Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1212

Hearing the voice of snow poetry say take a little poor bone marrow, Xingfei\'s heart jumped suddenly.

He hurriedly said, "no problem, absolutely no problem! I swear!"

"Please stop Shen Zuo envoy quickly, Miss Xue. If you fight again, our Shaofu master will really be killed by him..."

A drop of poor and strange blood essence can only reduce the cultivation of Shaofu master by a fraction at best.

It\'s better than being killed alive now.

"Well, remember, we can\'t tell others about our transaction, otherwise, hum!"

Xueshiyin smiled at the corner of her mouth, gently nodded and immediately flew to the sky.

The people around the devil general\'s house muttered for a while. They didn\'t know what Xingfei used. They bought xueshiyin so quickly.

Looking at the virtue of Xingfei, it doesn\'t look like a lot of blood?

"Xiaolang, stop!" Xue Shiyin shouted as soon as he flew up.

Shen Lang\'s fist dropped quickly and stopped above the poor Qi\'s head.

If this fist goes on, the Shaofu master will only have half his life even if he doesn\'t die.

"This guy is terrible!" this kind of arbitrary power control made several people with excellent cultivation shrink their eyes!

"The Savior finally came..." the young master really cried.

He knew that he had just walked on the edge of death.

He is more afraid of death than anyone who has been free and unrestrained in poor and strange house for thousands of years.

Than anyone else.

As long as he doesn\'t die, let him kneel down and ask Grandpa. It\'s estimated that he will do it.

Of course, Shen Lang and Xue Shiyin don\'t know this.

At this time, xueshiyin flew over and took Shen Lang\'s arm: "well, don\'t fight. You\'ve been angry, and it\'s time to teach a lesson. The Shaofu master himself doesn\'t mean to offend. If you don\'t fight, you won\'t know each other. Make a friend."

"What\'s the matter..." Shen Lang was speechless for a while and didn\'t understand the meaning of Xue Shiyin.

However, he knew that Xue Shiyin must have wronged a poor man in Qifu.

For other things, Shen Lang will, of course, catch the other party, beat him up first, and then make a mistake.

But this time, the people of poor Qi house not only seriously injured Duan muzheng and people of all nationalities, but also dared to attack Xue Shiyin. Shen Lang was really angry.

He didn\'t even think about the essence of poor Qi\'s blood, nor did he want the people of poor Qi\'s house to take out a batch of resources and then stop.

He really wants to catch this guy and punch him to death!

Fight until you die!

Xue Shiyin grabbed Shen Lang\'s finger and pinched it gently.

Let Shen Lang laugh bitterly again.

Just now, Shen Lang heard Xingfei\'s request for snow poetry. He knew that Xingfei must have promised something to her.

But what is it? Shen Lang didn\'t think of it for a while.

"It seems to be a good thing." Shen Lang smiled bitterly, "but no matter how good things are, I can\'t arouse my interest."

That said, Shen Lang can\'t listen to the words of Xue Shiyin.

Whether it\'s snow poetry or snow jingle, Shen Lang always feels that he owes her a lot.

This feeling comes from the depths of the soul

This feeling dissolved Shen Lang\'s killing intention in an instant.

Shen Lang stretched out his hand and put away the four death nails.

Poor Qi howled miserably and turned into a human shape again. He lay down in the void and gasped. He couldn\'t even get up.

Xingfei, who followed him, hurriedly helped the Shaofu master up.

At the moment, the Shaofu master has only half his life left. His whole body is dripping with blood, his nose is blue and his face is swollen. Where else does the Shaofu master look arrogant?

It was only with a pair of meat fists that the Shaofu master of poor Qi Ben Zun was beaten like this. Xingfei was shocked and unspeakable!

Even the dragon family, which is the first of the top ten divine beasts, is unlikely to be strong enough in this realm?

At this time, the Shaofu Master said with a shy face while bleeding in his mouth: "snow girl is right. I don\'t know each other if I don\'t fight. I\'ve heard a lot about the reputation of the left envoy. I really look dignified today... I hope to make friends with the left envoy."

Then the man reached out his hand and wanted to shake hands with Shen Lang.

Being beaten like this and having such "demeanor", Chu Qingcheng is the only one in Shen Lang\'s memory.

Shen Lang looked at this guy, smiled, really held the Shaofu master\'s hand, and then

Wipe the Sumi ring off the Shaofu master\'s finger.

"..." the young master\'s face was black and blue and bloody. It was already ugly. Now it was like a dead father. He looked at Shen Lang pitifully.

Want to ask Shen Lang to return the ring? He doesn\'t have the courage;

Don\'t talk. I was beaten half to death. Now all my possessions have been taken away easily. Who can stand it!

But if you can\'t stand it, you have to.

Shao Fu\'s head is very regretful now... If he had known this, he should have been hidden by xumijie before shaking hands.

There are good things that have been treasured for thousands of years!

It\'s gone

Just now, Shen Lang smiled and hugged Shaofu master\'s shoulder, just like a brother.

"Shao Fu\'s leader is really very polite. I\'ve heard a lot about him. Everyone comes out to mix up and should take care of each other."

Not only the Shaofu master, but also a group of people in the demon temple around him are stupid.

Nima just beat people like that and almost killed them. How did she change her face so quickly?

The Shaofu master changed his face very quickly, but compared with him, he is a big Witch and a small Witch!

Shaofu master and Xingfei smiled and said a few polite words.

The two sides finally shook hands and made peace.

