Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1234

The fourth move of "Five Emperors\' Dragon boxing" burst out in an instant!

The fist strength like a knife is superimposed layer by layer, just like tens of thousands of long knives combined to form a huge blade, and then rotate wildly and chop it out with spiral gas strength!


This fist power, as fierce as a knife, fell on the nightmare swamp above.

In an instant, the fist cut the swamp in half, revealing a huge Canyon!

In the middle of the canyon, the huge virtual shadow hidden in the depths of the swamp can\'t dodge. The fist strength like this knife is divided into two!

The upside down heaven and earth changed greatly in an instant, and returned to the appearance of the earth below and the sky above.


"Buzzing, buzzing!"

The huge virtual shadow, which was hit in two by this punch, collapsed and turned into an overwhelming cloud, shrouded in the Shen wave.

The speed is unimaginable!


The huge virtual shadow hidden in the swamp was not the strong man of the blood clan in the dark, but an endless group of colored insects, which made Shen Lang a little stunned.

Shen Lang\'s mind moved. The power of thunder on the black hell armor was suddenly released, opening up a space crisscrossed by thunder and lightning.

At the moment when Shen Lang opened the protective space, the buzzing sound of insects was approaching.

The huge swarm of insects immediately covered up half of the nightmare swamp and surrounded the Shen waves!

Numerous insects surrounded Shen Lang, and the pressure like a mountain squeezed inward into the thunder and lightning space opened by Shen Lang.

It\'s like a ball sinking into the bottom of the sea and great pressure from all directions!

At the same time

As soon as they came into contact with the violent thunder force released by the black Pluto armor, a large number of insects made a crackling sound and kept falling down.

But compared with the insects outside, the destroyed insects are really not worth mentioning.

The pressure in the thunder and lightning space is not reduced, but constantly rising!

Feeling the unimaginable pressure, Shen Lang snorted coldly, sandwiched his two fingers in the air, and instantly clamped an insect killed by the force of thunder in his hand.

"This insect..."

Looking at the insect corpse still intact, Shen Lang\'s eyes were slightly cold.

The black hell armor is the treasure of the black hell family. Even if the absorbed thunder power is Shen Lang who has practiced the "thunder god formula", it can\'t be completely stimulated. How violent and powerful is it?

Under the bombardment of such thunder, the insect still maintained a complete body shape, and it was not said to be shocked into fly ash.

It can be seen how hard the insect\'s body is!

Shen Lang completely ignored the crazy crowd of insects outside. He put the insect in his finger and looked at it carefully.

The insect was as white as jade with six feet and seven colors on its back. It released a strange light under the sun.

Its length is only half a foot, its face is ferocious, and its body is as hard as a work of art cut from diamonds.

But this "art" still carries the unspeakable pure air of death!

When people\'s eyes focus on the insect, it seems that they have entered the nine Youming prison through the insect\'s body, which makes people cold and tremble!

Shen Lang gently clamped the insect in two sections from the middle.

As soon as the bug broke, the surging Qi of death was released from the bug and shrouded the whole thunder space!

"Styx Golden Cicada!"

A name came out of Shen Lang\'s mouth.

At this moment, Shen Lang stared round, surprised and angry!

"Golden cicada of Styx River" is a wild and strange insect handed down from the ancient times. It is invincible without eating anything!

The Styx golden cicada ranks fifth in the list of strange insects, only one place lower than the mature golden insect.

At the beginning, the immortal blood race emperor, the insect mother emperor and the deep sea emperor secretly attacked the eternal tree and fought with the green dragon family. The insect mother emperor once released the mature gold eating insects, which made the dragon family emperor afraid.

Although the Styx golden cicada can\'t compare with the mature golden insect, it is also a first-class bully!

This item is naturally inviolable to the five elements, and the magic weapon of the sword is difficult to hurt.

Not only can devour all kinds of magic weapons, but also like to devour the soul, so as to grow!

How many souls should these countless golden cicadas of Styx devour when they grow to such a degree

Only these golden cicadas of the Styx River are shrouded here, which makes people feel like they are in the Styx river of the nine netherworld prison!

The whole human spirit seems to be pulled out of the body and become one of them!

According to legend, if a strong man below the seventh heaven of emperor Wujing encounters such a thing, he has only one choice unless he has an unparalleled divine soldier in his hand


How far, how far!

Moreover, this also refers to the small number of golden cicadas in the Styx river!

And now it\'s more than a million that surround shenlang?

It is said that the Styx golden cicada is more difficult to cultivate than the golden insect. The number is very rare and almost extinct.

Even Shen Lang didn\'t expect to see so many now... Covering more than half of the nightmare swamp!


