Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1230

Moon Qingqian didn\'t speak any more. Zun Shendao\'s light was great, which made NaX run around.

It was at this time that the huge column shrunk rapidly, became less than one tenth of the original, and then sent out a dazzling light, "Hoo" and disappeared!

"Hoo, hoo, Hoo..."

Shen Lang stood in the distance, breathing heavily.

This column looks like the material for refining demon blood. I\'m afraid the weight of this column has exceeded ten huge mountains.

"My Lord!"

The two women from Zhuque mansion flew over and wiped the sweat on Shen Lang\'s face with concern.

Shen Lang sat down in the void, gasped and asked, "are you from Zhuque mansion? How can you appear here?"

Early in the morning, he felt the breath of the rosefinch house on the two men.

However, Luocha city has become the battlefield of several top strongmen. What are the two imperial martial mirrors running here for? They are not afraid of death?

"My Lord, we are in charge of inquiring about the news in Zhuque mansion. My name is Tang Wenjun and her name is Qin Wei."

It turned out that these two people were the experts in charge of the investigation of Zhuque mansion. They felt the fire of Zhuque released by Shen Lang before, so they rushed towards Luocha city.

"I see." Shen Lang nodded slightly and said, "don\'t come to this muddy water. You\'ll leave Luocha city and hide away a little later. Grandma Feng may kill the devil\'s blood and blood later."

"Yes!" Tang Wenjun and Qin Wei responded respectfully.

Shen Lang was a little depressed and raised his head.

In the line of sight, yueqingqian showed his great power and joined hands with several other strong men to beat naux to death.

However, the emperor Wujing jiuchongtian is by no means easy. A hundred footed insects die without stiffness. Under such an advantage, Yue Qingqian still didn\'t win the blood clan giant.

And it seems that the people in the ten thousand demon house and the thousand soul hall may want to capture the ox alive because of the "broken soul original world", so the situation was a little deadlocked.

Shen Lang shook his head with a smile: "dealing with such a stupid guy for so long will damage the reputation of Wanyao mansion and qianhun hall? What are you waiting for? Do you want to wait for Lord Guizun to kill the demon blood descendant and let him do it again?"

The ox above was furious when he heard Shen Lang scold him for his stupidity.

Before he reacted, Shen Lang suddenly turned his eyes and took care of it

As soon as his body shape changed, he turned into the appearance of the morning wind of the dead feather, leisurely waved to Oz and said, "Hey, Oz, look who the little master is? We are old acquaintances!"

When it comes to the stimulation of ox, in addition to the extinction of the demon bone and blood descendants in the second heaven of the great emperor\'s martial realm, I\'m afraid it\'s the dead feather CHENFENG now!

You know, the dead feather CHENFENG appeared in front of ox and Milos and finally left with the saint Alice!

Now the saint Alice is missing. The boy who came out of nowhere has turned into the appearance of the dead feather CHENFENG

The previous "broken soul original world" plan was also broken in response to this person.

All sorts of things in the past, including the disappearance of Saint Alice, ox\'s rage, and a mouthful of blood - gushed out!

At the moment when he revealed his flaws, there were a few noises

The four strong men in the thousand souls hall shot at the same time, and the four soul chains pierced the two arms and two feet of ox and completely locked them!

"Get out of the way!"

The golden winged ROC king seized the opportunity, avoided the attack of two demon blood descendants, and waved a knife to split ox in two!


Ox shouted wildly, and the two halves of his body began to converge again.

The strong men in the surrounding ten thousand demon mansion and thousand soul hall took advantage of the situation and roared over, killing the two halves of ox\'s body and decreasing his breath.

"Blood clan giant? Hiss, but so!" Shen Lang sneered.

At this time, Shen Lang was suddenly stunned again

I saw that the king of the golden winged ROC over there had cut oxyS more than ten knives. Although oxyS was dying, he could not kill each other for a time.

NaX was like a sea of blood, cutting and converging, cutting and converging.

A group of strong men around him attacked him with little effect.

The top strongman of imperial martial mirror is really not so easy to kill.

The blood clan\'s vitality is extremely strong. As long as it is left with a small drop of blood, it will turn around.

It\'s estimated that if we continue to fight like this, we really have to wait for the ghost Zun night nether to kill the devil\'s blood descendants and free up our hands.

Shen Lang sighed and shouted, "fool! You can\'t kill him completely for ten or eight years if you cut like this one by one! Don\'t you dare to use the ultimate move of \'Moon breaking magic Sabre formula\'?"

"If you continue to fight like this, will you go to Moonlight City?"

"When are you hiding? Are you a golden winged ROC or an Iron Rooster?"

In the first few words, Yue Qingqian didn\'t respond.

But Shen Lang\'s last words came out. Yue Qingqian was furious and turned back with a knife!

Although this knife was casual, the light of the knife almost completely blocked Shen Lang\'s surroundings!


