Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1231

Tang Wenjun and Qin Wei looked at each other and their faces turned red.

Shen Lang\'s refusal was quite direct.

But Shen Lang\'s choice is undoubtedly correct... Their two accomplishments are the emperor\'s martial mirror liuchongtian. They are also good at inquiring about news. Now they are seriously injured by Yue Qingqing\'s sword intention. I\'m afraid they will really become a burden if they follow Shen Lang.

The two women cheered up and carefully flew out of Luocha city.

Fortunately, mother-in-law Feng is still here. Even if the people in Wanyao mansion and qianhun hall want to stay, they don\'t dare to fight.

Above the void, the moon Qingqian glanced in the direction of the pale Valley intentionally or unintentionally.

That\'s where Shen Lang is going now.

On the other side, the Shen wave drilled out of the space crack suddenly had a cold feeling on her back: "trouble, I\'m stared at by the moon... It\'s the rosefinch fire, the annihilation God thunder king, plus the previous information to the Nara king and the Dragon King, this woman may start to doubt that I\'m the war emperor."

Shen Lang had a headache.

Being watched by women is a very troublesome thing.

It\'s quite troublesome to be watched by such a powerful woman as Yue Qingqian!

It was a headache for Zhan DIDU to think that the moon was shallow in those years. Now Shen Lang\'s cultivation is far from dealing with this woman.

If you can, Shen Lang will never reveal his flaws and be found by moon Qingqian.

But the blood clan, the demon blood descendant of the second heaven of the great emperor\'s martial realm, was an accident. Shen Lang chose again, and he still wanted to do so.

If Shen Lang doesn\'t do it, even if the ten thousand demon house and the thousand soul hall can kill the demon blood, it is estimated that a large number of people will be killed and injured.


Shen Lang urged the broken false silver eyes and began to scan around.

Next, he will do the same troublesome thing... The carefully hidden "star sucking Dharma" may be revealed to the strong in all parties this time.

Shen Lang is now standing in the same position where he left when mother-in-law Feng killed the devil\'s blood descendants.

At this moment, more than 800 miles ahead, the violent and chaotic energy forms a turbulent flow of energy.

These violent energy turbulence destroyed the mountains, destroyed everything, and tore apart the nearby void.

Even the strong emperor\'s martial mirror and the strong six or seven heaven dare not enter easily.

But such a dangerous place is a treasure for Shen Lang!

The energy of the whole pale valley was gathered here by the claw of mother-in-law wind;

The energy of the devil\'s bones and blood descendants caught and exploded in the second heaven of the great emperor\'s martial realm is also in this area, which has not dissipated in a short time!

Not only that, Shen Lang also wants to find the fragment of the demon blood descendant and study it well!

Broken false silver eyes urged to the limit and scanned quickly.

"Grandma Feng\'s grasp probably took all her strength, and the whole demon blood family burst into countless pieces."

"Then, mother-in-law Feng and ghost Zun didn\'t go back to Luocha city immediately. It seems that they are competing for the fragments of the devil\'s blood. But even if they take some, they can\'t take them all in a hurry."

"In this chaotic energy turbulence, there are definitely some fragments covered by this energy turbulence and finally left here."

Shen Lang urged his crazy silver eyes to the extreme and scanned the nightmare swamp crazily.


Just under the broken arrogant silver eyes, at the bottom of a deep pit in the southwest, a mass of corpse gas and dead gas entangled together, condensed but not dispersed, releasing the intimidating pressure.

Above the pit, chaotic energy surged, forming one vortex after another.

Shen Lang\'s body moved and urged his broken silver eyes to zigzag through the endless chaotic energy and fall on the top of the deep pit.

"Star sucking Dharma" immediately urged the energy near the pit from chaos to order. The Yangtze River into the sea is generally swallowed by the Tai Chi diagram!

When all nearby rage energy is swallowed up

A ten foot long black stone appeared in Shen Lang\'s sight.

Shen Lang grabbed his hands forward and said, "get up!"

Under this grasp, the roaring sound immediately sounded, and the "black stone" began to float slowly.

"It\'s only ten feet long. It\'s as heavy as a mountain!" Shen Lang\'s eyes were slightly frozen. "No wonder such huge fragments can be preserved under the terrible grasp of mother-in-law Feng."

As soon as the power of the chaotic Divine Body urged, the black stone flew over with a roar and was caught in his hand by Shen Lang.

As soon as Shen Lang caught the "black stone", lightning burst out and crackled.

The extremely powerful destructive force gushed out of the black stone and roared towards the Shen wave!

An ancient and simple breath of vicissitudes also rushed forward, making Shen Lang feel suffocated.


Shen Lang snorted and let the lightning wrap his arms.

When it comes to the power of various attributes, he has learned the "thunder god formula" and put on black Pluto armor. What he is most afraid of is the power of thunder and lightning!

"Blood ancestor, blood ancestor, you have designed and obtained the cells of soul ancestor and corpse ancestor, but how do you know? I can also take your demon blood descendant and the source of pain to study your old monster!"