The rosefinch fire that burned all things was released from Shen Lang, wrapped his whole body and burned.

The rosefinch divine fire and the power of thunder released from the black Pluto armor are entangled and superimposed to consolidate the space where Shen Lang stands.

The Styx cicadas near Shen Lang, as soon as they came into contact with the fire of the rosefinch, immediately burned up before they had time to retreat, making a "zizizi" sound. It rained and crashed down.

However, those insects have not been burned by the rosefinch fire, nor have they fallen below, and the bodies have been swallowed up by other Styx cicadas!

In addition to the buzzing sound around, there was a creaking and harsh grinding sound.

When the ferocious golden cicada of Styx River encountered the fire of rosefinch, it finally made a frightened sound and withdrew for a distance, which made the space where Shen Lang was located much larger.

The terrible pressure squeezed on Shen Lang immediately became much smaller.

Compared with the power of thunder, the rosefinch fire obviously restrained the Styx cicada more.

"Buzzing, buzzing!"

These insects directly invade the soul, interfere with the mind, and make people with Shen Lang\'s mind a burst of irritability.

Feng Tianding turned slightly and released white light, enveloping Shen Lang and the whole sea of knowledge.

The sound of the golden cicada invading the soul was shielded outside.

If you listen to other powerful imperial martial mirrors all the time, even if you won\'t be controlled by the voice, you may eventually be full of flaws and taken by others.

"There are so many golden cicadas in the Styx river. I\'m afraid it\'s a little troublesome..."

Facing the overwhelming golden cicadas in the Styx River, Shen Lang also frowned.

The blood clan array shrouded in the pale Valley can almost drag the emperor\'s martial mirror seven or eight days strong to death. It\'s troublesome enough

Now there are countless golden cicadas in the Styx!

The mature golden cicada of the Styx River on such a scale, even if it is the moon at the peak of the emperor\'s martial mirror, I\'m afraid it\'s difficult to retreat if there are no divine soldiers such as the sacred sword in hand!

In addition to the Styx golden cicada, there is a powerful blood clan who is hidden behind and is likely to be more terrible... How weak can a guy who can control this number of mature Styx golden cicadas?

Shen Lang\'s mind turned and thought hard about countermeasures.

"Ha ha, ha ha, I really underestimated you, little fellow!"

The woman\'s voice sounded again over the nightmare swamp: "I used the power of the array and the space cracks to hide the golden cicadas of the Styx River in the depths of the swamp. You found them all. I\'m worthy of being the one who can destroy our plan!"

"Unfortunately, that\'s all for you..."

"The breeding and cultivation of Styx cicada is extremely difficult and precious. Because you have rosefinch fire, we hide them."

"But why did you find the golden cicada in the Styx?"

"Now, let\'s see when your rosefinch fire can burn?"

With the sound of the blood clan strong, endless Styx golden cicadas let out gaps.

Then, the thunder exploded on the void, and the blood red lightning fell, passing through the gap of the golden cicada in the Styx River and hitting the protective cover outside Shen Lang!


The figure of rosefinch divine fire and Shen Lang shook suddenly.

Not only that, the nightmare swamp below rumbled and shook like an earthquake.

Sharp stone pillars as big as mountains broke the ground and stabbed up towards Shen waves from bottom to top!

In the sharp sound of breaking the air, the sharp stone pillars are still a long distance away from Shen Lang, and a breath of terror and oppression that makes people feel terrible is uploaded from them.

The blood clan strongman doesn\'t seem to be in a hurry to urge these Styx golden cicadas to attack.

But I want to use the power of this array to kill Shen waves, especially... Rosefinch fire!

A strong man, even at the level of the great emperor, can call the terrible vitality of heaven and earth, but it is impossible to say that his power is endless.

Although the rosefinch fire restrained these Styx cicadas, it kept burning and was consumed by the power of this array. I\'m afraid it won\'t last long.

When the rosefinch fire was consumed, it was Shen Lang\'s death in the eyes of the strong blood clan.

At that time, she will take Shen Lang as she wants!

"Boom, boom!"

The blood clan\'s ancient array ran wildly, and the attacks from heaven and earth continued to bombard shenlang.

Around the endless Styx, golden cicadas are eyeing. They just wait for the rosefinch to weaken, so they take advantage of the situation!

Such a crisis is rare in Shen Lang\'s life!

However, it was at this time that Shen Lang closed his eyes and began to think about countermeasures regardless of the attack from heaven and earth

Shen Lang had to admit that this was definitely the biggest crisis he encountered after entering the wilderness.

If it weren\'t for wearing the black hell armor, the most precious treasure of the black hell family, Shen Lang would have to hide in the fengtianding at the moment.