Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1243

LAN Mengling was still on alert, staring at the dark night and the light moon, and didn\'t answer Shen Lang\'s words.

The two leaders of Tiangang Disha looked at each other, and both looked at Shen Lang with a little embarrassment.

Then, the commander Aofeng coughed and said, "things have changed... We were ready to wait for the blood clan reinforcements to come and beat them head-on."

"Unexpectedly, the Eastern Emperor found that the blood family reinforcements not only didn\'t come to reinforce, but withdrew out and ran away without a shadow!"

"We discussed with the two heavenly kings. The two heavenly kings and the Eastern Emperor pursued and killed the blood clan in the past, while the rest, led by AO Yun and me, broke into the quicksand city when they fought with the blood clan in the ten thousand demon mansion and the thousand soul hall."

Speaking of this, Ao Feng was even more embarrassed: "we thought there was no blood clan reinforcements. When we attacked them with the ten thousand demon mansion, the blood clan would be defeated like a mountain."

"Unexpectedly, the blood clan array worked, and its power was beyond imagination. All of us were trapped in it in an instant!"

"Not only that, but also a nine strong heavens of the Emperor Wu mirror, who had calculated two brothers and killed us by the big array. Later, her royal highness broke the space and joined hands with the two of us.

The attainments of the rosefinch family at the spatial level are really powerful. Although this array is powerful, it can\'t trap LAN Mengling.

"What?" you Wuxie, the strongman of qianhun hall, was surprised and asked, "why did an imperial martial mirror jiuchongtian emerge after being beaten away by Shen Lang?"

"Being... Beaten away by envoy Shen Zuo..." Ao Feng and AO Yun looked at each other.

Didn\'t Shen langcai advance to the imperial martial mirror long?

Is that an exaggeration?

A few months ago, Wang Wujing became emperor Wujing a few days ago;

A few days ago, I just advanced the imperial martial mirror. Now I beat away all the nine heaven of the imperial martial mirror?

My brother is a black dragon family. Together, they were made miserable by that guy!

Shen Lang snorted, "we don\'t know what conspiracy the blood clan reinforcements are engaged in when they leave."

"But there are two heavenly kings and the Eastern Emperor chasing after them. Whatever tricks they play will end badly."

"Now it seems that the only two kings with powerful martial mirrors left by the blood clan reinforcements should all appear in the blood clan chain array."

Everyone pricked up their ears.

Shen Lang then said, "the one I met was Nora, a strong speed player. After plotting against me, I left with an injury. I\'m afraid I\'m still in the pale valley."

His words are very obscure and very modest.

However, no matter how obscure and modest, people still heard a little... A strong man of the nine heaven of the blood clan emperor Wujing sneaked into Shen Lang and was hurt by Shen Lang and left with injuries!

Isn\'t that what you Wuxie means by "being beaten away by Shen waves"?

The group of people behind ghost Zun\'s dark night were sweating cold.

Before, they kept their mouth shut to deal with Shen Lang.

Who knows that this guy\'s strength is so terrible?

As for those people rescued by Shen Lang, they have seen Shen Lang\'s means long ago. Although they are a little surprised, they are still calm.

Shen Lang continued, "the other man has been killed by Lan\'er and two commanders."

"Well, if there is no accident, there should be only a half dead Milos and a Nora left in this ancient blood clan array."

Yue Qingqian said coldly, "this is not the time to analyze these things. It is urgent that we save everyone."

"Then consider how to deal with Milos and Nora."

"If you have this time, you might as well think about how to break the array."

Blue Mengling tit for tat: "you are so capable, why don\'t you break the array yourself, but you have to rely on my people?"

The moon was stunned, hummed softly, and didn\'t speak again.

Shen Lang said lightly, "I saved you because I didn\'t want the blood clan to destroy you all and bring trouble to our demon temple."

"Now you and Lord Guizun have come out. Together, it\'s not very difficult to save people. Why let me do it again?"

"The beheading business is done, but the loss making business is not done... Five thousand top-grade spirit stones. I\'ll do it if I want. If I don\'t want to, I\'ll pull it down."

When people from the demon temple were present, Shen Lang had to make a play, deliberately shirked it and assumed a posture of blackmailing people.

Five thousand top-grade spirit stones are also a great wealth for the strong at the end of the emperor\'s martial mirror.

The best spirit stone is not so easy to obtain. Since Shen Lang plays, he can only do it to the end.

"You!" moon Qingqian glared at Shen Lang.

Yougui zunye Youming and she can really start to break through the array to save people.

But how can their accomplishments in the way of array compare with this strange and unpredictable Shen wave?

In the absence of Shen waves, no one is sure when the people can be rescued.

Now in this array, there is also a Nora of imperial martial mirror nine heaven. If you delay for a while, you may fall another strong man!

"It\'s no use staring at me." Shen Lang said indifferently, "it\'s very kind to help you so much. Think about it, but I don\'t have much time to think about it."

"It doesn\'t matter if you don\'t want to come out of the spirit stone. The business can\'t be benevolent and righteous. The green mountains don\'t change and the green water flows. We\'ll see you later!"

