Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1242


It\'s eight knives, but it sounds like only one, as if moon Qingqian just cut out one knife.

As soon as the light of the Jedi sword flashed in the air, everything was over

Yue Qingqian was dragged by these blood families for two days and was completely angered. This move is full of strength!

Zun divine Dao, one of the ten Heavenly weapons, plus its unparalleled Dao skill, cut the rosefinch divine fire in half in an instant, and then fell vertically!

The two halves of rosefinch on the void have not dissipated.

The peerless Sabre light has killed the powerful blood clan hidden below into nothingness!

The eight strong men of the imperial martial mirror and the bachongtian blood clan have been blasted to ashes by yueqingqian before they understand what\'s going on!


Shen Lang grabbed them with five fingers and shamelessly collected the divine soldiers and xumijie from the strong blood clan.

He seems to have determined that Yue Qingqian is self respecting and can\'t rob him.

Yue Qingqian glanced at Shen Lang, saw the fatigue in Shen Lang\'s eyes and the traces of sweat on his face, and slightly frowned: "with your ability, the power of this large array may not be able to get you. How can you be so embarrassed?"

Shen Lang snorted coldly, "a bitch of imperial martial mirror jiuchongtian has a crush on me. What can I do?"

The moon is clear and shallow, and the eyebrows are very angry!

Immediately, she reacted again. What Shen Lang said... Was not her!

"Isn\'t Milos the only one left in the blood clan? How can the imperial martial mirror jiuchongtian appear again?" the moon\'s light face became dignified.

Before that, she was able to drag on until now, just because she thought that Milos was the only one left in the blood clan. Although this array was powerful, she might not be able to win the people of Wanyao mansion and qianhun hall in a short time.

However, if there is emperor Wujing jiuchongtian hidden in it, that\'s another matter!

Shen Lang frowned slightly and didn\'t answer Yue Qingqing\'s words.

The broken false silver eyes ran with all their strength, scanned the void, and then stopped at a position.

It is the center of a basin.

Shen Lang\'s body swayed and appeared over the center of the basin like a blink. With one punch, he fell towards the basin below!


Huge roar came, but there was no scene of the destruction of the basin.

Above the basin, circles of blue ripples spread around.

In front of Shen Lang, a huge light curtain appeared.

The light curtain was light blue, rippling like the water, crisscrossed by faint to imperceptible spiritual lines, entangled with runes and blood energy.

"This is the ancient array of blood clan?" Yue Qingqian stepped over and said with great joy.

Shen Lang said lightly, "don\'t be happy too early. It\'s just a small array in the blood clan\'s chain array. It\'s only one of the links."

The moon was stunned, the corners of her eyes were slightly picked, and she looked at Shen Lang with a threat.

However, Shen Lang stared at the array in the void. Where could she see her threat?

At this time, even yueqingqian noticed the strangeness of the large array... I saw another light spot shining in the due east, and circles of ripples rippled from that light spot, which made the large array around strongly disturbed.

"It\'s ghost master!"

There is no need to guess. Yueqingqian recognized that this is the place where the ghost night ghost is located.

Those who can stir such a large array and disturb the surrounding large arrays are absolutely alone in the pale valley.

Shen Lang didn\'t speak. His hands and fingers moved quickly, just like playing the piano.

With the cooperation of his fingers and his mind, the shortest and safest route appeared, starting from the position where he and the moon were clear and shallow, and ending at the place where ghost Zun\'s night ghost was located.

Shen Lang\'s fingers crossed the short line gently.

The short line immediately vibrated, and the large arrays that must be passed on it appeared.

The attributes and mysteries of the power of each large array are recorded in mind by Shen waves between lightning and flint under the broken arrogant silver eyes.


With a wave of Shen Lang, the huge array in the void dissipated like smoke.

Then, with his index finger and middle finger together, he gently swiped towards the void in front of him.

As if the void had been cut, a spiritual line up to thirty feet from top to bottom was revealed.

"When I open these big bursts of eyes, you go all out along this vertical line."

Shen Lang didn\'t care if Yue Qingqian would listen to this order. As soon as he finished, he suddenly bent down and hit nine fists towards the center of the basin below!

The sound of "bang bang" can be heard all the time!

In this space, huge square light curtains appear in all directions.

On each light curtain, there are dense spiritual lines and runes!

"Not yet, but when!" Shen Lang drank softly.

The moon stared at Shen Lang coldly. Zun\'s divine knife cut through the sky and cut off the vertical line!


Like tearing the cloth, an empty passage immediately appeared in the void!

It\'s like opening a channel without sea water in the middle of the sea.

"Your Highness the moon king!"

On the other side of the passage, King Nara, one of the eight heavenly kings in the temple of the God of war, was reincarnated as a marquis and exclaimed!

Shen Lang and Yue Qingqian stepped in, crossed the channel and stood next to Nara king.

"He......" the king looked at Shen Lang and his eyes flashed with excitement.

Shen Lang didn\'t speak. As before, he opened the eye of the array where the reincarnation of King Nara was located.

