Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1247

There are two million - miles of huge lava out of the plague.

Black and brown stone pillars are inserted directly into the sea of lava to form a mysterious Dharma array.

On the surface of the lava below, the French array is clearly visible, blooming with blood red light.

The light climbed up along the stone pillar and formed blood red lotus flowers over the stone pillar.

On the lotus with a diameter of only two meters, there is a blood clan sitting cross legged, with a number of no less than 20000!

Among them, there are hundreds of accomplishments above Emperor Wu Jing!

It was under Nora\'s command that the blood reinforcements suddenly retreated away from the plague after the war!

At this time, the more than 20000 blood clan strongmen raised their hands and pointed like swords. Powerful forces were released from their hands and gathered in the air to form a black hole with a diameter of no more than six feet.

The power gathered by the Dharma array is instilled into their bodies from the stone pillars, and then integrated with their own power. Unexpectedly, it only forms such a small space

There is nothing in this space, as if it connected another space.

All the people stared at the black hole, their eyes were gloomy and vicious, as if they were waiting for something.

"Hoo Hoo..."

Like the sound of ocean waves, blood surges out of the black hole.

A huge diamond blood red crystal, and eleven towering figures appear at the same time!

The eleven figures with strong breath are the figures LAN Mengling saw when he was removed!

The blood red crystal is in the center, and Shen Lang\'s body is bound round and round by a red and black chain with a sense of infinite death and extinction

The two thick chains are like two giant dragons, one black and one red, flashing the light of thunder and lightning. They constantly rub with the black hell armor on Shen Lang\'s body and stimulate sparks that make people look sideways.

On the diamond crystal, six magic weapons releasing surging breath are distributed at the six tips, just like gemstones inlaid on the crown.

Inside and outside the rhombic crystal, faint lines are distributed.

It seems that the space around Shen Lang\'s body is cut into countless pieces, so that Shen Lang is completely wrapped by the space crack and has nowhere to escape.

At this moment, the power blessed on this diamond crystal, in addition to the power of "void artistic conception", there are also the power of three emperor Wujing jiuchongtian strongmen of the blood clan and eight emperor Wujing bachongtian strongmen!

Such a terrible force combined with six strange magic weapons has formed a "cage" separated from the outside world, which will completely suppress Shen Lang!

As soon as the blood red diamond crystal appeared in this space, the mysterious and abnormal group of blood clan strongmen left the black hole space and appeared in the periphery.

At the same time

"Tong Tong!"

Sharp blood spikes came out from all sides of the black hole space, and the figure at the same time instantly penetrated the whole diamond crystal and approached Shen Lang\'s body!

"Boom, boom!"

The black Pluto armor immediately showed a strong defense force to resist the sharp blood thorn!

The energy of the riot, centered on Shen Lang, spread in all directions, but disappeared one by one in the countless space cracks in the diamond crystal without leaking a penny.

This force is too powerful.

It has far exceeded the power to trap Shen Lang\'s group of blood clan strongmen.

Unable to completely stimulate the Shen wave of the black Pluto armor, under the unimaginable pressure, the blood gas in the body surged wildly, and a wisp of blood had been hung on the corner of the mouth!

In the case of wearing black Pluto armor, when the strength of chaotic God body reaches the current level, this is still the case

If you change other strong imperial martial mirror, even the two heavenly kings of Tiangang and Disha will be tortured and disabled by this force at the moment!

"Such a big battle should be used to deal with the ghost night ghost?" Shen Lang lowered his head and said coldly, "I\'m Shen Lang, how lucky!"

At this time, the eleven people who had trapped Shen Lang scattered and fell on a stone pillar.

One of them said indifferently, "you guessed right. All this was really to deal with the ghost night ghost."

"But we found that it was not the night nether that dominated the war; it was not the night nether that destroyed our blood clan demons and blood descendants; it was still not the night nether that let our blood clan fall into the downwind."

"But you, Shen Lang!"

"You have only advanced the emperor\'s martial mirror for less than ten days, and you have defeated our blood clan."

At this point, the blood clan strong man showed admiration in his eyes and continued: "according to our evaluation, your threat index to our blood clan has exceeded the night ghost."

"If you continue to develop, we can\'t estimate how much threat you will pose to our blood clan."

"There is no way, we have to give up the dark night and set our goal on you."

With that, the man threw his sleeve robe and a light broke into the next array.

The Dharma array immediately ran quickly, and the power to oppress Shen Lang immediately increased several times!