With that, Shen Lang was about to turn around.

At this time, the ghost Zun night ghost said with a strange smile: "I have lived for so many years, and it is the first time I have seen someone dare to blackmail me!"

The two commanders of Tiangang Disha and LAN Mengling here immediately became nervous and focused on alert!

At such a close distance, they are in a bad situation in the face of a strong man of the great emperor\'s martial arts level, ghost Zun night Youming!

Emperor Wu territory, if you really want to kill them, I\'m afraid

The three men felt bitter in their mouths and sighed secretly: only Shen Lang, a desperado, dared to blackmail the old monster of night Youming!

Although the two sides signed a contract, the people in the demon Temple didn\'t do much to break the contract.

Everyone in the demon Temple dares to do it. Who knows if the old ghost will become angry and do it directly?

Only Shen Lang has always been indifferent and not worried.

Suddenly, the voice of ghost zunye Youming sounded in Shen Lang\'s mind: "boy, although you take the \'Jiuyou demon soul blade\' with you, you don\'t dare to use it. How about lending it to me for a few days?"

Shen Lang smiled angrily: "have you been staring at my Jiuyou demon soul blade for a long time? It\'s thanks to you... How can I say that I\'m also a younger generation. Your Majesty the ghost emperor asked her mother-in-law to bring me the Jiuyou demon soul blade. How dare you remember this thing every day?"

"Well..." the night ghost said brazenly, "I just said I\'d borrow it for a few days, not that I wouldn\'t return it to you. You know, only the people in the thousand soul hall can exert the greatest power."

"Moreover, it is famous among the four wastelands. Everyone knows that it is a strange treasure in the thousand soul hall. If you take it out and use it, it will be bad if it is recognized by others."

"Since it\'s useless to put it here for a while, I can use it to kill a large number of children in the demon temple."

"Don\'t you want five thousand top-grade spirit stones? I\'ll give you fifty thousand, okay?"

"At that time, if you need Jiuyou demon soul blade, you can take it back at any time. How about it?"

This night, the nether world either didn\'t speak. Once it spoke, it was like brown sugar, which made the waves depressed.

But the old man was right.

"Jiuyou demon soul blade" is on Shen lang. I really dare not take it out.

If it was in the hand of the night Nether, this guy would probably be able to compete with the demon blood descendant of the emperor\'s martial mirror.

"Deal!" Shen Lang agreed.

The two people thought to transmit the sound. There was a dark night that could be covered up, and no one around noticed.

At this time, ye Youming Jie laughed and said to LAN Mengling: "you don\'t have to be nervous. I have signed a contract with your demon temple. How can I easily break it?"

"Boy, come and get the spirit stone."

Shen Lang smiled: "Lord Guizun is Lord Guizun, have fun!"

LAN Mengling pulled Shen Lang: "the old ghost is insidious and cunning. He can\'t pass!"

Night Youming was unhappy: "what did you say, little boy? I\'ve been famous for so many years. When did I say anything?"

"No matter what, will I still play tricks on you young people?"

"Don\'t worry, the old woman of Fengling values this boy so much. I don\'t want to be chased by Fengling."

"Don\'t worry, I have my own opinion." Shen Lang patted the back of LAN Mengling\'s hand and walked over.

The endless ghost fog immediately wrapped the Shen waves and isolated them from the outside world.

Taking this moment, Shen Lang collected the spirit stone of the night ghost, and quickly handed over the ring with the "Jiuyou demon soul blade" to the night ghost.

However, in five seconds, Shen Lang came out of the ghost fog: "this ancient large array is linked by thousands of large arrays. The people who enter here are separated and trapped in separate arrays."

"It takes time and effort to break those arrays one by one."

"The best way is to break the whole array directly... Although I had this idea before, I couldn\'t catch it."

"Now there are ghost masters in the great emperor\'s martial arts realm, as well as four emperor\'s martial mirror nine heavenly strongmen, plus eight emperor\'s martial mirror eight heavenly strongmen, which is enough to destroy the laoshizi array."

The dark night said, "boy, what do you say? Everyone here is at your disposal."

"After breaking this array, we will unite with your demon God Temple to cut - Kill - kill the blood clan in the shortest time!"

Listening to the murderous words of the night nether world, Shen Lang nodded slightly, immediately urged the broken false silver eyes, and then began to dispatch troops.

The ghost of the great emperor\'s martial arts realm is in the middle of the dark night, while LAN Mengling and two leaders of Tiangang and Disha, as well as the moon is clear and shallow, and they are divided into four directions: Southeast, northwest and northwest.

The rest of the strong emperor\'s martial mirror scattered and stood at the position arranged by Shen Lang.

Everyone, armed with magic soldiers, ready to go!

Shen Lang found the array eye, broke the false silver eye and scanned wildly. His brain was like a computer. His mind also swam quickly on the large array diagram to find and determine the breakthrough.

Three hours later

"Blood clan array, but so!"

Shen Lang laughed wildly, and his palms pushed out slowly towards the void ahead!