Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1245

For the impulse of blue Mengling and the murderous spirit released from her

Shen Lang has a delicate heart. Where can he not understand these things?

After a dark sigh in his heart, Shen Lang said in a loud voice: "Zhuque mansion, under the leadership of the two commanders, please be with the strong men of Wanyao mansion and qianhun hall and kill all the blood families outside the moonlight city first."

"Then, break the moonlight city together!"

His voice was not very loud, but everyone in the space shrouded by the four main cities such as Luocha city could hear it clearly.

It was as if Shen Lang was standing in their ears and talking.

LAN Mengling still didn\'t speak or stop, but her mind spread out, as if she had to dig three feet to find Nora!

No matter the people in the demon God hall, or the people in the ten thousand demon house and the thousand soul hall, they felt the surging breath of LAN Mengling\'s killing intention. They all fought a cold war and dared not move.

On this side, the night nether immediately said darkly, "start, kill these blood clan cubs first, and don\'t let go of any of them!"

"Then, break the moonlight city."

The people of the demon God hall, the people of the ten thousand demon house and the thousand soul hall, no matter where they are, immediately shouted in unison: "kill!"

A strong breath rose into the sky.

The fierce murderous crane war spirit swept the whole space!

These people were trapped by the blood clan formation for two days and two nights. During these two days, they were afraid and bent. When they were unable to show their ability, the formation was broken and the situation was reversed in an instant

This time, all the strong are like wolves who are completely angered, and they are angry towards the blood clan!

Without the protection of the big array, and without the martial mirrors of the two emperors, the strong man of the nine heaven sits in the town. The blood clan in the space surrounded by the four main cities has completely become a frightened bird. They can\'t even argue about the direction. They are frantically bumping around and want to break out of the Siege!

However, how powerful is this force when the demon temple and the ten thousand demon mansion are united?

The one-sided massacre began immediately!

Hundreds of thousands of miles around the region, every direction, every corner, have set off a war.

Blood families who have no intention to fight are constantly captured and killed, and both form and spirit are destroyed!

On the other side of Moonlight City, under the cover of a large array, there was a dead silence.

The blood clan in Moonlight City has no idea or tendency to go out of the city to help. Just watch the blood clan outside be slaughtered

"Ambassador Zuo, when you look back and break the Moonlight City, goodbye!"

The strong men here arched their hands at Shen Lang and all threw themselves into the killing.

With the help of strong men such as ghost Zun, night Youming and golden winged Dapeng king, the blood clan is even more defeated and wounded everywhere!

"This old devil..."

Shen Lang looked at the ghost statue in the dark night. The corners of his mouth tilted slightly and hung a little smile.

The ghost respects the night and the dark is really crafty.

He didn\'t keep chasing Nora.

The strong man of the soul family in the martial arts realm of the great emperor, if he really wants to kill Nora, can Nora run away?

Even if he missed the first time, when LAN Mengling cut down the sword, he could shoot again and destroy Nora\'s form and spirit.

In order to implement Shen Lang\'s strategy, the old guy pretended to be himself and didn\'t fight again. He left Nora A\'s life. In fact, he left Nora an opportunity to integrate the blood clan, stabilize as soon as possible, and then become the enemy of the demon temple.

Shen Lang\'s initial plan is to let the blood clan and the demon God hall tug at each other for a long time to kill their strength!

Really kill Nora, the evil girl, and really destroy the blood clan. Who will consume the power of the demon God hall in a short time?

Let Nora escape, then join the blood clan reinforcements, and then wait for the new power of the blood clan to come. This is the perfect ending

When all the strong scattered and pursued the blood clan everywhere, Shen Lang and LAN Mengling were still standing in the void.

After a while, Shen Lang suddenly said, "don\'t look for it. The blood clan can sweep the whole world. Naturally, it has its ability to surpass other races... Even if Nora can\'t beat you and try her best to escape, you may not be able to get her in a short time."

LAN Mengling frowned slightly and said, "can\'t your pupil find her?"

Shen Lang shook his head and said, "no matter how strong the pupil technique is, it is not omnipotent. Moreover, the pupil technique needs to be urged by divine knowledge. I break the array and save people all the way. Finally, I unite with the strong to break the array. Now I have run out of oil and light."

This is not Shen Lang deliberately perfunctory.

Shen Lang was already exhausted when he beat Nora in nightmare swamp.

The sixth move of "Five Emperors dragon boxing" is to integrate the artistic conception of destruction, which is not an ordinary skill and needs to be controlled by divine consciousness.

When Shen Lang\'s chaotic power is exhausted, there is almost nothing left to know the sea.

The blood clan ancient array is by no means easy. When he was exhausted to the extreme, he broke the array. Shen Lang has really reached the limit now.

The coldness in LAN Mengling\'s eyes dissolved in an instant and asked with concern, "are you all right now?"

"Just rest for two days." Shen Lang smiled and said, "it will take them six or seven days to destroy these blood families. When they destroy these blood families and attack Moonlight City together, I should be able to recover to the peak..."

