Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1224

"Demon bone blood descendant... Demon bone blood descendant of the second heaven of the great emperor\'s Wu territory!"

Shen Lang\'s precise control of power is the accumulation of thousands of years beyond the emperor\'s war emperor.

Don\'t say ghost respects the night ghost. Even if the soul emperor of qianhun hall is in front of Shen Lang, he will feel inferior.

The broken false silver eyes pierce the falsehood and point to the truth.

Shen Lang will never be wrong about the power of this demon blood descendant in his sight!

At this moment, Shen Lang suddenly jumped at the bottom of his heart, immediately closed his eyes and untied his broken silver eyes.

And his breathing became very heavy

Three days ago, Shen Lang still told LAN Mengling that he suspected that the blood ancestor had designed the cells of the corpse ancestor and the soul ancestor, and therefore may have developed a method to break through the bottleneck and become more terrible and powerful.

Unexpectedly, now Shen Lang actually saw... The devil\'s blood descendants above the second heaven of the great emperor\'s martial realm!

And in this pale Valley!

Not only that, in a quick glance, Shen Lang clearly saw something that made him angry!

Under the huge demon blood, tens of thousands of weak breath gathered together.

Among these smells, there is clearly the breath full of life aura of the Yumu family, the thick and solid breath of the stone man family, and the dark and obscure but concise breath of the cave man

The endless bloody gas is emitted from the position of tens of thousands of different races.

I\'m afraid all the aliens imprisoned by the blood clan are concentrated at the feet of the demon blood clan!

The blood clan is making a blood sacrifice. I\'m afraid it\'s necessary to wake up the demon blood clan with the blood of all other races!

"Click, click, click!"

Shen Lang\'s teeth were rattling, and the smell of madness and tyranny almost broke through the cover of death!

"Go north!"


When Shen Lang and kuruno flew to the north of the pale Valley, the blood sacrifice of the blood clan to awaken the demon bone blood clan had begun in the fog shrouded swamp.

Pale Valley, nightmare swamp.

It has been shrouded in miasma and fog for many years. The wind is howling. You can smell a rotten and unpleasant smell outside the swamp.

In the marsh mud, bits and pieces of white bones covered with mud floated out. It was unclear whether it was human bones or animal bones.

At this moment, in the center of nightmare swamp, a huge stone statue with open mouth roaring upward is slowly rising from the bottom of the swamp.

Endless blood mist gathered from around and was sucked in by the big mouth of the huge stone statue like a long river into the sea.

Although the huge stone statue looks like a dead object, it transmits a deep and terrible rhythm sound, as if the stone statue has an unparalleled demon fetus wriggling and the heart of an ancient beast leaping

Facing this huge stone statue that looks like a dead thing, people feel that in the face of this terrible wild beast that can destroy the sky and the earth, people\'s heart seems to have to rush out of their chest and breathe hard!

In front of the huge stone statues, there are rows of dense blood red crosses.

On every blood red cross, there is a man nailed.

There are stone people, feather wood people, Luocha people

The number is more than 50000.

Even many of them have been transformed into blood clan!

The blood fog all over the sky just escaped from these people

As the blood and strength were drawn, all those who were crucified became weaker and weaker, and the breath of life became weaker and weaker.

They felt the pressure of the demon God released from the huge stone statue in front of them, and felt the passage of their lives, but there was nothing they could do.

Under the effect of blood clan prohibition, they can\'t even move their fingers.

Except for those who have been transformed into blood clan, there is deep despair and sadness in everyone\'s eyes.

Behind the tens of thousands of crosses, more than 30000 powerful blood families are ready to go.

The soaring blood gas was released from these blood clan strong men and blended together to form a surging blood tide, enveloping the whole light.

Strangely, the blood tide did not converge towards the huge stone statues like the blood mist on those alien people, but condensed but not dispersed, floating and flickering, as if entangled together to form a large array to cover the breath.

"Dina, I\'ll leave everything here to you!"

A looming figure appeared in the void, which was oaks, one of the two giants of the blood clan!

A heavily armed woman flew up and knelt respectfully in the air: "please rest assured. After the blood sacrifice is completed and the devil\'s bones and blood descendants wake up, she will go to Luocha city at the first time to help adults eradicate this group of ants that don\'t know how to live or die!"

This woman is the first time Shen Lang came to the pale Valley and beat Shen Lang into Prince Dina who was seriously injured!

When King Nara and the Dragon King dealt with Luocha City, Prince Dina clearly went to Luocha city.

And Luocha city was finally slaughtered by two heavenly kings.

Unexpectedly, Prince Dina escaped and appeared in the pale Valley again!

"Very good!"

OxyS nodded slightly in the air, and then suddenly raised his head to the sky and howled!


With the roar of ox, the swamp set off huge waves like the sea!

Another cruel and tyrannical demon blood descendant came up from the bottom of the swamp!

However, this demon blood descendant is a living humanoid monster. His two eyes release a fierce light that devours everything. The terrible breath around him sweeps through everything, which is very different from the huge stone statue that is still undergoing blood sacrifice.

