Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1227

"Emperor Wu territory... Double heaven? Did I feel wrong? How could there be such a demon blood descendant!"

Ghost Zun\'s voice trembled a little.

Every time I meet this boy, it\'s not good.

It\'s good that even the demon blood descendants of the second heaven of the great emperor\'s martial realm have been straightened out!

If it weren\'t for mother-in-law Feng being here, the night nether might have run away.

But in other words, night Youming is also very grateful to Shen Lang.

If Shen Lang hadn\'t led out this powerful demon blood descendant now, lost a silent God thunder king, and pulled in the helper of Fengling... This time, the ten thousand demon house and the thousand soul hall might be defeated and return!

Seeing the dark night at this time, Shen Lang was still asking East and West. Shen Lang was very angry and smiled back: "Lord ghost is really leisurely... Leave these words to say hello later?"

"I interrupted the blood sacrifice of this demon blood descendant, and I lost a silent God thunder king in his mouth. Now he is semi disabled. Please join hands with your mother-in-law and kill him on the spot!"

Although the ghost respected the night ghost had countless questions to ask, he shut his mouth obediently at the moment.

Great opportunity, fleeting!

"Wind spirit, come on!" the night ghost screamed, "it seems that we have to work together again!"

In the sky, endless black fog appeared out of thin air, and suddenly a cover was placed under it, covering the running demon blood!

"Ten square demon prison!"

The voice of a demon like God fell from the sky.

The black fog shrouding the demon blood shrinks madly and forms a terrorist prison!

In that prison, no matter flowers, trees or rocks, they were all refined into nothingness in an instant!

The demon blood monster roared and stopped!

The power of demon blood descendants is really powerful, but as Shen Lang said, "dead things are dead things". When no one controls it, the brain is obviously not smart.

The ten square demon prison of the night nether world is really powerful, but if it was replaced by other strong people who are equivalent to his strength, they must have hidden away early in the morning when they saw the black fog.

The demon blood descendant rushed up and was surrounded!


The unparalleled power was released from the demon blood descendant, and unexpectedly resisted the terrible power of the ten magic prisons, pushing the power of the ten magic prisons outward!

As the sea water spread and squeezed the past ten magic prison, it was pushed away by the devil\'s blood and blood, so it was difficult to enter!

The blood sacrifice was interrupted and he ate a silent killing God thunder king. Now he can be so fierce. The strength of this demon\'s blood is beyond imagination!

"That\'s unreasonable!" the dark night roared, "how dare you be rampant when you enter this ten party demon prison?"

"Look at my devil\'s hell fire, which will refine you!"

At the next moment, a dark blue infinite flame suddenly appeared in the ten party demon prison, completely wrapped the demon bone blood, and burned the body of the demon bone blood!

Ghost Zun night nether unexpectedly integrated the nether fire captured at the bottom of the hungry ghost road into the ten magic prison!

Such a terrible ten party demon prison finally contracted again and tightly bound the demon blood!

"Shit, Fengling, what are you waiting for? I said he was just showing off. Are you really going to wait for me to refine? Do it quickly!" the ghost zunye ghost shouted.

After saying this, it seemed that he was worried that mother-in-law Feng would not do it, and added: "do you want to see me die... Well, even if you want me to die, at least kill the devil\'s blood?"

No matter how strong his ten side demon prison is, he can\'t say that he can completely trap and refine the demon blood.

Using the ten square magic prison is actually to trap the demon blood descendants and let Grandma Feng do it.

She is the only one who has the absolute strength to kill the devil\'s blood. I\'m afraid mother-in-law Feng is the only one in the plague land.

"I really hope you die, but it\'s a pity you don\'t die."

Mother-in-law Feng snorted, turned quickly and disappeared.

Then, the world suddenly became very dark!

A terrible nine day devil bird appeared in the air.

The nine day devil bird\'s wings are ten thousand miles long. It really has the unpredictable power of swallowing the sky and swallowing the earth!

It was only mother-in-law Feng who showed this statue. Shen Lang below felt chest tightness, as if there was a Mount Tai on her head!

As soon as the nine day devil Luo bird appeared, the energy in the pale valley was almost evacuated in an instant and all gathered towards her shining claws!

Then, the nine day demon Luo bird suddenly grabbed the claw with the power of terror!


This claw directly tore the void open a space crack, and then fell on the demon blood!

"Qiang Qiang!"

The sharp claws of the nine day devil Luo bird caught the whole devil blood in the claws.

Although the devil\'s blood is huge, it looks like a little bit in front of the nine day devil bird.


Seeing this, the night ghost slipped and turned into a wisp of smoke. It came out of the gap between the claws of the nine day devil Luo bird and rushed to the back of the nine day devil Luo bird.

"Young master, get out of here!"

The voice of mother-in-law Feng came down from the nine days.

"I run faster than me by this old ghost... OK! Bye!"

When Shen Lang saw this scene, his eyes jumped wildly. Suddenly, as soon as he turned around, he tore open a space crack and escaped in!

