Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1228

The attack of the strong in qianhun hall is mostly aimed at the soul, followed by the flesh.

Youwuxie is the eight strong heavenly power of the imperial martial mirror, which is much worse than that of ox.

But with that slap, ox\'s body didn\'t see much damage, but the whole soul felt torn and cried out in pain!

He didn\'t call it back. When he called it, the strong men of Wanyao mansion and qianhun hall rushed up, and all kinds of magic weapons and spells came to him!

Ox, one of the great blood clan giants, was beaten like a drowning dog!

The strong blood clan around wanted to come forward to help, but they were stopped by the king Nara and the Dragon King of the God of war hall. It was difficult to cross the thunder pool!

"Bang bang!"

Powerful attacks fell on oaks.

The blood gas of ox\'s whole body was like a fountain, which sprayed out, and the breath fell a lot!

Shen Lang is good at stimulating such things with words.

Just a few words put Dex in trouble.

But it was him. If someone else had changed, he might not be able to shake ox\'s mind.

Shen Lang is different. Shen Lang slaughtered Luocha City, which finally led to the "death together" between the blood clan and the strong man of the demon God hall. Now, because of him, the biggest card of the blood clan... The demon blood descendants of the second heaven of the great emperor\'s martial realm have been killed.

Ox wanted to drink his blood and eat his meat!



The beaten ox monster roared, "all of you bastards are going to die, all of you are going to die!"

As soon as the voice fell, an unimaginable force burst out of oaks and burst in all directions!

As soon as the ten thousand demon mansion and the thousand soul hall were dry, the strong man\'s face changed greatly, so he had to withdraw backward and distance himself from Oakes.

Oaks broke out, shook back these strong men in one fell swoop and stepped down immediately.


A huge footprint immediately appeared in the middle of the lower part of Luocha city.

On that footprint, a huge column loomed out.

All the strong men were stunned: "what the hell is this guy doing?"

The strong man of qianhun hall drank violently and said, "be careful, everyone. This guy is at a dead end. I\'m afraid he\'s going to work hard!"

The strongest one present was Wang yueqingqian, a golden winged ROC. But yueqingqian was entangled by two demon blood descendants at the moment, and there was a sign of defeat. It was absolutely difficult to take out his hand to deal with oaks.

If oxyS at the top of the imperial martial mirror breaks out and works hard, it\'s hard for the strong on the scene to resist!

Even if you can resist it, I\'m afraid you have to pay a price!

But something strange happened

There were many explosions on ox, and the endless blood gas dispersed in all directions, and his breath quickly weakened!

At the same time, the blood families under the imperial martial mirror around Luocha City burst into a blood mist in the sky.

The blood fog in the sky gathered into a blood tide and gathered madly towards the center of Luocha city!


There was a loud noise from the bottom of Luocha city. A huge stone pillar with a diameter of 100 Li rose slowly from the bottom of the ground!

Like a mountain rising from the ground

A breath of evil as like as two peas of the devil blood came out of the stone pillar.

Everyone just feels as if they are in the nine netherworld prison, and their hearts are broken!

At this time, Shen Lang\'s face changed and shouted, "go quickly and leave the scope of Luocha city!"

As soon as he said this, Shen Lang took the two women and stepped out!

However, it is still a step too late


The three of them hit the void after stepping more than 600 miles, and then suddenly bounced back!

Just in front of them, a blood red crystal wall appeared!

No, not just in front of Shen Lang, but in all directions!

A four square blood red translucent cover surrounded Shen Lang, yueqingqian, Wanyao mansion and qianhun hall, together with two demon blood descendants!

The transparent cover is like a huge glass jar.

There are countless runes and blood light flowing on it, which are divided into grid by grid, giving people a strange feeling of different time and space.

A huge column stands in the center of the "glass jar", connecting the top and bottom, as if it were Optimus Prime supporting heaven and earth.

What\'s more strange is that in such a place, everyone feels that their soul can\'t help shaking!

"The \'broken soul original world\'! It\'s the \'broken soul original world\' of the soul ancestor!"

The strong man of the thousand soul hall, you Wuxie, made an incredible voice: "ox is crazy. He sacrificed by destroying himself and the strong men of the surrounding blood clan, and sent out the broken soul original world with the help of the column!"

Everyone trapped in the "broken soul original world" immediately sank down.

Why the unique skill of the soul ancestor, one of the six ancestors, was displayed by the blood clan, everyone can\'t understand.

There\'s no time to think.

Soul ancestor\'s unique skill of exterminating the world. Once applied, he will trap the sky and lock the earth and destroy all creatures!

All creatures trapped in the "broken soul original world" seem to be trapped in a strange space, isolated from the world and unable to escape.

Then, the soul will be cut into countless pieces, and finally... Into nothingness!

