Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1225


Prince Dina covered his mouth and stepped back quickly!

Everyone present was stunned when they looked at it

Just put his arm across Prince Dina\'s front and broke Prince Dina\'s teeth. It was the dead feather CHENFENG!

How could a ghost of a quasi imperial martial mirror have such a strange speed?

Why didn\'t even Prince Wujing notice?

How could he be so bold that he dared to harm Prince Dina?

After discovering this change, even those dying aliens raised their heads and looked this way.

"Yu CHENFENG... You, die!"

Prince Dina\'s tusks were broken and he was mad. How can you remember to rely on the undead to find the saint?

She roared up to the sky, and her whole face became ferocious.

The ferocious breath swept through the body and formed a terrible hurricane around!

Prince Dina is so angry that she will fight Shen Lang immediately!


Shen Lang moves much faster than her.

Prince Dina\'s momentum has just changed, and the Shen waves here have moved in advance!

All of a sudden, the unparalleled intention of the sword escaped from Shen Lang.

The light flickered, and Shen Lang held the immortal blade in his hand!

Shen Lang turned around and the immortal Sabre swept across!

Because we can\'t let one go, Shen Lang not only did his best, but also contained the highest level of destruction artistic conception he understands now!

How different is the artistic conception of destruction in Dacheng period from the meaning of sword or sword?

Shen Lang also wants to know about this.

The sword light, which fused the artistic conception of destruction, swept away from the strong blood clan in the presence with a flash of lightning at the speed of reaching the extreme!

"Hiss, hiss, hiss!"

There was a group of strong blood clan, even with surprise on their faces, and their bodies had been divided into two!

Then, the two separated bodies of those blood families burst into nothingness with a bang in the air

Not even a drop of blood or ashes left!

Destroy the artistic conception and destroy everything to nothingness!

In a sense, it is more domineering and crazy than cutting the eternal meaning of the knife!

There is no room for turning around when the artistic conception of destruction comes out!

Either cut in half, smash or destroy

Shen Lang has only recently realized this, but has reached the realm of destruction. At this moment, his incredible power is revealed!

A group of blood clan emperor Wujing strong people didn\'t even react without any resistance!

Not far away, kuruno\'s legs softened and collapsed directly to the ground.

Prince Dina stared at all this and suddenly wiped his eyes, thinking he saw an illusion

For the blood clan with strong vitality, in addition to the rosefinch fire and other things, only the rolling force more than ten times the power of the blood clan can instantly blow the strong blood clan into nothingness!

The dead in front of me, why

"Prince Dina, you make me very unhappy, very unhappy!"

Shen Lang said coldly and approached Prince Dina with the immortal sword.

Prince Dina suddenly jumped in the corner of his eye: "you are not a dead soul!"

The next moment, Prince Dina\'s figure suddenly disappeared in place.

When she appeared again, she had come to Shen Lang, and a dark dagger stabbed Shen Lang\'s neck and spattered sparks!

Although Shen Lang\'s skill has just been incredible.

But Prince Dina still did not expect that the enemy she faced was so terrible!

She used her flesh to resist her magic soldiers!

If she knew that the other party was so strong and gave her thousands of courage, she wouldn\'t dare to do so.

Holding the magic weapon and hitting with all his strength, he didn\'t even hurt the skin on the other party\'s neck... This is not a level opponent at all!

Prince Dina\'s heart was broken, his shoulder shook, and he wanted to retreat quickly.

Then in front of Shen Lang, her speed is really not on the table.

Prince Dina had just moved, and Shen Lang\'s left hand had hugged her in his arms!

Yes, just hold it in your arms!

Two people\'s bodies tightly stick together!

"The king of Nara and the Dragon King can let you escape by killing Luocha city. Your life is really great."

Shen Lang\'s voice was full of murderous spirit.

He hugged Prince Dina\'s left hand with a slight force


Prince Dina seemed to be pinched by a giant and squeezed wildly, making a terrible voice.

"Die! Die!"

Walking on the edge of death, Prince Dina became crazy because of her desire to survive. She waved her short sword and slashed at Shen Lang\'s head and chest!


The sound of gold and iron came, and countless sparks burst out.

The fury surged out.

But Shen Lang\'s body is like that forged by King Kong. Under the stabbing of Prince Dina\'s dagger, he is unharmed!

The strength of his left hand is slowly improving.

In the sound of gold and iron, kuruno not far away clearly heard the terrible sound of Prince Dina\'s broken bones and squeezed flesh and blood!

Being surrounded by Shen Lang, Dina\'s strength can be exerted, but she can\'t use the escape method to escape.

Even Danying was completely suppressed by a force and it was difficult to escape.

Her bones are breaking inch by inch;

Her meridians are broken one by one;

Even the Danying in her body was frantically compressed by a powerful force


Finally, Prince Dina could no longer hold the dagger in his hand, and the dagger fell to the ground.


