Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1232

"What a crazy boy, dare to do such a thing!"

"What kind of skill is this? How can it be so rebellious! Even the strong in the emperor\'s martial arts dare not absorb that kind of violent and chaotic energy? How dare he..."

"This means against the sky has never been heard of and is unimaginable!"

"If the strong man of the thousand souls hall meets this boy, he must pay more attention... I\'m afraid his skill is the bane of the soul body!"

"If this boy is not eradicated as soon as possible, it must be a great disaster in the future!"

Ten thousand demon mansion and qianhun hall are in a very complicated mood.

Since Shen Lang appeared in the plague and killed Murong Changfeng, Shen Lang\'s strange means have been one after another.

In so many short days, the strong almost watched him leap from the quasi emperor martial mirror to the present!

It\'s still the left envoy of Zhuque mansion who can control this boy in the future with such a speed against the sky and such skills and means against the sky. Give him a few years to develop, and with the terrible resources of the demon God hall, who can control this boy in the future?

Just as everyone began to think about how to deal with the sinking waves, everyone suddenly felt as if a bucket of ice water had been poured down from the head, shivering one by one!

Turning around, everyone saw grandma Feng\'s eyes full of murder and threat!

It is estimated that mother-in-law Feng is aware of their divine thoughts and their hostility to Shen Lang.

It seems that if the people in Wanyao mansion and qianhun hall really dare to move shenlang, mother-in-law Feng will definitely do it at the first time

A group of strong people were frightened by mother-in-law Feng and all looked away.

Ghost zunye Youming immediately smiled strangely: "Feng Ling, your temper hasn\'t changed for so many years? In your capacity, do you threaten a group of young people?"

"Not to mention the others, the boy helped us kill the most powerful demon blood descendant before, and saved the people of Wanyao mansion and qianhun Hall... Our people are different from your demon God hall. We all know gratitude. How can we deal with Shen Lang at this time?"

As soon as the ten thousand demon mansion and the thousand soul hall were dry, the strong man shrugged and immediately said a shame.

If it weren\'t for Shen Lang\'s toss, the demon blood descendants of the second heaven of the great emperor\'s martial realm would be born, and the people of the ten thousand demon house and the thousand soul hall would be in great trouble.

Ghost Zun\'s words are right. That boy is really a benefactor to everyone.

Mother-in-law Feng snorted: "all the three demon bones and blood descendants are destroyed, but the ancient serial array of the blood clan is not easy. The center is the tower of the source of pain in the moonlight city. It is difficult to break the array... When you go, the whole process is shrouded in the array, and you may not be able to be smooth."

"Think about how to deal with the blood clan. Take it easy, don\'t move some crooked ideas, and be careful of capsizing in the gutter."

As soon as the voice fell, mother-in-law Feng\'s figure completely disappeared.

Ghost Zun night Youming didn\'t know what he was thinking. After a long time, he said in a loud voice, "here are two imperial martial mirrors, eight strong men in the sky, sitting in town and cleaning the battlefield."

"The rest, kill the moonlight city! Destroy the blood clan!"

A group of strong imperial martial mirror shouted loudly: "kill the moonlight city! Destroy the blood clan!"

Here, in the nightmare swamp of the pale Valley, Shen Lang urged the "star sucking Da Fa" to the extreme, and the Tai Chi diagram ran crazy.

Endless energy is instilled madly, like a surging river.

The power contained in the demon blood descendant of the double heaven of the great emperor\'s martial realm is too terrible.

With the power of Tai Chi today, less than a third of it has been absorbed in the past half a day!

At this time, the former of Wanyao mansion and qianhun hall has come one after another.

These strong men bypassed this area, flew over the edge of nightmare swamp, and slowed down one by one intentionally or unintentionally.

Everyone wants to see clearly or figure out... Is the black hole in front of Shen Lang a skill or a magic weapon?

Unfortunately, no matter how they scan their minds, they still can\'t see any clues.

"These guys, unexpectedly unscrupulously sweep the mind over, hum!"

Shen Lang was on alert and had a twelve point spirit.

Although the people in Wanyao mansion and qianhun hall were frightened by mother-in-law Feng, there were women who didn\'t play cards according to common sense.

Who knows if she would be very "polite" when she passed by?

Among the figures in the void, the figure of the golden winged ROC King moon appeared as expected.

The woman stood with her hands down, stepped into the void, and walked slowly and gracefully.

It\'s slow, because her movements look very natural and her steps are slow, but in fact, her speed is very fast. One step is thousands of miles.

Moon Qingqian didn\'t even turn his face. He just glanced at the Shen wave below, crossed the nightmare swamp expressionless and went towards the moonlight city.

The other strong men looked strange and crossed the nightmare swamp one by one, leaving Shen Lang alone in the nightmare swamp.

Shen Lang doesn\'t want to reveal the "star sucking Da Fa" which is an anti heaven skill.

