Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1229

At this time, Shen Lang grinned: "what bullshit \'broken soul original world\' is just a imitation, and painting a tiger can\'t turn into a dog. It\'s a joke!"

"I\'m afraid I don\'t even have the power of one ten thousandth of the real \'broken soul original world\'?"

Several strong men trapped in the original world of broken soul almost cried: "what nonsense are you talking about? Even without the power of one ten thousandth of the original world of broken soul, it\'s enough to kill us!"

The pure light in Yue Qingqian\'s eyes flashed and blew out two knives with all his strength, knocking two huge demon bones and blood descendants into the edge of the original boundary of broken soul.

Then she said, "do you have a way?"

Everyone was shocked and looked at Shen Lang one by one.

Shen Lang stood proudly and laughed triumphantly: "ha ha... No!"

Everyone was stunned.

If there were not countless soul cutting silk blocking, it is estimated that everyone would rush over and strangle the boy directly at the moment.

When is it? The boy is still so calm and joking. Is he really not afraid of death?

Or was he so nervous that he didn\'t know death was coming?

But this man\'s calculation is amazing. He has a big nerve. He can\'t match it at all?

At this time, Shen Lang put away his smile and said, "although there is no way, it\'s OK to delay for ten seconds."

"You two stand here and don\'t move." Shen Lang told the two women in the Zhuque mansion. They were like lightning. They passed through the complex soul cutting silk gap and fell on the side of the huge column at the center of the broken soul original world!

Before everyone could react, Shen Lang roared and clapped his hands on the column!


Starting with Shen Lang\'s palm, endless rosefinch fire surged out, wrapped the column round and round, and then burned it up!

The downward spreading blood tide and the upward spray of rosefinch fire suddenly opposed each other and burst out violent vitality around.

It seemed that the falling waterfall was recoiled back by the huge force. The downward blood tide stopped the downward trend, and then returned a few meters upward!

"How possible!"

The strong inside and outside the "broken soul original world" suddenly jumped in the corner of their eyes, which was a little incredible.

Shen Lang has only been advanced for a few days, and ox is the top strongman of the imperial martial mirror who can\'t do anything for a while!

And the blood tide falling from the column was formed after Oakes was crazy.

It not only gathered all the power of ox, but also absorbed the power of tens of thousands of strong blood clan outside the broken soul original world!

How come as soon as these two forces come into contact, Shen Lang has the upper hand?

The key is, even if it is to gain the upper hand for a while, even if it is to resist the downward spread of the blood tide for ten or eight seconds, what is the use?

Can we turn things around in ten or eight seconds?

In everyone\'s eyes, blood tide and rosefinch fire are like mortal enemies.

Terrible energy burst out around the stone column, forming a spectacular picture.

Naturally, the strong people present did not understand that Shen Lang\'s power was indeed far inferior to that of Oakes.

But the rosefinch fire he used is actually the power in the Tai Chi diagram strictly speaking!

This is another power Shen Lang has!


Rosefinch fire burns all things, which not only just curbs the blood tide of blood clan, but also integrates the artistic conception of Dacheng destruction possessed by Shen Lang!

Although the oxner blood tide was strong, it was greatly consumed under the joint encirclement and suppression of rosefinch fire and destruction mood. It was indeed resisted by the Shen wave for a moment!

"Damn junior, it\'s bad for my blood family. I\'ll make you lose your soul and never exceed your life!"

Within the great column came the gloomy words of oaks.

A violent force was released from the column, and the blood tide made a rumbling sound, like a rising tide. The power doubled and began to press down the rosefinch\'s divine fire!

Shen Lang supported himself, his face sweating like rain.

The moon Qingqian in the air seemed to understand something. With a flash of Zun\'s divine knife, he drank: "everyone concentrate and try their best to attack the two demon blood descendants!"

More than a dozen strong men immediately attacked the demon blood.

Those hidden backhands, life-saving tricks and magic weapons were all used at this time.

The two evil blood descendants were immediately beaten and screamed like wood in the huge wave. Although they couldn\'t sink, they couldn\'t control their movements at all.




At this time of crisis, Shen Lang inexplicably began to count down.

Not only were the strong people around inexplicable, but even Oakes was stunned. He didn\'t know what he was doing.

But they really misunderstood Shen lang. Shen Lang\'s mind and strength are all against the blood tide, and he really doesn\'t have the energy to do other famous things.

Shen Lang is just waiting.

Waiting for the arrival of two people who have been almost forgotten by everyone... Mother-in-law Feng and ghost Zun night nether!

