Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1218

Shen Lang shook his head and said, "I can only say that he is walking in the direction I expected, but when it comes to control, the strength is not that far. It\'s a joke to say control."

"Moreover, people are not as good as heaven. No one knows what will happen in the future. The biggest threat comes from the so-called \'ultimate fear\'."

"Give me 500 years, maybe I don\'t need such a headache."

"Unfortunately, God didn\'t give me this time."

"Five hundred years..." murmured the dark night.

What is five hundred years?

For the strong emperor Wujing, it\'s just a snap!

He was locked up in the nether world for thousands of years, and then he got lucky, caught the nether fire, and finally advanced to the great emperor\'s martial arts realm.

And the boy in front of him was lamenting that there was no five hundred years.

It only takes 500 years to fight against the legendary upper demon God?

It\'s really that people have to die than people and goods have to be thrown away!

God, did you give all the good things to this boy?

Night Youming sighed twice at the bottom of her heart, and youyou said, "by the way, I just talked about asking Xiang Guizun... I thought I could press her head when I advanced to the great emperor\'s martial arts realm."

"Unexpectedly, she advanced to the second heaven of the great emperor\'s martial arts six years ago, still pressed me, and even trained a monster grandson like you. I\'m so angry!"

He said "angry old man", but there was no anger in his tone.

Instead, it\'s like showing off triumphantly... You see, the two ghost dignitaries in the thousand souls hall are the martial realm of the great emperor! The first of the five great emperors, the nine day war emperor, was born in our thousand souls hall!

Shen Lang almost didn\'t laugh: "didn\'t your mother-in-law tell your predecessors anything?"

The dark night quacked with a strange smile and said, "I knew you would ask... Look!"

A ray of light flickered, and in the swirling ghost fog, the virtual shadow of an extraordinary middle-aged woman appeared.

The middle-aged woman wore a golden robe and stood with her hands down. She was cold, gorgeous and luxurious. Standing there, she was like an emperor who ordered the world, exuding the spirit of an emperor who people didn\'t dare to look directly at.

It is Wenxiang ghost Zun, one of the three ghost zuns in qianhun hall, Haiwen incense!

As soon as he appeared, Hai Wenxiang looked at Shen Lang.

Those eyes, bright as stars, seemed to penetrate some vanity, see through everything and see through the hearts of the people.

Their eyes just looked at each other. Shen Lang\'s nose was sour and fell to his knees: "mother-in-law..."

It\'s good to show the weak side of Shen wave in front of people. At the moment, it\'s like a child.

The arrogance and indifference of ghost Zun Haiwen Xiang\'s eyes disappeared in an instant. Unexpectedly, there were many lights floating out.

Just a wisp of mind came to her, and she also shed tears when she saw the Shen wave.

When the emperor fell, it was 13 years ago.

At that time, Shen Lang, who was still in Murong aristocratic family, was six years old.

After the fall of the war emperor, even if he was reincarnated immediately, he should be about 13 years old by now.

Shen Lang is over nineteen now.

In terms of age, Shen Lang can\'t match the emperor of war.

But haiwenxiang just saw Shen Lang\'s eyes, and there was no doubt at all!


A call, across time and space, through life and death;

A call, endless sadness, endless joy;


More than half an hour later, Shen Lang and mother-in-law Feng were on the way back to the residence of the demon temple.

Shen Lang stood with his hands on his back, his eyes closed, and walked through the void quickly under the leadership of mother-in-law Feng.

While feeling the three things placed in xumijie, Shen Lang recalled the words told by mother-in-law Xiang.

The first of the three things brought by mother-in-law Xiang is "Jiuyou demon soul blade".

The shape of "Jiuyou demon soul blade" looks like a semi materialized short blade, flashing a terrible breath that makes people\'s soul tremble.

As soon as I took it out, the night nether spoke with a cry. I almost didn\'t grab it!

This is one of the three most precious treasures of the thousand souls hall!

Even if it was the ghost of the night, it was very difficult to see and touch it before.

Unexpectedly, the soul emperor asked grandma Wenxiang to bring it to Shen Lang

Although there is a word "blade" in the name of "Jiuyou demon soul blade", it is not a sword attack magic weapon.

But the treasure of the thousand soul hall with both attack and defense!

Once urged, "Jiuyou demon soul blade" will turn into a huge skeleton and wrap the master in it.

This huge skeleton is like a layer of armor of the caster. It can almost be immune to most soul or spiritual attacks. It has the supreme power of the soul that all evil spirits do not invade and all ghosts retreat.

It has been refined by several generations of soul emperors for tens of thousands of years!

Not only is there no magic weapon to compare in the defense of soul or spirit, but even in the physical defense, its defense against the sky is only weaker than the black hell armor, and it can almost be immune to most attacks!

However, the power of Jiuyou demon soul blade is not only here.

This object is not a defensive magic weapon, and its attack power is unimaginable!

The caster is wrapped in the huge skeleton. With a fist, the huge skeleton will send out terrible power. Then he will blow his fist and destroy everything in front of him!

Tens of thousands of years ago, the old generation of soul emperor once took this Jiuyou demon soul blade and blew an abyss monarch who climbed out of the dark abyss to pieces!