Even if it is revealed, it also controls the power, so as not to be too shocking and then noticed.

But this time, knowing that there were a group of strong people in Luocha city and the blood clan in Moonlight City were also paying attention, Shen Lang still had to use this move and urged it to the limit.

No way, it\'s really that the energy of the demon blood is too huge and attractive

The opportunity never comes again.

If you miss this time, when will you have the chance to do it again?

Under the shadow of this ancient array, without the help of mother-in-law Feng, it is not so easy for Wanyao mansion and qianhun hall to win the moonlight city.

After receiving this energy, it should still be in time to go to the moonlight city to get the source of pain.

After swallowing and refining the absorbed energy, the space in the Taiji diagram continues to expand, the tree of the world grows and grows crazily, and the speed of operation is faster and faster. The speed of swallowing this violent energy is also increasing accordingly.

Another six hours passed

The energy of the demon blood in the nightmare swamp is less than a quarter.


Lightning and thunder in the void, earth shaking and mountains shaking!

Then, the whole heaven and earth suddenly turned upside down and became heaven below and earth above!

Shen Lang was in a trance. The urging of Tai Chi diagram was interrupted by Sheng Sheng!

At this moment, in the nightmare swamp hanging upside down in the air, the pieces of swamp sludge rushed up, entangled Shen Lang\'s body, hands and feet, and then pulled them out!

This posture seems to want to "divide Shen Lang into five parts"!

Between the lightning and flint, Shen Lang thought and collected the ghost king and Duanmu Zheng into the fengtianding!

At the same time, great changes have taken place in the shrouded areas of the five main cities of the blood clan.

In front of the pale Valley, the strong men of the ten thousand demon mansion and the thousand soul hall, who had just passed, hardly had time to respond when the space around them changed. Everyone was separated one by one and entered different spaces!

From the pale Valley to Luocha City, the army formed by the strong under the martial mirror of the ten thousand demon house and the thousand soul hall also encountered snipers.

The ghost at the back of the hall shouted angrily, turned into a fog and shrouded all the coalition forces, which didn\'t destroy the coalition forces of the ten thousand demon house and the thousand soul hall!

Not long ago, mother-in-law Feng also reminded that the whole journey from Luocha city to Moonlight City was shrouded in the ancient blood clan array, so that the night could be more leisurely.

Unexpectedly, as soon as yueqingqian led a group of strong men into the pale Valley, the blood clan array immediately began to operate!

The situation has become extremely unfavorable to Wanyao mansion and qianhun Hall

"Hmm? Has the blood clan formation finally started? But its power seems to be a little weak... It seems that there are many strong men in the thousand soul hall and the ten thousand demon mansion in the pale Valley, so they can\'t use all their power against me?"

Shen Lang felt the power of the mud that bound his whole body, and was slightly surprised in his heart.

Such a terrible force does not come from one or more strong men.

But the pale Valley has mobilized the power of heaven and earth!

This kind of power can almost tear an emperor\'s martial mirror, a seven strong man in the sky, in an instant!

However, according to Shen Lang\'s estimation of the power of the large array, the power of the large array of pale valley was not fully used on him.

It also scattered most of its power and used it on some strong people in Wanyao mansion and qianhun hall.


Shen Lang snorted, and the power of the chaotic divine body had been running.

After a while, Shen Lang\'s muscles and bones roared in unison. A vast and unpredictable force seemed to spread out immediately!


Before the action of sinking waves, a blood red lightning as thick as a bucket fell on the swamp above!

With a loud bang, the terrible blood red lightning hit the top of Shen Lang!

Lightning flashes, thunder is vertical and horizontal!

Shen Lang\'s whole body seemed to be coerced by the purgatory of thunder. There were electric snakes popping all over his body, and his body shook wildly involuntarily!

The violent force centered on Shen wave burst out in circles in all directions.

If you attack like this, I\'m afraid other imperial martial mirror six or seven strong people have been seriously injured.

Even if the emperor Wujing\'s eight strong heaven gets this, I\'m afraid it\'s too much to eat!

Soon, there was a strange roar from the swamp sludge entangled with the Shen waves, and the strength climbed madly, and began to pull out again!

At the same time, the huge thunder and lightning on the swamp above not only did not stop, but became more and more dense, falling down one after another!

It seems that Shen Lang is suffering from thunder!

Thunder and lightning hit Shen Lang and burst out dazzling light.

At this moment, from a distance, Shen Lang is like a small sun

Bound, completely beaten sun!

The large array of pale Valley has been running at full speed driven by the black hand.

The energy of heaven and earth mobilized by the array is surging, and it is crazy to vent on Shen Lang with the power of thunder and lightning.

At this time, Shen Lang seemed to have been caught off guard and had no time to resist.

Just like the same person fell under the waterfall and was hit by the power of the waterfall, up and down, North and South