Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1213

Because of Shen Lang, Cuixia mountain is gone.

Because of the Shen wave, the Dilang mountain is gone.

The cold iron Hall of Zhuque mansion was directly placed in the original local Langshan Mountain by the right envoy Baili Bing.

She\'s too lazy to change territory again.

In other places, who knows if Shen Lang will toss again?

It\'s impossible to live in peace with this guy!

However, this view of Baili Bing is absolutely unacceptable to Shen Lang.

In his words, that is: "I him? How do you know that ghost Zun night ghost is plotting against me? Do you think I\'m happy?"

"My people are safe, and the people in poor Qi mansion provoke me to make trouble again?"

Bai libing said, but he was so angry that he kicked the gate of the cold iron hall away.

After everything was settled properly, Shen Lang pulled xueshiyin aside and set a barrier with a sealed tripod to isolate himself from the outside world.

At this time, he asked with a smile: "what good has Xingfei given you so that you can\'t close your mouth until now?"

"Do I have? I acted very well, OK?" Xue Shiyin said with white eyes: "I asked the guy named Xingfei to exchange a drop of poor and strange blood essence for the life of the young master."

"Poor and strange blood......" Shen Lang held his chin and smacked his mouth, half silent.

I was too involved in the play before. I wanted to beat the Shaofu master to death after I had a good time. He really forgot about the divine beast blood essence.

As for the divine beast blood essence, it was very difficult in Shen Lang\'s plan.

Who knows, just after beating the Shaofu master, Xue Shiyin got a drop here?

Is that a little too simple?

Sure enough, many things are simply unpredictable.

The result is too simple, which makes Shen Lang feel unacceptable.

Shen Lang thought a little and immediately looked back: "OK! You didn\'t call me when something happened before. You were making this idea until that time?"

"Don\'t you know it\'s dangerous?"

Xue Shiyin grinned and immediately put out her tongue playfully: "it\'s not too dangerous. Lian\'er has been guarding me in the divine sword sky cry. It can\'t be anything."

"I really dragged it on purpose so that they could go a little too far and finally bargain."

"It\'s the young people of the stone people and other races who suffer. They end up badly... But this thing is very important to you. Only when you are strong can you better protect them, right?"

Shen Lang shook his head reluctantly: "sharp teeth and sharp mouth, I can\'t tell you."

"Wrong! It\'s not sharp teeth." Xue Shiyin said with a smile, "it\'s smart teeth!"

"Well, what white teeth." Shen Lang looked at Xue Shiyin, his eyes full of affection.

Xue Shiyin blushed and whispered in a flustered voice: "I didn\'t tell Xingfei that you need poor blood essence, but just told him that I like to study this thing... Don\'t reveal your secrets."

Among the women Shen Lang knows, the thinking is so detailed that only snow poetry can think of all kinds of details for Shen Lang.

Nalan Ziyan is careless and can\'t think so much;

Jingling is ancient and strange. It\'s blessed by the Buddha if you don\'t deliberately toss out a major event;

Alice, not to mention, is totally a silly girl... But the performance of this silly girl at the source of pain has changed Shen Lang\'s view of her;

As for LAN Mengling, she is also a woman who will consider many things for him. For example, when Shen Lang asked about rosefinch blood essence, she not only didn\'t refuse, but also considered to help Shen Lang get a drop of more gentle Xuanwu blood essence;

The water danced lightly... Shen Lang was stunned when he thought of the name. The woman who had not appeared in front of him for a long time was steady and intelligent. Why did she suddenly appear in his mind?

There is also a ye Juexin, who remembers everything about him. Now he is still quietly in fengtianding

Shen Lang\'s mind is in a mess.

The sequelae of improving accomplishments too quickly in a short time came out.

If the promotion is too fast and the step is too big, the realm will be unstable.

The state is unstable. The heart demon that did not appear because of the powerful thunder robbery and deterrence may enter his body quietly.

Then expand the negative emotions in his heart, such as regret, fear, panic and so on, disturb his mind, and finally take advantage of it to finally control him!

"What do you think? When you talk to me, you think of other women. It\'s annoying!"

Xue Shiyin\'s palm waved in front of Shen Lang, pretending to be angry.

Shen Lang\'s old face was red, and said, "wood has... I just want to be able to think for me in that situation, and the only one who wants to get rich and poor is only you."

"Cultivation improves too fast and the state is unstable. It seems that there are signs of the breeding of heart demons."

"Then you can\'t think about it!" Xue Shiyin rolled her eyes very lovably and said, "you see, now looking at Xingfei\'s muttering, it\'s estimated that the poor Shaofu master is poor and strange."

"You just said you were going to the ten thousand demon mansion. Don\'t go until you get the poor and strange blood essence? In case of other accidents."

Shen Lang gently nodded his head and said, "yes."

Xue Shiyin was a little curious and asked, "if you get this thing, will your cultivation be greatly improved? Tell me about your refining of divine beast blood essence later?"

"It\'s hard to say how much I have improved. In fact, it\'s beyond imagination every time." Shen Lang frowned and said, "the blood essence of the ten divine beasts has greatly improved my cultivation."

