Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1215

When everyone stared at Shen Lang and wanted to know how he would reply

Shen Lang smiled, nodded and said, "yes."

As soon as he said this, a group of people in Wanyao mansion and qianhun hall were surprised.

According to most people\'s ideas, even if Shen Lang can really accept the proposal of ghost zunye Youming, he should bargain at least.

Unexpectedly, this guy unexpectedly surprised people and promised!

With the strength of the devil\'s temple and the hegemony of the devil\'s temple, it is absolutely impossible to agree to this unfair treaty if someone else comes.

Even for the sake of face, the people in the demon temple will not be allowed to be calculated by Wanyao mansion and others.

The golden winged ROC king, who had been staring at the Eastern Emperor like a cockfighting, looked up and down at Shen Lang quite unexpectedly at the moment.

Shen Lang saw that everyone\'s eyes were on him and couldn\'t help but be happy: "what do you look at me like this? The contract can\'t be fake. Since I promised, I accepted it on behalf of the demon temple. Naturally, I\'ll write about it."

"As I have said, we all have the same purpose... If there is something wrong with the eternal tree, the whole world will be shrouded in the Qi of the most Yin. Finally, the blood clan takes advantage of the situation to sweep away the world and make the world miserable."

"No matter you or the demon temple, you don\'t want to see this result."

"So we must not let the blood clan succeed."

"For this, it\'s nothing for our demon temple to suffer a loss."

"But since Lord ghost said so, I still want to add one..."

The golden winged Dapeng Wang eyebrows picked: "you say."

Shen Lang said with a smile, "protecting the eternal tree is the business of both sides, not just the demon temple."

"The demon temple can suffer some losses and keep it outside, but if there is a blood clan invasion, you must make efforts to deal with the blood clan together with the demon temple!"

King Dapeng with golden wings took a look at the ghost, respected the dark night, and nodded slightly: "yes!"

Shen Lang said again, "in addition, the foreign races here in the plague land have been subordinated to me. Now there are tens of thousands of foreign races in Moonlight City, some of which have been transformed into blood races. I want to save them."

"So I hope when you do it, if you have a chance, you can help me, or directly help me save them."

Moon Qingqian stared at Shen Lang a little strangely, and seemed to feel that this guy was a little too kind.

Shen Lang stared back directly: "they are my subordinates. I save them. Is there a problem?"

Yue Qingqing said coldly, "if you have a chance, you can naturally help you save them, but we can\'t help those who have been transformed into blood clan."

Shen Lang snapped his fingers and said, "as long as you are an alien, whether you have been transformed into a blood clan or not, you can help me save it. Don\'t worry so much."

"Yes," said the moon lightly.

Shen Lang took the contract and added a few: "then, let\'s discuss how to kill the blood clan."

"My Demon temple was put together by you this time, which hurt your muscles and bones; but it is also because of our sacrifice that the bottom card of demon bone blood descent has been revealed, and the blood clan has also lost a large number of strong people. You need more strength for this action!"

Ghost Zun night ghost Gaga said with a strange smile, "what is it? Qingqian and I will kill them personally... But Fengling and the Eastern Emperor also have to do it!"

"Then we will attack. How about you go and destroy the blood clan reinforcements hidden outside the plague land?"

I\'m afraid if there were others in the demon temple, I would really scold.

What\'s his name?

The blood clan lost a large number of strong people, and one of the demon bone blood descendants was also killed, and the strength decreased a lot. At this time, it was the weakest time.

If Youming wants mother-in-law Feng and the Eastern Emperor to cooperate with him tonight, wouldn\'t it be easy to catch him?

The blood clan reinforcements were only killed by mother-in-law Feng. I don\'t know how powerful they are. How many demon blood descendants are there?

Compare the blood clan of Moonlight City with the blood clan reinforcements outside the plague land. Maybe the reinforcements are several times stronger than that of Moonlight City!

In this case, yeyouming also shamelessly borrowed the wind mother-in-law and the Eastern Emperor!

Other people in the demon temple would never agree to such a thing.

Shen Lang frowned and seemed to think.

In fact, he was laughing in his heart: "the old ghost of the night is really worthy of his reputation. In constantly calculating the blood clan and the demon God hall, he cooperated with me perfectly. It\'s a lot less trouble!"

"But if you promise too quickly, you can\'t. as an actor, it\'s natural to play a good play seriously."

Shen Lang, pretending to be hesitant, leaned slightly and said to the Eastern Emperor on the left: "what do you think of the Eastern Emperor?"

The Eastern Emperor said in a hoarse voice, "just make your own decision. I\'m not interested in these things."

This guy is really a third person.

Simply kicked the ball back to Shen Lang.

But Grandma Feng came here for Shen lang. the Eastern Emperor didn\'t want to take care of anything. What are you doing here?

Shen Lang was silent for a moment and raised a finger: "I only agree to one person, that is to let my mother-in-law deal with the demon blood descendants with you... But she still needs to take into account things outside the plague land."

"As for the Eastern Emperor, I hope he can lead the people in the demon temple to eradicate the blood clan reinforcements."

"What\'s more, his Highness the moon King stared at the Eastern Emperor like a cockfight from the beginning and asked them to go together. Maybe they would fight again. At that time, the devil\'s blood and blood didn\'t hurt a hair, and the two of them would be laughed off."

"What do you mean? Do you think I will delay something?" a trace of anger appeared on the face of King Dapeng with golden wings.

