Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1246

"Mid void artistic conception? Is there such a strong one among the blood clan?"

Feeling the change of the sea of blood, LAN Mengling sneered.

What trapped her and Shen Lang in an instant was not ordinary power, but artistic conception.

And it is a very mysterious and rare "empty artistic conception"!

The power of artistic conception is to invoke the power of heaven and earth, just like a large array controlled freely.

Once you fall into the other party\'s artistic conception, you can achieve peerless cultivation. If you can\'t find the flaw of artistic conception, you can only urge your own artistic conception to compete with it.

Once trapped in each other\'s artistic conception, the initiative falls into each other\'s hands, and the trapped people will be completely vulnerable.

LAN Mengling was concerned about Shen lang. he had always focused on searching for Nora, the strong blood clan. He didn\'t expect that when the devil temple and the ten thousand demon mansion had the upper hand, there were still blood clans who dared to attack themselves and Shen Lang!

Shen Lang is really exhausted and in a state of extreme fatigue. He also didn\'t think that the blood clan has such a bold strong man. He wants to deal with him and Lan\'er bravely!

A careless, two people have been shrouded in this artistic conception, and then trapped in different spaces!

"I don\'t know what to do!"

LAN Mengling\'s face was cold and he snorted coldly


With a loud and frightening noise, the rosefinch fire on the blue dream spirit surged out and burned the squeezed sea of blood crazy!

The power of "divine fire artistic conception" and the "void artistic conception" of blood clan, in an instant, there was a crazy confrontation!

The sea of blood was pushed away a huge space by her, and the scope of this space is still slowly spreading out!

LAN Mengling\'s "divine fire artistic conception" is powerful and domineering, which not only restrains the blood energy of blood clan, but also has reached the state of Dacheng.

Although the mid-term void artistic conception is powerful and mysterious, after all, it is a whole series worse, but where can we trap the blue dream spirit?

The sound of Zizi kept coming out of the sea of blood, just like the fire of rosefinch burning up the blood. The huge waves and crazy ups and downs in the sea of blood didn\'t seem to last long.

"The void artistic conception is really mysterious. With his strength, I didn\'t feel it before the other party showed it... Who in the end has this ability?"

In blue Mengling\'s eyes, the rosefinch was burning, and the power of the overbearing "divine fire artistic conception" was suddenly raised, spreading in all directions, trying to collapse the void artistic conception in an instant.

With the cultivation of blue dream spirit and the restraint of rosefinch fire on the blood clan, even in the heyday of Milos, if you want to sneak into her, you will find it hard to eat.

Now that ox is dead, Milos is half disabled and Nora is seriously injured, how can the blood clan find someone who can threaten her?

Not only that, when the two artistic conception are in a crazy confrontation, lanmengling still doesn\'t see each other!

"No, their goal is not me at all, but Shen Lang!"

As if a flash of lightning lit up in my mind, the blue dream spirit suddenly turned pale!

Once blue Mengling\'s eyes were closed, his divine consciousness fully urged the "divine fire artistic conception" and wanted to break the empty artistic conception in an instant!

"Jie, it\'s too late to react now."

A hoarse and ugly male voice sounded in the sea of blood, just like talking in the ear of blue Mengling.

This voice just sounded, the blood sea trapped by LAN Mengling suddenly turned into a huge vortex, and the endless space phagocytosis came over.


LAN Mengling\'s face has changed greatly!

It\'s just a cover for the other party to trap her with empty artistic conception. The real purpose is to transfer her to other places through space!

At the same time, it is likely that Shen Lang also suffered such treatment!

And transfer her and Shen Lang separately, and then deal with Shen lang. I\'m afraid this is the ultimate goal of the blood clan!

LAN Mengling urged all his strength to resist the power of space suction.

However, the power of that space is too huge to resist with her strength!


The blue dream spirit shouted.

A rune bloomed like fireworks above her head.

At the next moment, the blue dream spirit could no longer resist the power of the suction of the space, as if it fell into the deep-sea vortex and was completely swallowed by the vortex!

At the moment of being swallowed up, the blue dream spirit vaguely saw six red shadows casting spells outside the vortex

Three imperial martial mirrors nine times the sky, eight imperial martial mirrors eight times the sky!