"However, I only absorbed a drop of green dragon essence blood three days ago, and now it has not been refined completely. After I get this poor and strange essence blood, it is estimated that it will take half a month to use it."

"Otherwise, the breath of the two divine beasts may conflict."

Speaking of this, Shen Lang sighed and said, "I\'m going to the ten thousand demon mansion in a moment. I\'m really worried about leaving you here. You\'d better have one calcaneus and two bones to seal the Tianding?"

Xue Shiyin deliberately glared and said, "the more powerful you become, the more cautious you are. You\'re almost turning me into a golden bird."

"..." Shen Lang was speechless.

There\'s really no way. Shen Lang has deep feelings about the words that things are changeable.

At the beginning, Yu wenhuaji was destroyed in Tianfeng city. Everything was calculated very accurately. As a result, a Nalan purple smoke rushed out on the way;

Nangong Jianqiu, the eldest lady of the shadow building, helped them out of the ancient array. As a result, Li Su caught them;

Let Ganluo prepare to ambush in shengguangzong with the king of jinganning thunder. As a result, he meets the various Ge xianers who are as intelligent as demons and can control the king of jinganning thunder;

He transformed xuandaozong into an iron bucket. As soon as he went out, the demonized chiyanfeng almost killed xuandaozong;

Just outside the cold iron hall, there are people who dare to move his waves

The so-called man is not as good as heaven.

Shen Lang didn\'t dare to be so confident when his strength didn\'t reach the extreme and was enough to really protect the people around him.

Just when Shen Lang was stunned, unexpectedly, Xue Shiyin grinned again: "but I\'m very happy to be able to practice there and be with you."

"Moreover, we have encountered such a crisis. In a word, duanmuzheng and I have poor cultivation."

"If we can become stronger, how can we have no resistance in this vortex? I also want to practice there and improve our accomplishments as soon as possible!"

Shen Lang stared: "Oh? You\'re kidding me!"

Xue Shiyin shrugged, giggled and said, "you\'ve played with others these days. I can\'t play with you?"

"I\'ll call Duanmu Zhenghe Guyi. Don\'t be angry!"

With that, the snow poetry flew away.

Where will Shen Lang be angry?

Xue Shiyin said these words, in fact, he deliberately wanted to dissolve the heaviness in his heart and calm his anger so as not to think nonsense.

Although the Shaofu leader was beaten to death with one punch, Shen Lang didn\'t feel much happy.

Instead, I felt guilty that I didn\'t protect Xue Shiyin for the first time.

These naughty words of Xue Shiyin directly dispelled the dark clouds in Shen Lang\'s heart and made him a lot easier.

"With such a confidant, what do you want?"

"Just don\'t know, far away jingle, how are you doing now?"

"After dealing with the plague place, go to Zhuque mansion as soon as possible, accompany Dingdang, and then look for the five Heavenly God soldiers."


When the poor Shaofu master condensed a drop of blood essence, he was almost completely paralyzed and his breath was extremely weak.

But this is not what Shen Lang worries about.

Shen Lang got poor Qi\'s blood essence and ran happily to invite mother-in-law Feng out, so he was ready to go to Wanyao mansion.

A group of strong men from the demon Temple saw them off and followed behind.

"Do you know where the Eastern Emperor is? He seemed to say he wanted to go with me?" Shen Lang looked around and couldn\'t help asking.

The ethereal figure of the Eastern Emperor immediately appeared behind Shen Lang: "I\'m right beside you."

Shen Lang turned his eyes and said, "why does your Excellency the Eastern Emperor always like to get out from behind people?"

"This can frighten people." the Eastern Emperor said faintly.

Shen Lang rolled his eyes: "Your Excellency the Eastern Emperor is so frank."

Mother Feng smiled at the corners of her mouth: "young master, let\'s go."

A circle of black fog wrapped the three people, and then suddenly dissipated.

And the three have disappeared.

Ao Feng and AO Yun, two leaders of Tiangang Disha, waved their big hands: "everyone, cheer up and arrange your defense!"

As soon as mother-in-law Feng and the Eastern Emperor left, there was no town for them in the demon God hall. If the blood clan took advantage of the situation, it would be a tragedy.

A group of strong people in the demon Temple immediately began to lay heavy defenses around the cold iron Hall of Zhuque mansion.


The speed of mother-in-law Feng is extremely fast.

It\'s just a simple flight, but it\'s much faster than the speed of many imperial martial mirrors breaking through space.

In less than half an hour, the three appeared at the edge of the area controlled by Wanyao mansion and qianhun hall.

As soon as the three appeared, a powerful knife Qi fell straight down from the sky towards the three.

The domineering sword Qi made the sunlight shining on the three people begin to bend slightly, as if the power of the knife had begun to distort time and space

In the face of such a terrible attack, Shen Lang\'s eyes were slightly frozen.

"Yueqingqian\'s Dao skill has reached the peak of ruthless Dao. It\'s just one step away from breaking through this bottleneck and reaching the state of supreme love."