"Oh, I forgot to go to Wanyao mansion, so I won\'t bother the young master. I\'ll go to see you another day?" Shen Lang was too lazy to talk to these people. He said hello to the young master and was ready to leave.

The Shaofu master smiled so hard that he didn\'t cry: "OK, I\'ll talk to you another day."

With that in his mouth, the young master scolded wildly in his heart: "fuck you. As soon as you leave the front foot, my back foot will leave the plague! Who is willing to play with you? I don\'t want to see you again in my life!"

"When I go back, I\'ll chop the guy who said Shen Lang was Wang Wujing. Besides, you\'re numb. I\'m so big and haven\'t been beaten like this!"

He was beaten like this by Shen lang. he didn\'t dare to think about revenge, but he wanted to go back and chop the messenger.

I was really frightened by Shen Lang.

There are some people in the world who really can\'t be provoked.

Like Shen Lang.

Poor Qi is a fierce beast, but at least the young master can understand after being beaten

Shen Lang\'s fist is much harder than him;

Shen Lang\'s backstage is much harder than his father;

It\'s better to stay away from this evil star.

At this time, Shen Lang and Xue Shiyin had risen to the sky.

Above, the bones limped back duanmuzheng\'s broken arm one by one. They wanted to connect duanmuzheng, but it was useless to try hard.

On the cut of duanmuzheng\'s broken arm, the evil spirit of the emperor\'s powerful martial mirror in the poor Qi house is still raging, and duanmuzheng can\'t connect the broken arm at all.

You know, zombies are much better than other races in terms of flesh.

Duan muzheng and Shen Lang met in Yinyue cemetery. Shen Lang took nine cattle and two tigers to hit him hard. Then Labrador bit off this guy\'s head, and finally he went back to an.

Now I want to connect an arm to Duanmu Zhenghe and the strength of a group of foreign fighters around me, but I can\'t do it at all.

And duanmuzheng\'s breath at the moment is also very depressed, which is obviously seriously frustrated.

Before Shen ronin arrived, he reached out and took back the broken arm of the zombie in bone one\'s hand.

Then, Shen Lang appeared on the edge of Duanmu Zheng, brushed the broken arm incision of Duanmu Zheng, and dissipated all the magic Qi of the strong emperor\'s martial mirror.

"Click, click, click!"

It seemed that the sound of metal bonding came, and the broken arm was finally connected to duanmuzheng.

"It\'s still too weak..." Shen Lang sighed softly and said, "the gap between cultivation and achievement is so big that you rush up to die?"

Duanmuzheng giggled.

This guy is much more honest than his big brother.

But honest people also do stupid things. For example, he took a group of younger brothers and planed the ancestral graves of other sects in Tianxuan mountain

Shen Lang looked at the four bone demons again.

These four bone demons are also lucky. Their bone frame was originally indestructible after being soaked in the cold pool by the ghost king for more than 300 years.

Later, I was soaked in Shen Lang\'s special liquid medicine for a long time. One month was comparable to that I had been in the cold pool for a hundred years. Now it is really comparable to divine soldiers, which few people can compare.

He was so pressed by Duanmu Zheng that he was still alive.

If you change other imperial martial arts, I\'m afraid you\'ll have to take off the skin if you don\'t die.

Shen Lang\'s eyes turned around on the four bone demons, and he had a plan to transform the four bone demons in his mind.

Beyond these four bone demons, there are all young martial artists of all races around.

Those alien warriors were seriously injured, but they have recovered a lot under the treatment of the strong men of the rosefinch mansion.

"Big... Sir, we\'re all right. We\'re really all right."

Seeing Shen Lang looking over, a stone man youth said simply and honestly.

Other people also reacted and repeatedly said they were all right. It doesn\'t matter.

Everyone doesn\'t want to make trouble for Shen Lang.

Shen Lang didn\'t speak.

After a while, Shen langcai said in a deep voice, "this kind of thing still happens around me. It\'s my negligence... Sorry."

"But after all, the most important thing is to strengthen your strength."

"When I free my hand, I will try to help you build a pair of armor and magic soldiers, and then guide you to practice."

"It will be hard to practice. You should be mentally prepared."

A Shura woman came out and said firmly, "no matter how hard and tired we are, we are not afraid! As long as adults are willing to guide us, even if the meridians are broken and burned by fire, we can bear it!"

"Yes, please tell us!" said an old ORC with two horns.

Everyone around clapped his chest.

Being strong and instructing others are actually two different things.

A few days ago, when Shen Lang advanced to the emperor\'s martial mirror, duanmuzheng inadvertently told him that all the war wolf members were happy in the Shiyuan mansion, and then all the foreign fighters witnessed Shen Lang\'s advanced

From that time on, the foreign people in the plague land knew that Shen Lang had the means to fight against heaven in cultivation.

Let all his men become ten yuan mansion Yuanman;

It\'s easy to help your men advance the quasi emperor martial mirror;

Let Yu CHENFENG give up his skill and soul;

When he was still in the Ninth Heaven of the martial mirror of the quasi emperor, he bravely broke into Luocha City alone and rescued thousands of foreign fighters;

When the emperor\'s martial mirror is advanced, it rushes straight to the five or six heaven of the emperor\'s martial mirror, which may even be higher;

It has a powerful aura to frighten all the powerful warriors of the devil general\'s mansion;

So, Shen Lang is like a God in the minds of these alien races

Now he said he would instruct the people. The ecstasy in the hearts of these foreign people present is really beyond measure!