Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1244

When Shen Lang pushed his hands forward slowly, circles of ripples rippled from between his palms and spread outward.


"Bang bang!"

It was like the sound of heavy steel collision, and a huge light curtain was erected in the four directions of southeast and northwest.

"Bang bang!"

A curtain of light also appeared above and below.

The strong are like standing in a cube, isolated from heaven and earth.

When they looked at each light curtain, they saw intricate spiritual lines and runes.

The surging and unpredictable blood can swim among them, vaguely connected with heaven and earth, and can easily mobilize the power of heaven and earth.

It\'s mysterious, powerful and extraordinary!


When Shen Lang\'s mind intervened quickly, all the light curtains shook suddenly and made the sound of bells.

Shen Lang drank softly: "Lan\'er translates eleven feet to your right!"

"Commander Aofeng retreated three feet and moved left fifteen feet!"

"Commander Aoyun, move forward eight feet and then move right 19 feet!"

"Your Highness the moon King retreats one foot and moves three feet to the right!"

The orders were issued one by one. First, the four imperial martial mirrors and the nine heavenly strongmen guarding the four sides of the southeast and northwest began to move;

Then there are the eight imperial martial mirrors and the eight heavenly strongmen;

Finally, there are a large group of powerful imperial mirrors.

Figures in the air swayed and shuttled vertically and horizontally.

"Lan\'er, you four turn around." Shen Lang seems to be struggling, and the sweat on his face drops down: "when I activate the array, there will be dazzling colors in the positions ranging from 8000 to 10000 miles in front of you."

"That\'s the most important array eye in the 9981 large array nearby. It\'s the blood clan treasure that holds the array eye that emits dazzling light, that is, the array flag. When it shines, you destroy it at the first time!"

Blue son four people suddenly nodded: "good!"

Shen Lang\'s palms swam rapidly in the void ahead, controlling the spirit line above the array.


With a soft drink from the Shen wave, the whole array suddenly shook violently and made a roaring sound!

At the same time, the blue dream spirit four people face their own direction, and there is a light rising into the sky in the void!


Almost at the same time, the four emperor Wujing jiuchongtian strong men tried their best!

Because Shen Lang modified the array, some flaws appeared in the middle of the chain array. The sword light and sword Qi sent by the four strong men crossed thousands of miles, crossed many arrays, and instantly fell on the strange treasure that fixed the eyes of the array!

Emperor Wu Jing\'s nine strong heavenly power\'s all-out strike, how terrible is it?

The four strange treasures of the blood clan settled in the array are broken!

The general scene of mountain collapse and land crack appears in the four directions of southeast and northwest at the same time.

There was a concussion in the void. With the naked eye, circles of ripples swept from a distance. At the same time, there was a dizzy roar!

Then, on the light curtain, there immediately appeared whirlpools of different sizes, like black holes!

The whirlpool like a black hole everywhere is the flaw of the big array after the four strange treasures were destroyed!

"The others turned their backs and concentrated their strength to attack your nearest big hole array with all their strength!" Shen Lang shouted.

Originally, everyone stood everywhere, facing the ghost night ghost in the center.

On hearing Shen Lang\'s order, the brush turned around and roared out towards the vortex like a black hole!

Under the attack of these strong men, the vortices are like cracks, which are torn bigger!

It was only ten seconds. After the vortices expanded, they were connected to each other.

At first glance, it\'s like the whole array is full of holes and is about to collapse!

"Lan\'er, you four go back, get close to the ghost Lord, take the ghost Lord as the center, and stand in the four elephants!"

Under Shen Lang\'s command, Lan\'er four returned immediately.

Just when the four people stood still, the voice like splitting silk sounded in the big array, which was even louder than the magic attack of the strong ones.

The four surrounding light curtains, together with the light curtain at the bottom of everyone\'s feet, release dazzling light at the same time, and then rotate wildly towards the center of the light curtain at the top!

The center of the light curtain at the top of the crowd immediately formed a huge vortex, just like an upside down funnel.

A frightening breath came out of the vortex.

It seems that there is the most terrible beast in the world in the vortex, which is about to climb out!

"When the time comes, do it!"

Shen Lang\'s last command was issued. The four of Lan\'er and the ghost in the center, the dark night, showed their strongest attack and roared to the huge vortex in the sky!

Four imperial martial mirrors, nine heavenly strongmen and one great emperor, attack at the same time


Unimaginable dazzling light burst out, and then, it was dark again!

The furious energy ripples ripple outward from the sky, circle after circle.

All the light curtains and spirit lines, including the great pressure in the array, disappear one by one!

When the people who had just looked away looked at it, they saw that there seemed to be pieces of glass breaking in the void. The ancient array of blood clan, centered on the top of the people, was collapsing in all directions at an unimaginable speed!

The whole void is rippling, and the powerful energy has swept the whole world, and it is still spreading in all directions.

"Broken! The array is broken!"