Speaking of this, Shen Lang suddenly stopped and looked at LAN Mengling.

At this time, the blue dream spirit is different from before. It is shining with silver white armor. There are rosefinches around the armor. Its skin is like snow. Its beautiful face is full of frost. Without the previous Queen\'s breath, it is even more suffocating.

"What are you looking at!" Lan Mengling\'s breathing became heavy when Shen Lang looked at him, and his eyes glared at Shen Lang.

Shen Lang hurriedly took back his eyes and said, "I didn\'t see anything, but I seldom see you wearing armor. I feel a little different."

"What\'s the difference?" Lan Mengling asked with his eyebrows.

Shen Lang smiled and said, "when you don\'t wear armor, you are a high queen. Strangers don\'t get close, but you always leave the back of lonely vicissitudes of life;"

"Wearing this armour is obviously murderous, but it gives people a feeling of safe harbor."

"It seems that if you stand here, no one can hurt the people in Zhuque mansion... I believe other people in Zhuque mansion feel the same way?"

"Laugh more in the future so that the rosefinch family won\'t be nervous when they see you."

"Besides, you look much better with a smile than with a straight face."

"Nonsense." blue Mengling snorted and turned away.

Different from usual, this time lanmengling was not angry and did not start.

And on her face, there were clearly two blushes.

Just because he turned around, Shen Lang didn\'t see it.

It seems that he suddenly remembered something. Shen Lang\'s index finger and middle finger were together and gently touched his forehead.

He saw a flash of light on his forehead and a rune floating out.

Shen Lang leaned out his left hand, grabbed it forward, broke the space and threw the rune into it.

At the same time, over the cold iron Hall of Zhuque mansion hundreds of thousands - miles away from here, a rune escaped from the void and burst in the air.

Then, Shen Lang\'s voice sounded over the cold iron Hall: "all members of the alien alliance listen to the order!"

"Fully armed, kill the moonlight city!"

As soon as this comes out


The garrison of Zhuque mansion blew up!

"It\'s the leader! It\'s the leader\'s voice!"

"The left envoy said that we should kill the Moonlight City? Did you kill the blood clan so soon?"

"What\'s impossible with the left envoy?"

"Silence! Shut up! Listen to adults!"

Figures rose in the air.

The strong breath rushed straight into the sky and shattered the white clouds.

At this time, the sound of Shen Lang sounded again.

"The blood clan array has been broken, and three demon blood descendants have been killed. Now the powerful coalition forces of the demon God hall and the ten thousand demon house are killing the remaining sins of the blood clan. They will attack the moonlight city with a rolling posture in seven days!"

"Moonlight woodland was your home. It was the blood clan that made it a place of plague. Now your chance of revenge has come!"

"With the consciousness of death, get outside the Moonlight City in seven days and burn your anger of hatred!"


The last word will completely ignite the blood boiling alien warrior.

Hundreds of thousands of foreign fighters shook their arms and shouted, "kill!"

One by one, the essence of the murderous spirit gathered together and rushed to heaven like an evil dragon!

On the far side, pale valley.

On the void, LAN Mengling frowned slightly and said, "the strongest of these alien races are just quasi emperor martial mirrors. They can\'t play a role in this kind of war. Even if the blood clan escapes a strong one, it\'s a disaster for them. Why let them come and participate in this kind of war?"

"Didn\'t you stop them from coming and deliberately protect them?"

Shen Lang shook his head and said, "protecting them is one thing, and their hatred is another."

"They can\'t forget their hatred because of my shelter."

"The blood clan killed and enslaved their brothers and sisters, turned the originally picturesque moonlight forest land into a plague land, and made them homeless. If this feud is not solved, they will not laugh for a day."

Speaking of this, Shen Lang turned his head to look at LAN Mengling and said, "let the people of Zhuque mansion take care of them. They are a group of heartfelt and wild aliens... Although I said to let them come with the consciousness of death, I really don\'t want anything to happen to any of them."

LAN Mengling sighed softly and said, "do you regard yourself as the Savior... How many people can you take care of?"

Shen Lang shook his head and said, "I regard myself as... Their people and their brothers."

"Clansman?" Lan Mengling was slightly stunned: "I know."

Then, she pinched a few Yin Jue with her fingers, gently touched her forehead and gave orders to a group of strong people in Zhuque mansion.

"Let\'s go and go near the moonlight city." Shen Lang said softly, "when the city is broken, grab ahead of them and get the things inside."

LAN Mengling glanced at Shen Lang obliquely: "what can you remember so much? When you are so tired, you still want to get it?"

Shen Lang raised his eyebrows: "of course it\'s a good thing..."

Before he finished, Shen Lang\'s eyes flashed fiercely!

In the void where he and LAN Mengling stood, a sea of blood appeared out of thin air, completely enveloping them!

The two people who stood together seemed to have their own space cut off. They stood very close, but they were very close!

The pressure as strong as a mountain immediately squeezed towards them