Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1238

The blood clan array, the golden cicada of the Styx River, and her imperial martial mirror jiuchongtian not only couldn\'t help but also a human boy who was clearly just the imperial martial mirror qichongtian. Finally, he escaped easily

All the expected screams, begging for mercy and so on did not appear.

What appeared was the other party\'s last words full of contempt: "you can\'t beat me for so long, Emperor Wujing jiuchongtian? Shit is better than that."

Nora felt crazy.

At this time, she had completely forgotten the events of the blood family.

She just wants to find Shen Lang, ravage each other with all the means she knows, and finally torture to death!

When Nora frantically looked for Shen Lang in the nightmare swamp, Shen Lang had entered the fengtianding and walked a little heavy to the side of Yuanli fragments.

There is a great gap in accomplishments between the two sides, and it is normal to lose. Shen Lang has no psychological burden, and he doesn\'t even feel there is a problem.

However, if this level can\'t be broken, or the time is delayed for more than three days, the consequences will be really serious... The ancient blood clan array is started. Even if there are no other strong men like Nora in the array, the people of the ten thousand demon mansion and the thousand soul hall can\'t last for three days!

"Boss, what happened? Who is so bold to attack us?" duanmuzheng asked angrily.

The ghost king was much more calm. He found Shen Lang\'s face dignified and decisive. He didn\'t speak.

Shen Lang glanced around. Xue Shiyin and the old ape all ran to rescue the people of all nationalities saved by him from the blood sacrifice.

He swayed and sat cross legged over the Yuan Li fragment.

"You two help me watch the time. Be sure to wake me up in two days!"

Leaving this sentence, Shen Lang closed his eyes.

At the same time, the power of gods and Demons stored in the Tai Chi diagram immediately poured down towards Shen Lang\'s body like opening the gate.

In such a crisis, Shen Lang couldn\'t care whether his current body could withstand such a vast force of gods and demons.

Before that, he controlled the power of gods and demons in the Tai Chi diagram to flow out slowly.

Now I can\'t wait to devour all the remaining powers of gods and demons in the Tai Chi diagram!


The voice of the Yangtze River came from Shen Lang\'s body.

The vast and unpredictable power of the gods and Demons poured into Shen Lang\'s body from the Tai Chi diagram, just like the catalyst of the green dragon\'s blood essence, which immediately accelerated the refining of the green dragon\'s blood essence that had not been completely refined.

The real shadow of the green dragon in the ten divine beasts has become more and more solid;

The smell of ten divine beast particles is becoming more and more terrible.

At the same time, the increase of the number of ten divine beasts particles is several times faster!

Countless ten divine beast particles were born, and some meridians of Shen Lang injured by Nora healed immediately.

The power of chaotic divine body, with unimaginable speed, crazy promotion!

The cultivation and growth of chaotic divine body seems simple and intuitive - it is to give birth to more ten divine animal particles, devour the blood essence of divine animals and the power of gods and demons, and grow and grow.

But even Shen Lang is still groping, which is tantamount to seeing step by step.

Especially when the ten divine beasts began to turn into babies, Shen Lang was more cautious and didn\'t dare to make a difference.

The first time I devoured the blood essence of a divine beast, the blood essence of Kirin, the refining speed was very fast. It was only half a day.

A few days ago, it swallowed the green dragon\'s blood essence and has not been completely refined until now.

In addition to the power contained in this drop of green dragon essence blood, which comes from the strongest longhuanglu Yuntian and far exceeds the Kirin essence blood of chiyanfeng, the most important thing is that the chaotic divine body has produced qualitative changes, which has made all ten divine beast particles close to the life of Danying.

In Shen Lang\'s opinion, refining Unicorn blood essence for the first time is just like laying an egg by a hen. It\'s natural and not difficult;

Now refining the green dragon blood essence is a bit like hatching eggs... To granulate the ten divine beasts into babies!

Hatching eggs is breeding life

At this time, the refining speed of green dragon\'s blood essence slowed down.

At the same time, there was more time for Shen Lang to understand the change and consolidate the advanced level.

But just because the refining speed of green dragon\'s blood essence became slower, after Shen Lang got poor and strange blood essence, he finally had to put poor and strange blood essence aside and wait for more than ten days before he was ready to swallow it.

Otherwise, why wait until now when you get the poor and strange blood essence, and you are forced to hide in the fengtianding?

"Now, do you want to devour and refine the poor and strange blood essence?"

Shen Lang looked at his nose and heart, closed his eyes and sat down, and began to plan his Countermeasures in his mind.

There is no doubt about the power of chaotic gods.

Once the poor and strange essence blood is swallowed, in about two days, it can definitely make the chaotic God body cross a huge barrier and reach the point that it is enough to resist the strong Nora of the blood clan.

At that time, even if Nora can\'t be killed, Nora is afraid she can\'t help him.

After that, Shen Lang can break the array and find the people who help Wanyao mansion and qianhun hall.

However, when the green dragon\'s blood essence has not been refined completely, it is difficult to say whether swallowing the poor and strange blood essence will lead to the conflict between the powers of the two divine beasts, or other unpredictable things.

This kind of thing is not taught by anyone, nor is it found in any ancient books.

Even Li Su, who activated the chaotic God body for Shen Lang at the beginning, only knows a little fur

Now, like pregnant embryos, the ten divine beast particles begin to approach Danying infinitely and are in the stage of Infantization.

