Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1236

At this moment, Shen Lang has urged the broken false silver eyes and began to quickly scan the endless Styx golden cicadas!

"As like as two peas," the Norman, the hidden blood group, was stunned. "More and more interesting, and there is such a function in the world?"

"If this kind of skill is used by me, even the strong ones in the great emperor\'s martial realm may not be able to win me!"

"Shen Lang, I like you more and more..."

Nora laughed more and more happily.

The giant built by the golden cicada of Styx River bombards around wildly while Nora is talking.

Smash the virtual shadows turned into waves one by one.

Shen Lang didn\'t smile, but his expression became more dignified.

His guess was right.

Under the gaze of the broken silver eyes, at the heart of the giant built by the Styx golden cicada, a small Styx golden cicada blooms out like the sun!

Sure enough... Emperor Wujing is the strong one in the Ninth Heaven!

Break the false silver eyes and penetrate the false, leaving only the truth!

No wonder even the potential of heaven and earth can\'t sense Nora\'s position. Nora is indeed hidden in the Styx golden cicada, hiding her breath with the help of the Styx Golden Cicada!

And cultivation is so strong!

"Big trouble..."

Shen Lang was not very happy when he found the hidden Nora.

At the beginning, he just guessed that the strong blood clan who controlled the golden cicada of Styx would be no worse.

Later, Nora\'s words exposed her feet and made Shen Lang suspect that she was the strong one of the nine heaven of the imperial martial mirror, but she was still not completely sure at this time.

Unexpectedly, it\'s really emperor Wujing jiuchongtian!

"Right now!"

Shen Lang drank softly, and thousands of false parts rushed towards the giant from all directions!

As soon as his own wrist turned over, the immortal sky knife had been held in his hand and cut off towards the giant heart built by the golden cicada of the Styx!

"Tianmo Dao, kill the Jedi God, kill the devil!"

The third knife of "magic knife formula", with the spirit of destruction and the meaning of terrible knife, cut off the giant\'s body with one knife and bombarded Nora\'s hidden golden cicada in the Styx River accurately!

"Qiang Qiang..."

The sound of metal and iron is heard all the time, the wind is strong, and the strength is surging.

Endless dazzling light bloomed, and Shen Lang\'s eyes narrowed slightly.

At this moment, a clear and pleasant voice suddenly appeared behind Shen Lang: "what a lovely little guy, he really found me... People really love you!"

"Hum!" Shen Lang suddenly turned around and swept out with a long knife!

Even if he knew that the other party was Emperor Wujing jiuchongtian, Shen Lang was still fearless.


A stunning woman in a blood red gauze pushed her palm gently on the immortal sky knife, and her body turned back like smoke for a hundred feet.

Shen Lang\'s immortal Tiandao suddenly sank. He felt an unimaginable force. Shengsheng changed the track and cut it down towards Shen Lang\'s own shoulder!

"What a powerful force!"

Shen Lang\'s shoulder sank, and the immortal sky knife bounced back between the lightning and flint.

At the same time, the body retreated hundreds of feet back and opened a distance with narala.

Nora didn\'t pursue.

The endless Styx golden cicadas surged like a tide and gathered towards her.

In an instant, Nora sat down leisurely on the chest of the golden cicada giant in the Styx River and threw a wink at Shen Lang.

Shen Lang holds the knife in both hands, and his expression becomes more and more dignified.

The huge gap in strength between the two sides has made Shen Lang think for so long, but he still hasn\'t found a solution.

Such a huge gap can not be bridged or narrowed by some skills or conspiracy.

The blood clan array and the golden cicada in the Styx River are already very terrible. Coupled with such a strong emperor\'s martial mirror, Shen Lang has almost no chance of winning.

Shen Lang\'s eyes shrunk. Through the first collision between the two sides, he had a preliminary judgment on Nora\'s power in his mind.

According to Shen Lang\'s estimation, this woman is much weaker than Milos and ox.

It\'s almost like the primary stage of emperor Wujing jiuchongtian. It\'s far worse than Lan\'er.

But in this blood clan array, with the endless Styx golden cicada, Nora\'s terrible is probably more than Milos and ox in their heyday!

"Cluck, why don\'t you talk to others? Do they just annoy you?"

Nora also smiled on her face and looked at Shen Lang affectionately.

If you don\'t know where you are, you think this woman is really a lover with Shen Lang

Nora said with a sad face: "because you already know that I am the cultivation of emperor Wujing jiuchongtian, so are you finally afraid?"

"But they didn\'t want to come out. You were aggressive and forced them to this point. You had to show your body... You can\'t be irresponsible?"

As soon as the voice fell, Nora on the chest of the golden cicada in the Styx suddenly disappeared!


Shen Lang didn\'t want to. The immortal sky Sabre took the peerless Sabre light and cut it obliquely towards the back!


Under the induction of the potential of heaven and earth, Nora appeared out of thin air and was cut in two.


Shen Lang\'s eyes flashed. When he stepped forward, the power of the chaotic divine body was instantly called out and concentrated on his back!

Sure enough, Nora\'s speed is too fast

Shen Lang\'s soles had just been raised, and Nora, who was broken in two, had already clapped them!