At this time, it was not the time to study this thing. Shen Lang glanced at the black stone with faint light at will, and Feng Tianding released a white light, and immediately took in the fragments of demon bone and blood.

With the improvement of Shen Lang\'s cultivation and the strengthening of his divine consciousness, Shen Lang controlled fengtianding more and more freely, and his contact with fengtianding became closer and closer.

Shen Lang didn\'t stop for a moment, breaking his arrogant silver eyes and looking for the fragments of the devil\'s blood in the pale valley.

In Shen Lang\'s opinion, it is definitely a rare treasure in the world.

How terrible would it be if it were used to refine armor or magic soldiers, or to refine into puppets and separation?

At the beginning, Shen Lang thought that the emperor of war had taken the wrong medicine, and even spent time and experience to reach the master level of all kinds of professions for refining medicine and utensils.

Looking back now, I\'m afraid the war emperor has more foresight than anyone in the world.

Now this fragment of demon blood descendant falls into Shen Lang\'s hands. Shen Lang, who has the memory of the emperor of war, has broken false silver eyes and Tai Chi, which is against the sky. It\'s not difficult to find the weakness of demon blood descendant!

Even then, Shen Lang himself may refine a powerful puppet similar to the devil\'s blood!

Everything that emperor Zhan did in those years, now I think, is highly targeted. He paved the way for Shen Lang

"Another one!"

"Hahaha, the fifth piece!"

Shen Lang kept shuttling between the chaotic energy, looking for the fragments of the demon blood.

It turned into a unilateral massacre in Luocha city. When the battle was about to end, Shen Lang had found all the magic bone and blood fragments of the whole pale Valley, and there was no one left!

Thirty two dollars!

Shen Lang was so happy that he asked for 32 compliments!

After all this, Shen Lang refused to stop. He stood at the center of the chaotic energy and threw Duanmu Zhenghe ghost king out.

Duanmu Zheng and the ghost king came out to talk. When they saw the violent hurricane formed by the surrounding energy, they were immediately frightened and didn\'t say a word!

In such a terrible place, as long as they touch the edge of the energy hurricane, they will lose their soul immediately!

"Old... Old... Boss, this is..."

The ghost King stammered his courage and asked.

Shen Lang smiled and said, "duanmuzheng, old ghost, this time is your luck!"

"I can see clearly that the most pure energy of rage and terror around here is corpse Qi and dead Qi."

"This is from the demon blood descendant of the second heaven of the great emperor\'s martial realm. If you can absorb all the corpse Qi and dead Qi, even if you can\'t achieve the great emperor\'s martial realm, it\'s nothing to become the emperor\'s martial mirror!"

"The double heaven of Emperor Wu territory? Become emperor Wu mirror?" the ghost king and duanmuzheng were mute.

Shen Lang\'s words are a little exaggerated. You know, their accomplishments now... Duanmu is the peak of the imperial martial arts realm, and there is a bottleneck from the quasi imperial martial mirror; The ghost king is just the four heaven of Huangwu territory.

At this time, although they have seen many strong emperor Wujing, they can\'t count their distance from the strong emperor Wujing!

And how terrible is this chaotic energy storm?

Even if it is stained with a little, it will be scared. How to absorb it?

But what Shen Lang said to them, has there ever been any falsehood?

A ghost and a zombie immediately rubbed their hands: "boss, what do you say we should do!"

Shen Lang opened his hands: "you two stand on my left and right sides. Later, I will urge the \'star sucking Da FA\' to devour this violent and unparalleled energy. When this endless energy gathers, I will release it appropriately. You can absorb as much as you can."

"After I devour all these energies, dead Qi and corpse Qi will be stored for you and swallowed by you in stages to help you break through the imperial mirror as soon as possible!"

Duanmu was almost happy to cry as he looked at the ghost king.

A ghost and a zombie immediately sat down on both sides of shenlang and began to work hard.

In contrast, the energy of the devil\'s blood and bones in the great emperor\'s Wu realm has exceeded many yuan force fragments in the Feng Tianding.

For the ghost king and duanmuzheng zombies, this pure corpse Qi and dead Qi are easier to be absorbed and refined than the pure vitality of Yuanli fragments.

You know, after the vitality of Yuanli fragments is absorbed by zombies and ghosts, it still needs a long-term process. Finally, it can be refined and transformed into corpse Qi or dead Qi.

However, the corpse Qi and death Qi of the demon blood descendants in the great emperor\'s martial realm are pure to the extreme, and vast to the extreme. After being absorbed by the Tai Chi diagram, they are most easily absorbed by duanmuzheng and the ghost king!

Shen Lang said that this is the creation of Duanmu Zhenghe ghost king, which is no exaggeration at all.

This is indeed a great fortune!

At this time, the "star sucking Da Fa" has been urged, and a black hole with a diameter of 100 feet appears in front of Shen Lang!

The chaotic and violent energy flow, like sea water, immediately poured down into the black hole!

On the other side of Luocha City, the strong men of ten thousand demon house and thousand soul hall noticed the abnormality here, and their faces became strange.