Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1211


While many people were watching, the sharp claw of Shaofu master suddenly stopped in the middle and could no longer enter.

Even the terror on his sharp claws dissipated completely without a trace!



The scream came out of the Shaofu master\'s mouth.

Circle after circle of sound waves kept rushing out, and the strong men of Zhuque mansion had to take action to arrange a circle of defense for those foreign fighters above, so that they could resist the impact of sound waves!

"It\'s a nail of death! Shen Lang nailed a nail of death into the palm of the little poor man!" the man with sharp eyes screamed.

"Is it really a death nail? It\'s the death nail he took from the candle dragon when it was said to be in the dragon scale temple? Doesn\'t it say it\'s spread in disorder?"

"It\'s a bullshit. It\'s obviously that the candle dragon feels ashamed and deliberately sends out the wind to say that it\'s a bullshit! Look at this guy now... I\'m afraid the thing about the dragon scale temple is more exaggerated than the rumor!"

At this time, Shen Lang\'s body shook quickly, and several "poops" came.

Poor Qi\'s other three feet were all nailed by him!

This poor and strange power could not be compared with Shen Lang, just like a small toy, which could not resist at all.

The gap between the two is too big. With Shen Lang\'s strength, there is no need to use the nail of death to this poor strange.

But this guy killed a group of foreign fighters and dared to fight against Xue Shiyin, which was against the scale of Shen wave.

If you don\'t let him taste the soul tearing taste of death nail, where is Shen Lang willing to stop?

At the moment, poor Qi\'s limbs are nailed with a nail of death. Let alone resist. It\'s impossible to move at all

Poor Qi not only nailed his body, but also his soul.

In the Shaofu master\'s feeling, the soul seems to have been torn into several pieces. The unspeakable pain makes the Shaofu master constantly scream!

"Boom, boom!"

As soon as he nailed the poor Qi, Shen Lang\'s hands were like the wind, and he hit the poor Qi on the back one by one.

"Move my people, move my women, and I\'ll let you taste the taste of survival and death!"

Shen Lang is talking to Shaofu master.

But it\'s also like talking to everyone in the demon temple.

Killing chickens to show monkeys is what he is doing now.

"Boom, boom!"

Shen Lang\'s double fists are getting stronger and faster, just like driving a pile.

"Spare... Spare my life! Please... Please... Ah!"

If you continue to be beaten like this, you will be doomed. Shaofu master knows this better than anyone.

His heart was full of fear, and finally he remembered one thing... Asking for mercy!

At this point, the young master realized how stupid he was to provoke such a crazy and tyrannical guy!

Poor Qi\'s body, under the other party\'s hand, is like a paper tiger. It can be torn and crushed to ashes at any time.

Now even the soul is nailed. The pain of tearing the soul almost makes him want to die and free immediately!

The young master\'s body trembled violently uncontrollably, and his eyes were full of despair.

He wanted to ask for help from those around him.

However, there were so many strong imperial martial mirrors in the surrounding devil generals\' house, watching him beaten to death, but no one came forward to dissuade him.

This is true for those who have a good relationship with poor Qi\'s house.

There is only one possibility... These people already know clearly that they can\'t provoke shenlang!

They don\'t want to offend Shen Lang for him!

"If you know more about Shen Lang\'s strength and his temperament, why did you come to this point?"

The resentment and remorse in Shaofu master\'s heart can hardly be expressed.

I came here to play.

You should know who is willing to come as soon as he arrives?

You should know that there is such an invincible evil star here. How far should it go!

Unfortunately, there are pills for human flesh and bones in the world, but there is no regret medicine!

"Bang Bang..."

Shen Lang\'s fist is still falling.

The Shao Fu Master kept spitting blood from his mouth. He couldn\'t even ask for mercy.

The smell is getting weaker and weaker.

I\'m going to be killed by Shen Lang\'s fist!

"One punch after another, it\'s like a thousand cuts. This bastard is thousands of times harder than me!"

At this time, such an idea came out of Shaofu master\'s head.

The Shaofu master can\'t resist any attack that he regarded as Wang Wujing\'s boy before.

Any time his fist falls, his bones will be broken and his internal organs will be displaced.

The pain of tearing his soul swept his whole body again and again, making him cry.

Shaofu master, who was still in high spirits a quarter of an hour ago, has now become a beaten sandbag.

The fate of life is really sad.

Shao Fu\'s leader doesn\'t understand how the body of a martial arts man can be so strong!

How can the physical strength of a Terran with mole ants surpass that of a monster, even if its cultivation is above itself?

But now the Shaofu master has no time and spirit to think about this problem.

His mind became more and more blurred and his eyelids became heavier and heavier.

Death is coming at the next moment.

But under such circumstances, the Shaofu master can clearly feel... The power of Shen Lang\'s fist is still rapidly improving!