To incarnate thousands, there is only one step left

But before the green dragon blood essence is refined completely, this last step can\'t go on.

If something goes wrong at this time, the gods and demons of the heavens will not help Shen Lang.

Just then, the voice of Nora outside Feng Tianding came in: "Shen Lang, weren\'t you arrogant before? Didn\'t even the devil\'s blood and blood dare to chop? Why did you become a shrinking turtle in front of others?"

"Come out quickly. People don\'t like the man who shrinks his head!"

"I know you can hear me. Believe me. I promise I won\'t kill you, okay?"

"If you are obedient, maybe you and I can become a pair of fairies in the future?"

"Come out, as long as you come out, I can give you whatever you want, including... My body!"

"The blood clan has an unknown number of people coveting my body, but people have only taken a fancy to you for so many years!"

Ghost King: "

Shen Lang thought and closed the connection between Feng Tianding and the outside world.

Nora\'s voice disappeared immediately.

He shook his head gently, and Shen Lang finally pressed down the idea of swallowing poor Qi\'s blood essence.

"Poor blood essence can\'t be swallowed unless it\'s a last resort."

"There may not be no other way to deal with Nora!"

Through the war just now, Shen Lang has a deep understanding and understanding of Nora\'s strength.

He knew that his current strength was too different from that of the other party to resist. At present, if he continued to fight in this state, he had no chance of winning, so he entered fengtianding at the first time.

The question now is, how can we find countermeasures to defeat or even hit the evil woman of the blood clan?

If only Shen Lang himself, he really doesn\'t have to think too much.

Practice in fengtianding for more than half a month, and then devour the poor and strange essence blood.

Even if the accomplishments can\'t reach the top of the nine heaven of the imperial martial mirror, it doesn\'t take much effort to kill Nora!

But now the people in Wanyao mansion and qianhun hall are trapped in the array. For most of them, I\'m afraid it can only last less than three days!

Shen Lang, who has the highest attainments in array, may not be able to save several people if he doesn\'t get out of trouble, even if the ghost zunye Youming in the martial arts realm of the great emperor gets out of trouble.

Ten thousand demon mansion and thousand soul hall will be killed and injured this time!

"Two days, two days... According to the growth of the chaotic God body, it is still difficult to deal with Nora after two days."

"How can we defeat this evil woman? If this woman goes crazy and urges the golden cicada of the Styx River, it\'s almost equivalent to dealing with two imperial martial mirrors jiuchongtian at the same time..."

Shen Lang took a deep breath and entered a mysterious state of cultivation.

His hands, like butterflies in flowers, quickly seal and pinch out all kinds of mysterious fingerprints.

These fingerprints follow the heaven and earth Avenue and are connected together very smoothly without any pause in the middle.

The power of the gods and Demons poured out from the Tai Chi diagram, before being swallowed by the ten divine beast particles, was driven by Shen Lang, running one week after another in Shen Lang\'s body along the mysterious route along the meridians.

Under the guidance of Shen Lang, the speed of the ten divine beast particles swallowing the power of gods and demons is greatly increased.

The speed of the power of the gods and demons in the Tai Chi diagram was also suddenly mentioned!

At the same time, Shen Lang\'s mind was focused on two purposes. Possibilities and ideas flashed through his mind.

"In a short time, unless you swallow the poor and strange blood essence, your strength will never reach the position of emperor Wujing\'s nine heaven."

"To deal with Nora of the Ninth Heaven of the imperial martial mirror, we can only expand this limited power infinitely..."

The more the crisis, the clearer Shen Lang\'s thinking is: "there are only two ways!"

"First, upgrade the immortal Tiandao!"

"Second, integrate the highest level of destruction artistic conception into the skill, so that the power of chaotic divine power and destruction artistic conception can be integrated together, and burst out in an instant. You can lift weights to create Nora!"

At the beginning, when the immortal Heavenly Sword was refined again in the dragon scale temple, although there were a large group of emperor Wujing in the demon temple to help the strong in the middle and late stages, Shen Lang\'s cultivation was still in Wang Wujing.

So Shen Lang was very helpless. Finally, he could only transform the spirit array in the immortal sky knife into an infinite chain array.

At that time, Shen Lang used his milk strength and could only depict the imperial spirit array.

After returning to xuandaozong, Shen Lang was already a martial mirror cultivation of the quasi emperor. He once took the time to raise the spirit array to several levels.

Now, Shen Lang is between the strong ones of the seventh heaven of imperial martial mirror and the eighth heaven of imperial martial mirror

At this time, the serial array diagram in the immortal sky knife was transformed into an array diagram reaching the eight levels of the imperial martial mirror.

Then, the power of immortal sky Sabre will be increased ten times and one hundred times!

Compared with the second method, it is obviously simpler and more direct to transform the immortal sky knife.

However, this one still has a fatal weakness... The undead heavenly Sabre after such transformation is at most close to or equal to the heavenly artifacts, but it is still very far from the top ten Heavenly artifacts.

This level of magic force, after urging the chaotic divine power released by Shen Lang, is still not enough to seriously damage or even kill the nine strong heavenly powers of emperor Wujing!

As for Article 2

Artistic conception is the martial artist\'s understanding of the road of heaven and earth. It is the only way to contact the rules. What contacts and uses is the power of heaven and earth.

Its power is unimaginable!

If you can use it properly, it will be easy to kill the enemy at higher levels!