Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1241


In the void, the endless rosefinch God was cremated into a huge rosefinch.

The huge rosefinch sent out the breath of destroying the sky and the earth. Its wings extended and suddenly closed, just like a person holding open his hands!

In an instant, it completely surrounded the golden cicada of the Styx!

Perhaps this power is not enough to destroy so many Styx golden cicadas.

But the rosefinch fire burns all things, which is the nemesis of these Styx cicadas!

All the golden cicadas in the Styx river made panic calls and gathered frantically towards the center. They didn\'t dare to touch the rosefinch fire!

Nora\'s orders were completely ignored at this time!

Insects are insects, not really intelligent creatures.

Obviously, only some insects "sacrifice" can break the barrier of the rosefinch fire, but all Styx cicadas are frightened and completely dare not touch the rosefinch fire released by the forbidden moves of the rosefinch family.

The endless golden cicadas of Styx River are tightly squeezed together into a huge sphere. They roll slowly in the air, compress inward and expand again.


Shen Lang gave a soft drink. After performing the "Phoenix wings flying in the sky", he instantly crossed the huge hole and pursued Nora again!

He seems to be addicted and vows to kill Nora!

"Shen Lang, wait for me!" Nora\'s shrill cry resounded through the void: "I will never let you go!"

As soon as the voice fell, the evil woman urged the array and released a violent thunder falling towards Shen Lang.

While riding the Shen wave to deal with the attack, Nora broke a space, threw it in very quickly and lost her trace.

The emperor\'s martial mirror is a nine strong man. Without his previous arrogance and domineering spirit, he was beaten by Shen Lang and fled

However, this is also a last resort and is not a solution.

I\'m afraid that other imperial martial mirror jiuzhong tianqiang will choose the same.

The power of the big array can\'t kill Shen waves wearing black Pluto armor;

The golden cicada of Styx was restrained by the fire of rosefinch and lost control in a short time;

Shen Lang\'s fist technique, which ignores cultivation and destroys everything, brings people a kind of despair and fear

Nora rushed out of the nightmare swamp and hid in other arrays with great hatred and depression.

It is estimated that she dare not appear in front of Shen Lang before she doesn\'t think of the countermeasures to deal with Shen Lang.

As soon as Nora left, the panting corners of Shen Lang\'s mouth immediately showed a smile: "did you really fall into the trap? Seal the Tianding, close it!"

In the void, a small tripod rose in the wind and covered the lower part!


Under the endless white light, the rosefinch turned into a rosefinch and all the Styx golden cicadas were consecutively sealed into the Tianding!

The Styx cicada, who lost Nora\'s control, was frightened by the fire of the rosefinch. Without time to resist, it was absorbed by all!


The roaring thunder power on the black hell armor was released to completely cover the Shen wave and isolate it from the outside world.

The heavy waves wrapped by the thunder and lightning, sweating and chest undulating sharply, but where is the prestige of beating Nora everywhere?

Just now, Shen Lang seems to have the upper hand. In fact, he is desperate!

The sixth move of "Five Emperors dragon boxing" is really terrible. Nora, who is so terrible that he dare not resist hard.

But the more terrifying the move, the more power it will consume.

Just chasing Nora to punch dozens of punches, Shen Lang\'s chaotic power has almost been exhausted!

After all, the power of gods and Demons poured out from the Tai Chi diagram has to be absorbed and refined by the ten gods and beasts particles. It is difficult to supplement it completely in a short time.

If we continue to fight, Shen Lang will be exhausted

The sixth move of "Five Emperors dragon boxing" consumes too much. It is the limit of Shen Lang to fight so many punches.

In fact, Shen Lang never thought of killing Nora directly through this move from the beginning.

After all, the emperor Wujing jiuchongtian strongman is not so easy to be destroyed... The half dead blood clan giant ox was captured, and the moon with the divine sword in hand was shallow. It was only after Shen Lang ran into him with words that he killed him with a unique move.

Shen Lang made up his mind from the beginning and assumed a posture that his cultivation increased greatly and could kill the nine heavenly strongmen of the emperor\'s martial mirror.

Then show the sixth move of "Five Emperors dragon boxing", hit Nora hard and scare Nora away;

Finally, use the taboo skill of the rosefinch family and seal the Tianding to collect the Styx cicada

At each step, Shen Lang walked very carefully, but also very smoothly.

From the beginning, Shen wave appeared, then hit Nora hard, and scared Nora away in the back. There was almost no flaw!

Nora didn\'t know he was acting at all. She really thought Shen Lang was strong enough to kill her after hiding for two days.

The sixth move of "Five Emperors dragon boxing" was too scary. Nora was scared to death by Shen Lang\'s move. In the fierce pursuit of Shen Lang, she had no time and energy to think. Finally, she had to choose to avoid the edge and escape.

If she had time to think about it, she would understand

Shen Lang\'s fist technique is powerful, but Shen Lang\'s cultivation is far from being able to compete with the emperor\'s martial mirror jiuchongtian strong man!

If Nora is willing, she won\'t retreat the counterattack. Just by virtue of her strange and unpredictable speed, she can make Shen Lang fall into crisis again!

The world\'s martial arts are invincible, only fast!

There is such a big difference in speed. If Nora increases the speed to the extreme and entangles with Shen Lang, Shen Lang has "Five Emperors dragon boxing", I\'m afraid it\'s useless.

