Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1214

As soon as Shen Lang and the three of them reached the edge of the area where the ten thousand demon house and the thousand soul hall were located, a terrible knife Qi of the golden winged Mirs king in the void fell down like the Milky way.

The woman was so decisive that she didn\'t even say hello when she shot.

And this shot is not a show, but a full shot, which should not be underestimated!


The Eastern Emperor waved his right hand, and the endless petals circled Shen Lang into the sea of flowers.

From beginning to end, it looked more like the guy from the thousand souls hall. The moves used were so beautiful that Shen Lang was stunned.

No way, there was no such person as the Eastern Emperor in his memory, and he didn\'t know that the artistic conception of the Eastern Emperor\'s fame was "the artistic conception of flowers".

At the moment, the Eastern Emperor\'s "artistic conception of flowers" surrounded Shen Lang and retreated slightly.

And mother-in-law Feng took a step forward and threw out her sleeve robe casually!

As soon as mother-in-law Feng shook her sleeve robe, a terrible storm suddenly appeared in the void, enveloping the knife Qi that can cut the void!

Then a space crack appeared and swallowed up the storm.

The knife of the moon is also invisible.

Mother Feng, who is extremely strong in her cultivation, has obtained the essence of the rosefinch family in controlling space rules. She has almost reached the point of invincibility in dealing with the strong at the same level and below.

No matter how powerful your attack is, you can easily transfer your attack to a different space. How can you fight?

Shen Lang looked at the void and replayed mother-in-law Feng\'s actions in his mind.

Although grandma Feng\'s manipulation of space rules was fleeting, she was accurately captured by Shen Lang.

"The double heaven of the great emperor\'s martial realm has reached such a level in terms of space rules. If mother-in-law Feng is not willing to take action, I\'m afraid the people in Wanyao mansion and qianhun hall are in great trouble!"

Shen Lang pays close attention to every strong person in the demon temple.

Shen Lang is very interested in the strong man who plotted against the demon temple.

However, mother-in-law Feng was extremely kind to him, just like her grandmother treated her own grandchildren, which made Shen Lang completely unable to get up to the idea of dealing with mother-in-law Feng.

And every time I see mother-in-law Feng\'s kind appearance, I naturally think of the thousand soul hall where the war emperor grew up and asked the incense ghost statue.

Although he didn\'t want to deal with mother-in-law Feng, Shen Lang still paid great attention to mother-in-law Feng\'s skills or other means.

Just two breaths, many thoughts have flashed in Shen Lang\'s mind.

"The \'merciless Dao\' of the demon family is really powerful. Coupled with the sacred Dao, one of the top ten Heavenly weapons, it almost urges the sharpness of this Dao skill to the extreme and cuts through the ages."

"It\'s a pity that mother-in-law Feng\'s cultivation is better than that of the moon. She can control the space like the strong people of the rosefinch family in those years. It\'s really hard to say that the moon is shallow. Even the ghost respects the night and the dark, I\'m afraid she can\'t resist mother-in-law Feng."

"Although grandma Feng is very kind to me, it\'s a pity that she is the person of the demon temple after all."

"Before, people in Zhuque mansion told me that mother-in-law Feng invited Lan\'er to the plague place in person to take care of me. If so, it\'s the best. If she wants to deal with the people in Wanyao mansion and qianhun hall, it\'s a big trouble."

"Yueqingqian\'s ruthless Dao has reached the last step, but whether she can break through this step in her life is still a matter of two words. This step does not cross the past. Even if she advances to the martial realm of the great emperor, the power of this ruthless Dao will not be greatly improved."

"For thousands of years, no one has broken through this bottleneck, and the ruthless Dao has almost been abandoned by the demon family. It is precisely because it is difficult to reach the peak."

"If you can let Zuo Wentian study with him, there is hope to help her finally break through this bottleneck."

Shen Lang doesn\'t know "ruthless Dao", but the war emperor once thought about the most powerful Dao skill of the demon family for a period of time, so there is a lot of information about "ruthless Dao" in his memory.

"But after breaking through this step, \'too forgetful\' becomes\' Supreme affection and supreme nature \'. It won\'t change the naughty and capricious witch moon back, and then go further?"

In his mind, Shen Lang\'s mouth was a little bitter after expanding his monthly shallow character ten times and a hundred times.

Even emperor Lien Chan could not bear the fact that the evil girl moon was shallow.

If the character is expanded ten times and a hundred times

Shen Lang\'s heart thumped and he couldn\'t help thinking about it.

He smiled and said, "King Dapeng with golden wings, is that how you treat your guests?"

It was at this time that figures on the opposite side rose in the air.

Led by ghost Zun night Youming and King Dapeng with golden wings!

Behind these two people, there are the strong men of Wanyao mansion and qianhun hall, the people of the legendary sect of door sword sect, the people of the legendary ancient aristocratic family Nangong aristocratic family... Everyone has great momentum.

Powerful thoughts full of hostility locked Shen Lang\'s three people.

Ghost Zun night Youming Jie said with a strange smile: "boy, your life is really big. You can\'t be killed by robbing thunder. It\'s also a blessing in disguise. Your cultivation is rising. My old man is more and more interested in you."

"Tell me what you came for!"