Such a large lineup, even just to deal with Shen Lang?

Where did such a strong lineup come from?

LAN Mengling didn\'t have time to think about this. It was like entering a long-distance portal and was dumped to a distant place.

She guessed right. The power of this space transfer will not cause much damage to her. The other party is really trying to deal with Shen Lang!

And Shen Lang also as like as two peas and her alike treated, and also moved to the plague field by the power of space transfer.

The two were cast by several powerful people of the blood clan. In an instant, they had been thrown into the opposite position. I\'m afraid they were millions of miles apart!

Shen Lang and the others had just been transferred out, and the sea of blood disappeared immediately.

It seemed as if nothing had happened on the field.


Almost the second LAN Mengling and Shen Lang disappeared, the figure of mother-in-law Feng appeared in the original position where they stood.

"Blood... Clan!"

Mother-in-law Feng had a fierce light in her eyes and said these two words with her teeth.

Then, her crutch gently poked at the soles of her feet, and the circles of ripples immediately scattered.

Grandma Feng immediately closed her eyes and began to feel the message left by this space.

After a while, a black cloud appeared out of thin air, and the ghost Zun\'s dark voice sounded: "Feng Ling, what\'s the matter? Why do the blood clan still have many imperial martial mirror jiuchongtian strong men, and transfer LAN Mengling and Shen Lang through space?"

The void shook for a while, and the figure of Baili Bing, the right envoy of Zhuque mansion, also appeared beside mother-in-law Feng.

Bai libing said coldly: "just under the eyes of the ghost Lord in the great emperor\'s martial arts realm, there are such powerful and strange blood clan strongmen, and they have succeeded in sneaking attack. Doesn\'t the ghost Lord feel a little ashamed?"

Ghost Zun said with a cold hum: "the great emperor\'s martial arts realm is not omnipotent. These strong blood clan men have great attainments in space, and they also use at least three more space magic weapons to avoid their own eyes and ears."

"Feng Ling, can you tell which direction they were sent?"

Mother-in-law Feng didn\'t even open her eyes. A vortex suddenly appeared in front of her, swallowing her body and disappearing!

Seeing that mother-in-law Feng didn\'t pay attention to herself at all, the dark night suddenly couldn\'t hang up her old face: "this old woman... If you tell me more, she will die? She\'s a little better than me in space control. What\'s the strength?"

The right envoy Bai libing\'s murderous spirit surged. He pointed to the long sword and shouted loudly, "kill all the blood families and leave none!"

Her words immediately resounded and echoed over the whole war area.

The blood clan that deals with Shen Lang and LAN Mengling is too strong and weird. Except for the people like mother-in-law Feng and night Youming, others can\'t help.

Right envoy Bai libing turned this anger into the blood clan. As soon as he finished this sentence, he was murderous and chased a strong blood clan who was about to escape from the war area!

"More and more interesting." ghost Zun night ghost sneered.

He really doesn\'t worry about Shen Lang\'s safety.

After knowing that Shen Lang is the emperor of war, he rarely admires people\'s night nether world. His admiration for Shen Lang is like falling into the ground.

Not long ago, Shen Lang beat Nora, the strong man in the nine heaven of the blood clan emperor Wujing!

He doesn\'t believe that the blood clan can really kill Shen Lang by sending out several imperial martial mirrors jiuchongtian.

What\'s worse, it\'s useless to worry now. Worry can only be pressed on my heart!

As the ghost master of qianhun hall, you can\'t say that after something happened to the leader of Zhuque house and Zuo envoy, go to put out the fire?

Normally, he should be very happy, and then say a few strange things

"Boy, you must hold on. If you really hang up, I will look down on you!"

The dark night can only pray in his heart.

"The strength of the blood clan is also too strong. One by one, the strong ones in the imperial martial mirror jiuchongtian, if it weren\'t for this boy, even if I were here, I might not be able to win the war... Forget it, kill these young children first, and then break the moonlight City as fast as possible. I\'m afraid of change later!"

This black cloud suddenly burst, turned into dozens of black clouds and swept away in all directions!