Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1233

The ancient array of blood clan is formed with Moonlight City as the center and eight surrounding points as the auxiliary.

The way of heaven is made of nine.

The blood clan array also has nine points.

In addition to the Moonlight City, four of the other eight points are the four main cities, and the other four points are the locations where the four main cities are connected with the Moonlight City, such as the pale valley.

The destruction of Luocha city has a great impact on the serial array, but the ten thousand demon house and the thousand soul hall can only be regarded as a breakthrough at most, far from breaking the blood clan\'s serial array.

This is also the reason why Milos still didn\'t appear when the three demon blood descendants were killed and ox was killed.

Milos sits in the Moonlight City, which is the center of this ancient chain array.

At the edge of the ancient array - during the war near Luocha City, even if the three demon blood descendants were destroyed, even if oux and his blood clan strong team were destroyed, the blood clan did not urge the ancient array.

Until the ten thousand demon mansion and the thousand soul hall drove straight into the pale Valley

The ancient blood clan series array was completely opened!

The forbearance of the blood clan makes people shudder!

The powerful people in the ten thousand demon mansion and the thousand soul hall, who fell into this big array, have been separated and independent in an instant, and fell into various magic arrays or killing arrays

The seemingly defeated blood clan, the elite, began to fight!

On Shen Lang\'s side, heaven and earth seem to have been reversed. The whole body is trapped by the swamp sludge. It has withstood several rounds of terrible attacks in a short time!

However, it\'s strange that Shen Lang didn\'t make a little sound from beginning to end.

There was neither resistance nor scream

The black hand hidden in the dark seems to have found something strange. The power of the big array tilts further, the falling thunder and lightning become more and more dense, and the power is constantly improving!

Just when the thunder and lightning kept falling and the amount of horses turned into swamp sludge was pulled wildly, Shen wave, who had not moved, raised his head.

"Have you had enough?"

In Shen Lang\'s eyes, there are golden lightning raging madly!

"Attack me with the power of thunder? Hey, hey, ha ha!"

Shen Lang laughed wildly, and his strength suddenly released!

Instantly smash the swamp sludge trapped on your body into slag!

With the same strength, if you change other forces to attack Shen Lang, Shen Lang may not be so easy and casual.

But it\'s a joke to use the power of thunder to deal with Shen Lang!

On the one hand, Shen Lang practiced the most powerful thunder skill "thunder god formula" and forged his body with the power of thunder for a long time;

On the other hand, through the tree of the world, he refined the lightning robbery, and when he advanced, his consciousness entered the destruction space. His understanding of the meaning of the thunder destruction rules has reached the point where it is difficult for the strong to touch the top of the world!

Even the power of robbing thunder can be controlled, not to mention ordinary thunder and lightning?

Not only that, Shen Lang is also wearing a black hell armor containing the power of unpredictable thunder!

The black Pluto armor not only blocks out all the power of thunder, but also spontaneously absorbs the power of thunder without prompting!

Trying to use the power of thunder to kill Shen waves is as ridiculous as drowning fish with the water of a stream.

"Boom, boom!"

In the nightmare swamp above, the power of thunder is still gathering, and then it continues to bombard the Shen waves.

Shen Lang neither resisted nor dodged, allowing the thunder and lightning to strike him.

As soon as the black Pluto armor moved, the terrible thunder and lightning fell down from Shen Lang like a water curtain, completely isolated by the black Pluto armor.

The electric light flickered and the energy soared, but Shen Lang stood still.

"Hiss, hiss, hiss!"

Countless horses came out of the swamp and swept towards the Shen wave!

Shen Lang waved with his hand. With a violent knife spirit, he cut the nearby swamp sludge into pieces in an instant.

However, thunder and lightning are still falling, and swamp sludge is still sweeping in, as if there was no end.

It seems that the blood clan hiding behind is very afraid of him because they saw the scene of swallowing chaotic energy before Shen Lang.

So I want to hide behind and urge the power of the big array, kill the power of Shen waves, and finally blast.

This is the safest way.

If other imperial martial mirrors are strong, even if they can resist this continuous attack, it is estimated that they will not last long.

The big array calls the vitality of heaven and earth. As long as the array is not broken, it will continue.

After all, human power can not compete with the power of heaven and earth.

"Still refuse to show up? The blood clan claims to be a Protoss and the master of the world. As the top strong man of the blood clan, he hides in the dark like a mouse and refuses to show his body?"

Shen Lang sneered and frowned slightly.

The current situation seems very bad for Wanyao mansion and qianhun Hall

Shen Lang himself is not very worried.

In theory, among the blood families in the plague land, no one can threaten Shen Lang except the demon blood.

Three demon blood descendants have been killed;

Ox\'s body was destroyed and Dan Ying was captured;

Milos wants to control the center of the array in the Moonlight City... And he was not only blown up by the king of annihilation thunder in Luocha city last time, but also severely damaged by yueqingqian. Even if he really came here, it would be difficult to pose a great threat to Shen Lang.