"It\'s OK. There are too many people who want to kill me, and I\'m still alive now." Shen langshai said with a smile: "Lord ghost must have guessed my intention? Cooperation, armistice... Even if you don\'t want to cooperate with the demon temple, at least in the plague land, we\'ll stop the war first."

"Because from the most direct purpose, you and I are the same, in order to protect the eternal tree and expel the blood clan."

"We beat around and finally let the blood clan get a bargain. That\'s a joke."

Without much nonsense, Shen Lang went straight to the subject.

The king of the golden winged ROC said coldly, "can you be the LORD with you?"

Although she spoke to Shen Lang, her eyes were always on the Eastern Emperor.

A posture of not paying attention to Shen Lang at all.

Before Shen Lang answered, grandma Feng nodded slightly and said, "well done."

In fact, we all know that Shen Lang is qualified without talking to mother-in-law Feng.

It shows everything that mother-in-law Feng and the Eastern Emperor can accompany her.

At the ten thousand demon mansion, everyone looked at each other and nodded secretly.

All this is exactly the same as what ghost zunye Youming said.

In the hall of the God of war in the crowd, King Nara was granted a reincarnation. Looking at Shen Lang, his eyes were colorful.

When I first saw Shen Lang, I received a message from the emperor of war, including the message about the arrival of Shen Lang, the left envoy of Zhuque mansion... All kinds of information gathered together, and an answer was almost ready to come out!

King Nara kept his mind and worked hard to suppress the shock and excitement in his heart.

At this time, ghost Zun night ghost laughed: "please!"

In the void, all the strong give way to both sides and give way to a channel.

A murderous passage!

"Obedience is better than respect!"

Shen Lang is wearing black hell armor and swaggers. He should go first!

In the eyes of a large group of strong people on both sides, Shen Lang walked on the ground, walked through the passage and fell into the hall of Wanyao mansion below.

A group of strong men in Wanyao mansion and qianhun hall secretly called it strange.

This posture and momentum, in exchange for other strong people in the demon temple, even the emperor\'s martial mirror seven days, I\'m afraid they will sweat and hesitate.

But the boy was careless and unaware.

It\'s unbelievable that such a mind appears in a boy under the age of 20.

"Everyone is busy, so I won\'t beat around the bush."

Shen Lang sat down carelessly, then bent his fingers and flicked. A contract made of early animal skin slipped around and flew towards the ghost night ghost.

There are many terms written on the animal skin.

Including the ten thousand demon mansion and the thousand soul hall and the demon God hall, the war shall be stopped, and no war shall be fought again in the plague land;

The two sides work together to eradicate or expel the blood clan;

After expelling the blood clan, the two sides united to establish a defense system to protect the eternal tree;

The demon temple will never have the idea of the eternal tree... Etc.

Shen Lang said calmly, "this contract is a clause I personally worked out. It has been approved by the two heavenly kings, two commanders and the powerful generals of the demon house."

"So, what does Master ghost mean?"

The dark fog of the night shook slightly, and seemed to have read the contract from beginning to end.

After a while, the contract flew out and fell into the hands of King Dapeng with golden wings.

The strong men immediately gathered around and looked at the contract one by one.

At this time, the night nether sent out a voice that made people\'s eardrums ache: "since they all came for the eternal tree, they should join hands naturally. The terms of the contract are also very fair."

"But we can\'t trust the demon temple..."

Shen Lang\'s face remained unchanged and said, "I have clearly stated on it that the demon God hall will not make the idea of the eternal tree, nor will it start on the side of the ten thousand demon house and the thousand soul hall."

"The contract is connected with the soul and the way of heaven. No one dares to break it easily after signing the contract... Especially the strong ones above emperor Wujing."

Ghost Zun night Youming smiled and said, "that\'s what I said, but I\'m still not at ease."

Shen Lang\'s face sank: "how can you rest assured?"

The night ghost said with a strange smile, "after expelling the blood clan, the Moonlight City and Luocha city will be given to us, and the remaining quicksand City, Shura city and Bingfeng city will be given to your demon temple;"

"The ease zone connecting the Moonlight City and the other four main cities, such as the pale Valley, should be under our control. People in the demon temple are not allowed to enter."

This is a lion\'s mouth.

Moonlight woodland is the five main cities. Moonlight City is in the center, which is where the original eternal tree is located.

The other four main cities are at the periphery.

It\'s like five cakes in mahjong.

Between the four main cities and Moonlight City, there are four springboards such as pale Valley, which is difficult for birds.

Only through the four main cities outside, and then through the gangways of the pale Valley, can we finally enter the moonlight city.

Night Youming put forward this request. The three main cities outside gave the demon temple, which is equivalent to keeping the demon temple on the outside.

If the blood clan behind is unwilling and still wants to deal with the eternal tree, it must contact the demon God hall at the beginning.

As long as there is a most peripheral main city in Wanyao mansion, it is equivalent to opening up a channel for yourself to escape at any time, and the crisis is much smaller.

Not only that, they also asked the pale Valley and other four springboards to pass... This is to make the demon Temple completely out of touch with the eternal tree!

Strictly speaking, such cooperation has lost its fairness.

There was silence in the hall. Everyone\'s eyes fell on Shen Lang and wanted to see how Shen Lang replied.