One second before Shen Lang came here, they had killed the demon blood.

The reason why he didn\'t appear now is that he robbed the body of the demon blood descendant.

But they know exactly what\'s going on here!

According to Shen Lang\'s guess, if there is no problem, they will appear within ten seconds!

At that time, with the strength of mother-in-law Feng and her strength in space rules, it\'s nothing to break this imitation of the original world of broken souls!


OxyS was furious: "what you have done is futile, but you are just surviving!"

"Give it to me, drive!"

As soon as the voice fell, the blood on the column suddenly sank rapidly!

Shenlang\'s rosefinch fire retreats!

Only one third of the whole column was filled with blood and turned dark red, which immediately reached one half!

The soul cutting silk in the original world of broken soul has doubled out of thin air!

More than ten strong people in it almost dare not move at all!


When Shen Lang said "Five"

In the west of the original world of broken soul, a reddish brown crutch came in quietly from the outside.

The walking stick looks very slow.

But it seemed to concentrate the space. In an instant, it crossed from the outside, and then with a "Ding", it was nailed to the huge column at the center of the original boundary of the broken soul!

And the position nailed by the crutch is exactly the place where the rosefinch divine fire contacts the blood tide!


From inside the column came the terrible cry of oaks.

The blood tide spreading from the top to the bottom stopped at the position nailed by the crutch, and it was difficult to move down any more.

And on the huge column, there was a clicking sound, and startling cracks began to appear!



The whole broken soul original world is like glass, broken into thousands of pieces.

The "soul cutting silk" that frightened all the strong disappeared!

"Young master, I\'m sorry that the old lady is late..." mother Feng said with apology.

Shen Lang wiped his sweat, grinned and said, "it\'s not too late, just right."

At this time, the night ghost in the air also showed its shape.

A group of strong men who had lingering fear suddenly realized: "this boy, I expected mother-in-law Feng that they would come soon?"

"Yes! They killed the demon blood before Shen Lang arrived. It\'s impossible not to know what\'s going on here!"

When his life was at stake, he was still so calm. Shen Lang raised another level in the eyes of the strong men in qianhun hall and Wanyao mansion.

Many strong people almost regard him as the existence of the master of the house beyond the devil.

At the moment when everyone was stunned, the night nether suddenly appeared in front of the huge column and slapped it hard!

Because I didn\'t expect that the blood clan would use such a terrible "broken soul original world", which almost caught the top strong people in the thousand soul hall and the ten thousand demon house. The night ghost rage seat used all his strength!

The stone pillar shook wildly.

But with a scream, the figure of ox was photographed and flew out like a missile.

"Qingqing, go and kill ox!"

The dark night said a word, and his body was in a flash, which had fallen on the head of a demon blood descendant.

The ten side devil prison is shrouded in the devil\'s blood!

The old boy was really angry. He was no longer willing to entangle with the devil\'s blood and blood. He directly used the "ten party devil prison" which consumed a lot of energy!

Mother-in-law Feng didn\'t speak either. As soon as she pointed out with a crutch, she simply broke another demon blood into the underground of Luocha city!

These two demon blood descendants are just the strong ones at the top of the imperial martial mirror jiuchongtian.

Even if the body is strong and violent, it can\'t go to the great emperor\'s martial arts realm.

Compared with the one destroyed before, it was not at the same level at all, and was immediately beaten by the two without the power to fight back.

The strong men of Wanyao mansion and qianhun hall are overjoyed and their war intention is rising!

The situation immediately changed

Month Qingqian joined the camp to deal with the half dead ox;

Grandma Feng and ghost Zun night nether deal with a demon blood descendant respectively;

The strong men who had dealt with ox scattered and jumped into the circle of blood clan strong men, killing them!

The blood clan with two demon blood descendants has completely fallen to the disadvantage!

Here, Shen Lang, with a gloomy smile while everyone was fighting, tried his best to urge Feng Tianding to hold the huge column!


The huge stone pillar shook violently and the earth and mountains shook.

"What do you want to do!"

Moon Qingqing frowned and chopped at Shen Lang with a knife.

At the moment, Shen Lang is trying his best to collect the huge stone pillar into the fengtianding. How can he resist such a knife?

Critical moments

A crutch appeared in the void and poked gently with the light of the knife!

The light of the moon\'s light stabbed into light spots.

But Grandma Feng did it

The voice of the dark night immediately came over: "he saved you. Give him that thing!"