Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1216

When ghost zunye Youming wanted to talk to Shen Lang alone, the Eastern Emperor immediately said something to stop it, which stunned Shen Lang.

How can this mysterious and easily unwilling guy suddenly care about himself at this time?

On the contrary, mother-in-law Feng did not change her face from beginning to end. She was not worried about what the dark night would do to Shen Lang.

Shen Lang smiled and said, "don\'t worry, Lord Donghuang. Lord Guizun really wants to deal with me. There are plenty of opportunities. There\'s no need at this time."

"In his capacity, if you want to kill me, you should kill me openly. Why do you play such a small trick?"

Ghost zunye Youming laughed: "good boy, have courage, I look after you!"

"With your words, I promise you that I will never attack you in the plague land!"

"But if you are outside the plague, hey hey, you have to be careful..."

Shen Lang said calmly, "thank you for your care."

The ghost fog swept through and rolled towards the Shen wave.

Neither mother-in-law Feng nor the Eastern Emperor did anything.

When it comes to this, ghost Zun really wants to leave his identity and face to face Shen wave. Don\'t come out to mix with the night ghost and thousand soul hall in the future.

As soon as Shen Lang and the dark night disappeared, the atmosphere here immediately became strange.

Mother-in-law Feng directly closed her eyes and sat down in a chair and dozed off;

The Eastern Emperor\'s smoky body was floating, and there was nothing in his cloak. No one knew his expression at all;

Instead, it\'s the people in the ten thousand demon house and the thousand soul hall here. Look at me and I look at you. I feel very uncomfortable.

Especially the Nara king and the Dragon King.

In the information given by Shen Lang, they were asked to try their best to persuade King Dapeng of golden wings to agree to the requirements of the United Nations.

Unexpectedly, ghost Zun night came, and a few words convinced everyone and yueqingqian.

Now Shen Lang comes to talk about cooperation. The two of Luo Wang are stunned. They can\'t find a chance to talk!

The eight heavenly kings are all ******************************************************************!

In particular, when King Nara was reincarnated as a marquis, there were countless questions in his heart. He almost jumped out and pressed Shen Lang and asked him if he was the emperor of war. He felt uncomfortable and had a feeling of death and life.


A misty, boundless world.

In the whirlpool of wildly rotating ghost fog, Shen Lang stood quietly.

"What a terrible boy. As the Lord of the God of war hall, he even mixed in the demon hall and made the demon hall dizzy... I was trapped in the dragon scale temple for thousands of years. I didn\'t expect that there was a monster like you in my thousand souls hall, ha ha ha ha!"

The strange laughter of ghost Zun\'s dark night continued to ring out in the vortex, but there was no trace to the outside.

The war emperor was brought back to the thousand souls hall by the ghost revered Haiwen incense when he was a baby. He was brought up in the thousand souls hall. He said that the war emperor was a man of the thousand souls hall. No one dared to have any objection.

The dark night was very proud of it.

It\'s as if the war emperor was trained not by ghost Zun Haiwen incense, but by his dark night.

Shen Lang smiled and said, "Lord ghost thinks highly of me. I really want to play with the people in the demon temple. Where is it so easy?"

"If it weren\'t for the cooperation of Lord Guizun, it would be very difficult to implement the plan of plague land."

Ghost Zun said in a deep voice, "even if I didn\'t come, it\'s estimated that this plan won\'t change much... In other words, your plan is really killing four birds with one arrow!"

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