That palm broke the protective cover formed by the power of rosefinch divine fire and thunder, and hit Shen Lang\'s back in an instant!


With the power of this palm, Shen wave rushed forward in an instant.

Although the "black hell armor" blocked most of his strength, Shen Lang still felt a shock in his back, and an unspeakable blood evil spirit rushed in, making him feel his blood churning!

That is, his chaotic divine body is now strong and unpredictable. If it were other imperial martial mirror seven heavenly strongmen, even wearing black hell armor, it is estimated that most of his meridians were shattered by Nora\'s palm.

The woman made an understatement, but in fact, every attack was with all her strength!

Look at this, she really values Shen Lang!

At the beginning, he clearly had the power to kill Shen Lang, but he couldn\'t hide it. He wanted to use the vitality of heaven and earth through the big array to consume Shen Lang\'s power;

Finally, Shen Lang saw through the trace. It was clear that Shen Lang\'s strength had not yet reached the imperial martial mirror eight days. When she shot, she was merciless and went all out!

This kind of person is thoughtful and vicious, which is much more terrible than Milos and Oakes!

"Prison sword skill, ten thousand demons Chaozong!"

Shen Lang\'s body turned rapidly in the air. The immortal Tiandao took the rosefinch fire and cut three knives at a lightning speed!

It\'s said to be three knives, but the light of the knives is staggered and endless. A dense knife net is built in the void to block Nora\'s route of attack again.

But Nora retreated with one blow, like a ghost, but avoided the three knives, turned to Shen Lang\'s left and slapped again!

Shen Lang\'s long knife stood in front of her, but unexpectedly, she suddenly went around to the right again

Even with the help of the power of heaven and earth, Shen Lang still can\'t keep up with the action of the evil woman!

The gap between the two is much larger than that between Shen Lang and Murong Changfeng on that day!

Even wearing black Pluto armor, Shen Lang is still dangerous. He is trapped in Nora\'s attack vortex and can\'t extricate himself!

"Bang bang!"

In a short period of ten seconds, Shen Lang\'s understanding and fighting talent on the avenue of heaven and earth were hit with three palms. He was beaten with blood and chest tightness!


Shen Lang snorted, and the Vientiane demon showed up again.

Tens of thousands of Shen waves with the same breath appeared again, which forced Nora\'s action to slow down.

"That\'s it again?"

Nora\'s eyes are full of Shen Lang, but she can\'t find Shen Lang himself.

"Hiss, hiss, hiss!"

Nora waved her jade hand gently, and the sword gas flickered in the void. Immediately, she turned a group of "Shen waves" that swam quickly in front of her into fog.

The powerful place of the "Vientiane demon" is here. All the shadow breath is the same as the Buddha, so people can\'t find the Buddha.

Nora, the Ninth Heaven of Emperor Wu Jing, smiled and was a little angry at Shen Lang\'s move.

Taking this opportunity, Shen Lang\'s body was shocked, and the nine star mystery has been running!

"Tianpeng star!"

"Tianren star!"

"Heaven rushes to the stars!"

"Tianfu star“

"Tianying star, open!"

At the time of crisis, Shen Lang opened five stars in a row!

After opening the five stars in a row, Shen Lang\'s breath climbed steadily and rushed straight to the middle of the eighth heaven of the emperor\'s martial mirror!

Circle after circle of energetic ripples, centered on him, spread in all directions.

At the same time, the vast power in the Tai Chi diagram is madly instilled into the black hell armor. The black hell armor blooms the light of thunder and wraps Shen Lang heavily, making Shen Lang like a god of thunder at the moment!

But even so, the gap between Shen Lang and Nora is still too big to make up.

Nora on the opposite side is a real emperor\'s martial mirror and a strong nine heaven.

You can also use the power of the blood clan array and take the Styx golden cicada that is stronger than the general emperor\'s martial mirror and the nine strong heaven;

Shen Lang\'s strength has reached the peak of emperor Wujing\'s seventh heaven, and his body is also incomparable. However, even if he uses the "Nine Star profound meaning" to open five stars in a row, he can only be raised to about the middle of emperor Wujing\'s eighth heaven in a short time.

The more you reach the back, the greater the gap.

Even in the same imperial martial mirror Jiuchong sky, it is possible to have thousands of different powers.

Not to mention the difference of one or two days.

Such a huge gap can never be easily narrowed by skill or magic weapon... Unless the undead heavenly Sabre reaches the level of the top ten Heavenly weapons, that\'s another matter.

Strictly speaking, the black Pluto armor is beyond the top ten Heavenly weapons.

Unfortunately, it hasn\'t been long since I got it. I have to explore the mystery. Now it\'s difficult to give full play to one percent of its power. I can only defend passively.

Now Shen Lang can\'t mobilize the power of black hell armor as Murong Changfeng calls the power of killing armor

Shen Lang\'s eyes were dignified, and the solutions flashed in his mind.

"Cluck, what an interesting little guy. I like it more and more!" Nora walked slowly in the void: "I just advanced the imperial martial mirror. Not long ago, I was slapped by others without damage."

"Moreover, there is this strange skill, which makes your cultivation soar in a short time, reaching the point of the eighth heaven of the emperor\'s martial mirror!"

"But it\'s a pity that it\'s not enough in front of others!"