According to this estimate, the strong blood clan hidden in the dark is the top of emperor Wujing\'s eight heaven.

Even if the blood clan hides a strong man equivalent to Milos, with Shen Lang\'s current strength, even if it can\'t fight, it can escape.

But now the blood clan\'s ancient serial array has been started, and the other party doesn\'t seem to be in a hurry to deal with him

Judging from the attack power Shen Lang feels now, the power of this array has not been fully played. I\'m afraid more than half of it has fallen on the strong ones of Wanyao mansion and qianhun hall.

Shen Lang\'s eyes were cold and murmured, "hiding in the dark is to drag me?"

As soon as the voice fell, a very evil floating voice sounded in the void: "what a terrible boy, who can not only withstand the bombardment of such power, but also knows that this seat is trying to hold you down?"

It sounded like a woman.

Shen Lang immediately smiled: "do you want to control this array, and send strong people to trap moon Qingqian, night ghost and me, and then break down the strong people of Wanyao mansion and qianhun hall one by one and kill them all within a period of time?"

Although the ancient blood clan array is very powerful, it is not omnipotent.

At least it is impossible for this array to completely destroy the moon, the night and the dark, and the Shen waves.

Think from the perspective of blood clan. First drag Shen Lang for a period of time, and then rely on the power of this array to cooperate with other strong men of blood clan. In less than three days, you can catch all the strong men in Wanyao mansion and qianhun hall!

Then gather the power of the big array and turn around to deal with Shen Lang

A perfect plan!

The ethereal voice rang again: "however, even if you guess?"

"You have been trapped in this nightmare swamp. This space is separated separately. You can\'t escape if you have the means to connect the sky."

The blood clan strong man hidden in the dark seems to be very confident in this array.

It turned out to be straightforward to admit their plot in front of Shen Lang.

She said angrily, "when the others are killed, the next three of you will be."

"First of all, you are the weakest of the three, then the moon is clear and shallow, and finally the ghost of the great emperor\'s martial arts realm, the dark night!"

Shen Lang shook his head with a smile and said, "the first one is me? It\'s really an honor."

The strong woman of the blood clan smiled darkly and said, "ha ha, ha ha, pity you stupid guys. You think you can win by killing ox and killing the demon blood..."

"But I don\'t know. We\'ve laid a back hand! This ancient array is not something you can compete with!"

Shen Lang\'s face looked like a smile, and his surging thoughts swept out and spread around.

This investigation really made Shen Lang\'s eyes a little dignified

Shen Lang\'s surging mind didn\'t notice even a trace of the dark hand behind the scenes!

Moreover, under the investigation of his mind, he was surprised to find that his mind could not get out of the nightmare swamp with a radius of only ten thousand miles!

In the area of nightmare swamp, the whole space has been chaotic, and there are space cracks everywhere, which is extremely dangerous.

Shen Lang\'s mind is like entering a maze. It\'s difficult to reach the end no matter how urged

It seems that the strong man of the blood clan\'s words to trap him are not alarmist.

Such a powerful array, even if the ghost Zun night nether in the great emperor\'s martial arts realm wants to break through, I\'m afraid it\'s not so easy.

But there are exceptions to everything.

Shen Lang, considered the weakest by the blood clan, is the one who is most likely to break through this array!


Shen Lang threw his left hand at random and burst the falling huge thunder and lightning.

Together with the quantity of horses turned into swamp sludge, it was once again shattered.

The potential of heaven and Earth spread silently from Shen Lang at this moment.

At this moment, even in this forbidden chaotic world, the connection between Shen Lang and the whole world became clear.

Even the imperceptible things in Shen Lang\'s mind are also mapped out a clear pattern at the moment.

Deep in the nightmare swamp above, under the cover of the ancient blood clan array, a huge shadow almost integrated with the swamp, motionless

"Originally, use the power of this array to hide in the depths of this swamp?"

"No wonder the mind can\'t detect it. There are space cracks and chaotic energy in all directions."

Shen Lang waved his hands and scattered the falling attacks one by one.

This kind of attack can\'t do much damage to Shen Lang, but it\'s very annoying to keep on and on.

Now that he knows the purpose of the blood clan and finds out the trace of the behind the scenes man, Shen Lang doesn\'t want to entangle anymore.

"If you don\'t come out, I can beat you out!"

Shen Lang gave a soft drink, and his body was spinning like a top. The violent Qi shook away all the falling thunder and lightning and swamp sludge.

The knife that cuts the ages is intended to be released from Shen Lang\'s right fist and fill the world!

Shen Lang\'s right fist rushed to the extreme speed towards the nightmare swamp above!

"The fist melts all Dharma ideas like a knife. I only respect you for thousands of years!"