The abyss monarch of the dark abyss is the supreme devil of the dark abyss. He is famous for his indestructible flesh.

The abyss monarch can\'t stop such a punch. You can see how terrible the Jiuyou demon soul blade should be!

Of course, killing the abyss monarch is not only the power of Jiuyou demon soul blade, but also the unparalleled cultivation of that soul emperor.

It is almost impossible for other strong people in qianhun hall to take the Jiuyou demon soul blade and want to kill the abyss monarch.

"Jiuyou demon soul blade", one of the three most precious treasures of qianhun hall, even the war emperor of that year was not able to see it.

This time, if it wasn\'t for the great disaster of heaven and earth, would the soul emperor send this thing out? That\'s also two things.

Shen Lang was moved by the quiet soul emperor\'s care for him.

But it also gives Shen Lang a headache... The "Jiuyou demon soul blade", one of the three treasures of the thousand soul hall, has been heard by many powerful people in the world, even if not many people have seen it.

Once Shen Lang is used, I\'m afraid he will be recognized at the first time!

Shen Lang is now a member of the demon God hall. How can he use the treasure of the thousand souls hall? How dare you use it?

As soon as the huge skeleton comes out, it will not only be highly recognized, but also the unique smell of the thousand soul hall will be recognized immediately.

It\'s not like the divine sword Tianqi. Change the shape and breath, and then let Chi lianer converge a little, so she won\'t be noticed.

Such a powerful magic weapon is in your hand, but you dare not use it easily

Nothing is more depressing than this.

It seems that his Majesty the soul emperor is worried that Shen Lang might accidentally expose his horse\'s feet, so he brought it to Shen Lang and got him an insurance.

Shen Lang estimated by himself that even if the strength of the chaotic God body, plus the black hell armor and the Jiuyou demon soul blade, its defense has reached an unimaginable level. It is estimated that no one can get himself under the great emperor.

But in fact, when it comes to protecting life, no matter how strong the defense is, how can there be a magic weapon or secret weapon that can compare with fengtianding?

How many people in the world can get Shen Lang by hiding in the sealed tripod?

In fact, what Shen Lang wants more is something like black hell armor or killing armor... It has enough defense and can improve its attack power. Combined with its own strength, it can finally kill the enemy.

Instead of saving your life.

Just to protect your life, it\'s enough to have a sealed tripod.

For these reasons, Shen Lang almost gave it to the night nether world under the cry of ghost Zun night nether world.

Finally, she asked grandma Xiang to scold yeyouming, and Shen langcai gave up the idea.

The second thing is a fragment of a demon God.

It was only the size of a palm, but the breath released was frightening even the ghost night ghost.

The fragment of demon God, frankly speaking, is a real demon God, which has been cut into countless pieces... One of them.

In this fragment, there is also a wisp of demon ghost and the surging and unpredictable power of God and devil!

It is said that it was under the joint efforts of countless strong people in qianhun hall that it was finally sealed.

This item has been acquired by qianhun hall for more than 20000 years.

Unfortunately, in the absence of the soul ancestor, the thousand soul hall has studied this object for more than 20000 years, and the results are very limited.

After all, the category of gods and demons is not accessible to ordinary people.

After ghost Zun night ghost told the soul emperor about Shen Lang swallowing Yin Qi and soul, the soul emperor finally gave up his mind, took it out and let him take it to the wilderness.

In the soul emperor\'s view, Shen Lang, the last generation of war emperor, is a monster

Spend a lot of time and energy on the study of refining utensils, medicine, the natural universe and the mysteries of heaven and earth;

They can see everything, learn everything, and know everything in the world;

In addition, this anti heaven skill that can devour everything... There is nothing better than him to study the fragments of the demon God.

If Shen Lang could study the fragment of the demon God thoroughly, he might be able to obtain the terrorist power of the demon God in it, and even come into contact with the rules mastered by the demon God!

Now the chaos has come. Good things should be given to the right people, not hidden at home for viewing

The soul emperor also paid blood this time.

But he was right.

In this world, except Shen Lang, there is really no one more suitable to "study" this demon God fragment!

The soul Emperor didn\'t know that Shen Lang had already devoured the ghost of the heavenly demons and studied the power of the gods and demons for a long time before the fragments of the demons and gods were brought to Shen Lang!

For Shen Lang, this fragment of the demon God is definitely a timely help... Not to mention the benefits of the power and memory of the demon God\'s remnant, the power of the gods and Demons contained in this fragment is what Shen Lang needs most and is constantly looking for!

Chaotic gods need to devour the power of gods and demons in order to grow to the greatest extent!

When he was in yumudong blessed land, Shen Lang gained the power of gods and Demons twice.

Once it swallowed the ghost of the devil;

Once, it absorbed all the power of the gods and demons at the top of the serial magic array;

The power of the gods and demons of the remnant spirits of the heavenly demons has long been exhausted. Some of the power of the gods and Demons over the magic array is still left. The water flows out of the Tai Chi diagram to the chaotic gods, but it is obviously not enough. It won\'t take many days.

Unexpectedly, the demon God fragments were sent to the thousand souls hall here!

There are fragments of the demon God, Yuan Li fragments, and poor and strange blood essence

Break through to the great emperor\'s martial arts realm, just around the corner!