Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1226

In the gray sky, a knife light that destroyed everything broke the fog, and with a bang, it cut a huge hole in the power gushing out of the demon blood!

Just like a channel was opened on the sea, the waves separated towards both sides and exposed the seabed

Not only that, the fierce knife gas rushed straight in and fell on the stone statue\'s shoulder in an instant!


The sound of earth shaking came out, and the shoulder of the stone statue cracked a spider web like gap centered on the contact point of the knife light.

However, the crack only spread out for less than 30 meters, so it stopped.

Then cracks were filled with corpse Qi and dead Qi, and began to close and recover!

Such a powerful knife can only get such a result

Shen Lang already knew that it was impossible to deal with this demon blood descendant with his current strength.

Even if it is to use the power of all chaotic gods, I\'m afraid the most is to open a few cracks in the stone statue.

This demon blood descendant is very different from the time of the blood clan rebellion.

It was the last thing made by the blood ancestor by using the power of the soul ancestor and the corpse ancestor.

Finally, in the blood ancestral mausoleum, it has been refined by the evil power of blood ancestry for millions of years. The terror of its power and the firmness of its flesh have already reached an unimaginable level.

Shen Lang couldn\'t help humming coldly!

Immediately, with the power of the magic knife, Shen Lang separated the corpse Qi and death Qi, and quickly bullied him!

As soon as he flew to the big mouth of the stone statue, Shen Lang pinched the silent God thunder King brought by mother-in-law Wen Xiang between his fingers and bent his fingers!

The silent thunder King slipped and flew straight into the big mouth of the stone statue like a bottomless cave!

As soon as the king of annihilation thunder just threw it into the mouth of the huge stone statue, Shen Lang immediately tried his best, slammed three palms into it, and sealed the mouth of the huge stone statue!

Then, Shen Lang turned his wrist, took out a thing and quickly threw it into the big mouth of the stone statue again!


Inside the mouth of the statue, an ancient monument stands like a mountain.

The big mouth like a bottomless hole was blocked up!

This is the "ten thousand demons ancient monument" Shen Lang got after killing two brothers Zuo Feng and Zuo Yun in Taotie mansion when he was in the dragon scale temple!

That time, Shen Lang saved Bai Luobing\'s disciple Jun Tianyu, killed Zuo Feng and Zuo Yun, and got the ten thousand demons ancient monument.

But I never took it out for use.

I didn\'t expect it to come in handy at this time!

After all this, Shen Lang grabbed kuruno on the ground and stepped out more than 600 miles.


At this time, kuruno was paralyzed like mud.

He was so frightened by what Shen Lang did that he couldn\'t stand up.

But at the moment, where will Shen Lang talk nonsense with this guy?

As soon as he stepped over 600 Li, Shen Lang didn\'t stop. He tried his best to grasp it forward with both hands, as if he were tearing cloth and silk, tearing the void into a hole how tall a person is!

Shen Lang, who is strong enough to compete with the strong one of emperor Wujing\'s eight heaven, has already made this plan... Tear open the space crack and escape!

"Woo woo!"

The storm smell in the space crack frightened kuruno and almost didn\'t pee his pants!

Shen Lang grabbed kuruno and quickly stepped into the space crack!

A second later, Shen Lang and kuruno appeared more than 5000 miles away from the nightmare swamp.


As soon as he appeared, Shen Lang drank violently without hesitation, which attracted the silent God thunder king who was thrown into the stone statue by him!


On the other side of nightmare swamp, the explosion of destroying heaven and earth rang.

A terrible mushroom cloud, straight into the sky!

The violent energy ripples almost swept the whole nightmare swamp!

Shen Lang ran to break his arrogant silver eyes and was surprised: "yes, it can\'t be fried. What material is it made of!"

In the broken false silver eyes, the devil\'s blood was not killed, but "alive" by the explosion!

Lost his left arm, leaving only half of his head. The huge stone statue has been completely transformed into a demon blood descendant!

The demon blood descendant shouted wildly, and unexpectedly ran after Shen Lang!

In two or three seconds, he crossed a distance of three thousand miles and approached the Shen wave!

"I made a mistake. I should have escaped at least 30000 miles away. Now the demon blood locked me at the first time. I can\'t tear the crack again!"

"If you hide in fengtianding, you can naturally avoid this disaster."

"But if I do so, I will waste the silence God thunder King brought to me by my mother-in-law."

"I\'m afraid we have to pay a great price over there!"

Shen Lang\'s eyes were dignified. He collected kuruno into the fengtianding, then increased his speed to the extreme, and ran towards Luocha city in the void!

At the same time, the energy in the Tai Chi diagram surged wildly and began to transform into rosefinch fire.


The Shen waves running rapidly in the air were suddenly urged by my mind!

The rosefinch fire, which burned all things, immediately rose from him and rushed into the sky!

