Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1240

After a while, the terrible fist strength was integrated into Shen Lang\'s palm.

The unimaginable threat of destruction disappeared without a trace.

The ghost king didn\'t dare to hold the big one this time. He slipped away and ran out of the big array where the yuan force fragments were located and hid outside the big array.

Just now, he had a feeling that he was going to destroy both form and spirit

Sure enough, being with the boss is like being with a tiger.

"Old devil, stay outside and watch the time. I need to enter a deep level and think about my latest fist move."

After saying this, Shen Lang closed his eyes. There was no more movement except the rumbling sound.

At this time, xueshiyin and duanmuzheng outside have hurried back.

"Landlady, it\'s all right, it\'s all right!" the ghost King hurriedly blocked them: "the boss has been completely settled. Let me stay outside and don\'t disturb him!"

"Is everything okay..." Xue Shiyin stumbled slightly.

The ghost King hurriedly held her and repeatedly explained, "it\'s really all right... Just now I heard the boss laughing. He said he wanted to think about the powerful fist moves he just realized."


Two days will pass soon.

Nora had a bad time these two days.

Very bad!

No matter what means she uses, she can\'t find Shen Lang.

Shen Lang seemed to evaporate from this array, disappeared without a trace, and didn\'t even leave a trace of breath.

For Nora, who has nine days in the imperial mirror, let alone two days, two hundred years is just a snap.

But these two days, it really tormented her crazy.

The plaything he got was gone, and his favorite plaything was missing. Nora was so angry that she almost destroyed the nightmare swamp and made a huge sinkhole!

Because of her crazy search for Shen Lang, many people trapped in the ten thousand demon house and thousand soul hall in the blood clan array escaped.

Otherwise, if Nora of emperor Wujing jiuchongtian urges the formation and even makes a hand in person, I\'m afraid not many people will survive except a few people!

"Shen Lang..."

"I won\'t let you die. I won\'t let you die easily!"

"There is absolutely no man that Nora can run away from!"

Nora roared up into the sky.

The dark clouds in the sky rolled wildly, and the sky and earth were dark in an instant.

The loud noise of "Hua La" fell from the sky, and countless lightning tore the sky and crashed down.

In the nightmare swamp, it\'s like the end of the world

"What do you like about me? Can\'t I change it? I can\'t raise any interest in a woman like you who has no chest and no ass."

Faint words suddenly sounded in the void.

Nora suddenly turned around!

The wind was howling, the rocks were falling, and a proud figure stood in the void.

People, do not move, become a oppression!

But not Shen lang. who is it?

"It\'s only two days, and the strength has increased so much. It\'s really a freak... Unfortunately, it\'s still a lot worse than others!"

"You are destined to fall into the hands of others!"

Nora evil smiled, and the strong mind immediately blocked the whole nightmare swamp.

Now that Shen Lang has come out, she can\'t let Shen Lang run away again.

"It\'s not certain who will fall into whose hands." Shen Lang said coldly, "you\'ve been chattering here for two days. You\'re obviously dissatisfied with your desire and lack moisture... Unfortunately, you\'ve found the wrong person. I don\'t have any feelings for a bitch like you."

"Sharp teeth, people will pull out your teeth first!" Nora said angrily, as if she had crossed the space. She suddenly appeared in front of Shen Lang and grabbed at Shen Lang!

"Ha ha ha!"

Laughter reverberated, shaking the earth!

Shen Lang quickly withdrew from his body. At the same time, he pulled out his back with his chest, sank his shoulders and dropped his elbows. He walked like water and took mysterious steps. He was simple but quickly punched Nora\'s claw!

"The gods and Demons disappear and return to chaos. The ultimate destruction of heaven and earth!"

The sixth move of "Five Emperors dragon boxing"!

This fist integrates the wonderful changes of yin and Yang, contains the divine power of chaos and opening the sky, takes the eight trigrams, controls the nine palaces, determines the heaven and earth, and blocks Nora\'s retreat!

It seems that at this moment, Shen Lang broke out all his strength and speed in this fist!

"What a mysterious fist!"

Between the lightning and flint, Nora praised in her heart.

However, no matter how fierce the fist technique and how mysterious the moves are, they can\'t play a great role in front of absolute power.

Nora didn\'t care about Shen Lang\'s punch. Instead, she lamented why the latter knew the difference in strength and dared to die like this


Shen Lang hit Nora in the palm.

As soon as the two forces came into contact, the bright light burst at this moment.

In an instant, something strange happened

Obviously, Shen Lang\'s strength is far less than Nora\'s, but as soon as the two forces touch, Shen Lang\'s strength cuts Nora\'s strength, just like a knife breaking the lake and driving straight into the lake!

