Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1237

Nora said "this seat" in the beginning.

After saying "like" Shen Lang in the back, he said "others" in a greasy sweet voice.

But the man who called himself "others" brushed it, and a huge sea of blood spread around him, heavy and floating!

The blood sea made a "hiss hiss" sound, and the flowing blood tide suddenly gathered into a cluster, and then hardened and solidified into a handful of blood spikes with sharp edges, pointing to Shen Lang!

Not only that, the sharp blood spikes are still rotating, like an electric drill!

"Little guy, are you ready for defense? People are going to kill you?"

Nora smiled and said sweet words, but her actions were murderous.

Her arms sprang out and gave a sudden shock!

"Hiss, hiss, hiss!"

Sharp and huge blood spikes in the sea of blood shot at Shen waves like arrows!

Every sharp blood thorn spiraled in the air, with boundless strength and breaking sound.

In the void, there are terrible vacuum zones in time!

Shen Lang held the knife in both hands, lifted it up obliquely, and then cut it down: "earth magic knife, burn the sky, boil the sea and twist the universe!"

The sword light all over the sky immediately crisscrossed, forming a knife net without leakage.


The sound of gold and iron kept ringing, countless bloody spikes were smashed, and the blood mist floated all over the sky.

"It\'s getting more and more interesting..."

Nora smiled and disappeared again.

Almost at the moment she disappeared, Shen Lang also moved out to the left!

Shen Lang\'s immortal sky knife, with chaotic power, cleaved down in the back!

In the sharp sound of breaking the air, two white fingers like jade stretched out from the void and caught the immortal Tiandao!

No one has ever dared to deal with Shen Lang\'s immortal Sabre with his fingers!

"Bitch, die!"

Shen Lang\'s chaotic power surged out towards the immortal sky knife at this moment!


On the immortal blade clamped by Nora, a seemingly gray but frightening fog burst out, instantly broke Nora\'s two fingers, then sank suddenly and fell on her shoulder!


The sound of the long knife entering the body came out, and the blood bloomed like flowers.

Nora looked at the immortal sky knife that fell on her shoulder and couldn\'t help being stunned

Obviously, Shen Lang\'s strength was only equivalent to the eight times of Emperor Wu Jing, but it easily broke her fingers and hurt her body.

This is incredible!

And in the moment when she was stunned, the turbulent and unpredictable chaotic divine power drove straight into her body through this breakthrough!

Who can resist the chaotic power that even the power of gods and demons can suppress or devour?

Nora regarded this power as the energy of rosefinch\'s divine fire. When her heart moved, she wanted to defeat the chaotic divine power between lightning and flint.


Nora was too careless.

If one point of chaos divine power has invaded her body, and she resists it with a hundred points of power, it can indeed resist it.

But one point of chaotic divine power broke into her body. She could resist it with five or six points of blood she thought she had enough, but where could she?

As soon as Nora\'s vast blood energy came into contact with the chaotic divine power, it was burst by the chaotic divine power and destroyed!

"Poof!" a mouthful of blood burst out, and Nora screamed, "how is it possible? What power is this?"

All this is slow to say, but it\'s only a blink of an eye!

In a hurry, several meridians were shattered. Nora raised her eyebrows, shouted angrily, and grabbed them out towards Shen Lang\'s chest!

In the twinkling light, Nora could be seen with a sharp claw cover on the palm of her right hand, releasing the light of tearing gold and jade!

If this claw is caught, I\'m afraid all the strong people in the eighth heaven of the ordinary imperial martial mirror will be caught to pieces!

"What power? Guess..."

Shen Lang succeeded with a knife. Although he tried his best, immortal Tiandao couldn\'t go further. He immediately gave up attacking again.

With a strong urge on his palm, he took back the immortal sky knife and retreated violently!

When he retreated violently, Shen Lang\'s fast knife blasted repeatedly and cut out three knives in an instant. The three knives were superimposed and blasted on the palm of Nora\'s hand.


Shen Lang\'s body was shocked, and the tiger\'s mouth was numb. Immortal Tiandao almost got rid of it.