The whole world seems to be burning red

At this moment, Shen Lang was like the sun, which made all the strong people in the plague land notice his existence!

To attract the attention of Wanyao mansion and qianhun hall with this skill is the result of Shen Lang\'s request!


In Luocha City, ghost zunye Youming and mother-in-law Feng are fighting with a demon bone and blood respectively.

Wang Yueqing, the golden winged ROC, was killed with Oakes and fought endlessly.

The surrounding area of Luocha city is 5000 miles, which almost becomes the battlefield of these people.

Others can\'t get close at all. They can only stay far away and find another battlefield!

Just when the silent God thunder King exploded, everyone subconsciously stopped and opened a distance from their opponent.

"Another king of thunder, the God of annihilation? Who is it?"


The breath of rosefinch fire, which can be clearly felt by all the strong, came from the direction of the explosion of the silent God thunder King

This feeling is like a rosefinch in the pale Valley!

"What\'s going on?"

The strong minds of all parties immediately swept away towards the pale valley.

The face of ox, who roared with moon Qingqian, showed a ferocious color: "bastard, first slaughtered my Luocha City, and then the blood descendant of Yin demon, so it\'s this bastard!"

At the beginning, Shen LANGTU destroyed Luocha city. There was a breath of rosefinch fire in Luocha City, which was perceived by Milos and oaks.

At this moment, the silence killing God thunder king and the rosefinch fire appeared in the pale valley. Ox immediately understood... It was this bastard who tossed the blood family alive and dead!

The previous toss is even better. Now the place where the accident happened is their biggest trump card - the demon blood descendant of the second heaven of the great emperor\'s martial realm!

If something happens to this demon blood descendant, it\'s all over!

Oakes thought or not. He turned into a blood mist and crossed the golden winged ROC Wang Yueqing. He wanted to rush to the pale Valley and cut the bastard!


A scream came, and the virtual shadow of the golden winged ROC in the sky flashed out of thin air, suddenly flapping its wings towards the blood fog!

A gust of wind!

The blood fog was swept back!

"Bang bang!"

In the void, oxyS showed his figure and went backwards in embarrassment. It was not easy to stop his figure!

At the moment, the ghost revered night ghost and mother-in-law Feng over Luocha city were surprised at the same time!

Because of their understanding of Shen Lang, they don\'t need to stir up their minds. They already know what happened.

In this plague land, only two people can use rosefinch fire.

One is Shen Lang, the other is LAN Mengling.

And LAN Mengling, who has gone to the other side, can never appear in the depths of the pale Valley!

"Silence kills God. The thunder King explodes, and then Shen wave urges the rosefinch fire... He is asking for help!"

Mother-in-law Feng and night nether think so.

They looked at each other and shot at the same time to beat back the demon blood in front!

Then, the palms of the two men brushed together towards the void, tearing open the cracks in the void!

They didn\'t speak, and each quickly got into the crack.

"Shallow, let everyone retreat for the time being!"

The voice of ghost Zun night\'s ghost sounded in the air: "you are innocent, demon Wuji, you control ox; Qingqing, you control the two demon blood descendants; you don\'t want to be meritorious, but want to have no mistakes, wait for me to come back!"

After hearing the words left by ghost Zun night, the people in Wanyao mansion and qianhun hall moved very fast and moved quickly in the air one by one!

Those below the sixth heaven of emperor Wujing immediately withdrew towards the periphery.

The nine imperial martial mirrors and the eight heavenly strongmen in the ten thousand demon house and the thousand soul hall formed a battle circle and surrounded ox, one of the blood clan giants;

Wang Yueqing, a golden winged ROC, shouted angrily. Zun Shendao showed his power and joined hands with two other strong men of Wanyao mansion to contain two demon blood descendants!

On the other side of oux, he was beaten back by nine strong men from the ten thousand demon house and the thousand soul hall, and he was so angry that he was very angry;

On Qingqian\'s side, he was forced to suffer by two demon blood descendants.

But the terrible speed of the golden winged ROC king is undoubtedly revealed at this moment!

Although the two evil blood descendants were strong, they couldn\'t touch the light clothes of the moon at all, and they kept getting a few knives. They were so angry that they burst into pieces!

At the same time, ghost zunye Youming and mother-in-law Feng have appeared in Shen Lang\'s position!

"Young master!"

Although mother-in-law Feng had prepared herself early in the morning, she still didn\'t expect Shen Lang to toss so much... She not only easily entered the pale Valley first, but also led out such a terrible demon blood descendant!

Mother Feng knew what had happened without asking anything else.

Just ahead, a demon blood descendant whose breath is comparable to the double heaven of the great emperor\'s martial realm is running wildly!

It\'s less than 800 miles from here!

Mother-in-law Feng stretched out her hand to circle Shen Lang and withdrew three thousand miles back, which was a little relieved.

As soon as the ghost respected the night ghost felt the smell of the devil\'s blood, he was startled and immediately followed up.