Nora\'s body was shocked. She was shocked to see that her palm turned into ashes in an instant, and then spread to her elbow and went towards her shoulder


In the shrill scream, Nora\'s left hand suddenly everything, and resolutely cut off her remaining arm shoulder to shoulder!

"Take my punch!"

One punch works, and Shen Lang\'s second punch will come immediately!

In the face of such strange power, where does Nora have the courage to answer?

When Shen Lang\'s second fist came right after him and hit Nora\'s chest, Nora screamed and turned into a sea of blood.


The sea of blood made a soft noise and was forced to make a huge hole by Shen Lang!

Inside this cavity, there is a complete nothingness!

Then, the whole sea of blood burst into countless pieces and flew away in all directions.


Shen Lang had expected what would happen next. When he appeared, the broken silver eyes had already run!

At this moment, seeing Nora disappear, Shen Lang hardly stops. He moves and rushes to the southwest, hitting the empty void with a punch!

Under the gaze of broken false silver eyes, there is Nora\'s hidden position!

"Shen Lang!"

Nora\'s scream sounded again, and a blood shadow flashed away, avoiding Shen Lang\'s fist between lightning and flint.

Shen Lang snorted coldly, straddled five hundred feet and fell again towards the emptiness.


The sound of gold and iron came out, but Nora took out a blood shield to block Shen Lang\'s fist.

At the moment when the blood shield encountered Shen Lang\'s fist, it melted like ice at high temperature, and then turned into nothingness!

Nora behind the blood shield screamed again - she never thought that the "Five Emperors dragon fist" had the unparalleled power of ignoring physical defense. Most of the fist strength penetrated the blood shield and bombarded her left hand!

Nora\'s left hand was like her right hand, and her palm turned into fly ash!

It was also the evil woman who reacted very quickly. As soon as she felt the power of destruction, she directly urged her power and broke her palm from her wrist, which didn\'t let the terrible power of destruction spread upward!

In front of Shen Lang\'s fist, Nora was like a frightened bird and completely fell into a passive situation!

"No way, it\'s impossible! Ah!"

Another flash of blood, Nora retreated again!

However, no matter what kind of skill Nora uses to hide her body, it has no effect!

If Shen Lang hadn\'t been able to keep up with her, I\'m afraid Nora would have been beaten to ashes by the move of "Five Emperors dragon boxing"!

Shen Lang\'s first fist, after abolishing Nora\'s two arms, has already made the woman lose her heart and dare not resist Shen Lang\'s attack any more.

It was a very strange battle.

Those with less power chase those with more power;

The powerful are chased to heaven and have no way to enter the earth

The sixth move of Shen Lang\'s "Five Emperors dragon boxing" is like a sharp knife. Although its strength is far weaker than that of the other party, it is extremely sharp and invincible.

Nora is powerful, but neither the flesh nor the skill can stop the sharp knife.

As long as one can\'t dodge, her body may be cut by this knife... No, it\'s not cut, it\'s direct destruction!

But wherever she hid, she was easily found by Shen Lang!

In this nightmare swamp, Shen Lang was like Nora\'s nightmare. He pursued madly and beat Nora everywhere!

"Five Emperors dragon boxing" is mysterious and unpredictable. It is like running water. It goes everywhere and penetrates everywhere.

And such as storms, landslides and tsunamis, irresistible!


When Shen Lang hit the 18th punch, Nora screamed.

Driven by her, the golden cicadas of the Styx stood in front of her like a shield.

The shield, like an ancient fierce beast, is ready to move and bite people. It seems to be ready to rush towards the Shen wave at any time!

"Stop? Sorry, you don\'t count."

Shen Lang chuckled, "Five Emperors dragon boxing" was performed again, and one punch hit the past!

The strong wind roared and the wind whirled clouds.

The supreme chaotic divine power combined with the artistic conception of destruction, driven by the "Five Emperors\' dragon fist", it rotates like an electric drill, and in an instant, it drills out a huge hole in the big shield of the golden cicada of the Styx river!

The endless golden cicadas in the Styx River sent out a strange cry. They didn\'t listen to Nora\'s instructions and flew crazy in all directions to avoid Shen waves!

The fist power of destroying heaven and earth is much more terrible than rosefinch fire in the eyes of these Styx cicadas!

Even this ferocious and powerful wild alien, like Nora, is now in a state of panic and completely afraid to touch Shen waves.

On the other side, Nora screamed and walked away when she found that the golden cicada of Styx had lost control!

At this moment, Shen Lang\'s eyes twinkled with fire and drank: "Phoenix wings soar in the sky!"

Tai Chi diagram constantly transforms energy into rosefinch fire for more than two days.

Two days later, the Taiji diagram has almost become a sea of fire.

After preparing for these two days, when Nora was beaten and fled in a hurry to urge the golden cicada of the Styx

Endless rosefinch fire surged out.

The taboo skill of the rosefinch family was finally used by Shen Lang!