It is not very difficult to break through the space, but only the distance transmitted in this space.

As expected

Just after Shen Lang entered the space channel and left, mother-in-law Feng\'s angry voice came from the air.

The two claws of the nine day devil Luo bird grabbed one end of the crazy struggling devil bone blood, burst out a ten thousand feet of light, and suddenly pulled at both sides!


More terrible energy impact than the previous silent thunder King exploded, sweeping the whole pale Valley!

The last trump card of the blood clan has just appeared for a short time because of Shen Lang\'s appearance, and then it completely disappeared

All the strong people in Luocha city are paying attention to this place and "see" everything here. At the moment, they are shocked and speechless.

"Little rabbit, I can\'t spare him. I want him to die!"

Ox, the blood clan giant over Luocha City, was so angry that his eyes blackened and shouted wildly.

Accidentally, ox was hit by the heavy hammer of the powerful demon Wuji of the ten thousand demon mansion, and his blood gushed!

"The boy who can use the rosefinch divine fire... It seems that the last time he killed the mysterious man in Luocha City, he left the smell of rosefinch divine fire? He can control the rosefinch divine fire and kill the God thunder king. Is this boy the mysterious man in the God of war hall?"

The golden winged Dapeng King\'s face remained unchanged, but his heart gathered a number of information and analyzed a possibility.

"Is it... He\'s back!"

Moon Qingqian thinks of "him" in his heart. Who else can there be except the war emperor?

At the thought of that person, the moon is light and the mood is chaotic!

"I will never spare him!"

Moon Qingqian suddenly turned around and cut off the empty void!

The strong people who fought around were stunned and didn\'t understand what yueqingqian was going to do


Just when the sabre light fell, a space crack formed under Luocha City, and Shen Lang ran out happily... The position was just where the moon light fell.

As soon as Shen Lang ran out, his hair suddenly bristled!

His natural fighting talent and the understanding of the potential of heaven and earth made him react immediately. At this moment, the speed of the whole world seemed to slow down!

Shen Lang felt the unparalleled sword sweeping towards him and "saw" the peerless sword light falling like the Milky way.

"The moon is clear!"

Shen Lang screamed and crossed his hands, urging the power in the black hell armor to fight directly!

If you don\'t fight hard, you can\'t run anymore.


The sword light from the moon suddenly fell between Shen Lang\'s and thunder\'s shining hands.

Shen Lang screamed and fell to the ground like a meteorite, smashing out a huge pit!

The people of Wanyao mansion and qianhun hall, as well as the people of blood clan, were stunned.

Isn\'t this boy from the "friendly army"?

And just now one of the most powerful demon blood descendants died. Why did king Dapeng with golden wings attack him?

"Ambassador Zuo!"

Outside Luocha City, two slim figures rushed in and flew down towards the deep pit.

Moon Qingqian didn\'t look back, and said coldly, "Oh, oh, wrong number."


The rubble flew, and Shen wave rushed up from below unharmed.

"Yueqingqian, did you make a mistake! You signed the contract, and I helped you kill a demon blood descendant. You cut it without saying a word?" Shen Lang roared angrily.

If he hadn\'t made great progress in cultivation and still wore unparalleled battle armor such as black hell armor, I\'m afraid he would be directly split in half by moon Qingqian this time!

In a flash, Yue Qingqian blew away the approaching demon blood descendants. His voice didn\'t contain any emotion and said, "I just said, I hit the wrong number."

"You suddenly appear in such a place. Who knows if you are a blood clan?"

"..." Shen Lang gnashed his teeth in anger.

It\'s obviously her first knife, and Shen Lang appears again, not Shen Lang, she only gives the knife!

Bickering with women is either crazy or stupid.

Shen Lang resolutely shut his mouth.

At this time, Shen Lang was suddenly stunned and felt a pair of hostile and murderous eyes on the other side.

That\'s the blood giant oaks

At this time, ox was surrounded by a group of strong men and was frantically attacking this side. It seemed that he wanted to rush over and peel Shen Lang\'s skin and bones.

Oakes looked at Shen Lang with blood red eyes, full of killing intention, as if he had seen an enemy with deep hatred.

"What do you mean by looking at me like this? Young master, did I sleep with your wife or dig your ancestral grave?" Shen Lang turned his white eyes and said, "if you have seed, you can put your horse here. If you come here, I\'ll screw off your head and kick it."

"Ha ha!" the strong men of the ten thousand demon mansion and the thousand soul hall immediately laughed.

Shen Lang\'s temperament is quite to their appetite.

But ox is different

The biggest trump card of the blood clan was destroyed, and oxborne was in chaos. At the moment, he was provoked by Shen Lang, and he was mad!

But how can such a strong war be distracted?

As soon as Oakes roared, he got a sword in his chest!

The violent sword is killing his body and consuming his strength


Oakes madly urged his strength to resist the power of the sword. Lengbuding, the vest was slapped by the strong man of the thousand soul hall!

——————Laohai wechat - Xingong - Zhonghao: hwy1717, please pay attention!