The strong man of the blood clan said again, "my name is Adelaide. I am the first general under the blood shadow emperor. I am good at controlling space against the enemy and understand the artistic conception of emptiness."

"The \'void artistic conception\' cooperates with our blood clan\'s\' God killing array \'. Even those who are strong in the military realm of the great emperor can only be scared."

"Really?" Shen Lang said faintly, his face unchanged.

Adelaide nodded and said, "the reason why I don\'t worry about killing you and telling you this is because what you have done has exceeded my imagination and I admire Adelaide."

"Our blood clan respects the strong most. Although you are our enemy, your strength has won our respect."

"I Adelaide will let you die with dignity, like a real hero."

Shen Lang tilted his mouth slightly and said, "you\'re so annoying."

Adelaide was stunned. He didn\'t seem to expect Shen Lang to say such an inexplicable word at this time.

They arranged this game for a long time, and the strong blood clan did their best to use the power of space. Even if the ghost Zun night ghost is trapped in it now, it will die.

Where on earth does Shen Lang have the confidence to be so calm?

Adelaide smiled very gentlemanly and said, "I\'m really sorry for delaying you to die and making you have a negative emotion of irritability or boredom."

"Later, I will urge the Dharma array. When the Dharma array is in full operation, thousands of spaces will overlap and rub, cutting you into countless pieces in an instant."

"Then, your body will disappear, your soul will disappear, and your soul mark will float in different space. You will never find a place to live and never wake up."

"You won\'t feel any pain. The whole process is simple and straightforward, and artistic. That\'s it."

Adelaide was very gentle and polite when he said these words.

It\'s like introducing one\'s own treasure to one\'s best friend.

Although the pride in his eyes is hidden deeply, it can be seen... He very much hopes to be recognized and praised by the object of his story!

Sure enough, Adelaide finally added: "few people can get such treatment from our blood clan. Then, Shen Lang, my respected Terran genius youth, do you have anything else to say to me?"

"I\'m really sorry. I don\'t want to do such a thing myself. In your Terran words, it\'s... There\'s no rebirth forever."

"I Adelaide, in fact, is a very kind person. I don\'t see such a thing most, but now I want to be such an executioner..."

"I really have a few words to say to you," Shen Lang said faintly.

The last thing Adelaide wants to see is Shen Lang\'s silence.

This made him feel that all his plans had failed.

He hopes to see from Shen Lang\'s face that Shen Lang is afraid of death... Because no one can break this game, this is a doomed game;

He hopes to see from Shen Lang\'s face that Shen Lang appreciates Adelaide... Because all these plans are perfect and seamless. Even mother-in-law Feng of the demon Temple doesn\'t have enough time to destroy all this;

The two heavenly kings of the demon temple and the Eastern Emperor have long been trapped by them.

Although the blood clan can\'t help them, they will never get out for a while, let alone save Shen Lang in time.

When the victory ticket was in hand in the demon temple and the ten thousand demon mansion, Shen Lang was captured alive from the ghost Zun night nether and Princess rosefinch\'s eyelids

This kind of thing, in addition to Adelaide, I\'m afraid that only a few great emperors and several venerable people can do it.

Shen Lang has become the pusher behind the two forces. He is so intelligent and close to the demon, and his strength is strong;

Adelaide, on the blood side, also plays the role of such a leader and military division, and his own strength is also strong;

To defeat such an opponent, Adelaide almost has the impulse to announce to the world!

Declare to the world that he easily defeated such a figure and a figure who can control the overall situation!

Now, Shen Lang really has something to say to him!

Shen Lang must be amazed at his seamless plan and means!

When Adelaide\'s eyes were shining and hale, Shen Lang said as expected: "you are very powerful, really powerful..."

"He really admitted my power!" Adelaide\'s inner excitement was unspeakable.

In this way, even if it was said from the ghost night ghost, it wouldn\'t make him so excited!

But from Shen Lang\'s mouth, it was no different, so the terrible enemy recognized the strength of Adelaide!

Shen Lang then said, "I have to admit that I\'m really no match for your green goods."

"Loading green goods?" Adelaide obviously didn\'t understand, and his eyes were full of question marks.

Shen Lang added, "there is only one natural enemy in the world, called Chu Qingcheng, for green goods like you."

"Only when Lao Chu appears in front of you, can he break all your dreams, make you feel inferior and make you feel inferior..."

"The so-called one thing is equal to one thing. Loading Bi goods still needs to be handled by loading Bi goods."

"Shen Lang!" Adelaide finally understood and became angry: "you... You\'re too much!"