Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1217

About the war emperor\'s self explosion in the face of the demon lord, Shen Lang has been thinking about it since he was in Tianfeng city.

Over the past three years, the memory seal in Shen Lang\'s mind has been continuously opened, and his cultivation has been rising. He has been constantly exposed to things he could not touch in the past.

At the beginning, Shen Lang even compared the war emperor with Zuo Wentian.

Now it seems that Zuo Wentian is also amazing. He realized that he can make the great emperor dare not underestimate his sword skill, but where can he compare with the war emperor?

Not only can not compare, the gap between the two sides\' cultivation is almost to the point where we can\'t count by the Tao!

One is that the military realm of the great emperor has not been advanced in the peak period;

One is that it reached the level of the great emperor in 1500, and then it took another 500 years to surpass the great emperor

It\'s no wonder that Zuo Wentian worshipped Shen Lang so skillfully when his memory was lost.

When the fire of gossip was burning in the dark night

Shen Lang said: "in those days, the war emperor was so junior that many old guys in the war god hall were unconvinced and opposed the war emperor everywhere.

That is to say, the emperor of war is extremely talented and has unparalleled accomplishments. Otherwise, it is impossible to frighten those old guys.

When ghost Zun heard Shen Lang say this, he was very pleased and smiled: "good boy, you want beauty, not rivers and mountains. You are really a man of temperament!"

"Well, if you open your mouth and shut your mouth to save the common people, or pose as a savior, I will look down on you!"

"Well, I won\'t talk more nonsense. Let\'s talk about the plague here. What do you want to do?"

"What are you going to do after you leave the plague?"

"What can I do for you?"

Shen Lang said calmly, "the plague place is almost over for me, but I can\'t rest assured if tens of thousands of people trapped in the pain source tower of Moonlight City are not rescued."

"This time, since Lord Guizun has arrived, I hope Lord Guizun can help and rescue them together."

Ghost zunye Youming said solemnly, "don\'t worry. If I hit Moonlight City, I will rescue them myself."

Shen Lang nodded slightly and said, "it\'s so good that I don\'t have to rack my brains... In addition, in the pain source tower of Moonlight City, I put down a silent God thunder king. After you attack Moonlight City, let Nara King send me a message."

"I need to confirm your position. Finally, I can detonate the silent God thunder King three thousand miles after your people leave the moonlight city."

Ghost Zun night Youming was surprised: "good boy! When you were in the quasi emperor martial mirror, you had already sneaked into the Moonlight City? You also placed a silent God thunder king?"

"I was wondering whether you released the silent God thunder king in Luocha city. It turned out... Ha ha ha, it\'s really happy!"

"Very good!"

Shen Lang continued: "at the same time, the source of pain, the source of pain in the blood pool of the tower, is something made by the blood ancestor to convert other race warriors into undead and blood clan. I need to get it."

"If Lord ghost gets this, don\'t destroy it. Just leave it to me."

Night Youming was surprised: "the source of pain? Do you want to keep such a strange and terrible thing until it is destroyed at the first time?"

Shen Lang nodded and said, "I can refine the blood energy in it and use it to pry into the mystery of the heavenly book \'blood god atlas\' in the hands of the blood ancestor."

"You monster..." ghost Zun night Youming really couldn\'t find other words to evaluate Shen Lang.

Shen Lang then said, "after these things have been solved, I will leave the plague land to find the heavenly book and the five Heavenly God soldiers. Lord ghost has just come from the thousand souls hall. I don\'t know what\'s going on outside. Can you bring me the information of my mother-in-law?"

The mother-in-law in Shen Lang\'s mouth is naturally the ghost Zun Haiwen Xiang who raised the war emperor.

The dark night said in a deep voice, "after you released the information of the dark gate of the blood ancestral mausoleum, the whole world was shocked."

"The four great emperors have mobilized troops and horses to form a coalition army and headed for the ancient magic Jedi, one of the three Jedi in the western wilderness."

"Your mother-in-law also led a strong man in the thousand souls hall to the ancient demon Jedi... Hum, before you heard this news, the whole world wanted to deal with the blood clan, but there was no blood clan at all. Now that you know that they are in the ancient demon Jedi and know the existence of the dark gate, there will be a good play!"

"According to the old ghost of Wu XingKong, it will take several years for the blood ancestral mausoleum to be born. Now the blood ancestral mausoleum has not been born, but they connected the blood ancestral mausoleum with the dark gate. We just took this opportunity to completely cripple the blood clan!"

"It is even possible to beat the blood clan back to the dark door!"

"According to the meaning of the four great emperors, the best way is that the coalition forces of all parties need to block the blood clan in the dark gate, and then send the peerless strong man to enter the dark gate and put the battlefield in the blood ancestral mausoleum! Kill him! It\'s dark, the sun and the moon are dark!"

The ghost respected the night, and the nether world became more and more excited.

When it comes to fighting, this guy becomes very enthusiastic. He is completely a militant!

If you can see his figure, Shen Lang can guess that the old ghost is spitting now.

Night Youming continued: "in addition, the four great emperors have also made arrangements about the seal gate of the foreign battlefield... Haven\'t you sent someone to inform Murong family and Zhulong mansion?"

"If the demon family wants to break the seal, the first thing to face is the demon God hall. When the demon family and the demon God hall lose both sides, our people will go up and beat the water dog!"

"Good boy, I feel that the whole world is in your hands, and everything is in your plan?"