood red crystal, Shen Lang snorted.

Just one second before the Dharma array turned, Shen Lang\'s body suddenly shook!

The chaotic power accumulated for a long time is combined with the artistic conception of destruction and explodes!

The red and black chains locked to Shen Lang were shielded by Tianji mirror from the support of external blood clan strongmen and the power of the big array. In an instant, they were smashed into fly ash by Shen Lang\'s power!

Shen Lang stretched out his hand and grabbed the rapidly shrinking secret mirror. At the moment, he entered the fengtianding and disappeared without a trace!

"Click, click, click!"

At the moment when Shen Lang disappeared, the multi-layer space staggered, cutting the blood red crystal into nothingness!