Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1235

The crisis Shen Lang is facing this time is unimaginable

The power of the ancient blood clan array, coupled with the endless Styx golden cicada, can almost kill the emperor\'s martial mirror Jiuchong heavenly strongman in a short time!

Shen Lang\'s current strength, combined, is at most the peak of emperor Wujing\'s seven heaven!

Even if urged by the skill, with the bonus of immortal heaven sabre, the strongest attack can still be within the level of emperor Wujing bachongtian.

This level of power is obviously not enough to kill these terrible Styx golden cicadas.

The strong man of the eighth heaven of emperor Wujing can hardly escape such a terrible Styx golden cicada. In the end, he can only be consumed alive and become the food of the Styx Golden Cicada!

Shen Lang has the rosefinch fire to restrain the Styx cicadas, but the rosefinch fire is not enough to destroy these Styx cicadas.

Even if you want to destroy it, you need to wait, wait for Taiji to transform a large number of rosefinch fire, and then you can use the taboo killing move of rosefinch family... Phoenix wing Tianxiang!

However, Shen Lang didn\'t want to use the killing moves of the rosefinch family to deal with the Styx cicada.

The golden cicada of Styx is a good thing.

It\'s a pity to just kill it.

Moreover, even if you use the taboo killing move "Phoenix wing Tianxiang" of the rosefinch family, you may not be able to completely kill all these Styx golden cicadas, and then break this game!

Now Shen Lang faces not only the golden cicada of the Styx, but also the blood clan array and the blood clan strongman hidden in the dark!

To deal with such a crisis, Shen Lang can only rely on black Pluto armor.

But Shen Lang\'s time to get the black Pluto armor was so short that he hardly had time to get familiar with the black Pluto armor.

Although the defense of the black hell armor is strong, Shen Lang can\'t mobilize too much of its yang to hard thunder power.

Imagine Murong Changfeng wearing a killing armor. With the help of the killing armor, the combat power soars. Shen Lang can\'t do it.

So even if you rely on the black Pluto armor, you can only be beaten passively in the end... If the final trend is so, Shen Lang might as well hide in fengtianding.

However, hiding in fengtianding is not a long-term plan.

Shen Lang himself is safe for the time being. I\'m afraid the ten thousand demon house and the thousand soul hall will be destroyed

"If you don\'t do it, you have to do it directly to the person behind the scenes;"

"Either don\'t do it, if you want to do it, you should use thunder means to kill the people behind the scenes, and then control these Styx golden cicadas!"

"This wild alien is a rare treasure that can\'t be found..."

The attacks from heaven and earth continue.

Let the strong blood clan break his head, he will never think that Shen Lang is not just thinking about how to break the dead situation with his eyes closed at the moment.

But still playing the attention of the golden cicada of the Styx!

The strong man of the blood clan smiled again: "hehe... You are not a rosefinch family, and the rosefinch fire in your body must be very limited; although your armor is powerful, it has not been fully skilled, and can not completely block the power of heaven and earth mobilized by this array. I want to see how long you can last?"

She is very interested in how Shen Lang deals with this "fatal situation".

In her opinion, if Shen Lang doesn\'t have the fire of rosefinch, these Styx golden cicadas will rush up. No matter how strong his armor defense is, he will not be eaten for a moment.

However, she would not let the golden cicada of Styx swallow Shen waves so easily.

She has "liked" this Terran teenager to the extreme.

She has already made up her mind to capture Shen Lang and then ravage her to death!

Otherwise, with her strength and means, she will not delay until now and will not reveal her true body.

The golden cicada of the Styx river was cultivated by the blood family insect mother emperor for millions of years.

Its terrible power, combined with the ancient array, few people can resist under the great emperor\'s martial arts.

Nora, the blood clan strongman hiding in the Styx golden cicada insect group, doesn\'t believe that in this pale Valley, in addition to the ghost and the dark night, someone can break the Styx Golden Cicada!

When the rosefinch on Shen Lang becomes weak, Shen Lang will become something in her bag and let her play with it

Nora\'s task is to drag Shen Lang, the moon and the night.

According to the previous preparation, she should take the golden cicada of Styx River and appear in the dark place where ghost Zun is trapped to prevent accidents.

After all, among the strong invaders, in addition to the leaving mother-in-law Feng, the only one who has the opportunity and ability to break the situation is the ghost Zun night ghost of the great emperor\'s martial arts realm.

But Nora appeared here in Shen Lang, the weakest of the three.