The as like as two peas in the cold iron Hall of the rosefinch house, the three of the devil blood group appeared.

Ox\'s body swayed and flew to the right shoulder of the demon blood like a ghost.

"Since the mole ants in the ten thousand demon house and the thousand soul hall want to die, we will let them go and kill them!" oxyS drank coldly.

More than 30000 strong blood clan swords came out of their scabbard and shouted in unison, "kill!"

Then, the huge demon blood at the foot of ox roared and stepped out step by step, shaking the surrounding mountains and swamps like waves!

More than 30000 strong blood clan people followed, surging in the direction of Luocha city!

As soon as these people left, there were only more than 50 blood families left in the nightmare swamp.

Prince Dina looked at everything in front of him and laughed a little contentedly: "ten thousand demon house, thousand soul hall, hum, they are poor people who don\'t know how to live or die!"

"When this blood sacrifice is completed, it will be their end!"

Muttering to herself, Prince Dina frowned slightly: "unfortunately, the time is too short to capture more aliens for blood sacrifice."

"Otherwise, it will make the power of this demon blood clan reach the peak and sweep the plague land!"

Several blood princes on the side immediately came forward and complimented constantly.

It seems that the decisive factor in this war is not the demon blood, but Prince Dina.

Prince Dina smiled coldly, approached a blood red cross, suddenly tilted his head and bit on the neck of the Shura woman on the cross!

The woman screamed, her head tilted, and there was no life at all.

Not only that, her body soon became shriveled and finally turned into a skin bag without inflation.

Prince Dina raised his head, the corners of his mouth were bleeding, licked his tongue and said with great satisfaction, "the blood of these beautiful people of the Shura family is really sweet and delicious. It will never be enough."

"If you have a chance, you must catch more Shura women!"

"Hum, the so-called strongest race in the world, whether human or demon, is all the food of our blood clan!"

All the foreign people around who were nailed to the blood red cross raised their heads and their eyes were filled with hatred!

However, these blood sacrifices will become the same as the Shura women just now in a moment and a half. Where will Prince Dina pay attention to their hatred?

As soon as he saw the hate eyes around him, Prince Dina smiled wickedly and beat out with a whip in his hand, breaking the skin of several people around him!

A blood prince nearby said respectfully, "what my Lord said is that the blood of these Shura women is really delicious... I just don\'t know what\'s going on. Some time ago, all the alien families took refuge in the demon God Temple."

"Otherwise, we will be able to grab more and come back for adults to enjoy."

Prince Dina snorted coldly, "these weak aliens are no different from mole ants. It\'s normal to want the protection of the demon temple."

"Anyway, when the blood sacrifice is completed, this demon blood descendant will be born. First, the thousand soul hall and the ten thousand demon house will be completely eradicated, and then the demon God hall will be flattened. At that time, none of these aliens will escape!"

Just then, Prince Dina\'s smile suddenly put away, suddenly turned around and grabbed it!

"Who dares to spy on this seat!"

There were several sounds breaking through the air. Kuruno and Shen Lang, who ran quickly, were immediately controlled by an invisible force and suspended in the air.

Shen Lang is not enough. The dead itself is a dead thing that doesn\'t know the pain.

But kuruno was different. This guy grabbed his throat with both hands and pushed his legs disorderly. There was a lot of movement.

"Kuruno? Feather morning wind!" Prince Dina was surprised to see Shen Lang.

As soon as she regained her strength, she caught kuruno and Shen Lang and threw them to the ground.

"Kuruno, what\'s the matter? Where did you find the feather morning wind? Under the virgin crown?" Prince Dina stepped on kuruno\'s chest and almost choked kuruno.

Kuruno coughed repeatedly: "sir... Sir, I don\'t know. I saw yuchenfeng in Luocha City, so I brought him here and wanted to send the source of pain tower to Lord Milos!"

"I asked him before. He said that during the war between us and the demon temple, he and the saint were crowned in the pale Valley, and then dispersed... Cough!"

Prince Dina\'s face showed a happy look: "has it been dispersed in the pale Valley? So... Should it still be in the pale Valley under the virgin crown?"

Of course she doesn\'t care about Alice\'s life or death.

But Alice is the key to the blood ancestral mausoleum, which is very important for the blood family, but there can be no mistake.

After the war with the demon temple, Alice was found missing and the blood clan was almost in disorder!

Prince Dina kicked kuruno away and said, "kudelan, aimer, dikana and Esther, you four are responsible for searching the four directions of the pale Valley, Southeast and northwest!"

"Inch by inch, dig three feet to find the virgin crown!"

The four blood princes stepped out and responded with a respectful voice. They all disappeared on the spot.

Then Dina glanced at kuruno and said coldly, "kuruno, Lord Milos sits in the source of pain tower and controls the center of the five main cities. Now take the feather morning wind to the source of pain tower."

"If anything goes wrong, I\'ll skin you!"

Kuruno glanced at Shen Lang and bowed respectfully: "yes, Prince."

Prince Dina sneered, walked up to a Shura woman and bit her neck

"Bang, bang!"

It was like biting on the refined steel and cold iron, and Prince Dina\'s two tusks broke in an instant!