Even if she doesn\'t take advantage of the lightning speed, as long as she is far away and uses long-range attack to deal with Shen Lang, Shen Lang has to hide and seal the Tianding in the end!

Unfortunately, the evil girl was frightened by Shen Lang, and she didn\'t understand what kind of power Shen Lang was, so she finally chose to run away.

When she finally figured it out and came back to Shen Lang, Shen Lang might not be so easy to deal with

Shen waves floating in the air, holding fingerprints with both hands and fingers, guided the rapid infusion of the power of gods and demons in the Tai Chi diagram and accelerated the recovery of power.

At the same time, broken false silver eyes are scanning this space crazily, looking for the flaws and eyes of this big array.


Less than eight thousand miles away from the nightmare swamp, King Yue Qingqian of the golden winged ROC attacked in all directions.

The sound of the collapse of heaven and earth kept ringing.

Terrible space cracks formed rapidly.

However, the strong man who wanted to deal with her blood clan covered his breath with the help of the big array and hid in the side all the time. Although the moon\'s shallow attack was powerful, he never found the blood clan.

"The blood clan claiming to be the protoss turned out to be all these fearless rats. They didn\'t even dare to take a knife from the king. Did they only dare to hide with the help of the power of this array?"

The moon\'s shallow voice was cold, but there was an unnoticed urgency flash in her eyes.

In such a situation, a fool can see that the blood clan just wants to hold her down with the help of this array.

Now she has been dragged for two days, and the other party hasn\'t even appeared.

If it goes on like this, the other people in Wanyao mansion and qianhun hall will be worse

"Jie Jie!" said a voice in the void who could not tell where it came from: "I told you earlier that the method of stimulating generals is useless to us."

"We only need to hold you here for another day or two, and the rest of the ten thousand demon mansion and the thousand soul hall will almost die. Then we will concentrate on dealing with you, the ghost Zun, the night ghost and Shen lang."

"The moon is clear. Just accept your fate."

"Even if you have a magic knife in your hand and want to break the array controlled by eight people, you can\'t!"

There are eight blood clan strong men who preside over the siege moon!

"Blood clan, hum!"

The moon hummed coldly and waved it to shatter the thunder and lightning falling from the void.

Just then

The moon is clear and shallow, and the corners of your eyes are picked!

In the direction of her left hand, an energy surge came over!

That is... The breath of rosefinch fire!

The recognition degree of rosefinch divine fire is too high. Even if there are several large arrays in the middle, when Shen Lang uses "Phoenix wings flying in the sky", the breath still passes through and is sensed by the moon Qingqian who stepped into the martial realm of the great emperor with half a foot!

"It\'s him!"

Moon Qingqian\'s eyes showed a trace of joy, turned around, and Zun Shendao burst out like the sun!

"Heaven and earth are dark and yellow, and the magic knife breaks the sky!"

Ruthless Dao, with unparalleled Dao intention, cuts out angrily in the direction of the rosefinch\'s divine fire!


The mountain collapsed, the space collapsed, and a huge Canyon appeared in the void, spreading away into the distance.

Many large arrays separated between the moon and Shen waves immediately penetrated a huge channel!

At the moment, on the other side at the end of the canyon, Shen Lang is stepping up his recovery and scanning the array with his broken silver eyes.

At this moment, Shen Lang\'s eyes stopped in the southwest.

That\'s the direction of yueqingqian\'s crazy knife!

The huge knife light that is still breaking through here is clear under the broken false silver eyes!

The sword intention at the peak of Dacheng state, the rage of ruthless Dao, and the breath of respecting divine Dao to destroy heaven and Jedi

"As the commander of Wanyao mansion and qianhun hall, he stayed at the back. Are you really thinking of me? Forget it, and help you save others!"

Shen Lang smiled calmly and rushed out with the chaotic power of destroying the artistic conception, completely encircling his two palms.

Then, facing the direction of the meaning of the knife, Shen Lang leaned out his hands and tore them on both sides with all his strength!

"Click, click, click!"

The sound of shaking mountains and earth came out, and the space was slowly torn open, revealing the huge Canyon formed by the knife of the moon.

Originally, under the cover of this large array, the space was chaotic. Even the moon in the imperial martial mirror Jiuchong sky was shallow, it was impossible to escape by breaking the space channel.

However, they guided each other through their own breath, but they were isolated by several large arrays and connected each other\'s position.

Shen Lang didn\'t speak and stepped out towards the huge crack.

As soon as he got out of the crack and appeared in the moment when he trapped the moon shallow array, Shen Lang swept his eyes and broke his arrogant silver eyes, and found out the eight blood clan strong men around the array!

Even Wang Yueqing, the golden winged ROC, could not detect the blood clan breath. Under the broken false silver eyes, there was no hiding!

"Hiss, hiss, hiss..."

Shen Lang bent his fingers and played, and eight small rosefinches flew out.

Every rosefinch fire is right above a strong blood clan!

The eight blood clans hidden in the dark were stunned and didn\'t understand what Shen Lang was doing.

Naturally, they absolutely don\'t believe that the boy who doesn\'t know where to come from will find them all in an instant.

But even if it\'s clear, it\'s useless.

Just when the eight rosefinches pop up, and then stand still for the next second

Dressed in armor, Yue Qingqian raised his sacred sword and cut it out in eight directions in a flash!