When this power reaches a certain level, one punch will blow down, I\'m afraid his head will burst directly.

"Shen... Shen Lang, please... Please, give me a break, I won\'t dare again!"

The master of Shaofu who can\'t speak can only spread this idea with divine thoughts.

An unprecedented sense of powerlessness, an unspeakable regret and despair deeply enveloped the Shaofu master.

At this time, Xingfei, who had been looking at the poor Shaofu master beaten, looked at Xue Shiyin.

Xingfei is worthy of being a cunning fox. In this case, he found a breakthrough.

As soon as Xingfei gritted his teeth, he knelt down on one knee towards xueshiyin over there and shouted, "snow girl, please give Shaofu master a chance and poor Qi house a chance!"

"If we continue to fight like this, our Shaofu master will really be killed by envoy Shen Zuo!"

Seeing this, several other strong emperor Wujing of poor Qi house all knelt down and said, "please persuade the left envoy, snow girl. Poor Qi house is very grateful!"

Everyone present was stunned and suddenly realized!

Shen Lang is now angry and angry. He wants to stop him unless Tiangang and Disha command this cultivation.

Otherwise, I\'m afraid those who dissuade will be worse than the Shao Fu master!

But the two commanders will not offend Shen Lang at this time for the sake of the boy of poor Qi house.

Find Xue Shiyin as a breakthrough, that\'s right!

This is the woman who can stop Shen Lang on the field.

On the other hand, the fighters of all ethnic groups on the other level felt proud... Weren\'t the people in poor Qi mansion arrogant not long ago? Isn\'t it overbearing? Isn\'t it great?

How about now?

Aren\'t you going to kneel down and beg us?

They don\'t even dare to ask Zuo envoy!

They are afraid of Zuo envoy, and dare not even say a word!

With the boss, is to be with such a boss!

Have fun!

On the other side, Xue Shiyin turned his head, took a faint look at Xingfei, and turned back.

Xingfei was worried and immediately said, "snow girl, the young master of the young mansion is ignorant and doesn\'t know the girl\'s identity, so he offended many... But I can guarantee that poor Qi mansion has no malice to the girl and to Shen Zuo envoy!"

"I promise it will never happen again!"

"Anyone who dares to be disrespectful to the girl and the envoy Shen Zuo will be the first one in our poor house!"

"Now the Shaofu leader has been taught a lesson by envoy Shen Zuo, and several of his bodyguards have thanked him with death..."

"As long as you can persuade Shen Zuoshi to let the young master go, I will thank you again!"

Xue Shiyin said coldly, "thank you again? No, I don\'t need anything now. I want to have a bad breath."

At this time, some people in the surrounding devil generals\' house also began to persuade them.

Even Bai libing, the right envoy of Zhuque mansion, also sent a message to Xue Shiyin, hoping that she would persuade Shen Lang... Because if Shen Lang really dominates the poor Qi mansion, he will really become a sworn enemy with the poor Qi mansion in the future.

Even if Shen Lang is not afraid of poverty, it\'s always good to have one less enemy.

"Just waiting for you to beg me, hum!" Xue Shiyin snorted coldly.

Then, she seemed a little reluctant to send a voice to Xingfei and said, "two conditions."

Xingfei was overjoyed: "girl, please say! As long as we can do it, we will never refuse!"

The time is very urgent. If you delay it, the Shaofu master estimates that it will be broken to pieces by Shen Lang.

Xue Shiyin sneered in her heart and continued to say, "first, you must take out the pills and spirit stones we need to heal;"

Xingfei nodded and pecked rice with the chicken: "there\'s no problem. We\'ve wrapped up all the pills they advanced from the existing cultivation level!"

In order to save Shaofu master, Xingfei also paid blood.

In any case, the cultivation of these alien races is not high, and the strongest is only the three or four heaven of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror. Such a little resource is a drop in the bucket for poor Qi mansion.

Xue Shiyin continued: "second, give me a drop of poor and strange blood essence."

"What..." Xingfei thought he had heard wrong.

Why should a man of martial arts be poor in blood essence?

Even if I give you poor and strange blood essence, you can\'t absorb the power inside?

Xue Shiyin repeated a sentence: "it\'s not difficult for your Shaofu master to condense a drop of poor and strange blood essence. It\'s said that the blood essence power of divine beasts contains powerful power. Although the Terran can\'t absorb the blood essence of divine beasts, I like this kind of research best. Let\'s get a drop to play."

"Play..." Xingfei has a ridiculous feeling.

But he can\'t think too much at this time.

Xue Shiyin\'s face sank and said, "if you don\'t want to, let Xiaolang kill this guy directly. Who makes him want to rob my magic soldier and spit dirty words? After he\'s sliced, I\'ll go up and get some bone marrow."