The furious and unparalleled power made him fly obliquely downward, like a meteorite hitting the earth!

Even so, Nora still didn\'t let him go.

The woman was angered by Shen Lang\'s knife. Even her previous gloomy smile was gone. She came first after her. She bullied Shen Lang and grabbed Shen Lang\'s head again!

"Hiss, hiss, hiss!"

The space was directly caught out by her, with tiny cracks!

The action is as fast as lightning!

"Little fellow, you make people angry!"

A murderous voice sounded, and Nora\'s claw prints were all over the sky!

Cracks in the space have been torn open, which is frightening

Shen Lang\'s eyes were cold. All the chaotic powers came out. The long knife left a series of residual shadows in the air and roared out!

"Bang bang!"

Between electricity, light and flint, the two sides launched the fastest speed and fought together.

In view of the great difference in strength, Shen Lang had to swim and dodge.

However, although Nora\'s strength is weaker than that of the ordinary imperial martial mirror jiuchongtian strongman, his speed is much faster than that of the ordinary imperial martial mirror jiuchongtian strongman.

Nora is everywhere

Shen Lang tried his best and still couldn\'t get rid of the woman\'s entanglement.

One accidentally slapped his chest and back.

The black Pluto armor was full of sparks, making a harsh sound of gold and iron rubbing!

"Except for those who have inherent advantages in speed, I\'m afraid few people can compare with this woman in the same realm. Even among the blood clan, this woman\'s speed is afraid that few people can compare."

"Now that we have fully understood her strength and advantages, it is no longer necessary to fight."

Shen Lang\'s mind moved slightly when there were dangers.

However, at this time, the black Pluto armor and chaotic God body also showed their strength.

Every time I was bombarded, the energy surged wildly, but Shen Lang was still lively.

At most, it\'s just a little minor injury with little impact!

"Little fellow, what is this armor on you? Can you resist such an attack?"

Nora didn\'t seem to recognize the black Pluto armor. Her face became ferocious: "I\'ll get this armor later. It must be better for graduate students!"

Her speed is faster and faster, and her body is moving forward and backward, erratic.

Even the Shen waves that spread the power of heaven and earth are difficult to catch her coming and going, and it is impossible to prevent.

Not only that, the woman urged the array and used the power of the array to constantly kill the rosefinch fire on Shen Lang and the power of black Pluto armor.

"Why can\'t I fight for so long? Emperor Wujing jiuchongtian? It\'s better than bullshit."

Shen Lang raised his strength to the limit. After roaring dozens of knives, he finally gave up the confrontation.

The next moment he forced Nora to open, he smiled and entered the fengtianding.

"Hiss, hiss, hiss!"

The sharp and unparalleled claw prints passed through Shen Lang\'s original standing position, leaving a space crack in the void.


Nora grabbed it with one claw and caught it empty. Shen Lang had lost his trace in her mind. She was surprised!

"It\'s impossible!"

Nora reached out with both hands and grabbed a few towards the surrounding space.

The terrible force immediately penetrated and grabbed the nightmare swamp below out of terrible canyons.

At the same time, the endless Styx golden cicadas buzzed and surrounded the whole nightmare swamp!

"How could this happen? I can\'t see through you more and more... Well, you make me more and more excited, little guy!"

In the large array she controlled, Shen Lang suddenly disappeared. Not only did she avoid the scanning of her mind, but even the Styx golden cicada, who is very sensitive to the breath of life, could not detect it

This is simply unimaginable!

Nora was surprised and angry!

"The array is intact, and there is no sign that he has broken out of the array... What kind of magic weapon or skill in heaven and earth can make me imperceptible?"

Nora\'s mind shrouded the whole nightmare swamp and searched almost inch by inch to find Shen Lang.

The golden cicadas of the Styx also scattered and spread throughout the space of the nightmare swamp.

These golden cicadas in the Styx River are the most Yin things. They are full of dead Qi and are most sensitive to the breath of life.

As long as it is living, as long as it has the breath of life,