Yueqingqian once again broke the array and rescued the strong person of qianhun hall.

Follow the route Shen Lang found before. After breaking eight large arrays and saving eight strong people, ghost zunye Youming appeared in front of everyone.

"Er, ha ha... Well, meet again."

Ghost Zun\'s old face in the dark night seems to be hanging. It feels like looking for an underground hole to drill in.

Fortunately, the old guy has been in a state of ghost fog. Ordinary people can\'t see his expression at all.

Behind him, there were tens of thousands of strong men, looking at Shen Lang and others nervously.

The strongest of these people is the emperor\'s martial mirror, and most of them are the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror, and even the cultivation of the emperor\'s martial realm.

It seems that the night nether thinks that after killing three demon blood descendants of the blood clan and killing ox, the blood clan can\'t jump a few times, so he wants to sweep the battlefield with the "army".

The strong man in the martial arts realm of the great emperor has no choice but to be trapped in this big array. It is precisely because he wants to protect tens of thousands of people.

Shen Lang glanced at these people behind him and said coldly, "Lord ghost is really leisurely. Do you bring so many people to the blood clan array for tourism?"

The night was dark and dumb, and the moon turned her face.

If there were no waves this time, the outcome would be unpredictable!

The fatal place is these individuals mentioned by Shen Lang.

Because of the wrong judgment of the night ghost, such a group of people were brought in. As a result, the night ghost with the strongest cultivation was dragged down in order to protect them, which directly led to the greatest crisis for the rest of the strong in the ten thousand demon mansion and the thousand soul hall!

One of the group rushed out immediately, pointed to Shen Lang with a long sword and shouted, "bastard! What is he? Dare you accuse the ghost Lord!"

"Can you gossip, Lord ghost?"

Shen Lang patted the long sword with his palm


The long sword that almost pointed to the tip of his nose broke into countless pieces in an instant!

Without waiting for everyone to react, Shen Lang grabbed the palm of his hand, pinched the man\'s neck and raised it: "what are you, dare to point a sword at me?"

The strong man of emperor Wujing erchongtian was pinched by Shen Lang before he could resist.

Everyone was stunned... This boy is so brave! Dare to fight in front of ghost zunye Youming and King Dapeng with golden wings!

"Asshole, let him go!" tens of thousands of people behind the dark night were excited!

Ghost Zun had no choice but to come out and make a round: "Oh, what, now is not the time to say such a thing?"

"You are also the left envoy of Zhuque mansion. Do you have the same knowledge as them?"

"Tell me, what are we going to do now?"

The group of people behind the dark night suddenly burst into a chill: "demon... The man in the demon God hall? The left envoy of the rosefinch house? Is that the little evil star that even Jianzong and Wanyao house can\'t do?"

"How could master GUI Zun be so polite when talking to him? What should he do?"

Shen Lang threw the strong man of Wanyao mansion out.

Just as he was about to speak, the night dark suddenly was stunned: "hmm? The smell of black dragon family and rosefinch? Those guys in the demon temple also came in?"

It\'s the black dragon family and the rosefinch. Shen Lang immediately reacted... It should be the two commanders of Tiangang Disha in the demon temple and Lan\'er.

If it\'s just the people in the demon temple and other demon generals, Shen Lang will take care of them to die!

It\'s their ancestral virtue to kill them all without taking advantage of this array.

But with LAN Mengling, that\'s another matter.

The point is, didn\'t they snipe the blood clan reinforcements?

Shen Lang immediately opened his eyes and found the right direction. With the help of the dark night, he broke six large arrays!

When the last big array was opened and three people appeared in front of Shen Lang and others, everyone was stunned.

Blue Mengling, the leader of Zhuque mansion, is just fine. There is no big abnormality.

However, the two leaders of Aofeng and Aoyun are in a mess with messy hair and broken armor!

What the hell happened?

What kind of people can make these two emperor Wujing jiuchongtian strong men so embarrassed?

"Come here!"

When LAN Mengling saw Shen Lang, he was shocked. He shook his body and pulled Shen Lang behind him.

She stood in front of Shen Lang and looked at the ghost night and the moon.

At the same time, the rosefinch fire on LAN Mengling\'s body rose wildly, which made the surrounding temperature rise wildly. The strong people in Wanyao mansion and qianhun hall showed a color of fear on their faces and hid behind the ghost night ghost.

Looking at the posture of LAN Mengling, it seems that for Shen Lang, he is ready to change and become the Buddha at any time, and fight with the people in Wanyao mansion and qianhun hall!


Shen Lang looked at the back of LAN Mengling and sighed.

The more Laner cared about him and cared for him, the more heavy he felt.

But now the Shen wave seems to have fallen into a vortex. It gets deeper and deeper and can\'t get out

"Well, it\'s okay."

Shen Lang pulled LAN Mengling, who seemed to be going wild, and said, "I saved them. They all owe me a life and won\'t do anything to me."

"What\'s the matter with you? How did you get to the pale Valley?"