"Because I love him so much. It\'s unimaginable to kill such a brilliant genius quickly?"

Nora\'s mood stirred: "Shen Lang, I can\'t wait... I want to hear your scream. I want to see you kneel in front of me and beg for mercy. I want to see you slowly destroyed by me..."

Thinking of this, Nora, who was invisible in the dark, said in an almost whisper voice: "lovely Terran boy, your strength and strangeness make people excited."

"Moreover, you have countless secrets that make people curious. That\'s why people let you live until now. Do you understand?"

"Originally, people wanted to drag you and yueqingqian for a while, eradicate all the people in Wanyao mansion and qianhun hall, and then come back and enjoy your... Because other people can\'t attract my attention at all, only you occupy my heart and make my mind full of you!"

"But why are you so anxious?"

"Do you know that you have seen through the hidden place of the golden cicada in the Styx River, but have disrupted others\' plans?"

The voice of Nora, the powerful female of the blood clan, is vicious, murderous, but soft, like a lover\'s whisper: "well, your strength is constantly being consumed, and your defense is weakening. When your strength is not enough to support the shield, you will be directly pierced by the sharp thorn below."

She seemed to say a very common thing to her lover: "you will be stabbed from the anus door to the throat by a sharp thorn. Oh! What a wonderful picture!"

"You will howl in pain. You can\'t live or die."

"Believe me, I\'m very experienced in this. I can guarantee that you won\'t die for a long time."

"Oh, Shen Lang, I\'ve seen the situation after your body is pierced. People can\'t wait..."

One sentence after another, the woman seemed to be talking to Shen Lang and to herself.

This sentence is becoming more and more crazy and unimaginable.

Shen Lang kept his eyes closed and didn\'t seem to care much about everything around him.

Usually, I like to talk to people. I use words to make Shen Lang crazy. I keep my mouth closed. It seems that I don\'t care about Nora of the blood clan.

Shen Lang\'s appearance now is not the expression that a dying man should have!

Not the attitude that a dying man should have!

His reaction made Nora\'s heart itch more and more.

She has a completely ignored anger and an impulse to scream and beg for mercy

"Shen Lang, do you hate talking to others so much?" the floating voice sounded again: "do you know that people have paid attention to you for a long time, but they take great care of you."

"You must not know. I fell in love with you when I saw you becoming an imperial martial mirror... As a result, Robert, that idiot, wanted to rob me. He secretly touched there and wanted to shoot you, but he was killed by the old woman on the spot!"

"He died so well that anyone who dares to rob you with me will die!"

Hearing this, Shen Lang\'s eyelashes trembled slightly!

This sentence contains too much information

From this sentence, Shen Lang can determine at least two points.

First, this woman is not under Milos and ox, but the blood reinforcements from outside the plague!

Second, the woman and the blood clan strong man who was killed by mother-in-law Feng are at the same level... Emperor Wujing jiuchongtian strong man!

Nora\'s voice continued: "later, when I saw the demon blood descendant prepared by Milos and ox die because of you, I fell in love with you completely... I haven\'t met such a brilliant young man for a long time."

"I want to catch you, pierce your body with a piece of wood, put you in the high gate of the city, and let everyone enjoy this art."

"I will burn your soul with blood flame, listen to your sweet scream, listen to you beg for mercy, and let your voice accompany me forever... What a wonderful picture it should be. Just think about it, it makes me feel high tide..."

Shen Lang kept silent, and countless thoughts flashed through his brain.

Nora said while Jie smiled: "the thing of abusing and killing the strong is what I like to do most in Nora\'s life. Do you understand?"

"Especially your brilliant genius..."

"Oh, my Shen Lang, for so many years, you are the first man who makes me have this impulse."

"I can\'t wait!"

Nora really couldn\'t wait. As soon as she said this, the endless Styx golden cicadas suddenly surged and released their bondage to Shen waves.

At the next moment, the golden cicada of Styx formed a terrible giant in the void, and hit Shen Lang with one punch!

With one blow, wind, thunder, earth and fire came out together.

It has the power to destroy heaven and earth and destroy mountains and rivers!

"Vientiane demon!"

At this moment, Shen Lang gave a soft drink, his body moved and changed thousands of things!

Thousands on thousands of breath, as like as two peas, appeared on the nightmare swamp.

The giant fist built by the golden cicada of the Styx River penetrated the nothingness and fell into the light below with a bang. Shengsheng hit the light into a huge pit.