This "broken soul original world" directly penetrates the flesh and directly attacks the soul!

The attack on the soul is the most difficult to defend. No matter how indestructible your body is, there is only a dead end in this "broken soul original world"!

Really scared!

The moon\'s light body was in a flash, and after pulling away from the devil\'s blood, the Zun divine sword was waved upward, and the light of the peerless sword exploded on the border above.

This knife, she used ten success!

With the addition of one of the top ten Heavenly weapons, no one can resist under the emperor\'s martial arts!


There was no expected movement, only a slight sound of a small stone falling into the lake.

On the crystal boundary above, a small ripple really appeared, just like a stone dropped on the water, causing circles of ripples to spread outward

How violent is the sabre of moon Qingqian?

Such a knife hit the enchantment, and there was such a result... Everyone\'s heart sank.

Then, several other strong men in Wanyao mansion also shot one after another!

Even if everyone knows that moon qingshallow is the strongest in the original world of broken soul, many people still can\'t help trying under this despair.

"Boo, boo, boo!"

No surprise, everyone\'s attack, on the original world of the broken soul, was just a small ripple.

Don\'t break the original boundary of the broken soul. You can\'t do it even if you shake it a little!

The strong outside the broken soul original world also bombarded the "broken soul original world" one after another. Similarly, it had no effect!

The strong man of qianhun Hall said in a trembling voice, "it\'s no use. You\'ve heard of the \'broken soul original world\' of Lord hunzu. This boundary connects the different dimensional space, and any attack will be directly transferred to other space."

"No matter how powerful the force is, it can\'t splash a trace of spray in that vast and unpredictable space."

"How could it be!" said moon Qingqian coldly, "it\'s really the original world of broken souls?"

All the strong people present have heard of the unique skill of soul ancestor.

In fact, the "ten side evil prison" of the ghost of the night ghost in the thousand soul hall and the "soul eating immeasurable formula" of the soul emperor are all born out of the "broken soul original world" of the soul ancestor.

The "ten magic prison" in the dark night has a prominent reputation and frightens all sides;

The soul emperor\'s "soul eating limitless formula" is a great emperor level unparalleled skill. It is invincible and few people can defeat it.

But when it comes to power, "ten magic prisons" and "soul eating infinite formula" are far from being compared with "broken soul original world"!

The blood clan has prepared the "broken soul original world" in Luocha city early in the morning, waiting for the people of Wanyao mansion and qianhun hall to throw themselves into the net!

At this time, two demon blood descendants shouted wildly and began to chase and kill these strong people.

Yue Qingqian and others fought and retreated. They swam continuously in this relatively narrow space and completely fell to the disadvantage.

But naox took the opportunity to stand on the huge stone pillar.

"You forced me!" Oakes looked ferocious and shouted hysterically, "I left this move in the end, but you have to die!"

"Ha ha ha, enjoy this last Carnival!"

"Next, you will experience the feeling that your soul is broken piece by piece, and you will regret living in this world!"

As soon as the voice fell, ox\'s body sank into the huge stone pillar.

The huge stone pillar was originally white. After Oakes sank, it began to become blood red from top to bottom, as if there was an unimaginable blood tide on it

As the blood tide spread down from the stone pillar, the huge "broken soul original world" began to turn upside down, and a breath that made people tremble filled the whole space!

In the original realm of broken soul, small bloody silk lines began to appear, crisscross and intertwined.

"Don\'t get close to the blood silk, it\'s the soul cutting silk!" the Youwu evil in the thousand soul hall shouted: "any skill or strong body can\'t stop the soul cutting silk, and the soul will be cut directly!"

The strong trapped in one of them suddenly turned pale.

In the face of the pursuit of the demon blood descendants, the area of the original boundary of the broken soul was very narrow.

Now there are so many terrible soul cutting threads. Life and death are in a moment!

Sure enough, the people\'s crazy attack had no effect on the "soul cutting silk".

As if the soul cutting wires were just light.

All attacks penetrate through the soul cutting silk!

There is only a small part of the original world of broken soul, which has not been filled with soul silk

"Find a way quickly, or everyone will die!" Yue Qingqian drank softly.

The people were stunned. At this time, who is the moon King talking to?

The people in qianhun hall have confirmed that it is "broken soul original world". Where else can we do?

Don\'t say it\'s really the original boundary of broken souls. Even if it\'s not, as long as you can trap people for a while, in such a narrow space, two demon blood descendants go crazy, and everyone is dead?

And the demon blood seems to have no soul at all, completely unaffected by the original world of the broken soul!

Unimaginable death!

The trapped people looked down the moon\'s shallow eyes and were immediately surprised

The object of Yue Qingqian\'s speech is Shen Lang, the left envoy of Zhuque mansion!

At this critical moment, she placed her hope on Shen Lang, the left envoy of Zhuque mansion?