Prince Dina\'s eyes stood out and screamed miserably. His feet kicked Shen Lang disorderly.

And her hands, crazy clap, grab, hit Shen Lang\'s head and body

The spirit of terror poured out wildly, and kuruno climbed and hid behind a big tree.


Prince Dina\'s eyes were as prominent as dead fish, and his head and hands fell down, completely losing their vitality.

"Something inferior to animals!"

Shen Lang threw Prince Dina\'s body away.

The immortal sky knife cut Prince Dina\'s body into nothingness, turned into tyrannical energy and spread around.

"Sorry, I\'m late."

Shen Lang said in a low voice, put away the immortal sky knife, and his body suddenly rose!

Then he put his palms up and suddenly held them up!

"Hiss, hiss, hiss!"

The tens of thousands of bloody crosses soared into the air with the people nailed to them!

There are tens of thousands of people of different ethnic groups who lose their voice and cry

"It\'s CHENFENG, he\'s yuchenfeng!"

"It\'s CHENFENG who came to save us. It\'s really CHENFENG. Hold on!"

"CHENFENG, put me down quickly. I\'m going to kill all the animals of the blood clan!"

Shen Lang raised his head without explaining.

His eyes softened, and he said in a loud voice, "gentlemen, I still have many things to do. I can\'t explain to you for the time being, or even untie the prohibition for you one by one..."

"I\'m going to include you in my magic weapon now. Please bear it for a little longer."

With that, the white light was released from the heavenly tripod, and all the bloody crosses floating in the air and the people on them were taken in!

In fengtianding, Xue Shiyin led the ape to break a few people and hurriedly began to help untie the shackles of the Bloody Cross.

The spore people who originally lived on the other side of fengtianding ran out under Shen Lang\'s sign and began to treat these dying aliens.

Circles of pure life energy envelop these suffering people.

They finally came out of the nightmare.


Outside, Shen Lang looked up with a dignified face and looked at the huge stone statue that was still floating upward.

I don\'t know when the head of the stone statue turned to this side.

Two empty eyes fixed on Shen Lang!

Shen Lang was enveloped by the violent killing intention, which made Shen Lang feel like... Facing the evil god in the killing armor!

The blood sacrifice was destroyed by Shen Langsheng. This demon blood descendant, who has not fully awakened, has killed Shen Langsheng!

When he wakes up, I\'m afraid Shen Lang is the first one to kill!

"A dead thing is a dead thing. No matter how powerful it is, it\'s just a dead thing."

Shen Lang rushed to the sky like a shell. With his wrist turned over, the immortal sky knife integrated the artistic conception of destruction, burst out thousands of lights, and fell on the neck of the demon blood!


In the loud noise, a large stone on the stone statue was blown out by a knife, and then exploded into ash.

Shen Lang felt numb at the mouth of the tiger and was rushed out by the recoil force!

"My strength now, combined with the immortal heaven knife, combined with the artistic conception of destruction in Dacheng period, is definitely not weaker than the strong man at the top of the imperial martial mirror\'s eight heaven peak. Unexpectedly, only a stone less than two meters long was cut down..."

Shen Lang\'s eyes became more dignified!

Just this knife, even if it is the emperor\'s martial mirror, the strong man in the eighth heaven will die on the spot.

But it just broke a stone

Compared with the giant stone statue, this stone can\'t even cover a nail.


The statue is still floating up, and faster and faster.

The wild and fierce breath rushed out madly.

Corpse Qi and death Qi entangled together, forming a force as solid as the essence, wrapped the stone statue and pushed Shen Lang out for ten meters!

Shen Lang raised the immortal sky knife in his hand and waved it three times!

"Hiss, hiss, hiss!"

The three ways can kill the ordinary emperor\'s martial mirror and the seven heavenly strong into a nothingness, and cut down on the energy around the stone statue, like a mud ox into the sea. There is no news.

If you go on like this, don\'t say that you\'ll break this stone statue again. I\'m afraid it\'s difficult even to get close to this stone statue!


Shen Lang snorted coldly, and the light of immortal Sabre reappeared!

"Star sucking Dharma" and "magic knife formula" have been displayed at the same time!

The vitality of the surrounding heaven and earth gathered madly towards the blade of the immortal sky sword.

All the blood clan strongmen who were killed by Shen Lang were scared, and the remaining energy was still around here.

As soon as the "star sucking Dharma" came out, the chaotic and violent energy around us that had not yet dissipated in time, like a long river into the sea, crazy emerged the immortal Tiandao!

The energy of dozens of powerful imperial martial mirrors

Among them, there is no lack of Prince Dina, who is a powerful five Heaven warrior.

How huge and terrible is it?

Over the whole nightmare swamp, crazy energy is like a swimming dragon, making a roaring sound and wandering quickly.

"Heaven devil sword, destroy heaven and Jedi, God death and evil destruction!"

When these energies converge on the immortal Sky Sword

"Magic knife formula" the third knife "Heaven magic knife", suddenly attack!