Someone cheered!

Indeed, it was broken, because the people\'s mind, which was originally limited by the big array, now went in all directions without hindrance.

All the space shrouded by the five main cities is reflected in the minds of the strong.

The strong people trapped in the demon God hall, the ten thousand demon house, the thousand soul hall, the sword sect and other strong people, their breath appeared in this space.

The whole blood clan ancient array only has a circle around the most central Moonlight City.

The rest disappeared

Just when everyone was very happy, the ghost respected the dark night with a cold hum!

Eight thousand miles away, over the nightmare swamp where shenlang was trapped, a huge skeleton handprint suddenly formed and grabbed down!

And just below the nightmare swamp, Nora, with powerful and unparalleled blood gas, is in a dull state!

The evil woman seems to have found Shen Lang\'s problem at that time, and even touched back to the nightmare swamp!


The shrill scream came, and Nora was caught to pieces by the night ghost in an instant!

The ghost of the great emperor\'s martial arts realm, the dark night, lost his face before. Now he will show no mercy!

Although Nora is a strong man in the nine heaven of the imperial martial mirror, where can she resist?

Countless pieces of blood turned into nothingness one by one under the barbecue of the netherworld fire.


Over the nightmare swamp, a crystal clear little man burst into pieces.

Three thousand miles to the west of nightmare swamp, Nora\'s breath appeared again!

"Hmm? He died once with a magic weapon as a double?" the ghost Zun was angry at the dark night.

Just that claw was replaced by Nora with a magic weapon and escaped a disaster!


Before the night nether had shot, a red shadow flashed in the void. The blue dream spirit had broken the space and appeared only two thousand miles away from Nora!

Because of the talent of the rosefinch family and the control of space, I\'m afraid even the ghost respect night ghost is not much better than her.


LAN Mengling doesn\'t stop. Raising his hand is a sword!

It\'s also the fire of rosefinch and the spirit of blue dream. It\'s more than a hundred times stronger than Shen Lang?

The rosefinch\'s divine fire, which is very solid, has no great momentum. It just turns into a thin sword and breaks the space. With one sword, Nora, who is still running fast, will be cut in half!

Above the two halves of the body, the rosefinch was burning and spread away.

Seeing blue Mengling\'s hand, ghost Zun night ghost hummed, but stopped. It seemed that he didn\'t want to lower his identity and rob people with her.

Seeing that Nora\'s two halves are about to be burned into fly ash!


In the scream, Nora\'s two halves turned into countless blood bats and fled in all directions.

Blue dream spirit\'s long sword waved, and the blood bats in the sky immediately fell down like rain!

"The people of Zhuque mansion listen to the order and do their best to hunt down Nora!"

The cold and domineering voice of the blue dream spirit resounded through the space surrounded by the four main cities.

The people of Zhuque mansion scattered everywhere immediately knelt down and listened to the order, and were ready to chase and kill narra.

"Wait a minute!"

The sound of Shen Lang sounded in the void.

Everyone in the Zhuque mansion immediately stopped again.

Immediately, a crack appeared in the space around LAN Mengling, and Shen Lang drilled out: "although Nora was badly hurt by ghost Zun and you, the skinny camel is bigger than the horse. Anyway, he is also a strong emperor\'s martial mirror, and he is still a speed type..."

"Now, who can deal with the strong people in Zhuque mansion except the right envoy Baili Bing and Shuying?"

Shen Lang\'s words are euphemistic. To put it bluntly, asking them to pursue and kill this evil woman is to die!

"I must kill this woman!"

Blue Mengling said coldly, and his eyes clearly had anger and hatred that were difficult to resolve.

She knew that after Nora attacked Shen Lang, her killing intention had risen madly in her heart.

Although Shen Lang seems to have "run away" Nora in the end, LAN Mengling understands that Shen Lang will win miserably even if he wins. It can\'t be so easy.

Just after the battle broke, Nora appeared in the nightmare swamp, which is a clear proof... Nora really doesn\'t want to fight Shen lang. after running away, what do you go back to do?

A strong blood clan of emperor Wujing jiuchongtian must be a great threat to Shen Lang now.

If anyone poses a threat to Shen Lang, LAN Mengling will want to eradicate the threat at the first time!

So this time the big array just broke. After finding Nora\'s trace, it was clear that there was a ghost zunye Youming who shot, but LAN Mengling still didn\'t control himself to take the lead.

Not only that, after Nora ran away, she was ready to use all the power of the rosefinch house here.

Vow to kill Nora!

However, after the rosefinch family disappeared, LAN Mengling was lonely for thousands of years. She had no other relatives except mother-in-law Feng.

She is used to burying everything in the bottom of her heart and not easy to reveal or talk to others.

In fact, she couldn\'t find anyone to talk to.

More often, she is like a high queen, lonely, cold and arrogant, without a friend

Especially in front of Shen Lang, she refused to say many words.