"It doesn\'t mean anything. I\'m praising you." Shen Lang choked Yueqing half to death.

Shen Lang said again, "Your Highness, didn\'t you really think that when you entered the Moonlight City, you would take advantage of the opportunity to \'compete with the Eastern Emperor\'?"

"Hum!" the moon lightly hummed and slightly turned her head.

She really thought so, but this kind of thing can\'t be admitted directly.

"Well, that\'s settled." ghost Zun night ghost stopped Yue Qingqian from talking: "Qingqian, I don\'t want to intervene in your gratitude and resentment with the Eastern Emperor, but the major event is important. At least bear it until after expelling the blood clan."

Moon Qingqian glared at Shen Lang and the Eastern Emperor and nodded gently.

In front of all the strong, moon Qingqian and ghost Zun night Youming signed the contract and dropped a drop of blood.

Shen Lang immediately beamed and smiled: "gentlemen, we will be allies in the future. Next, it will be a game between our alliance and blood clan."

"How to play this game depends on everyone\'s efforts."

"Game?" all the strong men looked at Shen Lang with disdain.

Such a big thing, such a big scene, even the strong in the middle and late period of Emperor Wu mirror, may fall here accidentally.

How can it become a game to this boy?

However, it\'s easy for this guy to stay in the rear and make plans without going to the front!

In front of the demon God hall, a large number of powerful imperial martial mirror strongmen died. This guy didn\'t feel any heartache. He still regarded this kind of thing as a game?

Human life is as cheap as grass. There are no good birds in the demon temple.

Wang Lengleng, the golden winged ROC, said, "ambassador Zuo thinks it\'s a game? So, do you think it\'s fun? Do the strong people in the demon God Temple think it\'s fun? I\'m afraid they may not recognize it when it comes to the demon god temple or the blood clan?"

"In addition, since Zuo envoy thinks this is a game, how does Zuo envoy think this game should be played?"

I don\'t know why I said a lot this time.

Her words, vaguely before satire, were put together by the devil temple and the blood clan.

Hundreds of powerful imperial mirrors were lost in an instant.

Even the two heavenly kings of Tiangang and Disha almost couldn\'t come back.

This is unimaginable!

This kind of thing is regarded as a game by Shen Lang?

Who can bear the loss of the game?

If this kind of words were spread to those demon generals in the demon God hall, I\'m afraid those people would have other views on Shen Lang?

Unfortunately, I didn\'t know that the moon was light at all. Not long ago, Shen Lang fooled the people of the devil general\'s house around!

Otherwise, where are you qualified to come here?

How can you let the Eastern Emperor and mother-in-law Feng follow you?

Shen Lang waved his hand and said, "the game is not a game. The devil temple and blood clan guys know something! The people who play and the people who don\'t play have different views. Those who don\'t play don\'t understand what fun it is to play, those who don\'t play don\'t understand what else to play, those who don\'t play don\'t understand why they enjoy it, and those who don\'t understand why they feel bored."

"Can you destroy the blood clan and protect the eternal tree? Is there a more fun game than this?"

"..." a group of strong people were dizzy by him.

Even yueqingqian opened his mouth several times and didn\'t say a word for a long time.

The king almost didn\'t laugh. He tried his best to bear it. He looked strange and stunned the dragon king Qi Tian on the side.

Shen Lang waved his hand again and said, "well, the contract has been signed and the cooperation has been discussed. I should go back. Thank you for your hospitality... Your Wanyao mansion is generous enough. You don\'t even have a cup of green tea."

The popularity of Wanyao mansion turned white eyes.

Shen Lang Balabala said again, "the matter of the eternal tree is no small matter. It\'s not too late. You start to act as soon as possible."

"You first destroy Luocha City, and then drive straight through the pale valley from Luocha city to attack the Yellow Dragon... Oh, I mean to attack the moonlight city."

"And we, go and kill the blood clan reinforcements, and do both."

Then Shen Lang stood up directly.

With an insider like him and two careless stumps like the Eastern Emperor and mother-in-law Feng, it is difficult for such cooperation to go smoothly.

Listening to his words, the people in Wanyao mansion and qianhun hall turned their eyes.

This guy is really honest and impolite. Now he starts to call people from the ten thousand demon mansion and the thousand soul hall?

"Wait a minute." seeing that Shen Lang wanted to go, ghost Zun night ghost immediately said, "boy, I still have some words to talk to you alone."

"No!" very strange, the Eastern Emperor spoke.

Although he only said "no", he has made it very clear... He doesn\'t agree that Shen Lang is alone with the night ghost!

----------Today, I tried the anti-theft version. Maybe some readers saw it. Lao Hai is sorry. In order not to affect readers, I deliberately chose to update two more chapters during the day (as we all know, they are usually updated a few minutes after 0:00 every day). Today, these two chapters broke out and avoided the normal update time.

If some readers still see abnormal content, just refresh it after a few minutes. If the refresh is not good, delete it on the favorites, and then search it again. If the favorites are good. Lao Hai also saw many authors doing this. He couldn\'t help trying. There was no way. The author also had to eat. I hope you can support the genuine version and read it on QQ. A book has written 390W words. It\'s really not easy. I hope to have more readers\' support, and then let me have a perfect ending of the book, not eunuchs or uncompleted endings. This paragraph is revised and will not be deducted.

Thank you for your support and understanding!