Shen Lang\'s right fist was grasped, and chaos\'s divine power surged out. The fifth move of "Five Emperors\' dragon fist" blew up!

When Tang Wenjun and Qin Wei were shocked, they tried their best to help Shen Lang resist


Shen Lang and the three of them worked together, but they were still blown to the ground by this knife and fell into a pile!

"NIMA, you really want to kill me? There\'s no door! Don\'t think you......" Shen Lang was so angry that he took out the immortal sky knife and was ready to fight with Yue Qingqian.

Tang Wenjun came up and said, "don\'t scold me, sir. Zun Shendao is really terrible. The power of moon Qingqian is too much stronger than us. If she stabs again, we\'re afraid we can\'t resist..."

In fact, what Tang Wenjun wants to say is... Compared with the Iron Rooster, it\'s lucky that people only cut you. If someone else, I\'m afraid they\'ve rushed up and won\'t die at this time.

With such a casual knife, Tang Wenjun and Qin Wei were seriously injured when Shen Lang suffered most of the attacks.

They are really afraid of another knife in yueqingqian.

"Ah?" Shen Lang looked at the two people, was stunned and said, "well... Just! For the sake of her being a delicate woman, I\'ll let her go!"

The strong people who have been paying attention to the ten thousand demon house and the thousand soul hall suddenly turn their eyes.

Is there anything more shameless than this guy?

At this time, Yue Qingqian suddenly said, "come up and deal with him with your rosefinch fire."

Shen Lang flatly refused, "ah - Mie - Da!"

"I was so tired that I didn\'t see your help just now. Why should I do it? Besides, the rosefinch fire has already run out."

Tang Wenjun was stunned and asked, "Sir, what does mieda mean?"

"Oh..." Shen Lang said faintly, "it means\' I understand \', do you understand?"

Tang Wenjun nodded and said, "ah mieda!"

But as soon as she said it, she was stunned... Shen Lang\'s answer just now still had an expression. Those three words don\'t seem to mean "understood"? It should mean "no" or "no"?

But why did Ambassador Zuo say so?

Shen Langyu noticed that the two women frowned and meditated, laughing in her heart.

At this time, Wang yueqingqian, a golden winged ROC, did his best. He blew out with a knife and burned with fire. The body of ox was killed into fly ash.

However, with this knife, the light breath of the moon decreased significantly.

No wonder she didn\'t want to use this kind of knife at first.

Then, yueqingqian grabbed her left hand forward, and a small mirror released light and covered the front.

With a snort, the Oxnard baby was sucked directly into the mirror.

Oxus, one of the giants under the Immortal Emperor of the blood family, came out of the blood ancestral mausoleum. He ended up like this before he had time to show his strength.

In any case, he didn\'t expect that he led a group of strong men to attack, and prepared the demon bone and blood descendants of the second heaven of the great emperor\'s martial territory as the back hand. He was so simple that he was destroyed by people and then killed on the spot.

It\'s really not as good as heaven.

The eyes of the strong in Wanyao mansion and qianhun hall were full of excitement.

The war has just begun, and there are signs of complete victory.

When the two demon blood descendants are killed, go all out to win the moonlight city!

Even if there is more mother-in-law Feng, the blood clan and the ten thousand demon mansion are equally matched.

I didn\'t expect the war situation to be easily changed

Shen Lang first destroyed the blood sacrifice of the demon blood descendants, so that their strength did not reach the peak in the end;

Then he threw himself into the silent God Lei Wang and blew up half of the devil\'s blood head;

Finally, instead of hiding in the fengtianding, it burned rosefinch fire, which led mother-in-law Ye Youming and Feng to the pale Valley... This skill is absolutely dangerous. If Shen Lang didn\'t have black hell armor, I\'m afraid he didn\'t dare to take this risk.

In the last hand, Shen Lang only used the means of Tian Ji\'s horse racing to compete with his inferior horse against his opponent\'s superior horse; Use your own superior horse against your opponent\'s medium horse; Use your medium horse against your opponent\'s inferior horse.

In an instant, the war was reversed.

Ten thousand demon mansion and thousand soul hall didn\'t even have any damage, which was a complete victory.

Many people look at Shen Lang and despise him completely.

Instead, it\'s all fear!

Not a while after yueqingqian killed oxyS

Mother-in-law Feng smashed the devil\'s bones and blood descendants who opposed her;

The ghost Zun night ghost refused to show weakness. He surrounded the demon blood descendants who opposed him with ten magic prisons and refined them into a pile of materials.

Seeing this, Shen Lang waved to Tang Wenjun and Qin Wei and said, "well, you leave quickly."

Tang Wenjun hurriedly said, "Sir, let\'s go with you? Maybe we can help."

"No need." Shen Lang refused cleanly, tore open the space crack directly, and ran in again.